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A. Kevin Quotes

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A. Kevin Quotes: "One of our first customers asked me how big we want to be. I said I want to be really big. Later, it bothered me that I answered that way. Now I say I just want to be a great company."

One of our first customers asked me how big we want to be. I said I want to be really big. Later, it bothered me that I answered that way. Now I say I just want to be a great company.

A. Kevin Quotes: "We are not called to bring a broken planet back to its created glory. But we are to call broken people back to their creator."

We are not called to bring a broken planet back to its created glory. But we are to call broken people back to their creator.

A. Kevin Quotes: "The world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country, but with passion for God."

The world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country, but with passion for God.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I think if someone gets kicked in the face it is their fault- they watched the foot come towards their face."

I think if someone gets kicked in the face it is their fault- they watched the foot come towards their face.

A. Kevin Quotes: "The key to social engineering is influencing a person to do something that allows the hacker to gain access to information or your network."

The key to social engineering is influencing a person to do something that allows the hacker to gain access to information or your network.

A. Kevin Quotes: "If your child has a weakness, teach them how to turn it into a strength! The only Failure is not trying."

If your child has a weakness, teach them how to turn it into a strength! The only Failure is not trying.

A. Kevin Quotes: "God did not send a concept, an idea, or a virtue. He sent his Son. Follow the God of love, not love as your god."

God did not send a concept, an idea, or a virtue. He sent his Son. Follow the God of love, not love as your god.

A. Kevin Quotes: "There's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap."

There's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap.

A. Kevin Quotes: "If you've got an idea, start today. There's no better time than now to get going."

If you've got an idea, start today. There's no better time than now to get going.

A. Kevin Quotes: "The man who attempts Christianity without the church shoots himself in the foot, shoots his children in the leg, and shoots his grandchildren in the heart."

The man who attempts Christianity without the church shoots himself in the foot, shoots his children in the leg, and shoots his grandchildren in the heart.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I think to be a good veterinarian, you have to like people."

I think to be a good veterinarian, you have to like people.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Goalkeepers aren't born today until they're in their late twenties or thirties."

Goalkeepers aren't born today until they're in their late twenties or thirties.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Attaining a PhD is just an excuse that all young women are using nowadays to avoid starting families."

Attaining a PhD is just an excuse that all young women are using nowadays to avoid starting families.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Stay true to your brand and true to your voice and audiences will respond to that authenticity with enthusiasm and passion."

Stay true to your brand and true to your voice and audiences will respond to that authenticity with enthusiasm and passion.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I think the education system is great just the way it is. There's kids in my neighborhood in Los Angeles, seven years old, that can already speak fluent Spanish."

I think the education system is great just the way it is. There's kids in my neighborhood in Los Angeles, seven years old, that can already speak fluent Spanish.

A. Kevin Quotes: "It's hard to play well, but it's easy to work hard."

It's hard to play well, but it's easy to work hard.

A. Kevin Quotes: "We have to do the impossible, but it is possible."

We have to do the impossible, but it is possible.

A. Kevin Quotes: "People have different reasons for the way they live their lives. You cannot put everyone's reasons in the same box."

People have different reasons for the way they live their lives. You cannot put everyone's reasons in the same box.

A. Kevin Quotes: "The only thing worse than a loser is someone who won't admit he played badly."

The only thing worse than a loser is someone who won't admit he played badly.

A. Kevin Quotes: "To start the day without prayer is to suggest the devil is feeble, God is irrelevant, and we can handle things on our own."

To start the day without prayer is to suggest the devil is feeble, God is irrelevant, and we can handle things on our own.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Social engineers veil themselves in a cloak of believability."

Social engineers veil themselves in a cloak of believability.

A. Kevin Quotes: "People who eat with their mouth open should be punched in the face."

People who eat with their mouth open should be punched in the face.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Brand is not a product, that's for sure; it's not one item. It's an idea, it's a theory, it's a meaning, it's how you carry yourself. It's aspirational, it's inspirational."

Brand is not a product, that's for sure; it's not one item. It's an idea, it's a theory, it's a meaning, it's how you carry yourself. It's aspirational, it's inspirational.

A. Kevin Quotes: "This ain't the Girl Scouts. This ain't the Boy Scouts. This is the NBA."

This ain't the Girl Scouts. This ain't the Boy Scouts. This is the NBA.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Laughter heals all wounds, and that's one thing that everybody shares. No matter what you're going through, it makes you forget about your problems. I think the world should keep laughing."

Laughter heals all wounds, and that's one thing that everybody shares. No matter what you're going through, it makes you forget about your problems. I think the world should keep laughing.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I promise you, a lot of it is luck. But you make your own luck by working really hard and trying lots and lots of things."

