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Debt Quotes

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Debt Quotes: "Those policies - more taxes, more regulation, more debt, more spending, more government - will make American worse. It just will, in my view."

Those policies - more taxes, more regulation, more debt, more spending, more government - will make American worse. It just will, in my view.

Debt Quotes: "It's rather grisly, isnt it, how soon a living man becomes nothing more than a collection of stocks and bonds and debts and real estate?"

It's rather grisly, isnt it, how soon a living man becomes nothing more than a collection of stocks and bonds and debts and real estate?

Debt Quotes: "We're all living on borrowed time. The trick is to come up with works of sufficient interest to pay off the debt."

We're all living on borrowed time. The trick is to come up with works of sufficient interest to pay off the debt.

Debt Quotes: "There's nothing quite like a Scotch education. One is left with an irreparable debt. My head is full of irregular verbs still."

There's nothing quite like a Scotch education. One is left with an irreparable debt. My head is full of irregular verbs still.

Debt Quotes: "Every debt is ultimately paid, if not by the debtor, then eventually by the creditor."

Every debt is ultimately paid, if not by the debtor, then eventually by the creditor.

Debt Quotes: "Armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few."

Armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.

Debt Quotes: "I do have an obligation, however, a debt that cannot be settled by my lyrical decisions. My life will be judged by my obedience, not my ability to confine my lyrics to this box or that."

I do have an obligation, however, a debt that cannot be settled by my lyrical decisions. My life will be judged by my obedience, not my ability to confine my lyrics to this box or that.

Debt Quotes: "The biggest reason most people fail is that they try to fix too much at once - join a gym, get out of debt, floss after meals and have thinner thighs in 30 days."

The biggest reason most people fail is that they try to fix too much at once - join a gym, get out of debt, floss after meals and have thinner thighs in 30 days.

Debt Quotes: "I owe a debt to America that I will never be able to repay."

I owe a debt to America that I will never be able to repay.

Debt Quotes: "We're heading for a gov. shutdown. This is serious. W/o the gov who will fail to inspect our airplanes? Who will fail to secure our borders? Who will put us 14 trillion dollars in debt?"

We're heading for a gov. shutdown. This is serious. W/o the gov who will fail to inspect our airplanes? Who will fail to secure our borders? Who will put us 14 trillion dollars in debt?

Debt Quotes: "Energetic action on debt would make a radical difference to the prospects of many of the poorest countries in the world, at no practical cost to creditor countries."

Energetic action on debt would make a radical difference to the prospects of many of the poorest countries in the world, at no practical cost to creditor countries.

Debt Quotes: "When you forgive, you must cancel the debt. Do not spend your life paying and collecting debts."

When you forgive, you must cancel the debt. Do not spend your life paying and collecting debts.

Debt Quotes: "The middle and working classes are paying the debt that the financial markets created."

The middle and working classes are paying the debt that the financial markets created.

Debt Quotes: "A very simple bad decision is to get into debt. And that is very expensive."

A very simple bad decision is to get into debt. And that is very expensive.

Debt Quotes: "All Americans owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. King for his bravery and commitment to civil rights and nonviolence that changed this nation - and world - for the better."

All Americans owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. King for his bravery and commitment to civil rights and nonviolence that changed this nation - and world - for the better.

Debt Quotes: "Tis against some mens principle to pay interest, and seems against others interest to pay the principle."

Tis against some mens principle to pay interest, and seems against others interest to pay the principle.

Debt Quotes: "To the generous mind the heaviest debt is that of gratitude, when it is not in our power to repay it."

To the generous mind the heaviest debt is that of gratitude, when it is not in our power to repay it.

Debt Quotes: "Debt is the fatal disease of republics, the first thing and the mightiest to undermine governments and corrupt the people."

Debt is the fatal disease of republics, the first thing and the mightiest to undermine governments and corrupt the people.

Debt Quotes: "Think What You Do When You Run in Debt: You Give to Another Power over Your Liberty"

Think What You Do When You Run in Debt: You Give to Another Power over Your Liberty

Debt Quotes: "One of the greatest disservices you can do a man is to lend him money that he can't pay back."

One of the greatest disservices you can do a man is to lend him money that he can't pay back.

Debt Quotes: "Debt is a prolific mother of folly and of crime."

Debt is a prolific mother of folly and of crime.

Debt Quotes: "Choice depends on the freedom to choose and if you are shackled with debt you don't have the freedom to choose."

Choice depends on the freedom to choose and if you are shackled with debt you don't have the freedom to choose.

Debt Quotes: "When a man is in love or in debt, someone else has the advantage."

When a man is in love or in debt, someone else has the advantage.

Debt Quotes: "When I treat other people with kindness and love, it is part of my way of paying my debt to God and the world for the privilege of living on this planet."

When I treat other people with kindness and love, it is part of my way of paying my debt to God and the world for the privilege of living on this planet.

Debt Quotes: "But learn that to die is a debt we must all pay."

