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Kitchen Quotes

Find the best Kitchen quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Kitchen quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Kitchen quote of the day.

Kitchen Quotes: "My parents mistook me for a sack of potatoes so I sat in the corner of the kitchen for the first 13 years of my life. My birth name is Thom Potatoes."

My parents mistook me for a sack of potatoes so I sat in the corner of the kitchen for the first 13 years of my life. My birth name is Thom Potatoes.

Kitchen Quotes: "Banish the onion from the kitchen and the pleasure flies with it."

Banish the onion from the kitchen and the pleasure flies with it.

Kitchen Quotes: "I love to travel and to be inspired by new things, so everything is always new. I've never done the same bathroom or the same kitchen a second time. It's challenging, and I like to be challenged."

I love to travel and to be inspired by new things, so everything is always new. I've never done the same bathroom or the same kitchen a second time. It's challenging, and I like to be challenged.

Kitchen Quotes: "Family fun is as necessary to modern living as a kitchen refrigerator."

Family fun is as necessary to modern living as a kitchen refrigerator.

Kitchen Quotes: "I can see you in the kitchen bending over a hot stove, and I can't see the stove"

I can see you in the kitchen bending over a hot stove, and I can't see the stove

Kitchen Quotes: "I made True Detective like it was going to be the only thing I ever made for television. So put in everything and the kitchen sink. Everything."

I made True Detective like it was going to be the only thing I ever made for television. So put in everything and the kitchen sink. Everything.

Kitchen Quotes: "Problems in a company are like cockroaches in the kitchen. You will never find just one"

Problems in a company are like cockroaches in the kitchen. You will never find just one

Kitchen Quotes: "The most important thing in the kitchen is the waste paper basket and it needs to be centrally located."

The most important thing in the kitchen is the waste paper basket and it needs to be centrally located.

Kitchen Quotes: "My grandfather was a chef for a Baron in Sicily before he came to America. I grew up with him. I used to do my homework at one end of the kitchen table while he cooked at the other end."

My grandfather was a chef for a Baron in Sicily before he came to America. I grew up with him. I used to do my homework at one end of the kitchen table while he cooked at the other end.

Kitchen Quotes: "I want to get a job naming kitchen appliances. That seems easy; refrigerator, toaster, blender. You just say what the thing does and add "er"."

I want to get a job naming kitchen appliances. That seems easy; refrigerator, toaster, blender. You just say what the thing does and add "er".

Kitchen Quotes: "I'm a terrible cook. I am not allowed to go in the kitchen anymore after I almost burned down the apartment in New York."

I'm a terrible cook. I am not allowed to go in the kitchen anymore after I almost burned down the apartment in New York.

Kitchen Quotes: "Just like if you were brought up on a farm, you would most likely carry on your father's business as a farmer; I was brought up in the kitchen and ended up becoming a chef."

Just like if you were brought up on a farm, you would most likely carry on your father's business as a farmer; I was brought up in the kitchen and ended up becoming a chef.

Kitchen Quotes: "Jackie [Kennedy] wore one of my dresses – it was made from kitchen curtain material – and people went crazy."

Jackie [Kennedy] wore one of my dresses – it was made from kitchen curtain material – and people went crazy.

Kitchen Quotes: "If men can quilt and take over the kitchen, then women can pick up a wrench and fix a leaky pipe."

If men can quilt and take over the kitchen, then women can pick up a wrench and fix a leaky pipe.

Kitchen Quotes: "Write in the kitchen, lock yourself up in the bathroom. Write on the bus or the welfare line, on the job or during meals."

Write in the kitchen, lock yourself up in the bathroom. Write on the bus or the welfare line, on the job or during meals.

Kitchen Quotes: "Good kitchen equipment is expensive, but most items last a lifetime and will pay for themselves over and over again"

Good kitchen equipment is expensive, but most items last a lifetime and will pay for themselves over and over again

Kitchen Quotes: "That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas."

