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Bill Watterson Quotes

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Bill Watterson Quotes: "If you don't get a goodnight kiss, you get Kafka dreams."

If you don't get a goodnight kiss, you get Kafka dreams.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Calvin: Why are you crying mom? Mom: I'm cutting up an onion. Calvin: It must be hard to cook if you anthrpomorphisize your vegetables."

Calvin: Why are you crying mom? Mom: I'm cutting up an onion. Calvin: It must be hard to cook if you anthrpomorphisize your vegetables.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Calvin: Life's a lot more fun when you aren't responsible for your actions."

Calvin: Life's a lot more fun when you aren't responsible for your actions.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Few things are less comforting than a tiger who's up too late."

Few things are less comforting than a tiger who's up too late.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Never argue with a six-year-old who shaves."

Never argue with a six-year-old who shaves.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Even when you look for it, you're never prepared for it."

Even when you look for it, you're never prepared for it.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I'd like to see cartoonists measuring their work by higher standards than how many papers their strips are in and how much money they make."

I'd like to see cartoonists measuring their work by higher standards than how many papers their strips are in and how much money they make.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "CALVIN: When I grow up I want to be an inventor. First I will invent a time machine. Then I'll come back to yesterday and take myself to tomorrow and skip this dumb assignment."

CALVIN: When I grow up I want to be an inventor. First I will invent a time machine. Then I'll come back to yesterday and take myself to tomorrow and skip this dumb assignment.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "In the right hands, a comic strip attains a beauty and elegance that, really, I would put against any other art."

In the right hands, a comic strip attains a beauty and elegance that, really, I would put against any other art.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Of course, REAL zombies never get the giggles when they look at each other."

Of course, REAL zombies never get the giggles when they look at each other.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Even if lives did hang in the balance, it would depend on whose they were."

Even if lives did hang in the balance, it would depend on whose they were.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Calvin:"It says here that 'religion is the opiate of the masses.'...what do you suppose that means?" Television: "...it means that Karl Marx hadn't seen anything yet"

Calvin:"It says here that 'religion is the opiate of the masses.'...what do you suppose that means?" Television: "...it means that Karl Marx hadn't seen anything yet

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Is it truly being good if the only reason I behave well is so I can get more loot at Christmas? I mean, really, all I'm doing is saying I can be bribed."

Is it truly being good if the only reason I behave well is so I can get more loot at Christmas? I mean, really, all I'm doing is saying I can be bribed.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I thought my life would seem more interesting with a musical score and a laugh track."

I thought my life would seem more interesting with a musical score and a laugh track.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride to not be human."

You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride to not be human.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "CALVIN: As usual goodness hardly puts up a fight."

CALVIN: As usual goodness hardly puts up a fight.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "There's more to this world than just people, you know."

There's more to this world than just people, you know.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "You never know when some crazed rodent with cold feet could be running loose in your pants."

You never know when some crazed rodent with cold feet could be running loose in your pants.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "HOBBES: Virtue needs some cheaper thrills."

HOBBES: Virtue needs some cheaper thrills.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "It must be hard to cook if you anthropomorphisize your vegetables."

It must be hard to cook if you anthropomorphisize your vegetables.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "CALVIN: Our hero regains consciousness at the feet of a sarcastic alien."

CALVIN: Our hero regains consciousness at the feet of a sarcastic alien.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "So long, Pop! I'm off to check my tiger trap!"

So long, Pop! I'm off to check my tiger trap!

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I'd hate to have a kid like me."

I'd hate to have a kid like me.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Why does man create? Is it man's purpose on earth to express himself, to bring form to thought, and to discover meaning in experience? Or is it just something to do when he's bored?"

Why does man create? Is it man's purpose on earth to express himself, to bring form to thought, and to discover meaning in experience? Or is it just something to do when he's bored?

Bill Watterson Quotes: "But for my own example, I'd never believe one little kid could have so much brains!"

But for my own example, I'd never believe one little kid could have so much brains!

Bill Watterson Quotes: "HOBBES: All this modern technology just makes people try to do everything at once."

HOBBES: All this modern technology just makes people try to do everything at once.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Instead of asking what's wrong with rampant consumerism, we ought to be asking, 'What justifies it?' Popular art does not have to pander to the lowest level of intelligence and taste."

Instead of asking what's wrong with rampant consumerism, we ought to be asking, 'What justifies it?' Popular art does not have to pander to the lowest level of intelligence and taste.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Garry Trudeau is the only cartoonist with the clout to get his strip published large enough to accomodate extended dialogue. It's ashame."

