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Imagine Quotes

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Imagine Quotes: "It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia."

It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia.

Imagine Quotes: "What we cannot imagine cannot come into being."

What we cannot imagine cannot come into being.

Imagine Quotes: "I’ve always thought that each person invented himself… that we are each a figment of our own imagination. And some people have a greater ability to imagine than others."

I’ve always thought that each person invented himself… that we are each a figment of our own imagination. And some people have a greater ability to imagine than others.

Imagine Quotes: "Pure pragmatism can't imagine a bold future. Pure idealism can't get anything done. It is the delicate blend of both that drives innovation."

Pure pragmatism can't imagine a bold future. Pure idealism can't get anything done. It is the delicate blend of both that drives innovation.

Imagine Quotes: "Is there a more mysterious idea than to imagine how nature is reflected in the eyes of animals?"

Is there a more mysterious idea than to imagine how nature is reflected in the eyes of animals?

Imagine Quotes: "Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland: the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all of the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine."

Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland: the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all of the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine.

Imagine Quotes: "Imagine for a minute yourself in the same shoes, the same sense of survival and the same nothing to lose."

Imagine for a minute yourself in the same shoes, the same sense of survival and the same nothing to lose.

Imagine Quotes: "It’s often difficult for those who are lucky enough to have never experienced what true depression is to imagine a life of complete hopelessness, emptiness and fear."

It’s often difficult for those who are lucky enough to have never experienced what true depression is to imagine a life of complete hopelessness, emptiness and fear.

Imagine Quotes: "Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes."

Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes.

Imagine Quotes: "It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the processnof doing."

It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the processnof doing.

Imagine Quotes: "You won't get anything unless you have the vision to imagine it."

You won't get anything unless you have the vision to imagine it.

Imagine Quotes: "There's no need to imagine that you're a wondrous beauty, because that's what you are."

There's no need to imagine that you're a wondrous beauty, because that's what you are.

Imagine Quotes: "Because nothing is as good as you can imagine it. No one is as beautiful as she is in your head. Nothing is as exciting as your fantasy."

Because nothing is as good as you can imagine it. No one is as beautiful as she is in your head. Nothing is as exciting as your fantasy.

Imagine Quotes: "Don't imagine that, if you had a great deal of time, you would spend more of it in prayer. Get rid of that idea; it is no hindrance to prayer to spend your time well."

Don't imagine that, if you had a great deal of time, you would spend more of it in prayer. Get rid of that idea; it is no hindrance to prayer to spend your time well.

Imagine Quotes: "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once."

I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once.

Imagine Quotes: "I don’t want to lose you. I’m in love with you Blaire. I’ve never wanted anything or anyone the way I want you. I can’t imagine my world now without you in it."

I don’t want to lose you. I’m in love with you Blaire. I’ve never wanted anything or anyone the way I want you. I can’t imagine my world now without you in it.

Imagine Quotes: "There was no Twitter when I was in high school, so I can't even imagine the pressures or the expectations of pursuing likes or living life in that kind of mentality."

There was no Twitter when I was in high school, so I can't even imagine the pressures or the expectations of pursuing likes or living life in that kind of mentality.

Imagine Quotes: "I am timeless being. I am free of desire or fear, because I do not remember the past or imagine the future."

I am timeless being. I am free of desire or fear, because I do not remember the past or imagine the future.

Imagine Quotes: "I remember the past, and I learn from it. I rejoice and celebrate in the present, and I re-imagine the future. Now is the moment that never ends."

I remember the past, and I learn from it. I rejoice and celebrate in the present, and I re-imagine the future. Now is the moment that never ends.

Imagine Quotes: "We always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe in most strongly, expect on the deepest level, and imagine most vividly."

We always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe in most strongly, expect on the deepest level, and imagine most vividly.

Imagine Quotes: "Who would imagine that I was to be the founder of a new religion."

Who would imagine that I was to be the founder of a new religion.

Imagine Quotes: "Could you imagine people eating a painting - if they could introduce a painting into their bodies? It's probably the artist's dream, and we have the opportunity to do so."

Could you imagine people eating a painting - if they could introduce a painting into their bodies? It's probably the artist's dream, and we have the opportunity to do so.

Imagine Quotes: "Imagine what you will be, and it will be so."

Imagine what you will be, and it will be so.

Imagine Quotes: "God is not what you imagine or what you think you understand. If you understand you have failed."

God is not what you imagine or what you think you understand. If you understand you have failed.

Imagine Quotes: "Hatred grows into insolence when we desire to excel the rest of mankind and imagine we do not belong to the common lot; we even severely and haughtily despise others as our inferiors."

Hatred grows into insolence when we desire to excel the rest of mankind and imagine we do not belong to the common lot; we even severely and haughtily despise others as our inferiors.