That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas.

Kitchen Quotes: "They could've thrown a kitchen sink into the box and one of the guys would've headed it."

They could've thrown a kitchen sink into the box and one of the guys would've headed it.

Kitchen Quotes: "Tomorrow, I'm going to a soup kitchen in Mobile. I think that will symbolize the insensitivity of this administration to human needs."

Tomorrow, I'm going to a soup kitchen in Mobile. I think that will symbolize the insensitivity of this administration to human needs.

Kitchen Quotes: "I juice everything! Whether it's beet, carrot, or apple, I'll juice it. I always keep brown rice in the kitchen. I'll often pack a cooler full of food to have throughout the day when I'm busy."

I juice everything! Whether it's beet, carrot, or apple, I'll juice it. I always keep brown rice in the kitchen. I'll often pack a cooler full of food to have throughout the day when I'm busy.

Kitchen Quotes: "Most successful businesses in the country were started on a kitchen table. As long as people have needs unmet or problems unsolved, there are business opportunities."

Most successful businesses in the country were started on a kitchen table. As long as people have needs unmet or problems unsolved, there are business opportunities.

Kitchen Quotes: "Vegan With A Vengeance is on my kitchen shelf. This fun and creative book is delicious for people like me, who don’t eat pets."

Vegan With A Vengeance is on my kitchen shelf. This fun and creative book is delicious for people like me, who don’t eat pets.

Kitchen Quotes: "My favourite place to eat is my grandma's kitchen. She makes a mean crab cake."

My favourite place to eat is my grandma's kitchen. She makes a mean crab cake.

Kitchen Quotes: "For toddlers I suggest leaving their mittens on year-round, indoors and out. That way they can't get into aspirin bottles, liquor cabinets, or boxes of kitchen matches."

For toddlers I suggest leaving their mittens on year-round, indoors and out. That way they can't get into aspirin bottles, liquor cabinets, or boxes of kitchen matches.

Kitchen Quotes: "I go out to the kitchen to feed the dog, but that's about as much cooking as I do."

I go out to the kitchen to feed the dog, but that's about as much cooking as I do.

Kitchen Quotes: "[T]he cold warms me—after a different fashion from that of the kitchen stove."

[T]he cold warms me—after a different fashion from that of the kitchen stove.

Kitchen Quotes: "Marriage entitles women to the protection of a strong man who will steady the stepladder while they paint the kitchen ceiling."

Marriage entitles women to the protection of a strong man who will steady the stepladder while they paint the kitchen ceiling.

Kitchen Quotes: "I hate kitchens. I don't understand these enormous American kitchens that take up half the living room and then they just order pizza."

I hate kitchens. I don't understand these enormous American kitchens that take up half the living room and then they just order pizza.

Kitchen Quotes: "You don't have to be a chef or even a particularly good cook to experience proper kitchen alchemy: the moment when ingredients combine to form something more delectable than the sum of their parts."

You don't have to be a chef or even a particularly good cook to experience proper kitchen alchemy: the moment when ingredients combine to form something more delectable than the sum of their parts.

Kitchen Quotes: "Woman is shut up in a kitchen or in a boudoir, and astonishment is expressed that her horizon is limited. Her wings are clipped, and it is found deplorable that she cannot fly."

Woman is shut up in a kitchen or in a boudoir, and astonishment is expressed that her horizon is limited. Her wings are clipped, and it is found deplorable that she cannot fly.

Kitchen Quotes: "No matter what happens in the kitchen, never apologize."

No matter what happens in the kitchen, never apologize.

Kitchen Quotes: "The science of life is a superb and dazzlingly lighted hall which may be reached only by passing through a long and ghastly kitchen."

The science of life is a superb and dazzlingly lighted hall which may be reached only by passing through a long and ghastly kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "Beyoncé and pathos are strangers. Amy Winehouse and pathos are flatmates, and you should see the kitchen."

