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Temperament Quotes

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Temperament Quotes: "I have much better judgment than Hillary Clinton does. There's no question about that. I also have a much better temperament than she has, you know?"

I have much better judgment than Hillary Clinton does. There's no question about that. I also have a much better temperament than she has, you know?

Temperament Quotes: "I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament."

I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "I have one of the great temperaments."

I have one of the great temperaments.

Temperament Quotes: "I think I have a great temperament."

I think I have a great temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "I have a temperament where I know how to win."

I have a temperament where I know how to win.

Temperament Quotes: "I know how to win. You can't win unless you have a great temperament."

I know how to win. You can't win unless you have a great temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "Hillary Clinton wants to be president, but she doesn't have the temperament or - as Bernie Sanders said very strongly - the judgment to be president. She does not have the judgment."

Hillary Clinton wants to be president, but she doesn't have the temperament or - as Bernie Sanders said very strongly - the judgment to be president. She does not have the judgment.

Temperament Quotes: "I have a strong temperament, but our country needs a strong temperament."

I have a strong temperament, but our country needs a strong temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "[ Hillary Clinton] is the one who has a terrible temperament."

[ Hillary Clinton] is the one who has a terrible temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "I'm honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has, because we know how to win."

I'm honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has, because we know how to win.

Temperament Quotes: "Mr. Rihani is a man of ardent poetic temperament, a clever poet, and a man of unworldly ideals."

Mr. Rihani is a man of ardent poetic temperament, a clever poet, and a man of unworldly ideals.

Temperament Quotes: "No one imposes things on anyone in Europe. That's not my notion, nor is it my temperament. The EU has always functioned under the banner of respect, equilibrium and trust."

No one imposes things on anyone in Europe. That's not my notion, nor is it my temperament. The EU has always functioned under the banner of respect, equilibrium and trust.

Temperament Quotes: "In middle life politics are not a mental acquisition; they are a temperament."

In middle life politics are not a mental acquisition; they are a temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "There are surely many legitimate approaches to Biblical literature, and I think that it depends very much on one's experience and temperament which way one deals primarily with Biblical material."

There are surely many legitimate approaches to Biblical literature, and I think that it depends very much on one's experience and temperament which way one deals primarily with Biblical material.

Temperament Quotes: "There are different pathways - be it Zen, tantra, karma yoga, or jnana yoga. Different ways have been devised to do the same thing for different types of people according to their temperament."

There are different pathways - be it Zen, tantra, karma yoga, or jnana yoga. Different ways have been devised to do the same thing for different types of people according to their temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "If writers possess a common temperament, it's that they tend to be shy egomaniacs; publicity is the spotlight they suffer for the recognition they crave."

If writers possess a common temperament, it's that they tend to be shy egomaniacs; publicity is the spotlight they suffer for the recognition they crave.

Temperament Quotes: "I grew up not having a father. Golf is the father I never had. It taught me honesty and respect and discipline and it taught me to control my temperament."

I grew up not having a father. Golf is the father I never had. It taught me honesty and respect and discipline and it taught me to control my temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "A nominee [to Supreme Court] must possess the competence, character and temperament to serve on the bench."

A nominee [to Supreme Court] must possess the competence, character and temperament to serve on the bench.

Temperament Quotes: "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law of America."

It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law of America.

Temperament Quotes: "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country [America]."

It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country [America].

Temperament Quotes: "Virtue in women is perhaps a question of temperament."

Virtue in women is perhaps a question of temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "A long-established occupation may form the very foundations of the moral life, that the art with which a man has solaced his toil may be the salvation of his uncertain temperament."

A long-established occupation may form the very foundations of the moral life, that the art with which a man has solaced his toil may be the salvation of his uncertain temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "I like cats. I used to have a lot of cats, but I don't anymore, now I just have a dog. It does take a certain temperament to have a cat, as they do have certain personalities."

I like cats. I used to have a lot of cats, but I don't anymore, now I just have a dog. It does take a certain temperament to have a cat, as they do have certain personalities.

Temperament Quotes: "There is something very quiet and reserved and pessimistic about Obama's temperament that is deeply un-American. There are those people who claim, "Oh, he wasn't born here" - all that is nonsense."

There is something very quiet and reserved and pessimistic about Obama's temperament that is deeply un-American. There are those people who claim, "Oh, he wasn't born here" - all that is nonsense.

Temperament Quotes: "The smartest person in the United States Senate, and he knows it, is John Sununu. Thank God he had his mother's temperament."

