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Laziness Quotes

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Laziness Quotes: "To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affection; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humor of a scholar."

To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affection; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humor of a scholar.

Laziness Quotes: "People who have read a good deal rarely make great discoveries. I do not say this in excuse of laziness, but because invention presupposes an extensive independent contemplation of things."

People who have read a good deal rarely make great discoveries. I do not say this in excuse of laziness, but because invention presupposes an extensive independent contemplation of things.

Laziness Quotes: "Better never begin than never make an end."

Better never begin than never make an end.

Laziness Quotes: "Hard work pays off in the future but requires discomfort now. Laziness pays off now but guarantees discomfort in the future."

Hard work pays off in the future but requires discomfort now. Laziness pays off now but guarantees discomfort in the future.

Laziness Quotes: "The savage lives simply through ignorance and idleness or laziness, but the philosopher lives simply through wisdom."

The savage lives simply through ignorance and idleness or laziness, but the philosopher lives simply through wisdom.

Laziness Quotes: "Shall we keep our hands in our bosom, or stretch ourselves on our beds of laziness, while all the world about us is hard at work, in pursuing the designs of its creation?"

Shall we keep our hands in our bosom, or stretch ourselves on our beds of laziness, while all the world about us is hard at work, in pursuing the designs of its creation?

Laziness Quotes: "it is a shocking trick for a young person to be always lolling upon a sofa."

it is a shocking trick for a young person to be always lolling upon a sofa.

Laziness Quotes: "Many are idly busy; Domitian was busy, but then it was in catching flies."

Many are idly busy; Domitian was busy, but then it was in catching flies.

Laziness Quotes: "My whole comic persona is that of a guy who explores the id: I romanticize gluttony, I romanticize laziness, and people identify with that."

My whole comic persona is that of a guy who explores the id: I romanticize gluttony, I romanticize laziness, and people identify with that.

Laziness Quotes: "Comedians rarely have writers, and if you do it's usually a sign of laziness."

Comedians rarely have writers, and if you do it's usually a sign of laziness.

Laziness Quotes: "My comedy is romanticized laziness."

My comedy is romanticized laziness.

Laziness Quotes: "Periods of inactivity, I don't know such things. I'm consistently writing. My life is busy. It always is. There are hardly any moments for self-indulgent laziness."

Periods of inactivity, I don't know such things. I'm consistently writing. My life is busy. It always is. There are hardly any moments for self-indulgent laziness.

Laziness Quotes: "The slothful are always ready to engage in idle talk of what will be done tomorrow, and every day after."

The slothful are always ready to engage in idle talk of what will be done tomorrow, and every day after.

Laziness Quotes: "There's an awful lot of inactive kindness which is nothing but laziness, not wanting any trouble, confusion, or effort."

There's an awful lot of inactive kindness which is nothing but laziness, not wanting any trouble, confusion, or effort.

Laziness Quotes: "The idle man is the devil's cushion."

The idle man is the devil's cushion.

Laziness Quotes: "Those that dare lose a day, ate dangerously prodigal; those that dare misspend it, are desperate."

Those that dare lose a day, ate dangerously prodigal; those that dare misspend it, are desperate.

Laziness Quotes: "Do not call procrastination laziness. Call it fear."

Do not call procrastination laziness. Call it fear.

Laziness Quotes: "Six, or at most seven, hours' sleep is, for a constancy, as much as you or anybody else can want; more is only laziness and dozing, and is, I am persuaded, both unwholesome and stupefying."

Six, or at most seven, hours' sleep is, for a constancy, as much as you or anybody else can want; more is only laziness and dozing, and is, I am persuaded, both unwholesome and stupefying.

Laziness Quotes: "I'm not going to say it's laziness, but I'm not a grand creator of new characters."

I'm not going to say it's laziness, but I'm not a grand creator of new characters.

Laziness Quotes: "Laziness in prayer is like handing the devil a key to your house."

Laziness in prayer is like handing the devil a key to your house.

Laziness Quotes: "Many psychotherapists believe laziness is usually just the symptom. That the real problem is fear of failure, fear of success, or fear of authority."

Many psychotherapists believe laziness is usually just the symptom. That the real problem is fear of failure, fear of success, or fear of authority.

Laziness Quotes: "In New York, one must collapse to be indolent."

In New York, one must collapse to be indolent.

Laziness Quotes: "It's a disease of critics that once they've labeled someone, it's very hard to change their perspective. It's laziness."

It's a disease of critics that once they've labeled someone, it's very hard to change their perspective. It's laziness.

