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Follow Quotes

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Follow Quotes: "Eternity is not the hereafter...this is it. If you don't get it here you won't get it anywhere."

Eternity is not the hereafter...this is it. If you don't get it here you won't get it anywhere.

Follow Quotes: "Follow your heart and make it your decision."

Follow your heart and make it your decision.

Follow Quotes: "I'm not interested in trying to have people who might like other kinds of music follow me. I don't want to please them."

I'm not interested in trying to have people who might like other kinds of music follow me. I don't want to please them.

Follow Quotes: "I always like to plan ahead of time and follow up."

I always like to plan ahead of time and follow up.

Follow Quotes: "When being unable to differentiate a good from a bad decision:it has become time to follow your heart."

When being unable to differentiate a good from a bad decision:it has become time to follow your heart.

Follow Quotes: "So now what happens is the cameras follow me around and capture exactly what I've been doing since I was a boy. Only now we have a team of, you know, like 73 of us, and it's gone beyond that."

So now what happens is the cameras follow me around and capture exactly what I've been doing since I was a boy. Only now we have a team of, you know, like 73 of us, and it's gone beyond that.

Follow Quotes: "Follow your heart. It rarely leads you astray. It's thinking that gets us into trouble."

Follow your heart. It rarely leads you astray. It's thinking that gets us into trouble.

Follow Quotes: "It’s not how you start that’s important, but how well you finish!"

It’s not how you start that’s important, but how well you finish!

Follow Quotes: "So much of religion is exegesis. I would rather follow in the footprints of Christ than all of the dogma."

So much of religion is exegesis. I would rather follow in the footprints of Christ than all of the dogma.

Follow Quotes: "If you want to know if I'm a Godly man, follow me home."

If you want to know if I'm a Godly man, follow me home.

Follow Quotes: "Any goal you have, you just have to set it and never give up and always make sure that you always just follow your dreams."

Any goal you have, you just have to set it and never give up and always make sure that you always just follow your dreams.

Follow Quotes: "To find your own way is to follow your bliss. This involves analysis, watching yourself and seeing where real deep bliss is -- not the quick little excitement , but the real deep, life-filling bliss."

To find your own way is to follow your bliss. This involves analysis, watching yourself and seeing where real deep bliss is -- not the quick little excitement , but the real deep, life-filling bliss.

Follow Quotes: "A leader is not someone who says: Follow me.......A leader is someone who says: I'll go first."

A leader is not someone who says: Follow me.......A leader is someone who says: I'll go first.

Follow Quotes: "Always follow your dreams, even if they lead you down a few dark alleys."

Always follow your dreams, even if they lead you down a few dark alleys.

Follow Quotes: "But now I salute you who follow me, It is my time to stand at ease ... content."

But now I salute you who follow me, It is my time to stand at ease ... content.

Follow Quotes: "The time has come when the whole world must be concerned about me. From now on, American Christianity must follow me."

The time has come when the whole world must be concerned about me. From now on, American Christianity must follow me.

Follow Quotes: "To Follow by faith alone is to follow blindly."

To Follow by faith alone is to follow blindly.

Follow Quotes: "Chivalry is not dead and you should be a gentleman. But if you are going to buy a girl a drink, buy it. Don't just offer it. Follow through."

Chivalry is not dead and you should be a gentleman. But if you are going to buy a girl a drink, buy it. Don't just offer it. Follow through.

Follow Quotes: "My audience is a diehard audience. They are dedicated. My audience always follows me and sticks with me. They're the reason I'm still here - in the films and in stand-ups."

My audience is a diehard audience. They are dedicated. My audience always follows me and sticks with me. They're the reason I'm still here - in the films and in stand-ups.

Follow Quotes: "Have the courage to follow your passion - and if you don't know what it is, realize that one reason for your existence on earth is to find it."

Have the courage to follow your passion - and if you don't know what it is, realize that one reason for your existence on earth is to find it.

Follow Quotes: "Follow your dreams, because your dreams won't follow you."

Follow your dreams, because your dreams won't follow you.

Follow Quotes: "Follow your heart, minute by minute and day by day. Let the course of the river run as it will, instead of tying yourself up in fears that you may never realize" Wulfgar"

Follow your heart, minute by minute and day by day. Let the course of the river run as it will, instead of tying yourself up in fears that you may never realize" Wulfgar

Follow Quotes: "The single best thing about honesty is that it requires no follow-up."

The single best thing about honesty is that it requires no follow-up.

