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The Hours Quotes

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The Hours Quotes: "When you run in the morning, you gain time. It's like stretching 24 hours into 25. You may need less sleep and get up earlier, but if you can get by that, running early seems to expand the day."

When you run in the morning, you gain time. It's like stretching 24 hours into 25. You may need less sleep and get up earlier, but if you can get by that, running early seems to expand the day.

The Hours Quotes: "As a startup CEO, I slept like a baby. I woke up every 2 hours and cried."

As a startup CEO, I slept like a baby. I woke up every 2 hours and cried.

The Hours Quotes: "We are of different opinions at different hours, but we always may be said to be at heart on the side of truth."

We are of different opinions at different hours, but we always may be said to be at heart on the side of truth.

The Hours Quotes: "Even in our darkest hour we must remember; never dispair."

Even in our darkest hour we must remember; never dispair.

The Hours Quotes: "In politics, a lie unanswered becomes truth within 24 hours."

In politics, a lie unanswered becomes truth within 24 hours.

The Hours Quotes: "Food is about being happy - at a table, thats probably where we spend most of our happiest hours."

Food is about being happy - at a table, thats probably where we spend most of our happiest hours.

The Hours Quotes: "I was proud of working 18 hours a day and sleeping three hours a night. It's something now that has turned into a problem for me: not being able to sleep... having insomnia."

I was proud of working 18 hours a day and sleeping three hours a night. It's something now that has turned into a problem for me: not being able to sleep... having insomnia.

The Hours Quotes: "I've masturbated like 5 times in the last 24 hours... it hurts... it's going to fall off."

I've masturbated like 5 times in the last 24 hours... it hurts... it's going to fall off.

The Hours Quotes: "Committee - a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours."

Committee - a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours.

The Hours Quotes: "Sometimes I find myself sitting in one spot for hours, staring at nothing, thinking of nothing, feeling nothing, and most disturbingly, caring about nothing."

Sometimes I find myself sitting in one spot for hours, staring at nothing, thinking of nothing, feeling nothing, and most disturbingly, caring about nothing.

The Hours Quotes: "Hours of preparation for something that is excecuted, with extreme precision, in a few minutes. Just as with a judo throw."

Hours of preparation for something that is excecuted, with extreme precision, in a few minutes. Just as with a judo throw.

The Hours Quotes: "The eternal problem of the human being is how to structure his waking hours"

The eternal problem of the human being is how to structure his waking hours

The Hours Quotes: "Listen up, you couch potatoes: each recycled beer can saves enough electricity to run a television for three hours."

Listen up, you couch potatoes: each recycled beer can saves enough electricity to run a television for three hours.

The Hours Quotes: "What fits your busy schedule better, exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?"

What fits your busy schedule better, exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?

The Hours Quotes: "Welcome to We Day! Since last year, WE have volunteered over 1.7 million hours of our time!"

Welcome to We Day! Since last year, WE have volunteered over 1.7 million hours of our time!

The Hours Quotes: "I tried being anorexic for four hours and then i was like, i need some bagels."

I tried being anorexic for four hours and then i was like, i need some bagels.

The Hours Quotes: "Some people standby you in your darkest hour while others walk away; only a select few march towards you and become even closer friends."

Some people standby you in your darkest hour while others walk away; only a select few march towards you and become even closer friends.

The Hours Quotes: "Are you not aware that there comes a midnight hour when everyone must unmask..."

Are you not aware that there comes a midnight hour when everyone must unmask...

The Hours Quotes: "I can’t remember how many times I advised students to stop writing the sunny hours and write from where it hurts: No one wants to read polite. It puts them to sleep."

I can’t remember how many times I advised students to stop writing the sunny hours and write from where it hurts: No one wants to read polite. It puts them to sleep.

The Hours Quotes: "An hour of practice is worth five hours of foot-dragging."

An hour of practice is worth five hours of foot-dragging.

The Hours Quotes: "Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours."

Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours.

The Hours Quotes: "Give me an hour and I'll make a lifetime out of it."

Give me an hour and I'll make a lifetime out of it.

The Hours Quotes: "The good watercolors take a lifetime - plus a half an hour."

The good watercolors take a lifetime - plus a half an hour.

The Hours Quotes: "The prospect of a long day at the beach makes me panic. There is no harder work I can think of than taking myself off to somewhere pleasant, where I am forced to stay for hours and 'have fun'."

The prospect of a long day at the beach makes me panic. There is no harder work I can think of than taking myself off to somewhere pleasant, where I am forced to stay for hours and 'have fun'.

The Hours Quotes: "Perhaps you will have to spend hours on your knees or upon your face before the throne. Never mind. Wait. God will do great things for you if you will wait for Him. Yield to Him. Cooperate with Him."

Perhaps you will have to spend hours on your knees or upon your face before the throne. Never mind. Wait. God will do great things for you if you will wait for Him. Yield to Him. Cooperate with Him.

