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Expression Quotes

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Expression Quotes: "Anyone interested in design must be interested in other fields of expression - theater, ballet, photography, literature, music."

Anyone interested in design must be interested in other fields of expression - theater, ballet, photography, literature, music.

Expression Quotes: "Like your booty don't stink."

Like your booty don't stink.

Expression Quotes: "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate."

It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.

Expression Quotes: "What Christ gives us is quite explicit if his own words are interpreted according to their Aramaic meaning. The expression 'This is my Body' means this is myself."

What Christ gives us is quite explicit if his own words are interpreted according to their Aramaic meaning. The expression 'This is my Body' means this is myself.

Expression Quotes: "The worst expression of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) anger towards his wife was that he would remain silent."

The worst expression of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) anger towards his wife was that he would remain silent.

Expression Quotes: "My favorite expression is: When you go up to the bell, ring it ? or don't go up to the bell."

My favorite expression is: When you go up to the bell, ring it ? or don't go up to the bell.

Expression Quotes: "I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth."

I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth.

Expression Quotes: "A fever is an expression of inner rage."

A fever is an expression of inner rage.

Expression Quotes: "Man needs spiritual expression and nourishing... even in the prehistoric era, people would scrawl pictures of bison on the walls of caves."

Man needs spiritual expression and nourishing... even in the prehistoric era, people would scrawl pictures of bison on the walls of caves.

Expression Quotes: "The outfits come and go but there is a constant that I like about the catwalk model: the snotty expression."

The outfits come and go but there is a constant that I like about the catwalk model: the snotty expression.

Expression Quotes: "Violence is a personal necessity for the oppressed...It is not a strategy consciously devised. It is the deep, instinctive expression of a human being denied individuality."

Violence is a personal necessity for the oppressed...It is not a strategy consciously devised. It is the deep, instinctive expression of a human being denied individuality.

Expression Quotes: "The object . . . is to discover methods of condensing information concerning large groups of allied facts into brief and compendious expressions suitable for discussion."

The object . . . is to discover methods of condensing information concerning large groups of allied facts into brief and compendious expressions suitable for discussion.

Expression Quotes: "Italy is only a geographical expression."

Italy is only a geographical expression.

Expression Quotes: "A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities."

A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities.

Expression Quotes: "My words, my writing, my actions—these have never been for myself alone, either directly or indirectly. There is no such thing as an artist who creates art only for himself. That is masturbation."

My words, my writing, my actions—these have never been for myself alone, either directly or indirectly. There is no such thing as an artist who creates art only for himself. That is masturbation.

Expression Quotes: "Have you ever noticed that when people use the expression 'I have to say', what follows usually needn't be said?"

Have you ever noticed that when people use the expression 'I have to say', what follows usually needn't be said?

Expression Quotes: "Learn technique; have full command to the extent of not being conscious of how it is done. When craftsmanship has been developed, you are free to create... technique will give way to expression!"

Learn technique; have full command to the extent of not being conscious of how it is done. When craftsmanship has been developed, you are free to create... technique will give way to expression!

Expression Quotes: "That expression "positive neutrality" is a contradiction in terms. There can be no more positive neutrality than there can be a vegetarian tiger."

That expression "positive neutrality" is a contradiction in terms. There can be no more positive neutrality than there can be a vegetarian tiger.

Expression Quotes: "When all of this music sounds like you know what you want to say, then it will have been of all worth, ever. You will be something complete unto yourself, present and unique."

When all of this music sounds like you know what you want to say, then it will have been of all worth, ever. You will be something complete unto yourself, present and unique.

Expression Quotes: "There's the moon asking to stay long enough for the clouds to fly me away"

There's the moon asking to stay long enough for the clouds to fly me away

Expression Quotes: "What gives Bach and Mozart a place apart is that these two great expressive composers never sacrificed form to expression."

What gives Bach and Mozart a place apart is that these two great expressive composers never sacrificed form to expression.

Expression Quotes: "Many men, many styles; what is chess style but the intangible expression of the will to win."

Many men, many styles; what is chess style but the intangible expression of the will to win.

Expression Quotes: "Fashion is an expression of what you're feeling."

Fashion is an expression of what you're feeling.

Expression Quotes: "Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace."

Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace.

Expression Quotes: "PUNK IS: the personal expression of uniqueness that comes from the experiences of growing up in touch with our human ability to reason and ask questions."

PUNK IS: the personal expression of uniqueness that comes from the experiences of growing up in touch with our human ability to reason and ask questions.