Laziness Quotes: "I'm a pessimist if I'm not careful, a feminist, a Black,...an oil-and-water combination of ambition, laziness, insecurity, certainty, and drive."

I'm a pessimist if I'm not careful, a feminist, a Black,...an oil-and-water combination of ambition, laziness, insecurity, certainty, and drive.

Laziness Quotes: "Take yourself by the scruff of the neck and shake off your incarnate laziness."

Take yourself by the scruff of the neck and shake off your incarnate laziness.

Laziness Quotes: "The insupportable labor of doing nothing."

The insupportable labor of doing nothing.

Laziness Quotes: "There is no kind of idleness by which we are so easily seduced as that which dignifies itself by the appearance of business."

There is no kind of idleness by which we are so easily seduced as that which dignifies itself by the appearance of business.

Laziness Quotes: "The love of indolence is universal, or next to it."

The love of indolence is universal, or next to it.

Laziness Quotes: "Not doing things you can do is the whole point of laziness. Not doing something you can't do is just sensible."

Not doing things you can do is the whole point of laziness. Not doing something you can't do is just sensible.

Laziness Quotes: "Typographical laziness was slowly destroying our culture, according to Lexa and her pals. Inexactitude was death."

Typographical laziness was slowly destroying our culture, according to Lexa and her pals. Inexactitude was death.

Laziness Quotes: "So fixed are our spirits in slothfulness and cold indifference that we seldom overcome so much as one evil habit."

So fixed are our spirits in slothfulness and cold indifference that we seldom overcome so much as one evil habit.

Laziness Quotes: "If you make a habit of doing nothing, you have already earned your reward."

If you make a habit of doing nothing, you have already earned your reward.

Laziness Quotes: "It was not because I had a strong sense of the virtue of industry, but because Joe had a strong sense of the virtue of industry, that I worked with tolerable zeal against the grain."

It was not because I had a strong sense of the virtue of industry, but because Joe had a strong sense of the virtue of industry, that I worked with tolerable zeal against the grain.

Laziness Quotes: "We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work"

We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work

Laziness Quotes: "His was not a lazy trustfulness that hoped, and did no more."

His was not a lazy trustfulness that hoped, and did no more.

Laziness Quotes: "Never underestimate the capacity of people to choose the easy way."

Never underestimate the capacity of people to choose the easy way.

Laziness Quotes: "How much more than necessary do we spend in sleep, forgetting that the sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that there will be sleeping enough in the grave, as Poor Richard says."

How much more than necessary do we spend in sleep, forgetting that the sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that there will be sleeping enough in the grave, as Poor Richard says.

Laziness Quotes: "One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not to be done at all."

One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not to be done at all.

Laziness Quotes: "It is the just doom of laziness and a gluttony to be inactive without ease and drowsy without tranquillity."

It is the just doom of laziness and a gluttony to be inactive without ease and drowsy without tranquillity.

Laziness Quotes: "Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away."

Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away.

Laziness Quotes: "I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?"

I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?

Laziness Quotes: "knowledge without application is like a book that is never read' Christopher Crawford, Hemel Hempstead."

knowledge without application is like a book that is never read' Christopher Crawford, Hemel Hempstead.

Laziness Quotes: "Comfort is a stance of avoidance rather than the pursuit of excellence."

Comfort is a stance of avoidance rather than the pursuit of excellence.

Laziness Quotes: "Because of self-doubt, the fear of failure, or laziness, most people usually bite off way less than they can chew."

Because of self-doubt, the fear of failure, or laziness, most people usually bite off way less than they can chew.

Laziness Quotes: "God does not like lazy people, He likes those who work"

God does not like lazy people, He likes those who work

Laziness Quotes: "If truth be told, the easy road is nothing more than an armchair in clever disguise. And if you look around, it seems that there are a whole lot of people in the furniture business."

If truth be told, the easy road is nothing more than an armchair in clever disguise. And if you look around, it seems that there are a whole lot of people in the furniture business.

Laziness Quotes: "You make name for yourself when you overcome pain, weakness, laziness and ignorance"

You make name for yourself when you overcome pain, weakness, laziness and ignorance

Laziness Quotes: "My get-up-and-go often leaves without me."

My get-up-and-go often leaves without me.

Laziness Quotes: "If you wait for the mango fruits to fall, you'd be wasting your time while others are learning how to climb the tree"

If you wait for the mango fruits to fall, you'd be wasting your time while others are learning how to climb the tree