The Hours Quotes: "O, there is lovely to feel a book, a good book, firm in the hand, for its fatness holds rich promise, and you are hot inside to think of good hours to come."

O, there is lovely to feel a book, a good book, firm in the hand, for its fatness holds rich promise, and you are hot inside to think of good hours to come.

The Hours Quotes: "One of the saddest things is that the only thing that a man can do for eight hours a day, day after day, is work. You can't eat...nor make love for eight hours..."

One of the saddest things is that the only thing that a man can do for eight hours a day, day after day, is work. You can't eat...nor make love for eight hours...

The Hours Quotes: "Making music is a lifestyle; go to the studio and sit in front of your computer, drum machine or guitar for 10 hours a day. The good stuff will come."

Making music is a lifestyle; go to the studio and sit in front of your computer, drum machine or guitar for 10 hours a day. The good stuff will come.

The Hours Quotes: "I can tan quickly. What takes people hours to do, I can tan in half an hour."

I can tan quickly. What takes people hours to do, I can tan in half an hour.

The Hours Quotes: "There's a hysterical, tired sense of humor that comes after working 14 hours a day, six days a week. I like those things because they take the pressure off the constant stress"

There's a hysterical, tired sense of humor that comes after working 14 hours a day, six days a week. I like those things because they take the pressure off the constant stress

The Hours Quotes: "It isn't the hours that you put in at practice that count. It's the way you spend those minutes."

It isn't the hours that you put in at practice that count. It's the way you spend those minutes.

The Hours Quotes: "If you want to draw comics, you really have to love to draw, as you will be spending many hours sitting down with a pencil or pen in your hand."

If you want to draw comics, you really have to love to draw, as you will be spending many hours sitting down with a pencil or pen in your hand.

The Hours Quotes: "What are you going to do when you get to eternity, if you can't stick in an hour with God down here?"

What are you going to do when you get to eternity, if you can't stick in an hour with God down here?

The Hours Quotes: "There are no office hours for champions."

There are no office hours for champions.

The Hours Quotes: "In the space age, man will be able to go around the world in two hours - one hour for flying and one hour to get to the airport."

In the space age, man will be able to go around the world in two hours - one hour for flying and one hour to get to the airport.

The Hours Quotes: "I wake up every morning and think to myself, 'How far can I push the company forward in the next 24 hours?"

I wake up every morning and think to myself, 'How far can I push the company forward in the next 24 hours?

The Hours Quotes: "On cable TV they have a weather channel - 24 hours of weather. We had something like that where I grew up. We called it a window"

On cable TV they have a weather channel - 24 hours of weather. We had something like that where I grew up. We called it a window

The Hours Quotes: "I've gone fishing thousands of times in my life, and I have never once felt unlucky or poorly paid for those hours on the water."

I've gone fishing thousands of times in my life, and I have never once felt unlucky or poorly paid for those hours on the water.

The Hours Quotes: "I'm giving everyone involved 24 hours to make it right or the world will hear how I really feel."

I'm giving everyone involved 24 hours to make it right or the world will hear how I really feel.

The Hours Quotes: "If you sit on, sleep on, stare at, or touch something for more than an hour a day, spend whatever it takes to get the best."

If you sit on, sleep on, stare at, or touch something for more than an hour a day, spend whatever it takes to get the best.

The Hours Quotes: "Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour."

Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour.

The Hours Quotes: "Tea is certainly as much of a social drink as coffee, and more domestic, for the reason that the teacup hours are the family hours."

Tea is certainly as much of a social drink as coffee, and more domestic, for the reason that the teacup hours are the family hours.

The Hours Quotes: "I need my sleep. I need about eight hours a day, and about ten at night."

I need my sleep. I need about eight hours a day, and about ten at night.

The Hours Quotes: "Never run more than 3 hours straight in training, whether your marathon best is 2:42 or 4:24."

Never run more than 3 hours straight in training, whether your marathon best is 2:42 or 4:24.

The Hours Quotes: "It's hard to take over the world when you sleep 20 hours a day."

It's hard to take over the world when you sleep 20 hours a day.

The Hours Quotes: "And some by hours; Some measure days by dreams And some by flowers; My heart alone records My days and hours."

And some by hours; Some measure days by dreams And some by flowers; My heart alone records My days and hours.

The Hours Quotes: "And that phrase - 'sleeping like a baby.' Some blonde said it blithely on the subway the other day. I wanted to lie down next to her and scream for five hours in her ear."

And that phrase - 'sleeping like a baby.' Some blonde said it blithely on the subway the other day. I wanted to lie down next to her and scream for five hours in her ear.

The Hours Quotes: "I did not know what it was to be happy for a whole day at a time, scarcely for an hour."

I did not know what it was to be happy for a whole day at a time, scarcely for an hour.

The Hours Quotes: "I didn't drive eleven hours across the state of Texas to watch my cholesterol."

I didn't drive eleven hours across the state of Texas to watch my cholesterol.