Expression Quotes: "Fighting is an expression. It's a form of speech, and that's why they call it martial arts. It's an art."

Fighting is an expression. It's a form of speech, and that's why they call it martial arts. It's an art.

Expression Quotes: "You were created as a masterpiece and you are one of God's expressions of beauty. Short, tall, thin, thick, freckles, big eyes, small ones . . . it doesn't matter."

You were created as a masterpiece and you are one of God's expressions of beauty. Short, tall, thin, thick, freckles, big eyes, small ones . . . it doesn't matter.

Expression Quotes: "The art of music above all the other arts is the expression of the soul of a nation."

The art of music above all the other arts is the expression of the soul of a nation.

Expression Quotes: "A contemporary artist can use the findings of all epochs and all styles, from the most primitive literary expressions up to the most refined products of the baroque."

A contemporary artist can use the findings of all epochs and all styles, from the most primitive literary expressions up to the most refined products of the baroque.

Expression Quotes: "The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back."

The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back.

Expression Quotes: "Fashion is an expression of the times. Elegance is something else again."

Fashion is an expression of the times. Elegance is something else again.

Expression Quotes: "A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?"

A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?

Expression Quotes: "A picture is a work of art, not because it is 'modern,' nor because it is 'ancient,' but because it is a sincere expression of human feeling."

A picture is a work of art, not because it is 'modern,' nor because it is 'ancient,' but because it is a sincere expression of human feeling.

Expression Quotes: "I want freedom, the right to self-expression , everybody's right to beautiful, radiant things."

I want freedom, the right to self-expression , everybody's right to beautiful, radiant things.

Expression Quotes: "The more acute the experience, the less articulate its expression."

The more acute the experience, the less articulate its expression.

Expression Quotes: "I am a witch, by which I mean that I am somebody who believes that the earth is sacred, and that women and women's bodies are one expression of that sacred being."

I am a witch, by which I mean that I am somebody who believes that the earth is sacred, and that women and women's bodies are one expression of that sacred being.

Expression Quotes: "I know you're looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks, but there ain't no Coupe de Ville hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."

I know you're looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks, but there ain't no Coupe de Ville hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box.

Expression Quotes: "Mindful time spent with the person we love is the fullest expression of true love and real generosity."

Mindful time spent with the person we love is the fullest expression of true love and real generosity.

Expression Quotes: "I've had every haircut you could possibly imagine: mullet, tail, dreadlocks, afro, crew cut. It's always been an expression of who I am."

I've had every haircut you could possibly imagine: mullet, tail, dreadlocks, afro, crew cut. It's always been an expression of who I am.

Expression Quotes: "Of all the means of expression, photography is the only one that fixes a precise moment in time."

Of all the means of expression, photography is the only one that fixes a precise moment in time.

Expression Quotes: "A lot of people have this ego need that makes them want to believe that Earth is the center of the universe and humans are the most important species, the supreme expression of creation."

A lot of people have this ego need that makes them want to believe that Earth is the center of the universe and humans are the most important species, the supreme expression of creation.

Expression Quotes: "Much wisdom often goes with fewer words."

Much wisdom often goes with fewer words.

Expression Quotes: "I have to respect my life, and free expression is part of my life. I can never really silence myself."

I have to respect my life, and free expression is part of my life. I can never really silence myself.

Expression Quotes: "Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity."

Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity.

Expression Quotes: "Making an album should be an honest experience. It shouldn't be about trying to gauge where popular music is today; it should be about artistic expression and putting down what you want to put down."

Making an album should be an honest experience. It shouldn't be about trying to gauge where popular music is today; it should be about artistic expression and putting down what you want to put down.

Expression Quotes: "The living expression of the nation is the collective consciousness in motion of the entire people."

The living expression of the nation is the collective consciousness in motion of the entire people.

Expression Quotes: "Art is nothing but the expression of our dream; the more we surrender to it the closer we get to the inner truth of things, our dream-life, the true life that scorns questions and does not see them."

Art is nothing but the expression of our dream; the more we surrender to it the closer we get to the inner truth of things, our dream-life, the true life that scorns questions and does not see them.

Expression Quotes: "Psychologically our thought-apart from its expression in words-is only a shapeless and indistinct mass."

Psychologically our thought-apart from its expression in words-is only a shapeless and indistinct mass.

Expression Quotes: "My talent lies in the expression of my life and creative power through light, colour and form. As a painter I can convey the essence of life."

My talent lies in the expression of my life and creative power through light, colour and form. As a painter I can convey the essence of life.