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Trivia Quotes

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Trivia Quotes: "To have a high IQ, you tend to specialize, think deep thoughts. You avoid trivia."

To have a high IQ, you tend to specialize, think deep thoughts. You avoid trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia."

In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "My reading is extremely eclectic. Lately I've been teaching myself computer graphics, so I'm reading a lot about that. I read books of trivia, of facts."

My reading is extremely eclectic. Lately I've been teaching myself computer graphics, so I'm reading a lot about that. I read books of trivia, of facts.

Trivia Quotes: "Lead yourself, lead your superiors, lead your peers, and free your people to do the same. All else is trivia."

Lead yourself, lead your superiors, lead your peers, and free your people to do the same. All else is trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "Xmas Trivia: Before it became a major shopping holiday, Christmas is believed to have had a "religious" meaning."

Xmas Trivia: Before it became a major shopping holiday, Christmas is believed to have had a "religious" meaning.

Trivia Quotes: "The best thing about lying in bed late is that you learn to distinguish between first things and trivia, for whatever presses on you has to prove its importance before it makes you move."

The best thing about lying in bed late is that you learn to distinguish between first things and trivia, for whatever presses on you has to prove its importance before it makes you move.

Trivia Quotes: "I have failed 'Star Wars' trivia tests. People come up to me at conventions and use terms that I've never heard of."

I have failed 'Star Wars' trivia tests. People come up to me at conventions and use terms that I've never heard of.

Trivia Quotes: "Game shows are designed to make us feel better about the random, useless facts that are all we have left of our education."

Game shows are designed to make us feel better about the random, useless facts that are all we have left of our education.

Trivia Quotes: "Correct thinkers think that 'baseball trivia' is an oxymoron: nothing about baseball is trivial."

Correct thinkers think that 'baseball trivia' is an oxymoron: nothing about baseball is trivial.

Trivia Quotes: "I didn't expect to enter into tabloid trivia or anything like that. So I suspect my perspective and a lot of my ideas changed fairly drastically. It was also rather confusing."

I didn't expect to enter into tabloid trivia or anything like that. So I suspect my perspective and a lot of my ideas changed fairly drastically. It was also rather confusing.

Trivia Quotes: "Trivia rarely affect efficiency. Are all the machinations worth it, when their primary effect is to make the code less readable?"

Trivia rarely affect efficiency. Are all the machinations worth it, when their primary effect is to make the code less readable?

Trivia Quotes: "Once you have been confronted with a life-and-death situation, trivia no longer matters. Your perspective grows and you live at a deeper level. There's no time for pettiness."

Once you have been confronted with a life-and-death situation, trivia no longer matters. Your perspective grows and you live at a deeper level. There's no time for pettiness.

Trivia Quotes: "NHPrimary Trivia: The Republican candidates have not spoken to a black person since Herman Cain dropped out."

NHPrimary Trivia: The Republican candidates have not spoken to a black person since Herman Cain dropped out.

Trivia Quotes: "Raw I'mma give it to ya, with no trivia. Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia."

Raw I'mma give it to ya, with no trivia. Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia.

Trivia Quotes: "One of my great passions is the collection of historical trivia."

One of my great passions is the collection of historical trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "I think democracy's undermined when those who own newspapers fill them with trivia rather than real issues."

I think democracy's undermined when those who own newspapers fill them with trivia rather than real issues.

Trivia Quotes: "Pop artists deal with the lowly trivia of possessions and equipment that the present generation is lugging along with it on its safari into the future."

Pop artists deal with the lowly trivia of possessions and equipment that the present generation is lugging along with it on its safari into the future.

Trivia Quotes: "Our political press has just been captured by trivia."

Our political press has just been captured by trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "It's a great medium for trivia and hobbies, but not the place for reasoned, reflective judgment. Suprisingly often, discussions degenerate into acrimony, insults and flames."

It's a great medium for trivia and hobbies, but not the place for reasoned, reflective judgment. Suprisingly often, discussions degenerate into acrimony, insults and flames.

Trivia Quotes: "I think I'm a trivia nerd. I love to learn about everything. I'm curious."

I think I'm a trivia nerd. I love to learn about everything. I'm curious.

Trivia Quotes: "What is spiritual experience? A snowflake melting, a bee sucking honey, a fat man at a traffic light. Trivia."

What is spiritual experience? A snowflake melting, a bee sucking honey, a fat man at a traffic light. Trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "An overburdened, overstretched executive is the best executive, because he or she doesn't have the time to meddle, to deal in trivia, to bother people."

