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Something Quotes

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Something Quotes: "We are free to change the world and start something new in it."

We are free to change the world and start something new in it.

Something Quotes: "As a child I had no toys; our house was bombed, but there were lots of bricks. Ruins are wonderful because they are the beginning of something new, you can do something with them."

As a child I had no toys; our house was bombed, but there were lots of bricks. Ruins are wonderful because they are the beginning of something new, you can do something with them.

Something Quotes: "There is something in even the darkest situations that we can make a positive in our lives."

There is something in even the darkest situations that we can make a positive in our lives.

Something Quotes: "Sometimes we complain, but there is something beautiful about waking up before everyone to get better at what we love."

Sometimes we complain, but there is something beautiful about waking up before everyone to get better at what we love.

Something Quotes: "There are no short cuts. If you want to do something special, there's a serious price to pay. There's no way around it."

There are no short cuts. If you want to do something special, there's a serious price to pay. There's no way around it.

Something Quotes: "100 years ago, buying something you could make was considered wasteful; now making something you could buy is considered wasteful. I am not convinced this is a step in the right direction."

100 years ago, buying something you could make was considered wasteful; now making something you could buy is considered wasteful. I am not convinced this is a step in the right direction.

Something Quotes: "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do."

If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do.

Something Quotes: "Just because some people can do something with little or no training, it doesn't mean that others can't do it (and sometimes do it even better) with training."

Just because some people can do something with little or no training, it doesn't mean that others can't do it (and sometimes do it even better) with training.

Something Quotes: "Personal style is about taking a risk, trying something unexpected, and having fun with fashion, but always being true to yourself."

Personal style is about taking a risk, trying something unexpected, and having fun with fashion, but always being true to yourself.

Something Quotes: "What I really want out of life is to discover something new, something mankind didn’t know was possible to do."

What I really want out of life is to discover something new, something mankind didn’t know was possible to do.

Something Quotes: "Experience comes from bad judgment."

Experience comes from bad judgment.

Something Quotes: "There is something beautiful about a billion stars held steady by a God who knows what He is doing."

There is something beautiful about a billion stars held steady by a God who knows what He is doing.

Something Quotes: "A story needs rhythm. Read it aloud to yourself. If it doesn't spin a bit of magic, it's missing something."

A story needs rhythm. Read it aloud to yourself. If it doesn't spin a bit of magic, it's missing something.

Something Quotes: "When you align yourself with God's purpose as described in the Scriptures, something special happens to your life."

When you align yourself with God's purpose as described in the Scriptures, something special happens to your life.

Something Quotes: "Do you want to do something beautiful for God? There is a person who needs you. This is your chance."

Do you want to do something beautiful for God? There is a person who needs you. This is your chance.

Something Quotes: "If you don't like something don't do it, and if you're doing something then you better like it. It is as simple as that."

If you don't like something don't do it, and if you're doing something then you better like it. It is as simple as that.

Something Quotes: "I never could bear the idea of anyone's expecting something from me. It always made me want to do just the opposite."

I never could bear the idea of anyone's expecting something from me. It always made me want to do just the opposite.

Something Quotes: "You can criticize yourself to a point to do something better, or you criticize yourself to a point where you inhibit yourself."

You can criticize yourself to a point to do something better, or you criticize yourself to a point where you inhibit yourself.

Something Quotes: "When you do something you love, you have a passion for it. It comes naturally. Staying true to yourself and doing what you love keeps you going...everything else falls into place."

When you do something you love, you have a passion for it. It comes naturally. Staying true to yourself and doing what you love keeps you going...everything else falls into place.

Something Quotes: "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new."

When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.

Something Quotes: "I pay a lot of attention to how things are done and the whole activity of building something is interesting."

I pay a lot of attention to how things are done and the whole activity of building something is interesting.

Something Quotes: "An artist fights to retain the integrity of a work so that it remains a strong, clear vision. Art is and should be the act of an individual willing to say something new, something not quite familiar."

An artist fights to retain the integrity of a work so that it remains a strong, clear vision. Art is and should be the act of an individual willing to say something new, something not quite familiar.

Something Quotes: "Human entertainment will have moved on to something new. Then the ultimate challenge for us is, can we figure out what that new form of entertainment is?"

Human entertainment will have moved on to something new. Then the ultimate challenge for us is, can we figure out what that new form of entertainment is?

Something Quotes: "That's what the drummer is supposed to do. Keep the time. If you can do something else besides that, fine. But the time is essential and non-negotiable."

That's what the drummer is supposed to do. Keep the time. If you can do something else besides that, fine. But the time is essential and non-negotiable.

