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Stage Quotes

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Stage Quotes: "The Alexander Technique has helped me to undo knots, unblock energy and deal with almost paralysing stage fright"

The Alexander Technique has helped me to undo knots, unblock energy and deal with almost paralysing stage fright

Stage Quotes: "I meditated before I hosted the Oscars, I meditate before I go on stage, I meditate in the morning and lunchtime when I'm on a film set."

I meditated before I hosted the Oscars, I meditate before I go on stage, I meditate in the morning and lunchtime when I'm on a film set.

Stage Quotes: "I get psyched about coming onto a Broadway stage every night. it's very exciting. You develop a kind of gratefulness for it when you spend months trying to get a job."

I get psyched about coming onto a Broadway stage every night. it's very exciting. You develop a kind of gratefulness for it when you spend months trying to get a job.

Stage Quotes: "I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants."

I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants.

Stage Quotes: "Give me a guitar and I'll play; give me a stage and I'll perform; give me an auditorium and I'll fill it."

Give me a guitar and I'll play; give me a stage and I'll perform; give me an auditorium and I'll fill it.

Stage Quotes: "We have our factory, which is called a stage. We make a product, we color it, we title it and we ship it out in cans."

We have our factory, which is called a stage. We make a product, we color it, we title it and we ship it out in cans.

Stage Quotes: "[On turning down an invitation to appear for four minutes on the Ed Sullivan Show:] Honey, it takes Moms four minutes just to get on the stage."

[On turning down an invitation to appear for four minutes on the Ed Sullivan Show:] Honey, it takes Moms four minutes just to get on the stage.

Stage Quotes: "The laws and the stage, both are a form of exhibitionism."

The laws and the stage, both are a form of exhibitionism.

Stage Quotes: "If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character, would you slow down? Or speed up?"

If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character, would you slow down? Or speed up?

Stage Quotes: "I am proud of my connections to Carolina and pleased to know that some results from a lifetime of work on television, film, stage and recordings will have a permanent home in Chapel Hill."

I am proud of my connections to Carolina and pleased to know that some results from a lifetime of work on television, film, stage and recordings will have a permanent home in Chapel Hill.

Stage Quotes: "I have never really been confident about my career at any stage."

I have never really been confident about my career at any stage.

Stage Quotes: "I think I was really naïve. I had no context to think about what I wanted to do. Each step was a next stage of exploration."

I think I was really naïve. I had no context to think about what I wanted to do. Each step was a next stage of exploration.

Stage Quotes: "You get to the stage when your almost looking down on yourself. When you get into that state, it’s the best state ever."

You get to the stage when your almost looking down on yourself. When you get into that state, it’s the best state ever.

Stage Quotes: "Dancing is my number one love. That was my first goal as a child. I would love to do stage, maybe do Chicago. I love being in front of an audience. It's so stimulating. I also love to barbecue."

Dancing is my number one love. That was my first goal as a child. I would love to do stage, maybe do Chicago. I love being in front of an audience. It's so stimulating. I also love to barbecue.

Stage Quotes: "[On Katharine Hepburn's stage performance:] She ran the whole gamut of emotions, from A to B."

[On Katharine Hepburn's stage performance:] She ran the whole gamut of emotions, from A to B.

Stage Quotes: "I think most players would love, at one stage in their career, to say, 'I've been No. 1 in the world."

I think most players would love, at one stage in their career, to say, 'I've been No. 1 in the world.

Stage Quotes: "The second stage set in ten or fifteen days after the bombing. The main symptom was falling hair. Diarrhoea and fever, which in some cases went as high as 106, came next."

The second stage set in ten or fifteen days after the bombing. The main symptom was falling hair. Diarrhoea and fever, which in some cases went as high as 106, came next.

Stage Quotes: "In life, as on the stage, it's not who I am but what I do that's the measure of my worth and the secret of my success. All the rest is showiness, arrogance and conceit."

In life, as on the stage, it's not who I am but what I do that's the measure of my worth and the secret of my success. All the rest is showiness, arrogance and conceit.

Stage Quotes: "People don't mind being in prison as long as no one else is free. But stage a jailbreak, and everybody else freaks out."

People don't mind being in prison as long as no one else is free. But stage a jailbreak, and everybody else freaks out.

Stage Quotes: "Here I am, on the road again. There I am, up on the stage. Here I go, playing star again. There I go, turn the page."

Here I am, on the road again. There I am, up on the stage. Here I go, playing star again. There I go, turn the page.

Stage Quotes: "Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if he misses the first section of a revolving door."

Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if he misses the first section of a revolving door.

Stage Quotes: "God's church is not a stage for us to perform on but a garden for us to grow in."

God's church is not a stage for us to perform on but a garden for us to grow in.

Stage Quotes: "I love hitting the stage and I don't think I could trade that for sitting in the basement making beats."

I love hitting the stage and I don't think I could trade that for sitting in the basement making beats.

Stage Quotes: "God often showcases his power on the stage of human weakness."

God often showcases his power on the stage of human weakness.

