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I Am Immortal Quotes

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I Am Immortal Quotes: "Science is out of the reach of morals, for her eyes are fixed upon eternal truths. Art is out of the reach of morals, for her eyes are fixed upon things beautiful and immortal and ever-changing."

Science is out of the reach of morals, for her eyes are fixed upon eternal truths. Art is out of the reach of morals, for her eyes are fixed upon things beautiful and immortal and ever-changing.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The simplest subjects are the immortal ones."

The simplest subjects are the immortal ones.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "We are only midway through the central verse of our youth when we see ourselves begin to blacken. ... We had been seduced into thinking that we were immortal and suddenly the affair is over."

We are only midway through the central verse of our youth when we see ourselves begin to blacken. ... We had been seduced into thinking that we were immortal and suddenly the affair is over.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The power of generalizing ideas, of drawing comprehensive conclusions from individual observations, is the only acquirement, for an immortal being, that really deserves the name of knowledge."

The power of generalizing ideas, of drawing comprehensive conclusions from individual observations, is the only acquirement, for an immortal being, that really deserves the name of knowledge.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "My undertaking is not difficult, essentially. I should only have to be immortal to carry it out."

My undertaking is not difficult, essentially. I should only have to be immortal to carry it out.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Did you think I was immortal?"

Did you think I was immortal?

I Am Immortal Quotes: "When a man's stories are remembered, then he is immortal."

When a man's stories are remembered, then he is immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote, And think they grow immortal as they quote."

Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote, And think they grow immortal as they quote.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Though inland far we be, Our souls have sight of that immortal sea Which brought us hither."

Though inland far we be, Our souls have sight of that immortal sea Which brought us hither.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The nearer I approach the end, the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous, yet simple."

The nearer I approach the end, the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous, yet simple.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird! No hungry generations tread thee down; The voice I hear this passing night was heard In ancient days by emperor and clown."

Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird! No hungry generations tread thee down; The voice I hear this passing night was heard In ancient days by emperor and clown.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "This is a great fact: strength is life; weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal; weakness is constant strain and misery, weakness is death."

This is a great fact: strength is life; weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal; weakness is constant strain and misery, weakness is death.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "In a world flagrant with the failures of civilization, what is there particularly immortal about our own?"

In a world flagrant with the failures of civilization, what is there particularly immortal about our own?

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The mortal nature is seeking as far as is possible to be everlasting and immortal: and this is only to be attained by generation, because the new is always left in the place of the old."

The mortal nature is seeking as far as is possible to be everlasting and immortal: and this is only to be attained by generation, because the new is always left in the place of the old.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection. Let him say not merely, "Christ is risen," but "I shall rise.""

Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection. Let him say not merely, "Christ is risen," but "I shall rise."

I Am Immortal Quotes: "We're only immortal for a limited time."

We're only immortal for a limited time.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Love can make you immortal"

Love can make you immortal

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The soul is innocent and immortal, it should never die ungodly in an armed madhouse."

The soul is innocent and immortal, it should never die ungodly in an armed madhouse.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "To be immortal is commonplace; except for man, all creatures are immortal, for they are ignorant of death; what is divine, terrible, incomprehensible, is to know that one is immortal."

To be immortal is commonplace; except for man, all creatures are immortal, for they are ignorant of death; what is divine, terrible, incomprehensible, is to know that one is immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "It is only when you realize that you are mortal and yet immortal simultaneously that you begin to realize that the beautiful incongruities of existence aren't incongruous at all, but rather perfect."

It is only when you realize that you are mortal and yet immortal simultaneously that you begin to realize that the beautiful incongruities of existence aren't incongruous at all, but rather perfect.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Truth is immortal; error is mortal."

Truth is immortal; error is mortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "If you want immortality, then deny form. Whatever has form has mortality. Beyond form is the formless, the immortal."

If you want immortality, then deny form. Whatever has form has mortality. Beyond form is the formless, the immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "For us humans, everything is permanent - until it changes, as we are immortal until we die"

For us humans, everything is permanent - until it changes, as we are immortal until we die

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The origin of the absurd idea of immortal life is easy to discover; it is kept alive by hope and fear, by childish faith, and by cowardice."

The origin of the absurd idea of immortal life is easy to discover; it is kept alive by hope and fear, by childish faith, and by cowardice.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Writing fiction takes me out of time. I sit down and the clock will not exist for me for a few hours. That’s probably as close to immortal as we’ll ever get."

Writing fiction takes me out of time. I sit down and the clock will not exist for me for a few hours. That’s probably as close to immortal as we’ll ever get.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "I have not the hope of being immortal, because the desire of it has not given me that vanity."

