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Just One Quotes: "Abandon the idea that you are ever going to finish. Lose track of the 400 pages and write just one page a day, it helps. Then when it gets finished, you are always surprised."

Abandon the idea that you are ever going to finish. Lose track of the 400 pages and write just one page a day, it helps. Then when it gets finished, you are always surprised.

Just One Quotes: "Traditional communication design and the digital revolution will certainly blend and integrate, as clients’ communications needs rarely involve just one medium."

Traditional communication design and the digital revolution will certainly blend and integrate, as clients’ communications needs rarely involve just one medium.

Just One Quotes: "I never give anyone just one congratulation. Congratulations are always plural. They are similar to grapes."

I never give anyone just one congratulation. Congratulations are always plural. They are similar to grapes.

Just One Quotes: "Fanaticism is just one step away from barbarism."

Fanaticism is just one step away from barbarism.

Just One Quotes: "I was always a singer and a dancer, and I always wanted to be an actress. For me, it's all just one thing."

I was always a singer and a dancer, and I always wanted to be an actress. For me, it's all just one thing.

Just One Quotes: "No one is perfect. I know there is stuff that I need to work on, and not just one thing, but my game overall. Everything can get better."

No one is perfect. I know there is stuff that I need to work on, and not just one thing, but my game overall. Everything can get better.

Just One Quotes: "If we understood something just one way, we would not understand it at all."

If we understood something just one way, we would not understand it at all.

Just One Quotes: "I fear just one thing : Money! Greed was what motivated Judas to sell Jesus"

I fear just one thing : Money! Greed was what motivated Judas to sell Jesus

Just One Quotes: "A human being is like a television set with millions of channels.... We cannot let just one channel dominate us. We have the seed of everything in us, and we have to recover our own sovereignty."

A human being is like a television set with millions of channels.... We cannot let just one channel dominate us. We have the seed of everything in us, and we have to recover our own sovereignty.

Just One Quotes: "... God gave you just one mouth but He gave you two ears, so you should listen twice as much as you speak"

... God gave you just one mouth but He gave you two ears, so you should listen twice as much as you speak

Just One Quotes: "The person with just one good idea is a thousand times better off than the person with no good ideas."

The person with just one good idea is a thousand times better off than the person with no good ideas.

Just One Quotes: "Most politicians believe in just one thing - winning elections. They'll say anything to get in office and stay there."

Most politicians believe in just one thing - winning elections. They'll say anything to get in office and stay there.

Just One Quotes: "Good manners spring from just one thing - kind impulses."

Good manners spring from just one thing - kind impulses.

Just One Quotes: "I do date quite small men. And one large man! Just one."

I do date quite small men. And one large man! Just one.

Just One Quotes: "Nobody does just one thing. But the real difference between being an entrepreneur and everyone else in the world is the ability to monetize. I am an entrepreneur in the classic mold."

Nobody does just one thing. But the real difference between being an entrepreneur and everyone else in the world is the ability to monetize. I am an entrepreneur in the classic mold.

Just One Quotes: "I just want to say one word to you-just one word ..."plastics!" ... There's a great future in plastics."

I just want to say one word to you-just one word ..."plastics!" ... There's a great future in plastics.

Just One Quotes: "It's just one day at a time. I love multi-tasking and I'm really organized and when you have a certain work ethic, which all the girls have, we all have that same thing going on."

It's just one day at a time. I love multi-tasking and I'm really organized and when you have a certain work ethic, which all the girls have, we all have that same thing going on.

Just One Quotes: "I've learned It's the important little baby steps, which teaches us, how to grow. Moving up just one small notch, will help us more, than we know."

I've learned It's the important little baby steps, which teaches us, how to grow. Moving up just one small notch, will help us more, than we know.

Just One Quotes: "All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."

All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.

Just One Quotes: "As filmmakers, you're not working on just one project, you're producing something, directing something, shooting something, and so it becomes hard to do it by yourself."

As filmmakers, you're not working on just one project, you're producing something, directing something, shooting something, and so it becomes hard to do it by yourself.

Just One Quotes: "The things shamans deal with are extremely practical. They break down parameters of normal historical reality. Magical passes are just one aspect of that."

The things shamans deal with are extremely practical. They break down parameters of normal historical reality. Magical passes are just one aspect of that.

Just One Quotes: "And then after that, running around the bases, it was just one of those things. You couldn't believe what happened to you. And I look back on it, it's almost like it happened to somebody else."

And then after that, running around the bases, it was just one of those things. You couldn't believe what happened to you. And I look back on it, it's almost like it happened to somebody else.

Just One Quotes: "No number of sightings of white swans can prove the theory that all swans are white. The sighting of just one black one may disprove it."

No number of sightings of white swans can prove the theory that all swans are white. The sighting of just one black one may disprove it.

Just One Quotes: "We have to have pride in not just one people but all people."

We have to have pride in not just one people but all people.

Just One Quotes: "American literature has never been content to be just one among the many literatures of the Western World. It has always aspired to be the literature not only of a new continent but of a New World."

American literature has never been content to be just one among the many literatures of the Western World. It has always aspired to be the literature not only of a new continent but of a New World.

Just One Quotes: "In my college years, I worked as a union labor organizer. I was just one of the many workers trying to do my part to help the community."

In my college years, I worked as a union labor organizer. I was just one of the many workers trying to do my part to help the community.

