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No Limits Quotes

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No Limits Quotes: "Whatever we treasure for ourselves separates us from others; our possessions are our limitations."

Whatever we treasure for ourselves separates us from others; our possessions are our limitations.

No Limits Quotes: "There is a limit on how much information you can keep bottled up."

There is a limit on how much information you can keep bottled up.

No Limits Quotes: "There is always room in your life for thinking bigger, pushing limits and imagining the impossible."

There is always room in your life for thinking bigger, pushing limits and imagining the impossible.

No Limits Quotes: "Our Constitution, which was intended to limit government power and abuse, has failed."

Our Constitution, which was intended to limit government power and abuse, has failed.

No Limits Quotes: "I've always wanted to be a Meryl Streep or a Natalie Portman. I want to do all kinds of different movies, to be a chameleon. I don't want to limit myself."

I've always wanted to be a Meryl Streep or a Natalie Portman. I want to do all kinds of different movies, to be a chameleon. I don't want to limit myself.

No Limits Quotes: "May I see my own limits with compassion, just as I view the limits of others."

May I see my own limits with compassion, just as I view the limits of others.

No Limits Quotes: "Too often we attempt to work for God to the limit of our incompetency, rather than to the limit of God's omnipotency."

Too often we attempt to work for God to the limit of our incompetency, rather than to the limit of God's omnipotency.

No Limits Quotes: "More than ambition, more than ability, it is rules that limit contribution; rules are the lowest common denominator of human behavior. They are a substitute for rational thought."

More than ambition, more than ability, it is rules that limit contribution; rules are the lowest common denominator of human behavior. They are a substitute for rational thought.

No Limits Quotes: "Only by being permitted to experience the consequences of his actions will the child acquire a sense of responsibility; and within the limits marked by the demands of his safety this must be done."

Only by being permitted to experience the consequences of his actions will the child acquire a sense of responsibility; and within the limits marked by the demands of his safety this must be done.

No Limits Quotes: "The clearer the rules and the limits enforced by parents, the higher the child's self-esteem. The more freedom the child had, the lower his self-esteem."

The clearer the rules and the limits enforced by parents, the higher the child's self-esteem. The more freedom the child had, the lower his self-esteem.

No Limits Quotes: "Bring the child to the consciousness of his own dignity, and he will be free. We see no limit to what should be offered to the child, for his will be an immense field of chosen activity."

Bring the child to the consciousness of his own dignity, and he will be free. We see no limit to what should be offered to the child, for his will be an immense field of chosen activity.

No Limits Quotes: "Take the American declaration of Independence. It contains no mention of territorial limits. We are not obliged to fix the limits of the State."

Take the American declaration of Independence. It contains no mention of territorial limits. We are not obliged to fix the limits of the State.

No Limits Quotes: "I don’t want anyone putting any limits on me."

I don’t want anyone putting any limits on me.

No Limits Quotes: "As we advance in life, we learn the limits of our abilities."

As we advance in life, we learn the limits of our abilities.

No Limits Quotes: "When someone pushes you down you must get up and stand on your own two feet even if your scared to do it. Only you can set limits to your success."

When someone pushes you down you must get up and stand on your own two feet even if your scared to do it. Only you can set limits to your success.

No Limits Quotes: "The essence of strategy is that you must set limits on what you're trying to accomplish."

The essence of strategy is that you must set limits on what you're trying to accomplish.

No Limits Quotes: "Why should I limit myself to only one woman when I can have as many women as I want?"

Why should I limit myself to only one woman when I can have as many women as I want?

No Limits Quotes: "There are no limits to growth and human progress when men and women are free to follow their dreams."

There are no limits to growth and human progress when men and women are free to follow their dreams.

No Limits Quotes: "I think that ordinary people who are placed in extraordinary circumstances find themselves pushed beyond their limits, and learn new truths about themselves."

I think that ordinary people who are placed in extraordinary circumstances find themselves pushed beyond their limits, and learn new truths about themselves.

No Limits Quotes: "I got pulled over by a cop, and he said, 'do you know the speed limit here is 55 miles per hour?'. So I said, 'oh, that's OK, I'm not going that far.'"

I got pulled over by a cop, and he said, 'do you know the speed limit here is 55 miles per hour?'. So I said, 'oh, that's OK, I'm not going that far.'

No Limits Quotes: "We can make ourselves whole only by accepting our partiality, by living within our limits, by being humans not by trying to be gods."

We can make ourselves whole only by accepting our partiality, by living within our limits, by being humans not by trying to be gods.

No Limits Quotes: "By choosing a woman to run for your nation's second highest office, you send a powerful signal to all Americans. There are no doors we cannot unlock. We will place no limits on achievement."

By choosing a woman to run for your nation's second highest office, you send a powerful signal to all Americans. There are no doors we cannot unlock. We will place no limits on achievement.

No Limits Quotes: "The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit."

The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.

