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Al Stone Quotes

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Al   Stone Quotes: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Al   Stone Quotes: "That's the great thing about literature -- it makes the world less lonely."

That's the great thing about literature -- it makes the world less lonely.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Donald Trump is perfectly made up. He's perfectly coiffed. He's perfectly lit."

Donald Trump is perfectly made up. He's perfectly coiffed. He's perfectly lit.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I was a good-looking kid. I never felt, like, dorky. I was just like, 'Yup, these are my braces. I've had them forever.'"

I was a good-looking kid. I never felt, like, dorky. I was just like, 'Yup, these are my braces. I've had them forever.'

Al   Stone Quotes: "I thought I might teach philosophy but the atmosphere of a college faculty repelled me; the few islands of greatness seemed to be washed by seas of pettiness and mediocrity."

I thought I might teach philosophy but the atmosphere of a college faculty repelled me; the few islands of greatness seemed to be washed by seas of pettiness and mediocrity.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I'm very old-fashioned. Occasionally I do wear underwear."

I'm very old-fashioned. Occasionally I do wear underwear.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The great majority of women are more intelligent, better educated, and far more moral than multitudes of men whose right to vote no man questions."

The great majority of women are more intelligent, better educated, and far more moral than multitudes of men whose right to vote no man questions.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Bondage is - subjection to external influences and internal negative thoughts and attitudes."

Bondage is - subjection to external influences and internal negative thoughts and attitudes.

Al   Stone Quotes: "We must be true to each other."

We must be true to each other.

Al   Stone Quotes: "We're always too skinny, or too fat. Too tall, or too short. We're shaming each other, and we're shaming ourselves, and it sucks."

We're always too skinny, or too fat. Too tall, or too short. We're shaming each other, and we're shaming ourselves, and it sucks.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The only thing God didn't do to Job was give him a computer."

The only thing God didn't do to Job was give him a computer.

Al   Stone Quotes: "You can make it if you try, push a little harder, think a little deeper."

You can make it if you try, push a little harder, think a little deeper.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I've fallen in love with my horse. It's a safer bet. We all know from my illustrious past that I should be sticking to men with four legs."

I've fallen in love with my horse. It's a safer bet. We all know from my illustrious past that I should be sticking to men with four legs.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Peace does exist. It exists in your heart and soul."

Peace does exist. It exists in your heart and soul.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Have confidence in your ideas before they even exist."

Have confidence in your ideas before they even exist.

Al   Stone Quotes: "When we direct our thoughts properly, we can control our emotions."

When we direct our thoughts properly, we can control our emotions.

Al   Stone Quotes: "To me love is passionate, it is honest, and it is selfless. Love is willing to completely give up your life for someone, to make sacrifices and put them first."

To me love is passionate, it is honest, and it is selfless. Love is willing to completely give up your life for someone, to make sacrifices and put them first.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I'm a dramatist. Dramatists have a right to look at history and interpret it the way they see it."

I'm a dramatist. Dramatists have a right to look at history and interpret it the way they see it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I'm never saying never - I'm saying I'm not about to."

I'm never saying never - I'm saying I'm not about to.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If you make the movie from your heart and it stands over time, that's what matters to me."

If you make the movie from your heart and it stands over time, that's what matters to me.

Al   Stone Quotes: "A truly beautiful woman is always good and the other women, and to people in general. She rejects rivalry, intrigue and dirty tricks."

A truly beautiful woman is always good and the other women, and to people in general. She rejects rivalry, intrigue and dirty tricks.

Al   Stone Quotes: "In this business, if you don't pay your debts you're finished."

In this business, if you don't pay your debts you're finished.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Not belonging is a terrible feeling. It feels awkward and it hurts, as if you were wearing someone else's shoes."

Not belonging is a terrible feeling. It feels awkward and it hurts, as if you were wearing someone else's shoes.

Al   Stone Quotes: "In order to succeed spectacularly you have to be willing to fail spectacularly."

In order to succeed spectacularly you have to be willing to fail spectacularly.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Have the courage to face the truth"

Have the courage to face the truth

Al   Stone Quotes: "When life hands you a lemon, squeeze it and make lemonade."

When life hands you a lemon, squeeze it and make lemonade.

Al   Stone Quotes: "There's a great joy in my giving. It's thrilling. It's exhilarating. It's important to be a part of sharing. It is my love. It is my joy."

