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Never Forget Quotes

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Never Forget Quotes: "He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows should never remember it."

He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows should never remember it.

Never Forget Quotes: "We should never forget those on whose shoulders we stand and those who paid the supreme price for freedom."

We should never forget those on whose shoulders we stand and those who paid the supreme price for freedom.

Never Forget Quotes: "Never forget that the end of a sermon is the salvation of the people."

Never forget that the end of a sermon is the salvation of the people.

Never Forget Quotes: "Never forget that the road to Heaven is the Way of the Cross. Jesus has called us to follow Him, bearing the Cross as He did."

Never forget that the road to Heaven is the Way of the Cross. Jesus has called us to follow Him, bearing the Cross as He did.

Never Forget Quotes: "The words 'I will forgive you, but I'll never forget what you've done' never explain the real nature of forgiveness."

The words 'I will forgive you, but I'll never forget what you've done' never explain the real nature of forgiveness.

Never Forget Quotes: "Through music time is tamed, although music never forgets to remind us of time's faceless mission."

Through music time is tamed, although music never forgets to remind us of time's faceless mission.

Never Forget Quotes: "What the American people must never forget - is that when Fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in American flag"

What the American people must never forget - is that when Fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in American flag

Never Forget Quotes: ""The horror of that moment," the King went on, "I shall never, never forget!" "You will, though," the Queen said, "if you don't make a memorandum of it.""

"The horror of that moment," the King went on, "I shall never, never forget!" "You will, though," the Queen said, "if you don't make a memorandum of it."

Never Forget Quotes: "A prizefighter who gets knocked out or is badly outclassed suffers in a way he will never forget."

A prizefighter who gets knocked out or is badly outclassed suffers in a way he will never forget.

Never Forget Quotes: "To never forget that the most important thing in life is the quality of life we lead."

To never forget that the most important thing in life is the quality of life we lead.

Never Forget Quotes: "One last toast, to our friend, Owen Hart. We'll never forget you, buddy."

One last toast, to our friend, Owen Hart. We'll never forget you, buddy.

Never Forget Quotes: "We must never forget our responsibilities as politicians to our country and its citizens. We must always remain humble before our people."

We must never forget our responsibilities as politicians to our country and its citizens. We must always remain humble before our people.

Never Forget Quotes: "I do remember the people who believed in me in the beginning. I'll never forget that."

I do remember the people who believed in me in the beginning. I'll never forget that.

Never Forget Quotes: "O men! you can take life easily but, remember, none of you can give life! So, have mercy, have compassion! And, never forget, that compassion makes the world noble and beautiful."

O men! you can take life easily but, remember, none of you can give life! So, have mercy, have compassion! And, never forget, that compassion makes the world noble and beautiful.

Never Forget Quotes: "Work hard and follow your dreams, but never forget where you came from."

Work hard and follow your dreams, but never forget where you came from.

Never Forget Quotes: "Evil people you never forget them. And that's the aim of any actress-never to be forgotten."

Evil people you never forget them. And that's the aim of any actress-never to be forgotten.

Never Forget Quotes: "I'll never forget the moment I became a dad. It's hard to describe-that level of responsibility, the desire to give such joy, the clarity: Nothing is more important than this."

I'll never forget the moment I became a dad. It's hard to describe-that level of responsibility, the desire to give such joy, the clarity: Nothing is more important than this.

Never Forget Quotes: "You must never forget it if that's an important memory to you. Especially when a person dies, he can only live in the memories of others."

You must never forget it if that's an important memory to you. Especially when a person dies, he can only live in the memories of others.

Never Forget Quotes: "Yes, life can be rich down here. But never forget, the richest life is still to come."

Yes, life can be rich down here. But never forget, the richest life is still to come.

Never Forget Quotes: "Though it may seem overdue, righteousness is always rewarded. Don't be impatient with God. He'll never forget to reward your efforts for Him."

Though it may seem overdue, righteousness is always rewarded. Don't be impatient with God. He'll never forget to reward your efforts for Him.

Never Forget Quotes: "I'm the kind of guy that I never forget my teammates."

I'm the kind of guy that I never forget my teammates.

Never Forget Quotes: "Let us never forget that an age prospers or dwindles in proportion to its devotion to the Holy Eucharist. This is the measure of its spiritual life and its faith, of its charity and its virtue."

Let us never forget that an age prospers or dwindles in proportion to its devotion to the Holy Eucharist. This is the measure of its spiritual life and its faith, of its charity and its virtue.

Never Forget Quotes: "Psychoanalysts and elephants, they never forget."

