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The Environment Quotes

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The Environment Quotes: "Our role is to develop techniques that allow us to provide emergency life-saving procedures to injured patients in an extreme, remote environment without the presence of a physician."

Our role is to develop techniques that allow us to provide emergency life-saving procedures to injured patients in an extreme, remote environment without the presence of a physician.

The Environment Quotes: "Researches at Yale found a connection between brain cancer and work environment. The No. 1 most dangerous job for developing brain cancer? Plutonium hat model."

Researches at Yale found a connection between brain cancer and work environment. The No. 1 most dangerous job for developing brain cancer? Plutonium hat model.

The Environment Quotes: "Education and the process of educating is a total integral, contextual situation which includes students, teachers, parents, administration and environment."

Education and the process of educating is a total integral, contextual situation which includes students, teachers, parents, administration and environment.

The Environment Quotes: "When we speak of choice, what we mean is the ability to exercise control over ourselves and our environment. In order to choose, we must first perceive that control is possible."

When we speak of choice, what we mean is the ability to exercise control over ourselves and our environment. In order to choose, we must first perceive that control is possible.

The Environment Quotes: "Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it's common sense."

Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it's common sense.

The Environment Quotes: "The environment isn't over here. The environment isn't over there. You are the environment."

The environment isn't over here. The environment isn't over there. You are the environment.

The Environment Quotes: "The sun is the only safe nuclear reactor, situated as it is some ninety-three million miles away."

The sun is the only safe nuclear reactor, situated as it is some ninety-three million miles away.

The Environment Quotes: "Ethics is the new competitive environment"

Ethics is the new competitive environment

The Environment Quotes: "Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for animals. Do it for the environment and do it for your health."

Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for animals. Do it for the environment and do it for your health.

The Environment Quotes: "By walking a long time in an environment, landscapes begin to influence on your mood, as( landscapes) change, your feelings do."

By walking a long time in an environment, landscapes begin to influence on your mood, as( landscapes) change, your feelings do.

The Environment Quotes: "It is rare in a working environment that someone says, ‘Johnson, I need a market analysis by Friday, but before that, I need a compelling account of your childhood.'"

It is rare in a working environment that someone says, ‘Johnson, I need a market analysis by Friday, but before that, I need a compelling account of your childhood.'

The Environment Quotes: "A good director creates an environment which gives the actor the encouragement to fly."

A good director creates an environment which gives the actor the encouragement to fly.

The Environment Quotes: "The Truly Healthy environment is not merely safe but stimulating."

The Truly Healthy environment is not merely safe but stimulating.

The Environment Quotes: "Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries."

Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.

The Environment Quotes: "I had been to New Mexico many times. I loved it. It's a very exotic, interesting, severely crazy environment. I don't know if I could live there all year. It's such an intense place."

I had been to New Mexico many times. I loved it. It's a very exotic, interesting, severely crazy environment. I don't know if I could live there all year. It's such an intense place.

The Environment Quotes: "We create an environment where it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat, and to lie if we dress it up with symbols of respectability, dignity and love."

We create an environment where it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat, and to lie if we dress it up with symbols of respectability, dignity and love.

The Environment Quotes: "Giving appreciations, praise, and gratitudes feels good and puts good vibes in the environment."

Giving appreciations, praise, and gratitudes feels good and puts good vibes in the environment.

The Environment Quotes: "Food is as important as energy, as security, as the environment. Everything is linked together."

Food is as important as energy, as security, as the environment. Everything is linked together.

The Environment Quotes: "If civilization is to survive, it must live on the interest, not the capital, of nature."

If civilization is to survive, it must live on the interest, not the capital, of nature.

The Environment Quotes: "It is the responsibility of leadership and management to give opportunities and put demands on people which enable them to grow as human beings in their work environment."

It is the responsibility of leadership and management to give opportunities and put demands on people which enable them to grow as human beings in their work environment.

The Environment Quotes: "Observe your environment. Invite people into your life that don't look like you or think like you"

Observe your environment. Invite people into your life that don't look like you or think like you

The Environment Quotes: "With a contained environment, there is the promise of friction. And that is where the drama comes from."

With a contained environment, there is the promise of friction. And that is where the drama comes from.

The Environment Quotes: "No problem stays solved in a dynamic environment."

No problem stays solved in a dynamic environment.

The Environment Quotes: "A sustainable business is resource efficient, respects the environment and is a good neighbour"

A sustainable business is resource efficient, respects the environment and is a good neighbour

The Environment Quotes: "Where the quality of life goes down for the environment, the quality of life goes down for humans."