Something Quotes: "Patience is not just about waiting for something... it's about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting."

Patience is not just about waiting for something... it's about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.

Something Quotes: "You can take as much as you can from the generation that has preceded you, but then it's up to you to make something new."

You can take as much as you can from the generation that has preceded you, but then it's up to you to make something new.

Something Quotes: "People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are extremely few in number, extraordinarily so, in fact."

People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are extremely few in number, extraordinarily so, in fact.

Something Quotes: "If you want something bad enough the whole world conspires to help you get it."

If you want something bad enough the whole world conspires to help you get it.

Something Quotes: "I like to be buttoned onto tradition. The thing is to improve it, twist it and mold it; to make something new of it; not to deny it. The riches of history can be plucked at any point."

I like to be buttoned onto tradition. The thing is to improve it, twist it and mold it; to make something new of it; not to deny it. The riches of history can be plucked at any point.

Something Quotes: "If you're feeling emotional when you're creating something, it'll sound that way."

If you're feeling emotional when you're creating something, it'll sound that way.

Something Quotes: "Creativity is the supreme mystery of life, the mystery of the appearance of something new, hitherto unknown, derived from nothing, proceeding from nothing, born of nothing other."

Creativity is the supreme mystery of life, the mystery of the appearance of something new, hitherto unknown, derived from nothing, proceeding from nothing, born of nothing other.

Something Quotes: "I just usually go with my own taste. If I like something, and it happens to be against the law, well, then I might have a problem."

I just usually go with my own taste. If I like something, and it happens to be against the law, well, then I might have a problem.

Something Quotes: "true weanedness from the world don't consist in being beat off from the world by the affliction of it, but a being drawn off by the sight of something better."

true weanedness from the world don't consist in being beat off from the world by the affliction of it, but a being drawn off by the sight of something better.

Something Quotes: "People need to wake up and realize that life doesn't wait for you. If you want something, get up and go after it."

People need to wake up and realize that life doesn't wait for you. If you want something, get up and go after it.

Something Quotes: "Everyone wants something real, something that was created to invoke a positive feeling."

Everyone wants something real, something that was created to invoke a positive feeling.

Something Quotes: "If you want something badly enough, you make arrangements. If you don't want it badly enough, you make excuses."

If you want something badly enough, you make arrangements. If you don't want it badly enough, you make excuses.

Something Quotes: "Everybody, my friend, everybody lives for something better to come. That's why we want to be considerate of every man - Who knows what's in him, why he was born and what he can do?"

Everybody, my friend, everybody lives for something better to come. That's why we want to be considerate of every man - Who knows what's in him, why he was born and what he can do?

Something Quotes: "Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland: the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all of the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine."

Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland: the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all of the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine.

Something Quotes: "I maintained my edge by always being a student; you will always have something new to learn."

I maintained my edge by always being a student; you will always have something new to learn.

Something Quotes: "We should never allow ourselves to be bullied by an either-or. There is often the possibility of something better than either of these two alternatives."

We should never allow ourselves to be bullied by an either-or. There is often the possibility of something better than either of these two alternatives.

Something Quotes: "You must have something new in a landscape as well as something old, something that's dying and something that's being born."

You must have something new in a landscape as well as something old, something that's dying and something that's being born.

Something Quotes: "You spend so much time in your profession it ought to be something you love."

You spend so much time in your profession it ought to be something you love.

Something Quotes: "I want to work for a company that contributes to and is part of the community. I want something not just to invest in. I want something to believe in."

I want to work for a company that contributes to and is part of the community. I want something not just to invest in. I want something to believe in.

Something Quotes: "With each new character, I find something new about myself that I didn't know before."

With each new character, I find something new about myself that I didn't know before.

Something Quotes: "It sounds like something from a Woody Guthrie song, but it's true; I was raised in a freight car."

It sounds like something from a Woody Guthrie song, but it's true; I was raised in a freight car.

Something Quotes: "Camus says in 'The Stranger' that reason is the enemy of imagination. Sometimes you have to put reason aside and make something beautiful."

Camus says in 'The Stranger' that reason is the enemy of imagination. Sometimes you have to put reason aside and make something beautiful.

Something Quotes: "All you have to do to make something interesting is to look at it long enough."

All you have to do to make something interesting is to look at it long enough.

Something Quotes: "I don't want a picture to look like something it isn't. I want it to look like something it is."

I don't want a picture to look like something it isn't. I want it to look like something it is.

Something Quotes: "If you want something to work, if it means that much to you; KEEP IT TO YOURSELF"

If you want something to work, if it means that much to you; KEEP IT TO YOURSELF