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Unhappy Quotes

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Unhappy Quotes: "Shame is an unhappy emotion invented by pietists in order to exploit the human race."

Shame is an unhappy emotion invented by pietists in order to exploit the human race.

Unhappy Quotes: "This planet has — or rather had — a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much all of the time."

This planet has — or rather had — a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much all of the time.

Unhappy Quotes: "Whoever does not regard what he has as most ample wealth, is unhappy, though he be master of the world."

Whoever does not regard what he has as most ample wealth, is unhappy, though he be master of the world.

Unhappy Quotes: "You are unhappy because you believe in such a thing as happy."

You are unhappy because you believe in such a thing as happy.

Unhappy Quotes: "Tired of being unhappy? Fix it."

Tired of being unhappy? Fix it.

Unhappy Quotes: "Nuns and married women are equally unhappy, if in different ways."

Nuns and married women are equally unhappy, if in different ways.

Unhappy Quotes: "That is why we dread children, even if we love them. They show us the state of our decay."

That is why we dread children, even if we love them. They show us the state of our decay.

Unhappy Quotes: "For in every ill-turn of fortune the most unhappy sort of unfortunate man is the one who has been happy"

For in every ill-turn of fortune the most unhappy sort of unfortunate man is the one who has been happy

Unhappy Quotes: "Nobody bores any man as much as an unhappy female."

Nobody bores any man as much as an unhappy female.

Unhappy Quotes: "In an ugly and unhappy world the richest man can purchase nothing but ugliness and unhappiness."

In an ugly and unhappy world the richest man can purchase nothing but ugliness and unhappiness.

Unhappy Quotes: "Most actors make themselves unhappy by searching for their sanity, by insisting on their normalcy; it's a grave mistake."

Most actors make themselves unhappy by searching for their sanity, by insisting on their normalcy; it's a grave mistake.

Unhappy Quotes: "If our life is unhappy it is painful to bear; if it is happy it is horrible to lose, So the one is pretty equal to the other."

If our life is unhappy it is painful to bear; if it is happy it is horrible to lose, So the one is pretty equal to the other.

Unhappy Quotes: "Can love and peace live in the same heart? Youth is unhappy because it is faced with this terrible choice; love without peace, or peace without love."

Can love and peace live in the same heart? Youth is unhappy because it is faced with this terrible choice; love without peace, or peace without love.

Unhappy Quotes: "It's not a mid-life crisis. It's a mid-life disaster. A mid-life crisis is when you wake up with everything and you go "I have everything but I'm still unhappy.""

It's not a mid-life crisis. It's a mid-life disaster. A mid-life crisis is when you wake up with everything and you go "I have everything but I'm still unhappy."

Unhappy Quotes: "Most people aren't really happy, but they aren't unhappy enough to do anything about it. That's a dangerous place to be."

Most people aren't really happy, but they aren't unhappy enough to do anything about it. That's a dangerous place to be.

Unhappy Quotes: "We are young, but We already know that in life's great game those who are most unhappy are those who haven't taken the risk to be happy. And I don't want to be one of those"

We are young, but We already know that in life's great game those who are most unhappy are those who haven't taken the risk to be happy. And I don't want to be one of those

Unhappy Quotes: "I did not sleep. I never do when I am over-happy, over-unhappy, or in bed with a strange man."

I did not sleep. I never do when I am over-happy, over-unhappy, or in bed with a strange man.

Unhappy Quotes: "Better to be quirky alone than unhappy together."

Better to be quirky alone than unhappy together.

Unhappy Quotes: "Even if my marriage is falling apart and my children are unhappy, there is still a part of me that says, 'God, this is fascinating!'"

Even if my marriage is falling apart and my children are unhappy, there is still a part of me that says, 'God, this is fascinating!'

Unhappy Quotes: "The inner speech, your thoughts, can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak."

The inner speech, your thoughts, can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.

Unhappy Quotes: "Unhappy the general who comes on the field of battle with a system."

Unhappy the general who comes on the field of battle with a system.

Unhappy Quotes: "Oh, why must a man like that be made unhappy when there are lots of girls about who would worship the very ground he trod on?"

Oh, why must a man like that be made unhappy when there are lots of girls about who would worship the very ground he trod on?

Unhappy Quotes: "A lot of women have come to understand that you can't just show up and say I'm unhappy, you have to then go out and do something."

A lot of women have come to understand that you can't just show up and say I'm unhappy, you have to then go out and do something.

Unhappy Quotes: "A person cannot make another happy, but he can make him unhappy. This is the main reason why there is more unhappiness than happiness in the world."

A person cannot make another happy, but he can make him unhappy. This is the main reason why there is more unhappiness than happiness in the world.