Follow Quotes: "We have also set up the national institute for ethics. This institute and also the implementation of the national integrity plan, that will certainly do the follow up that is necessary for this."

We have also set up the national institute for ethics. This institute and also the implementation of the national integrity plan, that will certainly do the follow up that is necessary for this.

Follow Quotes: "Never follow your dreams. Follow your effort."

Never follow your dreams. Follow your effort.

Follow Quotes: "Put your badass face on and follow me."

Put your badass face on and follow me.

Follow Quotes: "Follow up and follow through until the task is completed, the prize won."

Follow up and follow through until the task is completed, the prize won.

Follow Quotes: "When I was hitch-hiking, people had to follow me, 'cause I didn't stay long."

When I was hitch-hiking, people had to follow me, 'cause I didn't stay long.

Follow Quotes: "Follow your heart, and you perish."

Follow your heart, and you perish.

Follow Quotes: "Crows follow me wherever I go."

Crows follow me wherever I go.

Follow Quotes: "Don’t let anyone steal your milk."

Don’t let anyone steal your milk.

Follow Quotes: "If I saw a man and I was attracted… I would follow through with it."

If I saw a man and I was attracted… I would follow through with it.

Follow Quotes: "What do you want for your life? And how are you going to get it? Figure that out. And then follow me to gloryville."

What do you want for your life? And how are you going to get it? Figure that out. And then follow me to gloryville.

Follow Quotes: "With vision only, you get no follow-through. With enforcers only, the vision is realized but leaves a lot of wreckage."

With vision only, you get no follow-through. With enforcers only, the vision is realized but leaves a lot of wreckage.

Follow Quotes: "Yeah, it's been a ride I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one Now some of you might still be in that place If you're trying to get out, just follow me I'll get you there"

Yeah, it's been a ride I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one Now some of you might still be in that place If you're trying to get out, just follow me I'll get you there

Follow Quotes: "It's okay not to be okay... Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart but tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising, there's nothing wrong with who you are."

It's okay not to be okay... Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart but tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising, there's nothing wrong with who you are.

Follow Quotes: "Follow up the interview with a phone call. If Carrot Top can figure out how to use a phone, so can you."

Follow up the interview with a phone call. If Carrot Top can figure out how to use a phone, so can you.

Follow Quotes: "It is the business of cavalry to follow up the victory, and to prevent the beaten army from rallying."

It is the business of cavalry to follow up the victory, and to prevent the beaten army from rallying.

Follow Quotes: "Let those who follow me continue to build with the plumb of honor, the level of truth, and the square of integrity, education, courtesy and mutuality."

Let those who follow me continue to build with the plumb of honor, the level of truth, and the square of integrity, education, courtesy and mutuality.

Follow Quotes: "When you follow your heart, you always win and it feels so good."

When you follow your heart, you always win and it feels so good.

Follow Quotes: "A couple of years ago, I was following players. Now, I'm trying to have guys follow me."

A couple of years ago, I was following players. Now, I'm trying to have guys follow me.

Follow Quotes: "Concentrate on the things that matter to you."

Concentrate on the things that matter to you.

Follow Quotes: "I've always loathed rich people, so I've become who I've loathed, which makes it doubly difficult, if you can follow me."

I've always loathed rich people, so I've become who I've loathed, which makes it doubly difficult, if you can follow me.

Follow Quotes: "Don't do it for the money. Follow the path to do what makes your heartbeat faster. Follow your passion."

Don't do it for the money. Follow the path to do what makes your heartbeat faster. Follow your passion.

Follow Quotes: "Follow through with basic values, and remember to provide good customer service."

Follow through with basic values, and remember to provide good customer service.

Follow Quotes: "If you follow your bliss you will find a path laid out before you that has been waiting for you all along and you will begin to live the life you ought to be living."

If you follow your bliss you will find a path laid out before you that has been waiting for you all along and you will begin to live the life you ought to be living.

Follow Quotes: "Blessing come to you when you are obedient to God’s commands."

Blessing come to you when you are obedient to God’s commands.

Follow Quotes: "Speaking, writing, and discoursing are not mere acts of communication; they are above all acts of compulsion. Please follow me. Trust me, for deep feeling and understanding require total committment."

Speaking, writing, and discoursing are not mere acts of communication; they are above all acts of compulsion. Please follow me. Trust me, for deep feeling and understanding require total committment.

Follow Quotes: "Set your goals, follow your dreams, listen to your heart and don't let anything stand in your way."

Set your goals, follow your dreams, listen to your heart and don't let anything stand in your way.