The smartest person in the United States Senate, and he knows it, is John Sununu. Thank God he had his mother's temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "Compulsory sports for those who by temperament or physique do not qualify may be a disaster. . . . The repercussions may be extreme . . . and they may be very long-lasting, even throughout adulthood."

Compulsory sports for those who by temperament or physique do not qualify may be a disaster. . . . The repercussions may be extreme . . . and they may be very long-lasting, even throughout adulthood.

Temperament Quotes: "By temperament and disposition and emotions, I'm a liberal; but in my beliefs about what's best for the country, I'm a centrist."

By temperament and disposition and emotions, I'm a liberal; but in my beliefs about what's best for the country, I'm a centrist.

Temperament Quotes: "An ardent temperament makes one very vulnerable to dreamkillers."

An ardent temperament makes one very vulnerable to dreamkillers.

Temperament Quotes: "I was an only child. And it's very much my temperament. I remember playing with a piece of string in my room for hours. I had never thought about what it would be like to have siblings."

I was an only child. And it's very much my temperament. I remember playing with a piece of string in my room for hours. I had never thought about what it would be like to have siblings.

Temperament Quotes: "Temperament, like liberty, is important despite how many crimes are committed in its name."

Temperament, like liberty, is important despite how many crimes are committed in its name.

Temperament Quotes: "Some time in our lives every man and woman of us, putting out our hands toward the stars, touch on either side our prison walls the immutable limitations of temperament"

Some time in our lives every man and woman of us, putting out our hands toward the stars, touch on either side our prison walls the immutable limitations of temperament

Temperament Quotes: "Is there any other slavery and chain like that of temperament?"

Is there any other slavery and chain like that of temperament?

Temperament Quotes: "F.D.R. achieved greatness not by means of imposing his temperament and intellect on the world but by reacting to what the world threw at him."

F.D.R. achieved greatness not by means of imposing his temperament and intellect on the world but by reacting to what the world threw at him.

Temperament Quotes: "Content is a matter of temperament rather than circumstance."

Content is a matter of temperament rather than circumstance.

Temperament Quotes: "Too much attention and hoopla doesn't agree with my temperament."

Too much attention and hoopla doesn't agree with my temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "Most Poles are by temperament 'agin'."

Most Poles are by temperament 'agin'.

Temperament Quotes: "My temperament is not geared to that of a novelist."

My temperament is not geared to that of a novelist.

Temperament Quotes: "He who gets the better of an irascible temperament conquers his worst enemy."

He who gets the better of an irascible temperament conquers his worst enemy.

Temperament Quotes: "One of the things that's very troubling to voters about Donald Trump is his erratic behavior, his lack of good temperament to serve as commander in chief."

One of the things that's very troubling to voters about Donald Trump is his erratic behavior, his lack of good temperament to serve as commander in chief.

Temperament Quotes: "I guess a certain amount of temperament is expected of Chess geniuses"

I guess a certain amount of temperament is expected of Chess geniuses

Temperament Quotes: "Hillary's [Clinton] been doing a good job of portraying [Donald] Trump as unqualified, not the right temperament."

Hillary's [Clinton] been doing a good job of portraying [Donald] Trump as unqualified, not the right temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "[Donald Trump] doesn't have the temperament to be president."

[Donald Trump] doesn't have the temperament to be president.

Temperament Quotes: "President Obama has got the most moderate temperament."

President Obama has got the most moderate temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "It's not that you make up your ideas to justify your temperament but that it's the temperament first."

It's not that you make up your ideas to justify your temperament but that it's the temperament first.

Temperament Quotes: "Ultimately ideas come out of a temperament or a sensibility, they are a crystallization or a precipitation of temperament."

Ultimately ideas come out of a temperament or a sensibility, they are a crystallization or a precipitation of temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "Using quotations was at first quite spontaneous for me, but then this use became strengthened through reflection. But originally this practice came out of temperament."

Using quotations was at first quite spontaneous for me, but then this use became strengthened through reflection. But originally this practice came out of temperament.

Temperament Quotes: "Race and temperament go for much in influencing opinion."

Race and temperament go for much in influencing opinion.

Temperament Quotes: "Inherited aptitudes and traits of temperament count for quite as much as length of habituation in deciding what range of habits will come to dominate any individual's scheme of life."

Inherited aptitudes and traits of temperament count for quite as much as length of habituation in deciding what range of habits will come to dominate any individual's scheme of life.

Temperament Quotes: "I wasn't really a performer by temperament."

I wasn't really a performer by temperament.