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Imitation Quotes

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Imitation Quotes: "The theologians have recognized that the ideal is the imitation of God. If we be a part of such an organic thing, this thing is God to us, as I am God to the cells that compose me."

The theologians have recognized that the ideal is the imitation of God. If we be a part of such an organic thing, this thing is God to us, as I am God to the cells that compose me.

Imitation Quotes: "I sound like Homer. I mean Winslow Homer."

I sound like Homer. I mean Winslow Homer.

Imitation Quotes: "I would agree with you that there's 90% imitation and 10% innovation. That's true of any genre."

I would agree with you that there's 90% imitation and 10% innovation. That's true of any genre.

Imitation Quotes: "The mere imitation, however accurate, of what is in Nature, entitles no man to the sacred name of Artist"

The mere imitation, however accurate, of what is in Nature, entitles no man to the sacred name of Artist

Imitation Quotes: "It is by imitation, far more than by precept, that we learn everything; and what we learn thus, we acquire not only more effectually, but more pleasantly."

It is by imitation, far more than by precept, that we learn everything; and what we learn thus, we acquire not only more effectually, but more pleasantly.

Imitation Quotes: "It sweetens every bit of work to think that I am doing it in humble, far-off, yet real imitation of Jesus."

It sweetens every bit of work to think that I am doing it in humble, far-off, yet real imitation of Jesus.

Imitation Quotes: "The sense of inferiority inherent in the act of imitation breeds resentment. The impulse of the imitators is to overcome the model they imitate."

The sense of inferiority inherent in the act of imitation breeds resentment. The impulse of the imitators is to overcome the model they imitate.

Imitation Quotes: "We love much better those who endeavor to imitate us, than those who strive to equal us. For imitation is a sign of esteem, but competition of envy."

We love much better those who endeavor to imitate us, than those who strive to equal us. For imitation is a sign of esteem, but competition of envy.

Imitation Quotes: "The only good imitations are those that poke fun at bad originals."

The only good imitations are those that poke fun at bad originals.

Imitation Quotes: "I'm a very big Notorious B.I.G. fan and I do an imitation of him that always cracks everybody up."

I'm a very big Notorious B.I.G. fan and I do an imitation of him that always cracks everybody up.

Imitation Quotes: "To think of the part one little woman can play in the life of a man, so that to renounce her may be a very good imitation of heroism, and to win her may be a discipline."

To think of the part one little woman can play in the life of a man, so that to renounce her may be a very good imitation of heroism, and to win her may be a discipline.

Imitation Quotes: "All bad Literature rests upon imperfect insight, or upon imitation, which may be defined as seeing at second-hand."

All bad Literature rests upon imperfect insight, or upon imitation, which may be defined as seeing at second-hand.

Imitation Quotes: "Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble."

Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble.

Imitation Quotes: "Universities are filled with poets and novelists conducting demure and careful lives in imitation of Eliot and Forster and those others who (through what seems to be have been discretion) made it."

Universities are filled with poets and novelists conducting demure and careful lives in imitation of Eliot and Forster and those others who (through what seems to be have been discretion) made it.

Imitation Quotes: "Imitation of the art of earlier centuries, as that done by Picasso and Modigliani , is carried on not to perpetuate ancient values but to demonstrate that new aesthetic orders now prevail."

Imitation of the art of earlier centuries, as that done by Picasso and Modigliani , is carried on not to perpetuate ancient values but to demonstrate that new aesthetic orders now prevail.

Imitation Quotes: "The residuum of another's expression can never be related to one's own feeling."

The residuum of another's expression can never be related to one's own feeling.

Imitation Quotes: "The techniques of kitsch, which are based on imitation, are rational and operate according to formulas; the remain rational even when their result has a highly irrational, even crazy, quality."

The techniques of kitsch, which are based on imitation, are rational and operate according to formulas; the remain rational even when their result has a highly irrational, even crazy, quality.

Imitation Quotes: "The contemporary hero, the mythical pattern in the imitation of whom we would live, remains as yet undefined. We have no hero; what is more to the point, we suspect hero worship."

The contemporary hero, the mythical pattern in the imitation of whom we would live, remains as yet undefined. We have no hero; what is more to the point, we suspect hero worship.

Imitation Quotes: "I would not consider my spirituality worthwhile that wants to walk in sweetness and ease and run from the imitation of Christ."

I would not consider my spirituality worthwhile that wants to walk in sweetness and ease and run from the imitation of Christ.

Imitation Quotes: "Imitators are but a servile kind of cattle."

Imitators are but a servile kind of cattle.

Imitation Quotes: "Imitation pleases, because it affords matter for inquiring into the truth or falsehood of imitation, by comparing its likeness or unlikeness with the original."

Imitation pleases, because it affords matter for inquiring into the truth or falsehood of imitation, by comparing its likeness or unlikeness with the original.

Imitation Quotes: "We are all easily taught to imitate what is base and depraved. [Lat., Dociles imitandis Turpibus ac pravis omnes sumus.]"

We are all easily taught to imitate what is base and depraved. [Lat., Dociles imitandis Turpibus ac pravis omnes sumus.]

Imitation Quotes: "Emulation and imitation can legitimately influence one's development, but ultimately the artist must find his own path - and be true to himself."

Emulation and imitation can legitimately influence one's development, but ultimately the artist must find his own path - and be true to himself.

Imitation Quotes: "We are, in truth, more than half what we are by imitation."

We are, in truth, more than half what we are by imitation.