There's a great joy in my giving. It's thrilling. It's exhilarating. It's important to be a part of sharing. It is my love. It is my joy.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I tried for modelling work but it was a bit slow and that's when I took a part-time job at McDonalds. It gave me income while I was waiting for my big break and at the very least I could eat."

I tried for modelling work but it was a bit slow and that's when I took a part-time job at McDonalds. It gave me income while I was waiting for my big break and at the very least I could eat.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I grow my own vegetables and herbs. I like being able to tell people that the lunch I'm serving started out as a seed in my yard."

I grow my own vegetables and herbs. I like being able to tell people that the lunch I'm serving started out as a seed in my yard.

Al   Stone Quotes: "What makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever."

What makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Unless you got real short and real fat, you ain't no Booker T!"

Unless you got real short and real fat, you ain't no Booker T!

Al   Stone Quotes: "Don't hate the black, don't hate the white. If you get bit, just hate the bite."

Don't hate the black, don't hate the white. If you get bit, just hate the bite.

Al   Stone Quotes: "No blade can puncture the human heart like the well-chosen words of a spiteful son."

No blade can puncture the human heart like the well-chosen words of a spiteful son.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The choice is yours. You hold the tiller. You can steer the course you choose in the direction of where you want to be - today, tomorrow, or in a distant time to come."

The choice is yours. You hold the tiller. You can steer the course you choose in the direction of where you want to be - today, tomorrow, or in a distant time to come.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Prayer is mans greatest power!"

Prayer is mans greatest power!

Al   Stone Quotes: "When rewriting, move quickly. It's a little like cutting your own hair."

When rewriting, move quickly. It's a little like cutting your own hair.

Al   Stone Quotes: "All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual. Your personal achievement starts in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal or desire is."

All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual. Your personal achievement starts in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal or desire is.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The reason so few people are successful is no one has yet found a way for someone to sit down and slide uphill."

The reason so few people are successful is no one has yet found a way for someone to sit down and slide uphill.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you."

If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If a woman earned a dollar by scrubbing, her husband had a right to take the dollar and go and get drunk with it and beat her afterwards. It was his dollar."

If a woman earned a dollar by scrubbing, her husband had a right to take the dollar and go and get drunk with it and beat her afterwards. It was his dollar.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Do goofy stories make people nice? What if, in their goofiness, these stories somehow inspire that in the right way. Is that a social good?"

Do goofy stories make people nice? What if, in their goofiness, these stories somehow inspire that in the right way. Is that a social good?

Al   Stone Quotes: "Disease, a simple famine, plagues of locusts everywhere, or a cataclysmic earthquake, I'd accept with some despair, but no, you sent us Congress! Good God, Sir, was that fair?"

Disease, a simple famine, plagues of locusts everywhere, or a cataclysmic earthquake, I'd accept with some despair, but no, you sent us Congress! Good God, Sir, was that fair?

Al   Stone Quotes: "I do not know a better cure for mental illness than a book."

I do not know a better cure for mental illness than a book.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I don't take myself very seriously. I like to make people laugh. You know, it's like, if a woman can't be happy for another woman's work, they have to go work on that."

I don't take myself very seriously. I like to make people laugh. You know, it's like, if a woman can't be happy for another woman's work, they have to go work on that.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Everybody's after a new morning. What do we have to run up and salute tomorrow?"

Everybody's after a new morning. What do we have to run up and salute tomorrow?

Al   Stone Quotes: "Read the Bible and inspirational books for a purpose. Ask for divine guidance. Search for the light."

Read the Bible and inspirational books for a purpose. Ask for divine guidance. Search for the light.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I could do nice, but it's just not as much fun. Being nice isn't my biggest goal in life. I'm trying to be honest about who I am, and that's not always nice. I'm not always the world's cheerleader."

I could do nice, but it's just not as much fun. Being nice isn't my biggest goal in life. I'm trying to be honest about who I am, and that's not always nice. I'm not always the world's cheerleader.

Al   Stone Quotes: "You don't want to depend on an editor. If you want to regret something for the rest of your life, you want to make sure you're responsible for it."

You don't want to depend on an editor. If you want to regret something for the rest of your life, you want to make sure you're responsible for it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I hate conservatives, but I really hate liberals."

I hate conservatives, but I really hate liberals.