No Limits Quotes: "The musical scale is a convention which circumscribes the area of potentiality and permits construction within those limits in its own particular symmetry."

The musical scale is a convention which circumscribes the area of potentiality and permits construction within those limits in its own particular symmetry.

No Limits Quotes: "I have a real low tolerance for parasites, and you're so close to the limit that I'm already reaching for the flea powder."

I have a real low tolerance for parasites, and you're so close to the limit that I'm already reaching for the flea powder.

No Limits Quotes: "The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities."

The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities.

No Limits Quotes: "The finest all-around performer we ever had in America was Judy Garland. There was no limit to her talent. She was the quickest, brightest person I ever worked with."

The finest all-around performer we ever had in America was Judy Garland. There was no limit to her talent. She was the quickest, brightest person I ever worked with.

No Limits Quotes: "An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation."

An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation.

No Limits Quotes: "Know your limits, but never stop trying to break them..."

Know your limits, but never stop trying to break them...

No Limits Quotes: "The pursuit of individual happiness within those limits prescribed by social conditions, is the first requisite to the attainment of the greatest general happiness."

The pursuit of individual happiness within those limits prescribed by social conditions, is the first requisite to the attainment of the greatest general happiness.

No Limits Quotes: "Those who have been intoxicated with power... can never willingly abandon it."

Those who have been intoxicated with power... can never willingly abandon it.

No Limits Quotes: "The arts make vivid the fact that words do not, in their literal form or number, exhaust what we can know. The limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition."

The arts make vivid the fact that words do not, in their literal form or number, exhaust what we can know. The limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition.

No Limits Quotes: "Religions do a useful thing: they narrow God to the limits of man. Philosophy replies by doing a necessary thing: it elevates man to the plane of God."

Religions do a useful thing: they narrow God to the limits of man. Philosophy replies by doing a necessary thing: it elevates man to the plane of God.

No Limits Quotes: "The more a person limits himself, the more resourceful he becomes."

The more a person limits himself, the more resourceful he becomes.

No Limits Quotes: "After a time, civil servants tend to become no longer servants and no longer civil."

After a time, civil servants tend to become no longer servants and no longer civil.

No Limits Quotes: "Let's put a limit to the scramble for money. ... Having got what you wanted, you ought to begin to bring that struggle to an end."

Let's put a limit to the scramble for money. ... Having got what you wanted, you ought to begin to bring that struggle to an end.

No Limits Quotes: "The good Lord set definite limits on man's wisdom, but set no limits on his stupidity."

The good Lord set definite limits on man's wisdom, but set no limits on his stupidity.

No Limits Quotes: "In terms of quantity, we've probably already reached the limit of what's feasible. I think a change of direction may be what's needed."

In terms of quantity, we've probably already reached the limit of what's feasible. I think a change of direction may be what's needed.

No Limits Quotes: "I do not claim to have perfected an art but to have commenced one, the limits of which it is not possible at present exactly to ascertain."

I do not claim to have perfected an art but to have commenced one, the limits of which it is not possible at present exactly to ascertain.

No Limits Quotes: "There must, whether the gods see it or not, be something great in the mortal soul. For suffering, it seems, is infinite, and our capacity without limit."

There must, whether the gods see it or not, be something great in the mortal soul. For suffering, it seems, is infinite, and our capacity without limit.

No Limits Quotes: "The thing I am most aware of is my limits. And this is natural; for I never, or almost never, occupy the middle of my cage; my whole being surges toward the bars."

The thing I am most aware of is my limits. And this is natural; for I never, or almost never, occupy the middle of my cage; my whole being surges toward the bars.

No Limits Quotes: "Yoga is a generic name for any discipline by which one attempts to pass out of the limits of one's ordinary mental consciousness into a greater spiritual consciousness."

Yoga is a generic name for any discipline by which one attempts to pass out of the limits of one's ordinary mental consciousness into a greater spiritual consciousness.

No Limits Quotes: "There must be some limit to the thing. It cannot go on to infinity."

There must be some limit to the thing. It cannot go on to infinity.

No Limits Quotes: "I have no limits, no filter, no class, no poise. No decorum. Just fun."

I have no limits, no filter, no class, no poise. No decorum. Just fun.

No Limits Quotes: "There are no limits, and that applies to everyone on earth."

There are no limits, and that applies to everyone on earth.

No Limits Quotes: "Here at the quiet limit of the world."

Here at the quiet limit of the world.

No Limits Quotes: "Writing is a process of discovery of what you really do know. You can't limit yourself in advance to what you know, because you don't know everything you know."

Writing is a process of discovery of what you really do know. You can't limit yourself in advance to what you know, because you don't know everything you know.

No Limits Quotes: "No government knows any limits to its power except the endurance of the people."

No government knows any limits to its power except the endurance of the people.

No Limits Quotes: "As an entrepreneur, I try to push the limits. Pedal to the metal."

As an entrepreneur, I try to push the limits. Pedal to the metal.