Imagine Quotes: "I feel I have the potential to reach an audience beyond anything I can imagine."

I feel I have the potential to reach an audience beyond anything I can imagine.

Imagine Quotes: "A highly intelligent man should take a primitive woman. Imagine if on top of everything else, I had a woman who interfered with my work."

A highly intelligent man should take a primitive woman. Imagine if on top of everything else, I had a woman who interfered with my work.

Imagine Quotes: "Oppression involves a failure of the imagination: the failure to imagine the full humanity of other human beings."

Oppression involves a failure of the imagination: the failure to imagine the full humanity of other human beings.

Imagine Quotes: "Imagine a man who stands before a mirror; a stone strikes it, and it falls to ruin all in an instant. And the man learns that he is himself, and not the mirrored man he had believed himself to be."

Imagine a man who stands before a mirror; a stone strikes it, and it falls to ruin all in an instant. And the man learns that he is himself, and not the mirrored man he had believed himself to be.

Imagine Quotes: "It's impossible to imagine our planet without coral."

It's impossible to imagine our planet without coral.

Imagine Quotes: "[There is] an increasing tendency among modern men to imagine themselves ethical because they have delegated their vices to larger and larger groups."

[There is] an increasing tendency among modern men to imagine themselves ethical because they have delegated their vices to larger and larger groups.

Imagine Quotes: "Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going."

Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going.

Imagine Quotes: "When you're supported by people, you always imagine it's people your age who will support you."

When you're supported by people, you always imagine it's people your age who will support you.

Imagine Quotes: "I believe death is only a door. One closes, and another opens. If I were to imagine heaven, I would imagine a door opening. And he would be waiting for me there."

I believe death is only a door. One closes, and another opens. If I were to imagine heaven, I would imagine a door opening. And he would be waiting for me there.

Imagine Quotes: "Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount-that is the measure of God’s love for you."

Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount-that is the measure of God’s love for you.

Imagine Quotes: "Imagination alone is not enough, because the reality of nature is far more wondrous than anything we can imagine"

Imagination alone is not enough, because the reality of nature is far more wondrous than anything we can imagine

Imagine Quotes: "Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace."

Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace.

Imagine Quotes: "The only kind of freedom that the mob can imagine is freedom to annoy and oppress its betters, and that is precisely the kind that we mainly have."

The only kind of freedom that the mob can imagine is freedom to annoy and oppress its betters, and that is precisely the kind that we mainly have.

Imagine Quotes: "Tune into the presence of miracles, and in an instant, life can be transformed into a dazzling experience, more wondrous and exciting than we could even imagine."

Tune into the presence of miracles, and in an instant, life can be transformed into a dazzling experience, more wondrous and exciting than we could even imagine.

Imagine Quotes: "Especially during the first nine months, there was so much going on with trying to hire 55 people to run the city, it was hard to imagine any honeymoon."

Especially during the first nine months, there was so much going on with trying to hire 55 people to run the city, it was hard to imagine any honeymoon.

Imagine Quotes: "I think that we need women role models everywhere. I think that it's really hard to imagine yourself as something that you don't see."

I think that we need women role models everywhere. I think that it's really hard to imagine yourself as something that you don't see.

Imagine Quotes: "Many patients imagine that they have tried everything. True, they have used many remedies, but they have never had the cause of their infirmity adjusted."

Many patients imagine that they have tried everything. True, they have used many remedies, but they have never had the cause of their infirmity adjusted.

Imagine Quotes: "You can do anything your heart can imagine."

You can do anything your heart can imagine.

Imagine Quotes: "Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn perfect patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion."

Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn perfect patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion.

Imagine Quotes: "If you want to be a filmmaker, ask yourself if you could imagine doing any other job. If you can, that’s a script!"

If you want to be a filmmaker, ask yourself if you could imagine doing any other job. If you can, that’s a script!

Imagine Quotes: "Never assume greatness is for someone else. Imagine every day that you too can do great things. Have the courage to take the challenge, make the mistakes, and move forward."

Never assume greatness is for someone else. Imagine every day that you too can do great things. Have the courage to take the challenge, make the mistakes, and move forward.

Imagine Quotes: "Never before has the gap between what we can imagine and what we can accomplish been smaller."

Never before has the gap between what we can imagine and what we can accomplish been smaller.

Imagine Quotes: "You have to imagine a waiting that is not impatient because it is timeless."

You have to imagine a waiting that is not impatient because it is timeless.

Imagine Quotes: "We imagine that waking-life is real and that dream-life is unreal, but there does not seem to be any evidence for this belief."

We imagine that waking-life is real and that dream-life is unreal, but there does not seem to be any evidence for this belief.