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Characteristics Quotes

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Characteristics Quotes: "One of the characteristics I cherish in my friends is their childlike gullibility, and several excited minutes were spent trying to actually find this book."

One of the characteristics I cherish in my friends is their childlike gullibility, and several excited minutes were spent trying to actually find this book.

Characteristics Quotes: "One of the most significant characteristics of healthy self esteem is that it is the state of one who is not at war either with himself or with others."

One of the most significant characteristics of healthy self esteem is that it is the state of one who is not at war either with himself or with others.

Characteristics Quotes: "I think provincialism is an endemic characteristic with mankind, I think everybody everywhere is provincial, but it is particularly striking with Texans, and we tend to be very Texcentric."

I think provincialism is an endemic characteristic with mankind, I think everybody everywhere is provincial, but it is particularly striking with Texans, and we tend to be very Texcentric.

Characteristics Quotes: "The characteristic of every neurosis is to represent itself as natural."

The characteristic of every neurosis is to represent itself as natural.

Characteristics Quotes: "As buoyancy is not contrary to other characteristics of leadership, including decisiveness, accountability and performance standards, I don't ever think it can be self-defeating."

As buoyancy is not contrary to other characteristics of leadership, including decisiveness, accountability and performance standards, I don't ever think it can be self-defeating.

Characteristics Quotes: "Streamlining the army with Chinese characteristics is the right choice for China in military modernization."

Streamlining the army with Chinese characteristics is the right choice for China in military modernization.

Characteristics Quotes: "Robert Creely's poems have two main characteristics. 1) They are short; 2) they are not short enough."

Robert Creely's poems have two main characteristics. 1) They are short; 2) they are not short enough.

Characteristics Quotes: "It does not matter what party you are a member of in this great Nation of ours. Accountability and competence are characteristics that Americans value throughout our great land."

It does not matter what party you are a member of in this great Nation of ours. Accountability and competence are characteristics that Americans value throughout our great land.

Characteristics Quotes: "...every literature, in its main lines, reflects the chief characteristics of the people for whom, and about whom, it is written."

...every literature, in its main lines, reflects the chief characteristics of the people for whom, and about whom, it is written.

Characteristics Quotes: "I believe that just as everyone inherits a particular form so does he inherit the particular characteristics and qualities of his progenitors, and to make this admission is to conserve one's energy."

I believe that just as everyone inherits a particular form so does he inherit the particular characteristics and qualities of his progenitors, and to make this admission is to conserve one's energy.

Characteristics Quotes: "What are the characteristics of today's world so that one may recognize it by them?" It pays pensions and borrows money: credit and monuments."

What are the characteristics of today's world so that one may recognize it by them?" It pays pensions and borrows money: credit and monuments.

Characteristics Quotes: "A feminist is someone who loathes being a woman and who dislikes the chief feminine characteristics."

A feminist is someone who loathes being a woman and who dislikes the chief feminine characteristics.

Characteristics Quotes: "The first essential characteristics of nonviolent action is that it is creative."

The first essential characteristics of nonviolent action is that it is creative.

Characteristics Quotes: "Man's respect for knowledge is one of his most peculiar characteristics. Knowledge in Latin is scientia, and science came to be the name of the most respectable kind of knowledge."

Man's respect for knowledge is one of his most peculiar characteristics. Knowledge in Latin is scientia, and science came to be the name of the most respectable kind of knowledge.

Characteristics Quotes: "Fidelity to the subject's thought and to his characteristic way of expressing himself is the sine qua non of journalistic quotation."

Fidelity to the subject's thought and to his characteristic way of expressing himself is the sine qua non of journalistic quotation.

Characteristics Quotes: "To study men, we must look close by; to study man, we must learn to look afar; if we are to discover essential characteristics, we must first observe differences."

To study men, we must look close by; to study man, we must learn to look afar; if we are to discover essential characteristics, we must first observe differences.

Characteristics Quotes: "I don't think that modesty is the outstanding characteristic of contemporary politics, do you?"

I don't think that modesty is the outstanding characteristic of contemporary politics, do you?

Characteristics Quotes: "Leaders have two characteristics: first they are going somewhere, and second they are able to persuade other people to go with them."

Leaders have two characteristics: first they are going somewhere, and second they are able to persuade other people to go with them.

Characteristics Quotes: "Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk."

Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk.

Characteristics Quotes: "Perfectibility is one of the most unequivocal characteristics of the human species."

Perfectibility is one of the most unequivocal characteristics of the human species.

Characteristics Quotes: "Every Englishman is an average Englishman: it is a national characteristic."

Every Englishman is an average Englishman: it is a national characteristic.

Characteristics Quotes: "He was endowed with the extraordinary powers of endurance characteristic of madmen and simpletons."

He was endowed with the extraordinary powers of endurance characteristic of madmen and simpletons.

Characteristics Quotes: "Evolution acts slowly. Our psychological characteristics today are those that promoted reproductive success in the ancestral environmen."