Unhappy Quotes: "The more we complain, the more unhappy we get"

The more we complain, the more unhappy we get

Unhappy Quotes: "Why should I be unhappy? Each parcel of my being is in full bloom."

Why should I be unhappy? Each parcel of my being is in full bloom.

Unhappy Quotes: "If a man is unhappy, remember that his unhappiness is his own fault, for God made all men to be happy."

If a man is unhappy, remember that his unhappiness is his own fault, for God made all men to be happy.



Unhappy Quotes: "[On Paris:] I do not know any city so beautiful and you can be unhappy there and notice your unhappiness less, having the city to look at."

[On Paris:] I do not know any city so beautiful and you can be unhappy there and notice your unhappiness less, having the city to look at.

Unhappy Quotes: "The happy should not insist too much upon their happiness in the presence of the unhappy."

The happy should not insist too much upon their happiness in the presence of the unhappy.

Unhappy Quotes: "Who decides whether you shall be happy or unhappy? You do!"

Who decides whether you shall be happy or unhappy? You do!

Unhappy Quotes: "Of the woes Of unhappy poverty, none is more difficult to bear Than that it heaps men with ridicule."

Of the woes Of unhappy poverty, none is more difficult to bear Than that it heaps men with ridicule.

Unhappy Quotes: "Look at all the billionaires. If I know 15 billionaires, I know 13 unhappy people."

Look at all the billionaires. If I know 15 billionaires, I know 13 unhappy people.

Unhappy Quotes: "I have the insecurities of any actress, I suppose of any woman. Even the most beautiful ones feel unhappy. Look at Bardot: she was suicidal. But I like to play with the camera. I like to ham it up."

I have the insecurities of any actress, I suppose of any woman. Even the most beautiful ones feel unhappy. Look at Bardot: she was suicidal. But I like to play with the camera. I like to ham it up.

Unhappy Quotes: "I think because of their terrible past, particularly this century, the Chinese have come to accept cruelty more than many other people, which is something I feel very unhappy about"

I think because of their terrible past, particularly this century, the Chinese have come to accept cruelty more than many other people, which is something I feel very unhappy about

Unhappy Quotes: "As you live out your desolation, you can be either unhappy or happy. Having that choice is what constitutes your freedom."

As you live out your desolation, you can be either unhappy or happy. Having that choice is what constitutes your freedom.

Unhappy Quotes: "Communists are people who fancied that they had an unhappy childhood."

Communists are people who fancied that they had an unhappy childhood.

Unhappy Quotes: "If you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it's going to happen anyhow."

If you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it's going to happen anyhow.

Unhappy Quotes: "Why does my muse only speak when she is uhnhappy? She does not, I only listen when I am unhappy."

Why does my muse only speak when she is uhnhappy? She does not, I only listen when I am unhappy.

Unhappy Quotes: "George Lucas doesn't have the most physical stamina. He was so unhappy making Star Wars that he just vowed he'd never do it again."

George Lucas doesn't have the most physical stamina. He was so unhappy making Star Wars that he just vowed he'd never do it again.

Unhappy Quotes: "I'm happy - at times - making films. I'm certainly unhappy not making films."

I'm happy - at times - making films. I'm certainly unhappy not making films.

Unhappy Quotes: "It makes me unhappy when brothers make babies and leave a young mother to be a pappy."

It makes me unhappy when brothers make babies and leave a young mother to be a pappy.

Unhappy Quotes: "If you're unhappy, what is it in your life that you're not facing?"

If you're unhappy, what is it in your life that you're not facing?

Unhappy Quotes: "And then comes unhappiness, and one does not become unhappy either. One says, 'A black cloud passing. I am the witness, the watcher.'"

And then comes unhappiness, and one does not become unhappy either. One says, 'A black cloud passing. I am the witness, the watcher.'

Unhappy Quotes: "I am never unhappy, you can achieve that as well."

I am never unhappy, you can achieve that as well.

Unhappy Quotes: "Rashness is the faithful, but unhappy parent of misfortune."

Rashness is the faithful, but unhappy parent of misfortune.

Unhappy Quotes: "The happy man only feels at ease because the unhappy bear their burden in silence. Without this silence, happiness would be impossible."

The happy man only feels at ease because the unhappy bear their burden in silence. Without this silence, happiness would be impossible.

Unhappy Quotes: "The great thing with unhappy times is to take them bit by bit, hour by hour, like an illness. It is seldom the present, the exact present, that is unbearable."

The great thing with unhappy times is to take them bit by bit, hour by hour, like an illness. It is seldom the present, the exact present, that is unbearable.

Unhappy Quotes: "I didn't lose. I got second. That's still winning. How could I be unhappy with second place? There are a million people who would love to be in my position."

I didn't lose. I got second. That's still winning. How could I be unhappy with second place? There are a million people who would love to be in my position.