I have not the hope of being immortal, because the desire of it has not given me that vanity.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever."

The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The knife is the most permanent, the most immortal, the most ingenious of man's creations. The knife was a guillotine; the knife is a universal means of resolving all knots."

The knife is the most permanent, the most immortal, the most ingenious of man's creations. The knife was a guillotine; the knife is a universal means of resolving all knots.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Many a humble soul will be amazed to find that the seed it sowed in weakness, in the dust of daily life, has blossomed into immortal flowers under the eye of the Lord."

Many a humble soul will be amazed to find that the seed it sowed in weakness, in the dust of daily life, has blossomed into immortal flowers under the eye of the Lord.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "It is the illusion of all lovers to think themselves unique and their words immortal."

It is the illusion of all lovers to think themselves unique and their words immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "In the wounds our sufferings plough immortal love sows sovereign seed."

In the wounds our sufferings plough immortal love sows sovereign seed.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Scientific achievements seem evanescent, because the very progress of science causes their supersedure; yet some of them are of so fundamental a nature that they are immortal in a deeper way."

Scientific achievements seem evanescent, because the very progress of science causes their supersedure; yet some of them are of so fundamental a nature that they are immortal in a deeper way.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "And ever against eating cares Lap me in soft Lydian airs, Married to immortal verse"

And ever against eating cares Lap me in soft Lydian airs, Married to immortal verse

I Am Immortal Quotes: "If our souls be immortal, this makes amends for the frailties of life and the sufferings of this state."

If our souls be immortal, this makes amends for the frailties of life and the sufferings of this state.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Movies make you immortal and ageless."

Movies make you immortal and ageless.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The affections are immortal! They are the sympathies which unite the ceaseless generations."

The affections are immortal! They are the sympathies which unite the ceaseless generations.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "If a man carefully examine his thoughts he will be surprised to find how much he lives in the future. His well-being is always ahead. Such a creature is probably immortal."

If a man carefully examine his thoughts he will be surprised to find how much he lives in the future. His well-being is always ahead. Such a creature is probably immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Photographers encode their concepts as photographic images so as to give others information, so as to produce models for them and thereby to become immortal in the memory of others."

Photographers encode their concepts as photographic images so as to give others information, so as to produce models for them and thereby to become immortal in the memory of others.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Pure good soon grows insipid, wants variety and spirit. Pain is a bittersweet, which never surfeits. Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust. Hatred alone is immortal."

Pure good soon grows insipid, wants variety and spirit. Pain is a bittersweet, which never surfeits. Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust. Hatred alone is immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The best definition of an immortal is someone who hasn't died yet."

The best definition of an immortal is someone who hasn't died yet.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "I wanted to see my name on the cover of a book. If your name is in the Library of Congress, you're immortal."

I wanted to see my name on the cover of a book. If your name is in the Library of Congress, you're immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "I do not set my life at a pin's fee, And for my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal as itself?"

I do not set my life at a pin's fee, And for my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal as itself?

I Am Immortal Quotes: "There is nothing strictly immortal, but immortality. Whatever hath no beginning may be confident of no end."

There is nothing strictly immortal, but immortality. Whatever hath no beginning may be confident of no end.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew… it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal."

The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew… it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Light physical is said by Solomon to be sweet, but gospel light is infinitely more precious, for it reveals eternal things, and ministers to our immortal natures."

Light physical is said by Solomon to be sweet, but gospel light is infinitely more precious, for it reveals eternal things, and ministers to our immortal natures.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Let danger never turn you aside from the pursuit of honor or the service to your country ... Know that death is inevitable and the fame of virtue is immortal"

Let danger never turn you aside from the pursuit of honor or the service to your country ... Know that death is inevitable and the fame of virtue is immortal

I Am Immortal Quotes: "(Socrates) said there were only two possibilities. Either the soul is immortal or, after death, things would be again as blank as they were before we were born."

(Socrates) said there were only two possibilities. Either the soul is immortal or, after death, things would be again as blank as they were before we were born.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Indeed, the highest pleasure of golf may be that on the fairways and far from all the pressures of commerce and rationality, we can feel immortal for a few hours."

Indeed, the highest pleasure of golf may be that on the fairways and far from all the pressures of commerce and rationality, we can feel immortal for a few hours.

I Am Immortal Quotes: "Fate is never too generous even to its favorites. Rarely do the gods grant a mortal more than one immortal deed."

Fate is never too generous even to its favorites. Rarely do the gods grant a mortal more than one immortal deed.