But learn that to die is a debt we must all pay.

Debt Quotes: "The fore horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follow that, and in its turn wretchedness and oppression."

The fore horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follow that, and in its turn wretchedness and oppression.

Debt Quotes: "There are but two ways of paying debt: Increase of industry in raising income, increase of thrift in laying out."

There are but two ways of paying debt: Increase of industry in raising income, increase of thrift in laying out.

Debt Quotes: "The man who avoids debt doesn't have to worry about avoiding his creditors."

The man who avoids debt doesn't have to worry about avoiding his creditors.

Debt Quotes: "In a world awash in debt, power shifts to creditors."

In a world awash in debt, power shifts to creditors.

Debt Quotes: "You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt."

You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt.

Debt Quotes: "If the current birth rate, which is the lowest in the major developed countries, continues, there will be no Japanese. Who will pay the enormous debt?"

If the current birth rate, which is the lowest in the major developed countries, continues, there will be no Japanese. Who will pay the enormous debt?

Debt Quotes: "Getting out and staying out of debt is key. debt is the biggest barrier, a parasite to wealth."

Getting out and staying out of debt is key. debt is the biggest barrier, a parasite to wealth.

Debt Quotes: "We want our children to live in an America that isn't burdened by debt, that isn't weakened by inequality, that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet."

We want our children to live in an America that isn't burdened by debt, that isn't weakened by inequality, that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet.

Debt Quotes: "The person, whom you favored with a loan, if he be a good man, will think himself in your debt after he has paid you."

The person, whom you favored with a loan, if he be a good man, will think himself in your debt after he has paid you.

Debt Quotes: "Death's a debt; his mandamus binds all alike- no bail, no demurrer."

Death's a debt; his mandamus binds all alike- no bail, no demurrer.

Debt Quotes: "God's dream is that you have an abundance, that you be totally out of debt, pay your house off, pay your credit cards off, and have so much overflow that you can be a blessing to everyone around you!"

God's dream is that you have an abundance, that you be totally out of debt, pay your house off, pay your credit cards off, and have so much overflow that you can be a blessing to everyone around you!

Debt Quotes: "In a world where wealth is growing, you can get away with printing money. Doubling the debt over the next 20 years is not a problem."

In a world where wealth is growing, you can get away with printing money. Doubling the debt over the next 20 years is not a problem.

Debt Quotes: "If it isn't the sheriff, it's the finance company; I've got more attachments on me than a vacuum cleaner."

If it isn't the sheriff, it's the finance company; I've got more attachments on me than a vacuum cleaner.

Debt Quotes: "The key problem is the debt restructuring in the euro zone. As long as the debt burden is not reduced, there is no chance of the weaker EU countries regaining competitiveness."

The key problem is the debt restructuring in the euro zone. As long as the debt burden is not reduced, there is no chance of the weaker EU countries regaining competitiveness.

Debt Quotes: "Basically, Herman van Rompuy wants the European Union to become a debt union, which may be acceptable to some of the southern countries who are effectively bust. To the northern countries, it is not."

Basically, Herman van Rompuy wants the European Union to become a debt union, which may be acceptable to some of the southern countries who are effectively bust. To the northern countries, it is not.

Debt Quotes: "Debt is normal. Be weird."

Debt is normal. Be weird.

Debt Quotes: "I refer to the debt - the new red menace. This time consisting of ink."

I refer to the debt - the new red menace. This time consisting of ink.

Debt Quotes: "Once you get into debt, it’s hell to get out. Don’t let credit card debt carry over. You can’t get ahead paying eighteen percent."

Once you get into debt, it’s hell to get out. Don’t let credit card debt carry over. You can’t get ahead paying eighteen percent.

Debt Quotes: "The truth is that the United States doesn't need, and shouldn't have, a debt ceiling. Every other democratic country, with the exception of Denmark, does fine without one."

The truth is that the United States doesn't need, and shouldn't have, a debt ceiling. Every other democratic country, with the exception of Denmark, does fine without one.

Debt Quotes: "Every dollar that is printed should not represent a debt to private bankers. It should represent an investment potential in the common good, in the common needs of our country."

Every dollar that is printed should not represent a debt to private bankers. It should represent an investment potential in the common good, in the common needs of our country.

Debt Quotes: "To withhold deserved praise lest it should make its object conceited is as dishonest as to withhold payment of a just debt lest your creditor should spend the money badly."

To withhold deserved praise lest it should make its object conceited is as dishonest as to withhold payment of a just debt lest your creditor should spend the money badly.

Debt Quotes: "We often pay our debts not because it is only fair that we should, but to make future loans easier."

We often pay our debts not because it is only fair that we should, but to make future loans easier.

Debt Quotes: "The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default."

The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.

Debt Quotes: "Pain and fear and hunger are effects of causes which can be foreseen and known: but sorrow is a debt which someone else makes for us."

Pain and fear and hunger are effects of causes which can be foreseen and known: but sorrow is a debt which someone else makes for us.