Beyoncé and pathos are strangers. Amy Winehouse and pathos are flatmates, and you should see the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "Chefs think about what it's like to make food. Being a scientist in the kitchen is about asking why something works, and how it works."

Chefs think about what it's like to make food. Being a scientist in the kitchen is about asking why something works, and how it works.

Kitchen Quotes: "Owning a computer without programming is like having a kitchen and using only the microwave oven"

Owning a computer without programming is like having a kitchen and using only the microwave oven

Kitchen Quotes: "I was once on a mission, on a cruise I was wishin, that my mom was in the kitchen, eatin chicken, finger lickin."

I was once on a mission, on a cruise I was wishin, that my mom was in the kitchen, eatin chicken, finger lickin.

Kitchen Quotes: "And on a Canadian set, everybody is equal. You get paid the same. You live together in barracks. You have a communal kitchen. You buy and cook your own food."

And on a Canadian set, everybody is equal. You get paid the same. You live together in barracks. You have a communal kitchen. You buy and cook your own food.

Kitchen Quotes: "It’s very easy to capture pictures of jubilant people in the street after the nuclear bomb. But there were no pictures of morose people sitting in their kitchens and living rooms."

It’s very easy to capture pictures of jubilant people in the street after the nuclear bomb. But there were no pictures of morose people sitting in their kitchens and living rooms.

Kitchen Quotes: "I really feel like knife skills - not just in the kitchen, but in life - are really critical."

I really feel like knife skills - not just in the kitchen, but in life - are really critical.

Kitchen Quotes: "Keeping kids safe is sometimes a delusion. The world is a perilous place. Sometimes the kitchen is a perilous place."

Keeping kids safe is sometimes a delusion. The world is a perilous place. Sometimes the kitchen is a perilous place.

Kitchen Quotes: "When he went through the kitchen he kissed Rebeca on the forehead. "Get those bad thoughts out of your head," he told her. "You're going to be happy."

When he went through the kitchen he kissed Rebeca on the forehead. "Get those bad thoughts out of your head," he told her. "You're going to be happy.

Kitchen Quotes: "No chaos, no creation. Evidence: the kitchen at mealtime."

No chaos, no creation. Evidence: the kitchen at mealtime.

Kitchen Quotes: "She died with a knife in her hand in her kitchen, where she had cooked for fifty years, and the death was solemnly listed in the newspaper as that of an artist."

She died with a knife in her hand in her kitchen, where she had cooked for fifty years, and the death was solemnly listed in the newspaper as that of an artist.

Kitchen Quotes: "You wake up one morning and there it is, sitting in an old plaid bathrobe in your kitchen, unpleasant and unshaved. You look at it, heart sinking. Madness is a rotten guest."

You wake up one morning and there it is, sitting in an old plaid bathrobe in your kitchen, unpleasant and unshaved. You look at it, heart sinking. Madness is a rotten guest.

Kitchen Quotes: "It goes back to the early days in the kitchen where you would be tasting dishes all night long, so the last thing I want to do in the morning is eat. Chefs generally tend to be grazers."

It goes back to the early days in the kitchen where you would be tasting dishes all night long, so the last thing I want to do in the morning is eat. Chefs generally tend to be grazers.

Kitchen Quotes: "Kitchen Physic is the best Physic."

Kitchen Physic is the best Physic.

Kitchen Quotes: "We owe much to the fruitful meditation of our sages, but a sane view of life is, after all, elaborated mainly in the kitchen."

We owe much to the fruitful meditation of our sages, but a sane view of life is, after all, elaborated mainly in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "Here's where we are, this is what's happening. So do something, or get out of the kitchen."

Here's where we are, this is what's happening. So do something, or get out of the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "My advice to you, if you want to lose a bit of weight: don't eat anything that comes in a bucket. Buckets are the kitchen utensils of the farmyard."

My advice to you, if you want to lose a bit of weight: don't eat anything that comes in a bucket. Buckets are the kitchen utensils of the farmyard.