Evolution acts slowly. Our psychological characteristics today are those that promoted reproductive success in the ancestral environmen.

Characteristics Quotes: "It is curiosity, quite right-a divine curiosity. A characteristic of the gods is curiosity."

It is curiosity, quite right-a divine curiosity. A characteristic of the gods is curiosity.

Characteristics Quotes: "If an urn lacks the characteristics of an urn, how can we call it an urn?"

If an urn lacks the characteristics of an urn, how can we call it an urn?

Characteristics Quotes: "In excess, most endeavors and possessions take on the characteristics of their opposite."

In excess, most endeavors and possessions take on the characteristics of their opposite.

Characteristics Quotes: "Futility is the defining characteristic of life."

Futility is the defining characteristic of life.

Characteristics Quotes: "Women are much more like each other than men: they have, in truth, but two passions, vanity and love; these are their universal characteristics."

Women are much more like each other than men: they have, in truth, but two passions, vanity and love; these are their universal characteristics.

Characteristics Quotes: "Which is the most universal human characteristic: fear, or laziness?"

Which is the most universal human characteristic: fear, or laziness?

Characteristics Quotes: "It is a singular characteristic of love that we cannot hide it where it exists, or pretend it where it does not exist."

It is a singular characteristic of love that we cannot hide it where it exists, or pretend it where it does not exist.

Characteristics Quotes: "An infallible characteristic of meanness is cruelty."

An infallible characteristic of meanness is cruelty.

Characteristics Quotes: "The main thing that's missing in energy is an incentive to create things that are zero-CO2-emitting and that have the right scale and reliability characteristics."

The main thing that's missing in energy is an incentive to create things that are zero-CO2-emitting and that have the right scale and reliability characteristics.

Characteristics Quotes: "This characteristic of Dasein's being this "that it is" is veiled in its "whence" and "whither."

This characteristic of Dasein's being this "that it is" is veiled in its "whence" and "whither.

Characteristics Quotes: "That is one of the characteristics of fascism, the idea that the state can provide all of the answers for everyone."

That is one of the characteristics of fascism, the idea that the state can provide all of the answers for everyone.

Characteristics Quotes: "You don't characterize CEOs as dealmakers or in any one particular area. An important characteristic of a CEO is leader. That's probably the most important characteristic."

You don't characterize CEOs as dealmakers or in any one particular area. An important characteristic of a CEO is leader. That's probably the most important characteristic.

Characteristics Quotes: "Good temper and moderation are the characteristics of parliamentary language."

Good temper and moderation are the characteristics of parliamentary language.

Characteristics Quotes: "One of the special characteristics of New York is that it is different from a London or a Paris because it's the financial capital, and the cultural capital, but not the political capital."

One of the special characteristics of New York is that it is different from a London or a Paris because it's the financial capital, and the cultural capital, but not the political capital.

Characteristics Quotes: "Wilderness is not defined by the absence of certain activities, but rather by the presence of certain unique and invaluable characteristics."

Wilderness is not defined by the absence of certain activities, but rather by the presence of certain unique and invaluable characteristics.

Characteristics Quotes: "The characteristic of the present age is craving credulity."

The characteristic of the present age is craving credulity.

Characteristics Quotes: "Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race."

Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race.

Characteristics Quotes: "We are all motivated far more than we care to admit by characteristics inherited from our ancestors which individual experiences of childhood can modify, repress, or enhance, but cannot erase."

We are all motivated far more than we care to admit by characteristics inherited from our ancestors which individual experiences of childhood can modify, repress, or enhance, but cannot erase.

Characteristics Quotes: "If there is one characteristic that signals creativity in business, it might be follow-through."

If there is one characteristic that signals creativity in business, it might be follow-through.

Characteristics Quotes: "It seems to be a characteristic of all great work that it creators wear a cloak of imprecision."

It seems to be a characteristic of all great work that it creators wear a cloak of imprecision.

Characteristics Quotes: "The financial system as a whole has had the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme if we look at it fundamentally."

The financial system as a whole has had the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme if we look at it fundamentally.

Characteristics Quotes: "The more you create authentic power, the more the characteristics of authentic power become yours, and the more meaning, purpose and joy enter your life."

The more you create authentic power, the more the characteristics of authentic power become yours, and the more meaning, purpose and joy enter your life.

Characteristics Quotes: "One of the characteristics of kitsch is precisely the neutralization of 'extreme situations', particularly death, by turning them into some sentimental idyll."

One of the characteristics of kitsch is precisely the neutralization of 'extreme situations', particularly death, by turning them into some sentimental idyll.

Characteristics Quotes: "Feminists are those who cannot stand female characteristics."

Feminists are those who cannot stand female characteristics.

Characteristics Quotes: "Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect. Every advance into knowledge opens new prospects, and produces new incitements to farther progress."

Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect. Every advance into knowledge opens new prospects, and produces new incitements to farther progress.

Characteristics Quotes: "Women have different characteristics and needs than men do."

Women have different characteristics and needs than men do.