Stage Quotes: "When you were on stage, you could be absolutely open about your emotions and indulge them and express yourself in a way that - in real life - I wasn't doing."

When you were on stage, you could be absolutely open about your emotions and indulge them and express yourself in a way that - in real life - I wasn't doing.

Stage Quotes: "The stadium expansion is currently at the feasibility stage and has to go through that."

The stadium expansion is currently at the feasibility stage and has to go through that.

Stage Quotes: "Particularly in the final stages I always find that I'm rushed. It's dangerous when you're rushed in the editing stage, most of my early films are flawed in the cutting"

Particularly in the final stages I always find that I'm rushed. It's dangerous when you're rushed in the editing stage, most of my early films are flawed in the cutting

Stage Quotes: "I used to be a mean maniac. Someone once threw a firecracker at a show and I jumped off the side of the stage and whacked 'em on the side of the head."

I used to be a mean maniac. Someone once threw a firecracker at a show and I jumped off the side of the stage and whacked 'em on the side of the head.

Stage Quotes: "In stages, the impossible becomes possible."

In stages, the impossible becomes possible.

Stage Quotes: "The only time that I am really truly happy—when I feel at my best—is when I'm on the stage."

The only time that I am really truly happy—when I feel at my best—is when I'm on the stage.

Stage Quotes: "The stage is my territory, my boxing ring. That's where I'm free."

The stage is my territory, my boxing ring. That's where I'm free.

Stage Quotes: "There's a feeling of elation that comes after getting off stage and then there's a feeling of utter sadness that comes after getting off the stage."

There's a feeling of elation that comes after getting off stage and then there's a feeling of utter sadness that comes after getting off the stage.

Stage Quotes: "I see History as a relay race in which one of us, before dropping in his tracks, must carry one stage further the challenge of being a man."

I see History as a relay race in which one of us, before dropping in his tracks, must carry one stage further the challenge of being a man.

Stage Quotes: "Who wants to see 3 aging old racists on stage, anyway?"

Who wants to see 3 aging old racists on stage, anyway?

Stage Quotes: "Most frontmen are not born hams like David Lee Roth. We're more like Joey Ramone: awkward geeks who somehow find our place in the world on the stage."

Most frontmen are not born hams like David Lee Roth. We're more like Joey Ramone: awkward geeks who somehow find our place in the world on the stage.

Stage Quotes: "Passions are merely ideas in their initial stage."

Passions are merely ideas in their initial stage.

Stage Quotes: "I attend film school, my background is acting and directing. But the acting does best, I like to work on the stage."

I attend film school, my background is acting and directing. But the acting does best, I like to work on the stage.

Stage Quotes: "Our perception of songs that we've written... the meaning changes from day to day... to whatever stage we're at in our life and careers."

Our perception of songs that we've written... the meaning changes from day to day... to whatever stage we're at in our life and careers.

Stage Quotes: "I never felt so close to a guitar as that silver one with mirrors that I used on stage all the time."

I never felt so close to a guitar as that silver one with mirrors that I used on stage all the time.

Stage Quotes: "No man, with a man's heart in him gets far on his way without some bitter, soul-searching disappointment. Happy is he who is brave enough to push on to another stage of the journey."

No man, with a man's heart in him gets far on his way without some bitter, soul-searching disappointment. Happy is he who is brave enough to push on to another stage of the journey.

Stage Quotes: "All the world's indeed a stage And we are merely players Performers and portrayers Each another's audience outside the gilded cage"

All the world's indeed a stage And we are merely players Performers and portrayers Each another's audience outside the gilded cage

Stage Quotes: "If I put too many instruments on stage it will become crowded just like Bangalore traffic!"

If I put too many instruments on stage it will become crowded just like Bangalore traffic!

Stage Quotes: "Every night I get up on stage, I love it. I never get like, 'Oh, I'm bored, I want to go home.' I never, ever get like that."

Every night I get up on stage, I love it. I never get like, 'Oh, I'm bored, I want to go home.' I never, ever get like that.

Stage Quotes: "When I'm on stage, I'm trying to do one thing: bring people joy."

When I'm on stage, I'm trying to do one thing: bring people joy.

Stage Quotes: "The last stage but one of every civilisation, is characterised by the forced political unification of its constituent parts, into a single greater whole."

The last stage but one of every civilisation, is characterised by the forced political unification of its constituent parts, into a single greater whole.

Stage Quotes: "When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on."

When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on.

Stage Quotes: "EMILY: "Does anyone ever realize life while they live it...every, every minute?" STAGE MANAGER: "No. Saints and poets maybe...they do some."

EMILY: "Does anyone ever realize life while they live it...every, every minute?" STAGE MANAGER: "No. Saints and poets maybe...they do some.

Stage Quotes: "My persona on stage was always coming from a place of I know better than you and I'm going to be a little bit pretentious in your face with these sort of crass ideas."

My persona on stage was always coming from a place of I know better than you and I'm going to be a little bit pretentious in your face with these sort of crass ideas.

Stage Quotes: "I'm a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. And Ben [Carson] you're a terrible surgeon."

I'm a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. And Ben [Carson] you're a terrible surgeon.