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Anna Julia Cooper Quotes

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Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Let our girls feel that we expect something more of them than that they merely look pretty and appear well in society."

Let our girls feel that we expect something more of them than that they merely look pretty and appear well in society.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Bullies are always cowards at heart and may be credited with a pretty safe instinct in scenting their prey."

Bullies are always cowards at heart and may be credited with a pretty safe instinct in scenting their prey.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Peace produced by suppression is neither natural nor desirable."

Peace produced by suppression is neither natural nor desirable.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "The old, subjective, stagnant, indolent and wretched life for woman has gone. She has as many resources as men, as many activities beckon her on. As large possibilities swell and inspire her heart."

The old, subjective, stagnant, indolent and wretched life for woman has gone. She has as many resources as men, as many activities beckon her on. As large possibilities swell and inspire her heart.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "A stream cannot rise higher than its source."

A stream cannot rise higher than its source.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God."

One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Life must be something more than dilettante speculation."

Life must be something more than dilettante speculation.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Teach [our girls] that there is a race with special needs which they and only they can help; that the world needs and is already asking for their trained, efficient forces."

Teach [our girls] that there is a race with special needs which they and only they can help; that the world needs and is already asking for their trained, efficient forces.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "I constantly felt (as I suppose many an ambitious girl has felt) a thumping from within unanswered by any beckoning from without."

I constantly felt (as I suppose many an ambitious girl has felt) a thumping from within unanswered by any beckoning from without.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Woman's cause is one and universal."

Woman's cause is one and universal.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "The great, the fundamental need of any nation, any race, is for heroism, devotion, sacrifice; and there cannot be heroism, devotion, or sacrifice in a primarily skeptical spirit."

The great, the fundamental need of any nation, any race, is for heroism, devotion, sacrifice; and there cannot be heroism, devotion, or sacrifice in a primarily skeptical spirit.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Agnosticism has nothing to impart. Its sermons are the exhortations of one who convinces you he stands on nothing and urges you to stand there too."

Agnosticism has nothing to impart. Its sermons are the exhortations of one who convinces you he stands on nothing and urges you to stand there too.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "... women are more quiet. They don't feel called to mount a barrel and harangue by the hour every time they imagine they have produced an idea."

... women are more quiet. They don't feel called to mount a barrel and harangue by the hour every time they imagine they have produced an idea.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Respect for woman, the much lauded chivalry of the Middle Ages, meant what I fear it still means to some men in our own day - respect for the elect few among whom they expect to consort."

Respect for woman, the much lauded chivalry of the Middle Ages, meant what I fear it still means to some men in our own day - respect for the elect few among whom they expect to consort.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "As in an icicle the agnostic abides alone. The vital principle is taken out of all endeavor for improving himself or bettering hisfellows. All hope in the grand possibilities of life are blasted."

As in an icicle the agnostic abides alone. The vital principle is taken out of all endeavor for improving himself or bettering hisfellows. All hope in the grand possibilities of life are blasted.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "Nothing natural can be wholly unworthy."

Nothing natural can be wholly unworthy.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "With five to ten hundred pure-minded young women threading the streets of the village every evening unattended, vice must slink away, like frost before the rising sun."

With five to ten hundred pure-minded young women threading the streets of the village every evening unattended, vice must slink away, like frost before the rising sun.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "If our vaunted rule of the people does not breed nobler men and women than monarchies have done it must and will inevitably give place to something better."

If our vaunted rule of the people does not breed nobler men and women than monarchies have done it must and will inevitably give place to something better.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "No man can prophesy with another's parable."

No man can prophesy with another's parable.

Anna Julia Cooper Quotes: "A race cannot be purified from without."

A race cannot be purified from without.