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Seeking Quotes

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Seeking Quotes: "The story line of the Bible is the story line of God taking the initiative in seeking out a people who are His very own."

The story line of the Bible is the story line of God taking the initiative in seeking out a people who are His very own.

Seeking Quotes: "Nothing brings out the lower traits of human nature like office-seeking. Men of good character and impulses are betrayed by it into all sorts of meanness."

Nothing brings out the lower traits of human nature like office-seeking. Men of good character and impulses are betrayed by it into all sorts of meanness.

Seeking Quotes: "I walked into my own book, seeking peace. It was night, and I made a careless movement inside the dream; I turned too brusquely the corner and I bruised myself against my madness."

I walked into my own book, seeking peace. It was night, and I made a careless movement inside the dream; I turned too brusquely the corner and I bruised myself against my madness.

Seeking Quotes: "Practice the precept: find without seeking"

Practice the precept: find without seeking

Seeking Quotes: "At certain times, a silent mind is very important, but 'silent' does not mean closed. The silent mind is an alert, awakened mind; a mind seeking the nature of reality."

At certain times, a silent mind is very important, but 'silent' does not mean closed. The silent mind is an alert, awakened mind; a mind seeking the nature of reality.

Seeking Quotes: "Spirituality means seeking experience. Not just belief."

Spirituality means seeking experience. Not just belief.

Seeking Quotes: "Being First Lady is playing supporting act. I am not seeking notoriety and I am not seeking to grab the limelight."

Being First Lady is playing supporting act. I am not seeking notoriety and I am not seeking to grab the limelight.

Seeking Quotes: "In times of crisis, people reach for meaning. Meaning is strength. Our survival may depend on our seeking and finding it."

In times of crisis, people reach for meaning. Meaning is strength. Our survival may depend on our seeking and finding it.

Seeking Quotes: "Humanity enveloped in entropy desperately seeking symmetry for peace of mind"

Humanity enveloped in entropy desperately seeking symmetry for peace of mind

Seeking Quotes: "The sources of poetry are in the spirit seeking completeness."

The sources of poetry are in the spirit seeking completeness.

Seeking Quotes: "PURPOSE is spirit seeking expression."

PURPOSE is spirit seeking expression.

Seeking Quotes: "Love doesn't please itself by seeking revenge. Love sacrifices itself for the good of others."

Love doesn't please itself by seeking revenge. Love sacrifices itself for the good of others.

Seeking Quotes: "There is nothing to practice. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking."

There is nothing to practice. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking.

Seeking Quotes: "It is in the hard, hard rockpile labor of seeking to win, hold, or deserve a reader's interest that the pleasant agony of writing again comes in."

It is in the hard, hard rockpile labor of seeking to win, hold, or deserve a reader's interest that the pleasant agony of writing again comes in.

Seeking Quotes: "Why are young adults so self-centered and always seeking instant gratification? Because older adults, often in positions of power, paint them that way."

Why are young adults so self-centered and always seeking instant gratification? Because older adults, often in positions of power, paint them that way.

Seeking Quotes: "Seeking Why run around sprinkling holy water? There's an ocean inside you, and when you're ready you'll drink."

Seeking Why run around sprinkling holy water? There's an ocean inside you, and when you're ready you'll drink.

Seeking Quotes: "I just need the junkies and the liars and the thieves, I need the pimps, prostitutes and pushers out in the streets. That's where I'm seeking God, cause that's where He found me."

I just need the junkies and the liars and the thieves, I need the pimps, prostitutes and pushers out in the streets. That's where I'm seeking God, cause that's where He found me.

Seeking Quotes: "33% of urban traffic is actively seeking a parking space."

33% of urban traffic is actively seeking a parking space.

Seeking Quotes: "Stop the mental chatter about what's wrong and what's not complete. There is a presence of Love that is seeking to express itself through you."

Stop the mental chatter about what's wrong and what's not complete. There is a presence of Love that is seeking to express itself through you.

Seeking Quotes: "We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."

We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.

Seeking Quotes: "Seeking knowledge is like opening doors. And I know the doors are everywhere."

Seeking knowledge is like opening doors. And I know the doors are everywhere.

Seeking Quotes: "Mediocre men work at their best; men seeking excellence strive to do better."

Mediocre men work at their best; men seeking excellence strive to do better.

Seeking Quotes: "You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path."

You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path.

Seeking Quotes: "I'm something that I used to be. I'm never where I feel I am, and if I seek myself, I don't know who's seeking me. My boredom with everything has numbed me. I feel banished from my soul."

I'm something that I used to be. I'm never where I feel I am, and if I seek myself, I don't know who's seeking me. My boredom with everything has numbed me. I feel banished from my soul.

Seeking Quotes: "The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another."

The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another.

Seeking Quotes: "In order to attract and maintain romantic and spiritual partnerships, you must be what it is that you're seeking. That is, you always need to put forth what you want to attract."

In order to attract and maintain romantic and spiritual partnerships, you must be what it is that you're seeking. That is, you always need to put forth what you want to attract.

