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Biology Quotes

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Biology Quotes: "Biology can be said to define possibilities but not determine them; it is never irrelevant but it is also not determinant."

Biology can be said to define possibilities but not determine them; it is never irrelevant but it is also not determinant.

Biology Quotes: "I loved the idea that biology was logical."

I loved the idea that biology was logical.

Biology Quotes: "Natural selection is not gene centrist and nor is biology all about genes; our comprehending minds are a result of our fast evolving culture."

Natural selection is not gene centrist and nor is biology all about genes; our comprehending minds are a result of our fast evolving culture.

Biology Quotes: "I'm an amateur science enthusiast. I'm not even a professional enthusiast. I don't know anything; I never even passed biology in high school. But I read the science section of the newspaper."

I'm an amateur science enthusiast. I'm not even a professional enthusiast. I don't know anything; I never even passed biology in high school. But I read the science section of the newspaper.

Biology Quotes: "You are part of a complex social network that changes your biology with every interaction, and which your actions can change."

You are part of a complex social network that changes your biology with every interaction, and which your actions can change.

Biology Quotes: "Human paleontology shares a peculiar trait with such disparate subjects as theology and extraterrestrial biology: it contains more practitioners than objects for study."

Human paleontology shares a peculiar trait with such disparate subjects as theology and extraterrestrial biology: it contains more practitioners than objects for study.

Biology Quotes: "If you are lying in a tent in the Congo jungle, you don't want to be reading about rainforest biology. You want to be in a distant world."

If you are lying in a tent in the Congo jungle, you don't want to be reading about rainforest biology. You want to be in a distant world.

Biology Quotes: "I can't be as confident about computer science as I can about biology. Biology easily has 500 years of exciting problems to work on. It's at that level."

I can't be as confident about computer science as I can about biology. Biology easily has 500 years of exciting problems to work on. It's at that level.

Biology Quotes: "The basic science is not physics or mathematics but biology -- the study of life. We must learn to think both logically and bio-logically."

The basic science is not physics or mathematics but biology -- the study of life. We must learn to think both logically and bio-logically.

Biology Quotes: "Indeed, if "biology is chemistry with history," as somebody has said, then nature writing is biology with love."

Indeed, if "biology is chemistry with history," as somebody has said, then nature writing is biology with love.

Biology Quotes: ""Tiger is a natural kind" and "Tiger is a historical particular" are incompatible with each other, and evolutionary biology provides a reason for favoring the latter over the former."

"Tiger is a natural kind" and "Tiger is a historical particular" are incompatible with each other, and evolutionary biology provides a reason for favoring the latter over the former.

Biology Quotes: "I disagree with those who argue that evolutionary biology and the existence of God are incompatible."

I disagree with those who argue that evolutionary biology and the existence of God are incompatible.

Biology Quotes: "I don't endorse deism or interventionist theism. My point is just that evolutionary biology is logically compatible with the former and with some versions of the latter."

I don't endorse deism or interventionist theism. My point is just that evolutionary biology is logically compatible with the former and with some versions of the latter.

Biology Quotes: "Philosophers of biology generally recognize that evolutionary fitness (roughly, an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment) is multiply realizable."

Philosophers of biology generally recognize that evolutionary fitness (roughly, an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment) is multiply realizable.

Biology Quotes: "Protein synthesis is a central problem for the whole of biology, and that it is in all probability closely related to gene action."

Protein synthesis is a central problem for the whole of biology, and that it is in all probability closely related to gene action.

Biology Quotes: "I think we need to start thinking about grounding our moral systems in our biology."

I think we need to start thinking about grounding our moral systems in our biology.

Biology Quotes: "It has become part of the accepted wisdom to say that the twentieth century was the century of physics and the twenty-first century will be the century of biology."

It has become part of the accepted wisdom to say that the twentieth century was the century of physics and the twenty-first century will be the century of biology.

Biology Quotes: "Good biology without good philosophy will be a calamity."

Good biology without good philosophy will be a calamity.

Biology Quotes: "Geology has joined biology in lowering mankind's self-esteem. Geology suggests how mankind's existence is contingent upon the geological consent of the planet."

Geology has joined biology in lowering mankind's self-esteem. Geology suggests how mankind's existence is contingent upon the geological consent of the planet.

Biology Quotes: "The lack of real contact between mathematics and biology is either a tragedy, a scandal or a challenge, it is hard to decide which."

The lack of real contact between mathematics and biology is either a tragedy, a scandal or a challenge, it is hard to decide which.

Biology Quotes: "In my lab, we're interested in the transition from chemistry to early biology on the early earth."

In my lab, we're interested in the transition from chemistry to early biology on the early earth.

Biology Quotes: "When you have really solid biology and medical science at the core of an issue, it makes it much easier to identify what potential solutions may be."

When you have really solid biology and medical science at the core of an issue, it makes it much easier to identify what potential solutions may be.

Biology Quotes: "I started taking a basic biology course, and I really loved it. I started asking research questions incessantly. I was drawn very quickly to biology."

I started taking a basic biology course, and I really loved it. I started asking research questions incessantly. I was drawn very quickly to biology.

Biology Quotes: "God, there's teaching biology and teaching sexuality, and it's two separate things. They mix it and make it more of a morality thing where it's like, "A man and woman have a baby.""

God, there's teaching biology and teaching sexuality, and it's two separate things. They mix it and make it more of a morality thing where it's like, "A man and woman have a baby."

