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Jan Morris Quotes

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Jan Morris Quotes: "Wherever you go in life, you will feel somewhere over your shoulder a pink, castellated shimmering presence, the domes and riggings and crooked pinacles of the Serenissima"

Wherever you go in life, you will feel somewhere over your shoulder a pink, castellated shimmering presence, the domes and riggings and crooked pinacles of the Serenissima

Jan Morris Quotes: "To the stern student of affairs, Beirut is a phenomenon, beguiling perhaps, but quite, quite impossible."

To the stern student of affairs, Beirut is a phenomenon, beguiling perhaps, but quite, quite impossible.

Jan Morris Quotes: "To me gender is not physical at all, but is altogether insubstantial. It is soul, perhaps, it is talent, it is taste, it is environment, it is how one feels, it is light and shade, it is inner music."

To me gender is not physical at all, but is altogether insubstantial. It is soul, perhaps, it is talent, it is taste, it is environment, it is how one feels, it is light and shade, it is inner music.

Jan Morris Quotes: "Book lovers will understand me, and they will know too that part of the pleasure of a library lies in its very existence."

Book lovers will understand me, and they will know too that part of the pleasure of a library lies in its very existence.

Jan Morris Quotes: "Travel, which was once either a necessity or an adventure, has become very largely a commodity, and from all sides we are persuaded into thinking that it is a social requirement, too."

Travel, which was once either a necessity or an adventure, has become very largely a commodity, and from all sides we are persuaded into thinking that it is a social requirement, too.

Jan Morris Quotes: "the personality of St. John's, Newfoundland, hits you like a smack in the face with a dried cod, enthusiastically administered by its citizenry."

the personality of St. John's, Newfoundland, hits you like a smack in the face with a dried cod, enthusiastically administered by its citizenry.

Jan Morris Quotes: "I believe the transsexual urge, at least as I have experienced it, to be far more than a social compulsion, but biological, imaginative, and essentially spiritual, too."

I believe the transsexual urge, at least as I have experienced it, to be far more than a social compulsion, but biological, imaginative, and essentially spiritual, too.

Jan Morris Quotes: "The genius of Canada remains essentially a deflationary genius."

The genius of Canada remains essentially a deflationary genius.

Jan Morris Quotes: "Leningrad ... is a city with the gift of timelessness."

Leningrad ... is a city with the gift of timelessness.

Jan Morris Quotes: "[Travel seems] not just a way of having a good time, but something that every self-respecting citizen ought to undertake, like a high-fiber diet, say, or a deodorant."

[Travel seems] not just a way of having a good time, but something that every self-respecting citizen ought to undertake, like a high-fiber diet, say, or a deodorant.

Jan Morris Quotes: "Was there ever a name more full of purpose than Chicago's? ... spoken as Chicagoans themselves speak it, with a bit of a spit to give heft to its slither, it is gloriously onomatopoetic."

Was there ever a name more full of purpose than Chicago's? ... spoken as Chicagoans themselves speak it, with a bit of a spit to give heft to its slither, it is gloriously onomatopoetic.

Jan Morris Quotes: "I resist the idea that travel writing has got to be factual."

I resist the idea that travel writing has got to be factual.

Jan Morris Quotes: "I half cherish the hope that the end of history will be Swissness."

I half cherish the hope that the end of history will be Swissness.

Jan Morris Quotes: "Australia is a country not so much of fulfillment as of theatrical expectation."

Australia is a country not so much of fulfillment as of theatrical expectation.

Jan Morris Quotes: "Indians love to reduce the prosaic to the mystic."

Indians love to reduce the prosaic to the mystic.

Jan Morris Quotes: "If I was an aspirant litterateur, I was also an aspirant anarchist. I have disliked Authority always, though sometimes seduced by its resplendence."

If I was an aspirant litterateur, I was also an aspirant anarchist. I have disliked Authority always, though sometimes seduced by its resplendence.