Psychoanalysts and elephants, they never forget.

Never Forget Quotes: "I never forget my old days and I never fly too high I have my feet fixed firmly on the ground!"

I never forget my old days and I never fly too high I have my feet fixed firmly on the ground!

Never Forget Quotes: "They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets."

They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets.

Never Forget Quotes: "The heart that truly loves never forgets."

The heart that truly loves never forgets.

Never Forget Quotes: "I have a terrible memory; I never forget a thing."

I have a terrible memory; I never forget a thing.

Never Forget Quotes: "But I'll always love you, and I'll always miss you and I'll never forget that It's okay to put dragons in the jungle and tears on a tiger"

But I'll always love you, and I'll always miss you and I'll never forget that It's okay to put dragons in the jungle and tears on a tiger

Never Forget Quotes: "Dear, never forget one little point. It's my business. You just work here."

Dear, never forget one little point. It's my business. You just work here.

Never Forget Quotes: "It is very important for an actor or actress to look around at everything and everyone and never forget about real life."

It is very important for an actor or actress to look around at everything and everyone and never forget about real life.

Never Forget Quotes: "Do you wish to grow in grace and be a holy Christian? Then never forget the value of prayer."

Do you wish to grow in grace and be a holy Christian? Then never forget the value of prayer.

Never Forget Quotes: "Be aware of "yes" men. Generally, they are losers. Surround yourself with winners. Never forget - people win."

Be aware of "yes" men. Generally, they are losers. Surround yourself with winners. Never forget - people win.

Never Forget Quotes: "Never forget that what becomes timeless was once truly new."

Never forget that what becomes timeless was once truly new.

Never Forget Quotes: "However many years she lived, Mary always felt that 'she should never forget that first morning when her garden began to grow'."

However many years she lived, Mary always felt that 'she should never forget that first morning when her garden began to grow'.

Never Forget Quotes: "We may forget him, but God will never forget us. We're forever on his mind and in his plans."

We may forget him, but God will never forget us. We're forever on his mind and in his plans.

Never Forget Quotes: "The honest poor can sometimes forget poverty. The honest rich can never forget it."

The honest poor can sometimes forget poverty. The honest rich can never forget it.

Never Forget Quotes: "No matter where you are in your leadership journey, never forget that what got you to where you are won't get you to the next level."

No matter where you are in your leadership journey, never forget that what got you to where you are won't get you to the next level.

Never Forget Quotes: "He must never forget Charlie's plea: Tell me where I'm going to die, so I'll never go there."

He must never forget Charlie's plea: Tell me where I'm going to die, so I'll never go there.

Never Forget Quotes: "Never forget that if you leave your law to judges and your religion to bishops, you will presently find yourself without either law or religion."

Never forget that if you leave your law to judges and your religion to bishops, you will presently find yourself without either law or religion.

Never Forget Quotes: "Certain words now in our knowledge we will not use again, and we will never forget them. We need them. Like the back of the picture."

Certain words now in our knowledge we will not use again, and we will never forget them. We need them. Like the back of the picture.

Never Forget Quotes: "And through our travels we get separated, never forget: In order to survive, got to learn to live with regrets."

And through our travels we get separated, never forget: In order to survive, got to learn to live with regrets.

Never Forget Quotes: "I'll never forget my first words in the theatre. "Peanuts. Popcorn.""

I'll never forget my first words in the theatre. "Peanuts. Popcorn."

Never Forget Quotes: "And never forget, there is memory."

And never forget, there is memory.

Never Forget Quotes: "Hitting is like swimming. Once you learn the stroke, you never forget it."

Hitting is like swimming. Once you learn the stroke, you never forget it.

Never Forget Quotes: "We must never forget that spiritual experience is above all a practical experience of love. And with love, there are no rules."

We must never forget that spiritual experience is above all a practical experience of love. And with love, there are no rules.

Never Forget Quotes: "So many people supported me through my public life and I will never forget them."

So many people supported me through my public life and I will never forget them.

Never Forget Quotes: "Even the wisest woman you talk to is ignorant of something you may know, but an elegant woman never forgets her elegance."

Even the wisest woman you talk to is ignorant of something you may know, but an elegant woman never forgets her elegance.

Never Forget Quotes: "Never forget which way you face"

Never forget which way you face

Never Forget Quotes: "And I'll never forget the first time I took the possibility to project sound every day for six or seven hours with special devices which were built for me."

And I'll never forget the first time I took the possibility to project sound every day for six or seven hours with special devices which were built for me.