Biology Quotes: "This week, Georgia's board of education approved a plan that allows teachers to keep using the word Evolution when teaching biology. Though, as a compromise, dinosaurs are now called Jesus Horses."

This week, Georgia's board of education approved a plan that allows teachers to keep using the word Evolution when teaching biology. Though, as a compromise, dinosaurs are now called Jesus Horses.

Biology Quotes: "Researchers have found that identical twins who have been separated for long periods of time actually invest in a similar manner. Biology really does affect how we spend money."

Researchers have found that identical twins who have been separated for long periods of time actually invest in a similar manner. Biology really does affect how we spend money.

Biology Quotes: "I like writing about biology, not doing it."

I like writing about biology, not doing it.

Biology Quotes: "My first class is biology. I can't find it and get my first demerit for wandering the hall. It is 8:50 in the morning. Only 699 days and 7 class periods until graduation."

My first class is biology. I can't find it and get my first demerit for wandering the hall. It is 8:50 in the morning. Only 699 days and 7 class periods until graduation.

Biology Quotes: "The major thing is to view biology as an information science."

The major thing is to view biology as an information science.

Biology Quotes: "How do people stay in love, anyway? Is it a choice? Or is it like those plants we studied in biology that mutate into something new and totally different but are still part of the same plant family?"

How do people stay in love, anyway? Is it a choice? Or is it like those plants we studied in biology that mutate into something new and totally different but are still part of the same plant family?

Biology Quotes: "Physics was the first of the natural sciences to become fully modern and highly mathematical.Chemistry followed in the wake of physics, but biology, the retarded child, lagged far behind."

Physics was the first of the natural sciences to become fully modern and highly mathematical.Chemistry followed in the wake of physics, but biology, the retarded child, lagged far behind.

Biology Quotes: "The fundamental landscape of biology is undergoing a major upheaval, much as it did in the first decades of the 20th Century. This upheaval will take time to fully reveal its implications."

The fundamental landscape of biology is undergoing a major upheaval, much as it did in the first decades of the 20th Century. This upheaval will take time to fully reveal its implications.

Biology Quotes: "My thinking is very flexible, and I hope that it will remain flexible and creative as long as biology permits me to think and that I will remain a rebel all my life."

My thinking is very flexible, and I hope that it will remain flexible and creative as long as biology permits me to think and that I will remain a rebel all my life.

Biology Quotes: "Evolutionary biology is crazy because sometimes it seems anybody can draw any conclusion they want."

Evolutionary biology is crazy because sometimes it seems anybody can draw any conclusion they want.

Biology Quotes: "The discovery of any kind of life [in Space] at all would be a tremendous watershed moment in biology, as well as all of science."

The discovery of any kind of life [in Space] at all would be a tremendous watershed moment in biology, as well as all of science.

Biology Quotes: "Of course language arose in a Darwinian biological world, because that's all there is, but that world relates only superficially to the pop-biology that circulates informally."

Of course language arose in a Darwinian biological world, because that's all there is, but that world relates only superficially to the pop-biology that circulates informally.

Biology Quotes: "Belief creates biology."

Belief creates biology.

Biology Quotes: "It's funny but when young people say to me "what can I study to be a force for change, should I study law or biology or business?" My answer is music, drama, journalism, communications."

It's funny but when young people say to me "what can I study to be a force for change, should I study law or biology or business?" My answer is music, drama, journalism, communications.

Biology Quotes: "What least makes a mother is biology."

What least makes a mother is biology.

Biology Quotes: "In fact perhaps the only law in biology is that all flesh is mortal and all species become extinct eventually."

In fact perhaps the only law in biology is that all flesh is mortal and all species become extinct eventually.

Biology Quotes: "I don't believe biology works in an uncontrolled fashion."

I don't believe biology works in an uncontrolled fashion.

Biology Quotes: "Until we recognize the essential role of biology, our attempts to truly unify the universe will remain a train to nowhere."

Until we recognize the essential role of biology, our attempts to truly unify the universe will remain a train to nowhere.

Biology Quotes: "The reality of marriage as the union of a mother and a father is grounded in our very biology."

The reality of marriage as the union of a mother and a father is grounded in our very biology.

Biology Quotes: "I've always liked all the sciences like math, physics and biology"

I've always liked all the sciences like math, physics and biology

Biology Quotes: "One can choose to obsess over prescriptive rules, but they have no more to do with human language than the criteria for judging cats at a cat show have to do with mammalian biology."

One can choose to obsess over prescriptive rules, but they have no more to do with human language than the criteria for judging cats at a cat show have to do with mammalian biology.

Biology Quotes: "Equity feminism is a moral doctrine about equal treatment that makes no commitments regarding open empirical issues in psychology or biology."

Equity feminism is a moral doctrine about equal treatment that makes no commitments regarding open empirical issues in psychology or biology.

Biology Quotes: "The technology of synthetic biology is currently accelerating at four times the rate of Moore's Law. It's been doing that since 2005, and it's likely to continue."

The technology of synthetic biology is currently accelerating at four times the rate of Moore's Law. It's been doing that since 2005, and it's likely to continue.

Biology Quotes: "In science, if the last 50 years were the age of physics, the next 50 years will be the age of biology."

In science, if the last 50 years were the age of physics, the next 50 years will be the age of biology.

Biology Quotes: "None can reply - all seems eternal now. The wilderness has a mysterious tongue, which teaches awful doubt."

None can reply - all seems eternal now. The wilderness has a mysterious tongue, which teaches awful doubt.