Just One Quotes: "Dear heart, I promissed you i'd take it slow. Dear love, I know I swore on everything I own. But I can resist...it's just one kiss."

Dear heart, I promissed you i'd take it slow. Dear love, I know I swore on everything I own. But I can resist...it's just one kiss.

Just One Quotes: "I do think that there's a special connection between Australia and America. It's kind of unexplainable. It's just one of those things. It's all about God's timing. We're thankful to be a part of it."

I do think that there's a special connection between Australia and America. It's kind of unexplainable. It's just one of those things. It's all about God's timing. We're thankful to be a part of it.

Just One Quotes: "I don't have any advice at all. I think we all make the films that reflect the kind of people we are; we all make such different films. There's not just one way of doing it."

I don't have any advice at all. I think we all make the films that reflect the kind of people we are; we all make such different films. There's not just one way of doing it.

Just One Quotes: "Feminism catches fire when it draws upon its inherent spirituality. When it does not, it is just one more form of politics, and politics never fed our deepest hungers."

Feminism catches fire when it draws upon its inherent spirituality. When it does not, it is just one more form of politics, and politics never fed our deepest hungers.

Just One Quotes: "Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit."

Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.

Just One Quotes: "I shall mention in passing just one example of a gift from the Arabs that I for one am rather grateful for: coffee -- especially as it was originally banned in Europe as a 'Muslim drink."

I shall mention in passing just one example of a gift from the Arabs that I for one am rather grateful for: coffee -- especially as it was originally banned in Europe as a 'Muslim drink.

Just One Quotes: "I'm putting my place in the universe into perspective. I'm stardust. I'm golden brown. I'm just one small bit in a vast expanse."

I'm putting my place in the universe into perspective. I'm stardust. I'm golden brown. I'm just one small bit in a vast expanse.

Just One Quotes: "The records I always maintained were there to serve just one purpose - that was to be broken"

The records I always maintained were there to serve just one purpose - that was to be broken

Just One Quotes: "A consumer doesn't take anything away: he doesn't actually consume anything. Giving the same thing to a thousand consumers is not really any more expensive than giving it to just one."

A consumer doesn't take anything away: he doesn't actually consume anything. Giving the same thing to a thousand consumers is not really any more expensive than giving it to just one.

Just One Quotes: "I don't think commercialization is the answer to anything. It's just one more facet of Linux, and not the deciding one by any means."

I don't think commercialization is the answer to anything. It's just one more facet of Linux, and not the deciding one by any means.

Just One Quotes: "Look at a globe and what you are seeing really is a snapshot of the continents as they have been for just one-tenth of 1 per cent of the earths history."

Look at a globe and what you are seeing really is a snapshot of the continents as they have been for just one-tenth of 1 per cent of the earths history.

Just One Quotes: "Every decision you make is an important one, whether there are twenty thousand people working for you or just one."

Every decision you make is an important one, whether there are twenty thousand people working for you or just one.

Just One Quotes: "Sure you're powerless, sure you're just one person, sure you can't change anything but you don't have to be miserable about it as well."

Sure you're powerless, sure you're just one person, sure you can't change anything but you don't have to be miserable about it as well.

Just One Quotes: "I’m just one of the people who stands on the Kop. They think the same as I do, and I think the same as they do. It’s a kind of marriage of people who like each other."

I’m just one of the people who stands on the Kop. They think the same as I do, and I think the same as they do. It’s a kind of marriage of people who like each other.

Just One Quotes: "I am just one of many thousands called to be an evangelist."

I am just one of many thousands called to be an evangelist.

Just One Quotes: "The rise of Donald Trump is explained not so much by the hatred of Muslims, but rather the hatred of just one Muslim. The one who is not a Muslim."

The rise of Donald Trump is explained not so much by the hatred of Muslims, but rather the hatred of just one Muslim. The one who is not a Muslim.

Just One Quotes: "I only please myself. I figure I'm just one of many people. I'm not that different from anybody else and I don't have great language - I'm very ordinary."

I only please myself. I figure I'm just one of many people. I'm not that different from anybody else and I don't have great language - I'm very ordinary.

Just One Quotes: "Most unhappy people need to learn just one lesson: how to see themselves through the lens of genuine compassion, and treat themselves accordingly."

Most unhappy people need to learn just one lesson: how to see themselves through the lens of genuine compassion, and treat themselves accordingly.

Just One Quotes: "I think garlic is absolutely critical. Lemon is absolutely critical to boost the immune system. Olive oil is absolutely critical ... just one teaspoon, it will last the whole month."

I think garlic is absolutely critical. Lemon is absolutely critical to boost the immune system. Olive oil is absolutely critical ... just one teaspoon, it will last the whole month.

Just One Quotes: "Because with Black Label and all the fans it's just one big family."

Because with Black Label and all the fans it's just one big family.

Just One Quotes: "A collection is not just one basic idea. It comes from something that is in the air, something you suddenly like and put down on paper and then work out."

A collection is not just one basic idea. It comes from something that is in the air, something you suddenly like and put down on paper and then work out.

Just One Quotes: "I think there are advantages to different scales of filmmaking. You wouldn't want to do just one thing."

I think there are advantages to different scales of filmmaking. You wouldn't want to do just one thing.

Just One Quotes: "In Greek, we do not use just one word for love. We have many words that are specific to each type of love."

In Greek, we do not use just one word for love. We have many words that are specific to each type of love.