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Acquire Quotes

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Acquire Quotes: "A fact acquires its true and full value only through the idea which is developed from it."

A fact acquires its true and full value only through the idea which is developed from it.

Acquire Quotes: "The mice which helplessly find themselves between the cats teeth acquire no merit from their enforced sacrifice."

The mice which helplessly find themselves between the cats teeth acquire no merit from their enforced sacrifice.

Acquire Quotes: "Humility is an elusive virtue. The more we pursue it - and the more we seem to acquire it - the more we take pride in our accomplishment, and we find ourselves back at square one."

Humility is an elusive virtue. The more we pursue it - and the more we seem to acquire it - the more we take pride in our accomplishment, and we find ourselves back at square one.

Acquire Quotes: "Innovation often originates outside existing organizations, in part because successful organizations acquire a commitment to the status quo and a resistance to ideas that might change it"

Innovation often originates outside existing organizations, in part because successful organizations acquire a commitment to the status quo and a resistance to ideas that might change it

Acquire Quotes: "There is one qualification the manager cannot acquire but must bring to the task. It is not genius; it is character."

There is one qualification the manager cannot acquire but must bring to the task. It is not genius; it is character.

Acquire Quotes: "Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate."

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate.

Acquire Quotes: "Simple people have much to offer. We too in return must give to them to the best of our abilities. We must with all our heart, try to help them acquire what they truly deserve."

Simple people have much to offer. We too in return must give to them to the best of our abilities. We must with all our heart, try to help them acquire what they truly deserve.

Acquire Quotes: "I wanted to acquire an education, work extremely hard and never deviate from my goal, to make it."

I wanted to acquire an education, work extremely hard and never deviate from my goal, to make it.

Acquire Quotes: "Entering a novel is like going on a climb in the mountains: You have to learn the rhythms of respiration - acquire the pace. Otherwise you stop right away."

Entering a novel is like going on a climb in the mountains: You have to learn the rhythms of respiration - acquire the pace. Otherwise you stop right away.

Acquire Quotes: "You can acquire a lot of knowledge without ever going to school."

You can acquire a lot of knowledge without ever going to school.

Acquire Quotes: "You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must undergo it."

You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.

Acquire Quotes: "It will contribute towards one's object, who wishes to acquire a facility in the gaining of knowledge, to doubt judiciously."

It will contribute towards one's object, who wishes to acquire a facility in the gaining of knowledge, to doubt judiciously.

Acquire Quotes: "The collector attempts always to acquire the best, and his knowledge of what is best is always widening. His is the task of judging between degrees of perfection."

The collector attempts always to acquire the best, and his knowledge of what is best is always widening. His is the task of judging between degrees of perfection.

Acquire Quotes: "Hast thou virtue? acquire also the graces and beauties of virtue."

Hast thou virtue? acquire also the graces and beauties of virtue.

Acquire Quotes: "The trouble with the sacred Individual is that he has no significance, except as he can acquire it from others, from the social whole."

The trouble with the sacred Individual is that he has no significance, except as he can acquire it from others, from the social whole.

Acquire Quotes: "Chance gives rise to thoughts, and chance removes them; no art can keep or acquire them."

Chance gives rise to thoughts, and chance removes them; no art can keep or acquire them.

Acquire Quotes: "Eschew wicked company and associate with saintly persons. Acquire virtue day and night, and always meditate on that which is eternal forgetting that which is temporary."

Eschew wicked company and associate with saintly persons. Acquire virtue day and night, and always meditate on that which is eternal forgetting that which is temporary.

Acquire Quotes: "That which we acquire with the most difficulty we retain the longest; as those who have earned a fortune are usually more careful of it than those who have inherited one."

That which we acquire with the most difficulty we retain the longest; as those who have earned a fortune are usually more careful of it than those who have inherited one.

Acquire Quotes: "It is far more easy to acquire a fortune like a knave, than to expend it, like a gentleman."

It is far more easy to acquire a fortune like a knave, than to expend it, like a gentleman.

Acquire Quotes: "I happen to believe that the preemption school is correct, that the risks of allowing Saddam Hussein to acquire his weapons will only grow with time."

I happen to believe that the preemption school is correct, that the risks of allowing Saddam Hussein to acquire his weapons will only grow with time.

Acquire Quotes: "In the long-term, security comes from an asset you create or acquire, not a position in someone else's asset."

In the long-term, security comes from an asset you create or acquire, not a position in someone else's asset.

Acquire Quotes: "We know he's been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons, and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons."

We know he's been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons, and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.

Acquire Quotes: "Youth is the spring-time of life. It is the time to acquire information, so that we may show it off in after years and paralyze people with what we know."

Youth is the spring-time of life. It is the time to acquire information, so that we may show it off in after years and paralyze people with what we know.

Acquire Quotes: "It is by imitation, far more than by precept, that we learn everything; and what we learn thus, we acquire not only more effectually, but more pleasantly."

It is by imitation, far more than by precept, that we learn everything; and what we learn thus, we acquire not only more effectually, but more pleasantly.

Acquire Quotes: "I think there is a danger with young people of being dependent in the sense that they don't acquire any identity or self-image of themselves as thinkers."