Imitation Quotes: "We are in truth, more than half what we are by imitation. The great point is to choose good models and to study them with care."

We are in truth, more than half what we are by imitation. The great point is to choose good models and to study them with care.

Imitation Quotes: "Truth is the nursing mother of genius. No man can be absolutely true to himself, eschewing cant, compromise, servile imitation, and complaisance without becoming original."

Truth is the nursing mother of genius. No man can be absolutely true to himself, eschewing cant, compromise, servile imitation, and complaisance without becoming original.

Imitation Quotes: "My errors are by now natural and incorrigible; but the good that worthy men do the public by making themselves imitable, I shall perhaps do by making myself evitable."

My errors are by now natural and incorrigible; but the good that worthy men do the public by making themselves imitable, I shall perhaps do by making myself evitable.

Imitation Quotes: "Imitation is being rewarded. They're learning that if you fit right in the mold, you get rewarded. Music is no longer a form of expression - it's a means to a lifestyle."

Imitation is being rewarded. They're learning that if you fit right in the mold, you get rewarded. Music is no longer a form of expression - it's a means to a lifestyle.

Imitation Quotes: "Men walk almost always in the paths trodden by others, proceeding in their actions by imitation."

Men walk almost always in the paths trodden by others, proceeding in their actions by imitation.

Imitation Quotes: "In imitation of our Master, we Christians are called to confront the poverty of our brothers and sisters, to touch it, to make it our own and to take practical steps to alleviate it."

In imitation of our Master, we Christians are called to confront the poverty of our brothers and sisters, to touch it, to make it our own and to take practical steps to alleviate it.

Imitation Quotes: "When the bad imitate the good, there is no knowing what mischief is intended."

When the bad imitate the good, there is no knowing what mischief is intended.

Imitation Quotes: "The properties which differentiate living matter from any kind of inorganic imitation may be instinctively felt, but can hardly be formulated without expert knowledge."

The properties which differentiate living matter from any kind of inorganic imitation may be instinctively felt, but can hardly be formulated without expert knowledge.

Imitation Quotes: "Imitation has to be avoided. Understanding should be the only law, never imitation."

Imitation has to be avoided. Understanding should be the only law, never imitation.

Imitation Quotes: "Don't imitate. If you want to know who you are, please avoid imitation, that's a way of avoiding knowing yourself."

Don't imitate. If you want to know who you are, please avoid imitation, that's a way of avoiding knowing yourself.

Imitation Quotes: "The apprentice realist uses line as a net to capture his prey, an imitation of reality. But soon he becomes enchanted with line as a thing. It becomes a servant of his pleasure."

The apprentice realist uses line as a net to capture his prey, an imitation of reality. But soon he becomes enchanted with line as a thing. It becomes a servant of his pleasure.

Imitation Quotes: "Reality is obtained not by imitation, but by producing the sense of nature."

Reality is obtained not by imitation, but by producing the sense of nature.

Imitation Quotes: "No one ever became great by imitation."

No one ever became great by imitation.

Imitation Quotes: "Whatever is well said by another, is mine."

Whatever is well said by another, is mine.

Imitation Quotes: "The Great Beast is the only object of idolatry , the only ersatz of God , the only imitation of something which is infinitely far from me and which is I myself."

The Great Beast is the only object of idolatry , the only ersatz of God , the only imitation of something which is infinitely far from me and which is I myself.

Imitation Quotes: "The apprehension of necessity is an imitation of creation."

The apprehension of necessity is an imitation of creation.

Imitation Quotes: "I hardly know so true a mark of a little mind as the servile imitation of others."

I hardly know so true a mark of a little mind as the servile imitation of others.

Imitation Quotes: "In the end indignation over kitsch is anger at tis shameless revelling in the joy of imitation."

In the end indignation over kitsch is anger at tis shameless revelling in the joy of imitation.

Imitation Quotes: "Habit and imitation--there is nothing more perennial in us than these two. They are the source of all working, and all apprenticeship, of all practice, and all learning, in this world."

Habit and imitation--there is nothing more perennial in us than these two. They are the source of all working, and all apprenticeship, of all practice, and all learning, in this world.

Imitation Quotes: "...Attempts at imitation would put the emphasis where it didn't belong. The goal was to improve the lives of others, not oneself."

...Attempts at imitation would put the emphasis where it didn't belong. The goal was to improve the lives of others, not oneself.

Imitation Quotes: "Almost always tradition is nothing but a record and a machine-made imitation of the habits that our ancestors created."

Almost always tradition is nothing but a record and a machine-made imitation of the habits that our ancestors created.

Imitation Quotes: "Make a habit of reading what is being written today and what has been written before. Writing is learned by imitation."

Make a habit of reading what is being written today and what has been written before. Writing is learned by imitation.

Imitation Quotes: "Do not repeat after me words that you do not understand. Do not merely put on a mask of my ideas, for it will be an illusion and you will thereby deceive yourself."

Do not repeat after me words that you do not understand. Do not merely put on a mask of my ideas, for it will be an illusion and you will thereby deceive yourself.

Imitation Quotes: "As much as I live I shall not imitate them or hate myself for being different to them"

As much as I live I shall not imitate them or hate myself for being different to them

Imitation Quotes: "Homage to Michael Snow's environmental sculpture 'Blind.' The film proposes analogies, in imitation of 3 historic montage styles, for three perceptual modes mimed by that work."

Homage to Michael Snow's environmental sculpture 'Blind.' The film proposes analogies, in imitation of 3 historic montage styles, for three perceptual modes mimed by that work.