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Dresses Quotes

Find the best Dresses quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Dresses quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Dresses quote of the day.

Dresses Quotes: "The rest of the planets have their dress and furniture, nay and their inhabitants too, as well as this Earth of ours."

The rest of the planets have their dress and furniture, nay and their inhabitants too, as well as this Earth of ours.

Dresses Quotes: "I imagine the earth when I am no more: Women's dresses, dewy lilacs, a song in the valley. Yet the books will be there on the shelves, well born, Derived from people, but also from radiance, heights."

I imagine the earth when I am no more: Women's dresses, dewy lilacs, a song in the valley. Yet the books will be there on the shelves, well born, Derived from people, but also from radiance, heights.

Dresses Quotes: "I've always been a girl who loves to dress up."

I've always been a girl who loves to dress up.

Dresses Quotes: "Life is not a dress rehearsal - every day is opening night."

Life is not a dress rehearsal - every day is opening night.

Dresses Quotes: "A blond in a red dress can do without introductions -- but not without a bodyguard."

A blond in a red dress can do without introductions -- but not without a bodyguard.

Dresses Quotes: "I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting."

I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting.

Dresses Quotes: "Always dress to what is accurate to who and what you are."

Always dress to what is accurate to who and what you are.

Dresses Quotes: "Don't dress to kill, dress to survive."

Don't dress to kill, dress to survive.

Dresses Quotes: "I don't always wear underwear. When I'm in the heat, especially, I can't wear it. Like, if I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear?"

I don't always wear underwear. When I'm in the heat, especially, I can't wear it. Like, if I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear?

Dresses Quotes: "My dresses help women discover figures they didn't know they had."

My dresses help women discover figures they didn't know they had.

Dresses Quotes: "A quick smile is more seductive than a slinky dress."

A quick smile is more seductive than a slinky dress.

Dresses Quotes: "If I want to wear a dress, I'll wear a dress."

If I want to wear a dress, I'll wear a dress.

Dresses Quotes: "My mothers into frilly dresses and eyelashes and hairstyles from the 1970s. We always argue about that."

My mothers into frilly dresses and eyelashes and hairstyles from the 1970s. We always argue about that.

Dresses Quotes: "I had Courtney Love's left bosom out of her dress on my plate in front of me. It was extraordinary. I didn't know where to look."

I had Courtney Love's left bosom out of her dress on my plate in front of me. It was extraordinary. I didn't know where to look.

Dresses Quotes: "You can take the babushka off the Jewish mother and dress her up in a pair of Seven jeans and Marc Jacobs sling-backs, but she's still going to expect a passel of grandkids."

You can take the babushka off the Jewish mother and dress her up in a pair of Seven jeans and Marc Jacobs sling-backs, but she's still going to expect a passel of grandkids.

Dresses Quotes: "There is no such thing as a moral dress. It's people who are moral or immoral."

There is no such thing as a moral dress. It's people who are moral or immoral.

Dresses Quotes: "First I made a dress because I was pregnant and I wanted to be the most beautiful pregnant woman. Then I made a sweater because I wanted to have one that wasn't like anyone else's."

First I made a dress because I was pregnant and I wanted to be the most beautiful pregnant woman. Then I made a sweater because I wanted to have one that wasn't like anyone else's.

Dresses Quotes: "I love when people wear flowers in their own way, like when I see someone wearing a floral dress with brogues and a jacket. It's incongruous."

I love when people wear flowers in their own way, like when I see someone wearing a floral dress with brogues and a jacket. It's incongruous.

Dresses Quotes: "Obviously, I like things that are cute and aggressive at the same time, but I didn't want it to just be mini-bangs and lip-syncing in a dress. I need to get away from that stuff."

Obviously, I like things that are cute and aggressive at the same time, but I didn't want it to just be mini-bangs and lip-syncing in a dress. I need to get away from that stuff.

Dresses Quotes: "I didn't try and do fashion pictures. I tried to do portraits of girls wearing dresses."

I didn't try and do fashion pictures. I tried to do portraits of girls wearing dresses.

Dresses Quotes: "When you think of fashion photography, it's a dream. It's like we all want to be those women. We want to wear those dresses."

When you think of fashion photography, it's a dream. It's like we all want to be those women. We want to wear those dresses.

Dresses Quotes: "Oh yeah, I'm definitely a tomboy! I love sports, hate dresses, don't own a single pair of high-heels, am not a fan of makeup, and I'm not afraid to get messy!"

Oh yeah, I'm definitely a tomboy! I love sports, hate dresses, don't own a single pair of high-heels, am not a fan of makeup, and I'm not afraid to get messy!

Dresses Quotes: "Those who make their dress a principal part of themselves, will, in general, become of no more value than their dress."

Those who make their dress a principal part of themselves, will, in general, become of no more value than their dress.

