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Taiichi Ohno Quotes: Where there is no Standard there can be no Kaizen

Where there is no Standard there can be no Kaizen

Taiichi Ohno
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"Taiichi Ohno Quotes." Quoteslyfe.com, 2024. Sat. 27 Jul. 2024. <https://www.quoteslyfe.com/quote/Where-there-is-no-Standard-there-can-1092479>.

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The more inventory a company has, the less likely they will have what they need.

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Data is of course important in manufacturing, but I place the greatest emphasis on facts.

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Costs do not exist to be calculated. Costs exist to be reduced.

Costs do not exist to be calculated. Costs exist to be reduced.

When you are out observing on the gemba, do something to help them. If you do, people will come to expect that you can help them and will look forward to seeing you again on the gemba.

When you are out observing on the gemba, do something to help them. If you do, people will come to expect that you can help them and will look forward to seeing you again on the gemba.

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Some moments are perfect, and then someone comes along and f*cks it up. Ain't it always the way.

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No man is greater than his respect for sleep.

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Wits and swords are as straws against the wisdom of the Darkness.

Repetition is the death of art.

Repetition is the death of art.

Quote Description

This page presents the quote "Where there is no Standard there can be no Kaizen". Author of this quote is Taiichi Ohno. This quote is about standards, kaizen,.