An overburdened, overstretched executive is the best executive, because he or she doesn't have the time to meddle, to deal in trivia, to bother people.

Trivia Quotes: "From such trivia, I believe my soul was born."

From such trivia, I believe my soul was born.

Trivia Quotes: "People who take everything to heart trivia - the most capable of genuinely love."

People who take everything to heart trivia - the most capable of genuinely love.

Trivia Quotes: "Most of the laugh tracks on television were recorded in the early 1950’s. These days, most of the people you hear laughing are dead."

Most of the laugh tracks on television were recorded in the early 1950’s. These days, most of the people you hear laughing are dead.

Trivia Quotes: "The brain may die, but my compulsion for useless trivia lives on."

The brain may die, but my compulsion for useless trivia lives on.

Trivia Quotes: "It is exciting to write about the present once one gets beyond the trivia of the moment. As a time to live in, as a time to think about, the present is intriguing."

It is exciting to write about the present once one gets beyond the trivia of the moment. As a time to live in, as a time to think about, the present is intriguing.

Trivia Quotes: "In a fast-paced world, today's popular brand could be tomorrow's trivia question."

In a fast-paced world, today's popular brand could be tomorrow's trivia question.

Trivia Quotes: "Telling a story of illness, one pulls a thread through a narrow opening flanked on one side by shame and the other by trivia."

Telling a story of illness, one pulls a thread through a narrow opening flanked on one side by shame and the other by trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "Anything television trivia I'm good at. But when you're on your couch, you're really good at it, but when you're standing there, it's probably scary."

Anything television trivia I'm good at. But when you're on your couch, you're really good at it, but when you're standing there, it's probably scary.

Trivia Quotes: "What's new?" is an interesting and broadening eternal question, but one which, if pursued exclusively, results only in an endless parade of trivia and fashion, the silt of tomorrow."

What's new?" is an interesting and broadening eternal question, but one which, if pursued exclusively, results only in an endless parade of trivia and fashion, the silt of tomorrow.

Trivia Quotes: "I racked my brain trying to remember the names of all of Nut’s five children. Bit difficult without my brother, the human Wikipedia, around to keep track of such trivia for me."

I racked my brain trying to remember the names of all of Nut’s five children. Bit difficult without my brother, the human Wikipedia, around to keep track of such trivia for me.

Trivia Quotes: "Life is brutal that way ... the loss of irrecoverable moments amid trivia and distraction."

Life is brutal that way ... the loss of irrecoverable moments amid trivia and distraction.

Trivia Quotes: "You're a trivial part in a trivia game. Now what's your aim? A presidential campaign? Like Ross Perot? He lost it though... But he got a billion in tha bank fo' sho'!"

You're a trivial part in a trivia game. Now what's your aim? A presidential campaign? Like Ross Perot? He lost it though... But he got a billion in tha bank fo' sho'!

Trivia Quotes: "I don't really want to tell jokes about trivia; I'd kind of rather tell jokes about things like life and death."

I don't really want to tell jokes about trivia; I'd kind of rather tell jokes about things like life and death.

Trivia Quotes: "Im always trolling for trivia."

Im always trolling for trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "Spiritual balance is the ability to remain happy, to not be hostile to your neighbor when they are being hostile, and not to get caught up in the trivia."

Spiritual balance is the ability to remain happy, to not be hostile to your neighbor when they are being hostile, and not to get caught up in the trivia.

Trivia Quotes: "Though you can get smart from reading everything that a smart person writes, you cannot get famous from reading about everything that a famous person does or is said to have done."

Though you can get smart from reading everything that a smart person writes, you cannot get famous from reading about everything that a famous person does or is said to have done.

Trivia Quotes: "The time you save is just what makes the difference between trivia and culture."

The time you save is just what makes the difference between trivia and culture.

Trivia Quotes: "When there is no news, we will give it to you with the same emphasis as if there were."

When there is no news, we will give it to you with the same emphasis as if there were.

Trivia Quotes: "Science is an organized pursuit of triviality.Art is a casual pursuit of significance.Let's keep it in perspective."

Science is an organized pursuit of triviality.Art is a casual pursuit of significance.Let's keep it in perspective.

Trivia Quotes: "Trivia are not knowledge. Lists of facts don't comprise knowledge. Analyzing, hypothesizing, concluding from data, sharing insights, those comprise knowledge. You can't google for knowledge."

Trivia are not knowledge. Lists of facts don't comprise knowledge. Analyzing, hypothesizing, concluding from data, sharing insights, those comprise knowledge. You can't google for knowledge.