Dresses Quotes: "With the Solaris, however, I wanted to design a very simple, elegant dress watch"

With the Solaris, however, I wanted to design a very simple, elegant dress watch

Dresses Quotes: "Sometimes you don't really need armor to feel protected. Sometimes maybe you need just a chiffon dress to hug you."

Sometimes you don't really need armor to feel protected. Sometimes maybe you need just a chiffon dress to hug you.

Dresses Quotes: "I mean, a new dress doesn't get you anywhere; it's the life you're living in the dress."

I mean, a new dress doesn't get you anywhere; it's the life you're living in the dress.

Dresses Quotes: "I'm too tall to be a girl, I never had enough dresses to be a lady, I wouldn't call myself a woman. I'd say I'm somewhere between a chick and a broad."

I'm too tall to be a girl, I never had enough dresses to be a lady, I wouldn't call myself a woman. I'd say I'm somewhere between a chick and a broad.

Dresses Quotes: "Fish marreth the water, and flesh doth dress it"

Fish marreth the water, and flesh doth dress it

Dresses Quotes: "Fashion is part of our culture, and it's about more than just a pretty dress."

Fashion is part of our culture, and it's about more than just a pretty dress.

Dresses Quotes: "You think your friends have good taste in fashion, until they ask you to wear an ugly bridesmaid dress!"

You think your friends have good taste in fashion, until they ask you to wear an ugly bridesmaid dress!

Dresses Quotes: "The biggest compliment to me is being able to dress so many different women from so many different backgrounds."

The biggest compliment to me is being able to dress so many different women from so many different backgrounds.

Dresses Quotes: "What is blackness? Is it the way you talk? Do you got to say, 'Dey this, dey dat.' Or the way you dress? Or is it the forgiving of certain things? What is black enough?"

What is blackness? Is it the way you talk? Do you got to say, 'Dey this, dey dat.' Or the way you dress? Or is it the forgiving of certain things? What is black enough?

Dresses Quotes: "Lots of shy people dress a bit too much. It's just kind of an armour. People say the same thing about me."

Lots of shy people dress a bit too much. It's just kind of an armour. People say the same thing about me.

Dresses Quotes: "Sometimes you want to dress a certain way... that doesn't always reflect your pedigree."

Sometimes you want to dress a certain way... that doesn't always reflect your pedigree.

Dresses Quotes: "I like to play dress up, I'm in love with fashion."

I like to play dress up, I'm in love with fashion.

Dresses Quotes: "Im shy. I can go on a trip for days and not go because I wont sit on a toilet seat on a plane. Im certainly not going to go on somebodys lawn. Could you imagine, in a cocktail dress?"

Im shy. I can go on a trip for days and not go because I wont sit on a toilet seat on a plane. Im certainly not going to go on somebodys lawn. Could you imagine, in a cocktail dress?

Dresses Quotes: "We say something every morning when we decide how to dress."

We say something every morning when we decide how to dress.

Dresses Quotes: "You could say that my life's a mess. But, I'm still looking pretty in this dress."

You could say that my life's a mess. But, I'm still looking pretty in this dress.

Dresses Quotes: "The way I dress depends on how I feel. I never have to psych myself up. Usually it just feels like it works."

The way I dress depends on how I feel. I never have to psych myself up. Usually it just feels like it works.

Dresses Quotes: "If I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear?"

If I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear?

Dresses Quotes: "Don't hate me because I can't remember some person immediately. Especially when they look like everybody else, and talk and dress and act like everybody else."

Don't hate me because I can't remember some person immediately. Especially when they look like everybody else, and talk and dress and act like everybody else.

Dresses Quotes: "Women particularly can dress modestly and in the process contribute to their own self­ respect and to the moral purity of men. In the end, most women get the type of man they dress for."

Women particularly can dress modestly and in the process contribute to their own self­ respect and to the moral purity of men. In the end, most women get the type of man they dress for.

Dresses Quotes: "It's no wonder we know how to dress; we've spent centuries in closets."

It's no wonder we know how to dress; we've spent centuries in closets.

Dresses Quotes: "Simplicity survives the changes of fashion. Women of chic are wearing now dresses they bought from me in 1936. Fit the century, forget the year."

Simplicity survives the changes of fashion. Women of chic are wearing now dresses they bought from me in 1936. Fit the century, forget the year.

Dresses Quotes: "If you want to be a good blues singer, people are going to be down on you, so dress like you're going to the bank to borrow money."

If you want to be a good blues singer, people are going to be down on you, so dress like you're going to the bank to borrow money.

Dresses Quotes: "This is not a dress rehearsal; this is your life."

This is not a dress rehearsal; this is your life.

Dresses Quotes: "Money is the anthem, of succes, so put on your mascara and your party dress"

Money is the anthem, of succes, so put on your mascara and your party dress

Dresses Quotes: "My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way."

My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.

Dresses Quotes: "Happiness is a state a mind, not a dress size."

Happiness is a state a mind, not a dress size.