Seeking Quotes: "Here be dragons to be slain, here be rich rewards to gain; If we perish in the seeking, why, how small a thing is death!"

Here be dragons to be slain, here be rich rewards to gain; If we perish in the seeking, why, how small a thing is death!

Seeking Quotes: "The Vagabond life is the logical life to lead if one seeks the intimate knowledge of the world we were seeking."

The Vagabond life is the logical life to lead if one seeks the intimate knowledge of the world we were seeking.

Seeking Quotes: "In the case of a state that is seeking not conquest but the maintenance of its security, the aim is fulfilled if the threat is removed - if the enemy is led to abandon his purpose."

In the case of a state that is seeking not conquest but the maintenance of its security, the aim is fulfilled if the threat is removed - if the enemy is led to abandon his purpose.

Seeking Quotes: "What is important is that complex systems, richly cross-connected internally, have complex behaviours, and that these behaviours can be goal-seeking in complex patterns."

What is important is that complex systems, richly cross-connected internally, have complex behaviours, and that these behaviours can be goal-seeking in complex patterns.

Seeking Quotes: "Truly the gods have not from the beginning revealed all things to mortals, but by long seeking, mortals discover what is better."

Truly the gods have not from the beginning revealed all things to mortals, but by long seeking, mortals discover what is better.

Seeking Quotes: "Has it ever occurred to you that you are seeking God with His eyes?"

Has it ever occurred to you that you are seeking God with His eyes?

Seeking Quotes: "Healthy church membership means you find your joy in being last, instead of seeking your way and being first."

Healthy church membership means you find your joy in being last, instead of seeking your way and being first.

Seeking Quotes: "When seeking guidance, don't ever listen to the tiny-hearted. Be kind to them, heap them with blessing, cajole them, but do not follow their advice."

When seeking guidance, don't ever listen to the tiny-hearted. Be kind to them, heap them with blessing, cajole them, but do not follow their advice.

Seeking Quotes: "My advice to a young man seeking deathless fame would be to espouse an unpopular cause and devote his life to it."

My advice to a young man seeking deathless fame would be to espouse an unpopular cause and devote his life to it.

Seeking Quotes: "A lack of knowledge creates fear. Seeking knowledge creates courage."

A lack of knowledge creates fear. Seeking knowledge creates courage.

Seeking Quotes: "Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking."

Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking.

Seeking Quotes: "Truth is that which, when fully realized, sets you free from all bondage and all seeking."

Truth is that which, when fully realized, sets you free from all bondage and all seeking.

Seeking Quotes: "That the stars are adamant everyone understands— but I won’t give up seeking joy on each blue wave or peace below every gray stone."

That the stars are adamant everyone understands— but I won’t give up seeking joy on each blue wave or peace below every gray stone.

Seeking Quotes: "Power is what spoils people. Yes, it seems to me that the seeking after power is the great danger and the great corruptor of mankind."

Power is what spoils people. Yes, it seems to me that the seeking after power is the great danger and the great corruptor of mankind.

Seeking Quotes: "A temple, first of all, is a place of prayer; and prayer is communion with God. It is the 'infinite in man seeking the infinite in God.' Where they find each other, there is holy sanctuary--a temple."

A temple, first of all, is a place of prayer; and prayer is communion with God. It is the 'infinite in man seeking the infinite in God.' Where they find each other, there is holy sanctuary--a temple.

Seeking Quotes: "Excellence is the eternal quest. We achieve it by living up to our highest intellectual standards and our finest moral intuitions. In seeking excellence, take life seriously-but never yourself!"

Excellence is the eternal quest. We achieve it by living up to our highest intellectual standards and our finest moral intuitions. In seeking excellence, take life seriously-but never yourself!

Seeking Quotes: "Waiting prayer, or waiting on the Lord, is the silent surrendering of the soul to God. It is wordless worship. It is seeking God not from without but from within. It is to seek God in your heart."

Waiting prayer, or waiting on the Lord, is the silent surrendering of the soul to God. It is wordless worship. It is seeking God not from without but from within. It is to seek God in your heart.

Seeking Quotes: "After much seeking for truth and knowledge the profoundness of reality came to me with a clarity never before known."

After much seeking for truth and knowledge the profoundness of reality came to me with a clarity never before known.

Seeking Quotes: "Where big data is all about seeking correlations - and thus to make incremental changes - small data is all about causations - seeking to understand the reasons why."

Where big data is all about seeking correlations - and thus to make incremental changes - small data is all about causations - seeking to understand the reasons why.

Seeking Quotes: "Family connexions were always worth preserving, good company always worth seeking."

Family connexions were always worth preserving, good company always worth seeking.

Seeking Quotes: "I think seeking perfection in human affairs is a perfect way to destroy them."

I think seeking perfection in human affairs is a perfect way to destroy them.

Seeking Quotes: "I am ready for love but I'm not desperately seeking it."

I am ready for love but I'm not desperately seeking it.

Seeking Quotes: "The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. The glory of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acpuire it."

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. The glory of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acpuire it.