I think there is a danger with young people of being dependent in the sense that they don't acquire any identity or self-image of themselves as thinkers.

Acquire Quotes: "You contemplate and you wander without any worries, between heaven and earth, in your own private world, and in this way you acquire supreme freedom."

You contemplate and you wander without any worries, between heaven and earth, in your own private world, and in this way you acquire supreme freedom.

Acquire Quotes: "Actual aristocracy cannot be abolished by any law: all the law can do is decree how it is to be imparted and who is to acquire it."

Actual aristocracy cannot be abolished by any law: all the law can do is decree how it is to be imparted and who is to acquire it.

Acquire Quotes: "The only way for errors to occur in a program is by being put there by the author. No other mechanisms are known. Programs can't acquire bugs by sitting around with other buggy programs."

The only way for errors to occur in a program is by being put there by the author. No other mechanisms are known. Programs can't acquire bugs by sitting around with other buggy programs.

Acquire Quotes: "A man may acquire a taste for wine or brandy, and so lose his love for water, but should we not pity him."

A man may acquire a taste for wine or brandy, and so lose his love for water, but should we not pity him.

Acquire Quotes: "Very few men acquire wealth in such a manner as to receive pleasure from it."

Very few men acquire wealth in such a manner as to receive pleasure from it.

Acquire Quotes: "Flames too soon acquire strength if disregarded."

Flames too soon acquire strength if disregarded.

Acquire Quotes: "Most people ultimately realize that they can acquire things, change their partner or other things, consume more and still it doesn't work. I'm not criticizing any of this."

Most people ultimately realize that they can acquire things, change their partner or other things, consume more and still it doesn't work. I'm not criticizing any of this.

Acquire Quotes: "You have no idea how far I'm willing to go to acquire your cooperation."

You have no idea how far I'm willing to go to acquire your cooperation.

Acquire Quotes: "As governor, I saw the link between economic prosperity and the ability to acquire knowledge."

As governor, I saw the link between economic prosperity and the ability to acquire knowledge.

Acquire Quotes: "You acquire a language most readily in the country where it is spoken; you study mineralogy best among miners; and so with everything else."

You acquire a language most readily in the country where it is spoken; you study mineralogy best among miners; and so with everything else.

Acquire Quotes: "The key to long term success in the marketplace is to build relationships & acquire leadership skills that can build great teams."

The key to long term success in the marketplace is to build relationships & acquire leadership skills that can build great teams.

Acquire Quotes: "Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense."

Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense.

Acquire Quotes: "The wish to acquire is in truth very natural and common, and men always do so when they can.but when they cannot do so, yet wish to do so by any means, then there is folly and blame."

The wish to acquire is in truth very natural and common, and men always do so when they can.but when they cannot do so, yet wish to do so by any means, then there is folly and blame.

Acquire Quotes: "Life rejuvenates and acquires energy when it multiplies: It is enriched, not impoverished."

Life rejuvenates and acquires energy when it multiplies: It is enriched, not impoverished.

Acquire Quotes: "The soul languishing in obscurity contracts a kind of rust, or abandons itself to the chimera of presumption; for it is natural for it to acquire something, even when separated from any one."

The soul languishing in obscurity contracts a kind of rust, or abandons itself to the chimera of presumption; for it is natural for it to acquire something, even when separated from any one.

Acquire Quotes: "The way to acquire lasting esteem is not by the fewness of a writer's faults, but the greatness of his beauties, and our noblest works are generally most replete with both."

The way to acquire lasting esteem is not by the fewness of a writer's faults, but the greatness of his beauties, and our noblest works are generally most replete with both.

Acquire Quotes: "Any setting can potentially acquire this vividness. It slowly arrives during the period of research, until it is as immediate to me as my own real surroundings."

Any setting can potentially acquire this vividness. It slowly arrives during the period of research, until it is as immediate to me as my own real surroundings.

Acquire Quotes: "You cannot, I repeat, successfully acquire it and preserve your modesty at the same time."

You cannot, I repeat, successfully acquire it and preserve your modesty at the same time.

Acquire Quotes: "You can only acquire it successfully if you cease to feel any sense of shame."

You can only acquire it successfully if you cease to feel any sense of shame.

Acquire Quotes: "To come to terms with our beginning requires a truthful story to acquire the skills to live in gratitude rather than resentment for the gift of life."

To come to terms with our beginning requires a truthful story to acquire the skills to live in gratitude rather than resentment for the gift of life.

Acquire Quotes: "It is as we respond to the understandings and feelings inherent in . . . art that we acquire much of our truth, much of our nobility and grace, and much of our pleasure."

It is as we respond to the understandings and feelings inherent in . . . art that we acquire much of our truth, much of our nobility and grace, and much of our pleasure.

Acquire Quotes: "The prestige you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account."

The prestige you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account.

Acquire Quotes: "To do things in a way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think: this is the first step toward getting rich."

To do things in a way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think: this is the first step toward getting rich.

Acquire Quotes: "If we conducted ourselves as sensibly in good times as we do in hard times, we could all acquire a competence."

If we conducted ourselves as sensibly in good times as we do in hard times, we could all acquire a competence.