I promise you, a lot of it is luck. But you make your own luck by working really hard and trying lots and lots of things.

A. Kevin Quotes: "You have to always be ready, always be alive, and always be willing to move in a new direction."

You have to always be ready, always be alive, and always be willing to move in a new direction.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I find it sad that by not talking about who I sleep with, that makes me mysterious. There was a time when I would have been called a gentleman."

I find it sad that by not talking about who I sleep with, that makes me mysterious. There was a time when I would have been called a gentleman.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I've never been an individual guy. I never cared about the accolades. I've always been driven by the competition and the learning process."

I've never been an individual guy. I never cared about the accolades. I've always been driven by the competition and the learning process.

A. Kevin Quotes: "People May Hate You For Being Different and Not Living By Society's Standards,but Deep Down,They Wish They Had The Courage To Do The Same."

People May Hate You For Being Different and Not Living By Society's Standards,but Deep Down,They Wish They Had The Courage To Do The Same.

A. Kevin Quotes: "You may lose your wife, you may lose your dog, your mother may hate you. None of those things matter. What matters is that you achieve success and become free. Then you can do whatever you like."

You may lose your wife, you may lose your dog, your mother may hate you. None of those things matter. What matters is that you achieve success and become free. Then you can do whatever you like.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I get hired to hack into computers now and sometimes it's actually easier than it was years ago."

I get hired to hack into computers now and sometimes it's actually easier than it was years ago.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Busyness kills more Christians than bullets."

Busyness kills more Christians than bullets.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Choosing a hard-to-guess, but easy-to-remember password is important!"

Choosing a hard-to-guess, but easy-to-remember password is important!

A. Kevin Quotes: "I'm always hungry. I want to be the best."

I'm always hungry. I want to be the best.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Just about everybody in America likes Jesus, but few like him for who he truly is."

Just about everybody in America likes Jesus, but few like him for who he truly is.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I have a natural swagger."

I have a natural swagger.

A. Kevin Quotes: "The worst thing about being lied to, is realizing they don't think you're worth the truth."

The worst thing about being lied to, is realizing they don't think you're worth the truth.

A. Kevin Quotes: "My name is Kevin, I'm from Queensland, and I'm here to help."

My name is Kevin, I'm from Queensland, and I'm here to help.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Busyness does not mean you are a faithful or fruitful Christian. It only means you are busy, just like everyone else."

Busyness does not mean you are a faithful or fruitful Christian. It only means you are busy, just like everyone else.

A. Kevin Quotes: "It all depends on what you're willing to invest time and effort in and put your mind to. That's what separates winners from losers. Winners are the ones who want the most out of their opportunities."

It all depends on what you're willing to invest time and effort in and put your mind to. That's what separates winners from losers. Winners are the ones who want the most out of their opportunities.

A. Kevin Quotes: "It is unlikely that you'll have anything emerge from MEF (Major Economies Forum) by way of detailed programmatic specificity."

It is unlikely that you'll have anything emerge from MEF (Major Economies Forum) by way of detailed programmatic specificity.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Think first. Think twice. Think again. Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect dreams."

Think first. Think twice. Think again. Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect dreams.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Money is my military, each dollar a soldier. I never send my money into battle unprepared and undefended. I send it to conquer and take currency prisoner and bring it back to me."

Money is my military, each dollar a soldier. I never send my money into battle unprepared and undefended. I send it to conquer and take currency prisoner and bring it back to me.

A. Kevin Quotes: "I want to be known as the best teammate ever."

I want to be known as the best teammate ever.

A. Kevin Quotes: "The goal of revelation is not information only, but affection, worship, and obedience. Christ in us will be realized only as we drink deeply of the Bible, which is God's word outside of us"

The goal of revelation is not information only, but affection, worship, and obedience. Christ in us will be realized only as we drink deeply of the Bible, which is God's word outside of us

A. Kevin Quotes: "So what I was essentially doing was, I compromised the confidentiality of their proprietary software to advance my agenda of becoming the best at breaking through the lock."

So what I was essentially doing was, I compromised the confidentiality of their proprietary software to advance my agenda of becoming the best at breaking through the lock.

A. Kevin Quotes: "Emotion. Passion. Ideas. Simplicity. These are the big things that big business needs from its creative agencies. No one else is going to provide these essential elements for business."

Emotion. Passion. Ideas. Simplicity. These are the big things that big business needs from its creative agencies. No one else is going to provide these essential elements for business.

A. Kevin Quotes: "My partners... taught me that in order to create wealth, I needed to pair up with people whose strengths compensated for my weaknesses."

My partners... taught me that in order to create wealth, I needed to pair up with people whose strengths compensated for my weaknesses.