Garry Trudeau is the only cartoonist with the clout to get his strip published large enough to accomodate extended dialogue. It's ashame.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Calvin the zombie searches for food. Horribly, the undead feed upon the living! ...Although, in a pinch, a PBJ will do, if you eat it messily enough."

Calvin the zombie searches for food. Horribly, the undead feed upon the living! ...Although, in a pinch, a PBJ will do, if you eat it messily enough.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Hey Dad, will you buy me a flame thrower? Of course not. Don't be silly. Even if I didn't use it in the house?"

Hey Dad, will you buy me a flame thrower? Of course not. Don't be silly. Even if I didn't use it in the house?

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I don't enjoy lettering very much, but that's the way I write and that belongs in the strip because the strip is a reflection of me."

I don't enjoy lettering very much, but that's the way I write and that belongs in the strip because the strip is a reflection of me.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I think comics overall would be better. I think there's a tremendous potential to be tapped."

I think comics overall would be better. I think there's a tremendous potential to be tapped.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Calvin is hammering nails into coffee table. Mom: CALVIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THE COFFEE TABLE?!? Calvin: Is this some sort of trick question, or what?"

Calvin is hammering nails into coffee table. Mom: CALVIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THE COFFEE TABLE?!? Calvin: Is this some sort of trick question, or what?

Bill Watterson Quotes: "The score is still Q to 12!"

The score is still Q to 12!

Bill Watterson Quotes: "The only permanent rule in Calvinball is that you can never play it the same way twice! (Calvin)"

The only permanent rule in Calvinball is that you can never play it the same way twice! (Calvin)

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I'm crying because out there he's gone, but he's not gone inside me."

I'm crying because out there he's gone, but he's not gone inside me.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "You are demoted from First Tiger to bulk rate."

You are demoted from First Tiger to bulk rate.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I must follow the inscrutable exhortations of my soul."

I must follow the inscrutable exhortations of my soul.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Dad: Honey, have you seen my glasses? I can"t find them. Mom: I haven't seen them. Calvin: (with glasses, to Dad) Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!"

Dad: Honey, have you seen my glasses? I can"t find them. Mom: I haven't seen them. Calvin: (with glasses, to Dad) Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!

Bill Watterson Quotes: "If you've got more ambiguous characters or stock stereotypes, the plastic comes through and they don't work as well."

If you've got more ambiguous characters or stock stereotypes, the plastic comes through and they don't work as well.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "If I had rolled along with the strip's popularity and repeated myself for another five, 10 or 20 years, the people now "grieving" for "Calvin and Hobbes" would be wishing me dead."

If I had rolled along with the strip's popularity and repeated myself for another five, 10 or 20 years, the people now "grieving" for "Calvin and Hobbes" would be wishing me dead.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "What I try to do in writing any character is to put myself in his position."

What I try to do in writing any character is to put myself in his position.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I'm pulling out different aspects of my personality in writing each character and, if I'm doing my job well, I'm being true to the situation and true to the character."

I'm pulling out different aspects of my personality in writing each character and, if I'm doing my job well, I'm being true to the situation and true to the character.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "In a comic strip, you can suggest motion and time, but it's very crude compared to what an animator can do. I have a real awe for good animation."

In a comic strip, you can suggest motion and time, but it's very crude compared to what an animator can do. I have a real awe for good animation.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Animation, by necessity, is a team sport, and the fewer people with input into my work, the better I like it."

Animation, by necessity, is a team sport, and the fewer people with input into my work, the better I like it.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "Calvin: I'm a genius. I can't believe how smart I am. ...I've got more brains than I know what to do with. Hobbes: So I've noticed."

Calvin: I'm a genius. I can't believe how smart I am. ...I've got more brains than I know what to do with. Hobbes: So I've noticed.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "As a kid, I knew I wanted to be either a cartoonist or an astronaut. The latter was never much of a possibility, as I don't even like riding in elevators."

As a kid, I knew I wanted to be either a cartoonist or an astronaut. The latter was never much of a possibility, as I don't even like riding in elevators.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I guess I have a gift for expressing pedestrian tastes. In a way, it's kind of depressing."

I guess I have a gift for expressing pedestrian tastes. In a way, it's kind of depressing.

Bill Watterson Quotes: "I still read newspaper comics, but without much hope for their future."

I still read newspaper comics, but without much hope for their future.