Where the quality of life goes down for the environment, the quality of life goes down for humans.

The Environment Quotes: "Sustainability is treating ourselves and our environment as if we are to live on this earth forever."

Sustainability is treating ourselves and our environment as if we are to live on this earth forever.

The Environment Quotes: "Peace, non-violence, human rights and the environment - if only everybody saw these as the seamless whole that they are"

Peace, non-violence, human rights and the environment - if only everybody saw these as the seamless whole that they are

The Environment Quotes: "You arrive at a village, and in this calm environment, one starts to hear echo."

You arrive at a village, and in this calm environment, one starts to hear echo.

The Environment Quotes: "I believe that no one can teach you how to act, but schools do give you an environment to make mistakes, to learn techniques and to learn professionalism."

I believe that no one can teach you how to act, but schools do give you an environment to make mistakes, to learn techniques and to learn professionalism.

The Environment Quotes: "Architecture is a art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being."

Architecture is a art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being.

The Environment Quotes: "Here to create an environment of love, live with passion, and make our most exciting dreams come true"

Here to create an environment of love, live with passion, and make our most exciting dreams come true

The Environment Quotes: "I'm a person who loves people. It's all about the vibe of the environment I'm working in."

I'm a person who loves people. It's all about the vibe of the environment I'm working in.

The Environment Quotes: "The way to build a strong future is by both protecting the environment and creating good jobs."

The way to build a strong future is by both protecting the environment and creating good jobs.

The Environment Quotes: "To be human is to care for your fellow human beings and protecting the environment."

To be human is to care for your fellow human beings and protecting the environment.

The Environment Quotes: "In fact, because of their connection to the land, farmers do more to protect and preserve our environment than almost anyone else. They are some of the best environmentalists around."

In fact, because of their connection to the land, farmers do more to protect and preserve our environment than almost anyone else. They are some of the best environmentalists around.

The Environment Quotes: "The most important issue of the 21st century will be the condition of the global environment."

The most important issue of the 21st century will be the condition of the global environment.

The Environment Quotes: "Whatsoever is contrary to nature is contrary to reason, and whatsoever is contrary to reason is absurd."

Whatsoever is contrary to nature is contrary to reason, and whatsoever is contrary to reason is absurd.

The Environment Quotes: "There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment"

There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment

The Environment Quotes: "Whenever my environment had failed to support or nourish me, I had clutched at books."

Whenever my environment had failed to support or nourish me, I had clutched at books.

The Environment Quotes: "The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment in order to see your dream fulfilled."

The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment in order to see your dream fulfilled.

The Environment Quotes: "A human being always acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment."

A human being always acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment.

The Environment Quotes: "You absorb so much from whatever your environment is, as an artist, and you learn to take from it what can help you create."

You absorb so much from whatever your environment is, as an artist, and you learn to take from it what can help you create.

The Environment Quotes: "Experts say that children are not born criminals, nor pampered parasites. They are made that way by the environment in which they live."

Experts say that children are not born criminals, nor pampered parasites. They are made that way by the environment in which they live.

The Environment Quotes: "You cannot, for instance, sustainably protect the environment if the majority of the people are still in primitive agriculture leading to the encroachment of forest reserves."

You cannot, for instance, sustainably protect the environment if the majority of the people are still in primitive agriculture leading to the encroachment of forest reserves.

The Environment Quotes: "The difference between a serial killer and a saint is environment. That's a very hard thing to accept because that raises a lot of questions"

The difference between a serial killer and a saint is environment. That's a very hard thing to accept because that raises a lot of questions

The Environment Quotes: "Everyday, I have the choice to live a life of compassion that not only saves animals, but helps the environment."

Everyday, I have the choice to live a life of compassion that not only saves animals, but helps the environment.

The Environment Quotes: "Today I will simply accept. I will relinquish the need to be in resistance to myself and my environment in any way. I will move forward in joy by accepting where I am right now."

Today I will simply accept. I will relinquish the need to be in resistance to myself and my environment in any way. I will move forward in joy by accepting where I am right now.

The Environment Quotes: "We depend on the gifts of nature, but these gifts must be received with gratitude and not exploited or abused"

We depend on the gifts of nature, but these gifts must be received with gratitude and not exploited or abused

The Environment Quotes: "Insanity is a perfectly natural adjustment to a totally unnatural and negative environment."

Insanity is a perfectly natural adjustment to a totally unnatural and negative environment.