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Quotes De La Vida Quotes

Find the best Quotes De La Vida quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Quotes De La Vida quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Quotes De La Vida quote of the day.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Breath is the door to the heart and soul. It moves chi and energizes cells."

Breath is the door to the heart and soul. It moves chi and energizes cells.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Integration happens when all parts of your being are in harmony."

Integration happens when all parts of your being are in harmony.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "I honor and love the fairy folk and am excited to keep getting know them for the rest of my life!"

I honor and love the fairy folk and am excited to keep getting know them for the rest of my life!

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Fairy magic is present in every ray of sunlight and each joyful moment. Embrace the living essence of nature."

Fairy magic is present in every ray of sunlight and each joyful moment. Embrace the living essence of nature.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "I keep the light and love from my ancestors and let go of the rest."

I keep the light and love from my ancestors and let go of the rest.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "We can all receive the gifts of our unique ancestry and harness them to forge a path of joy and healing."

We can all receive the gifts of our unique ancestry and harness them to forge a path of joy and healing.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Making the effort to experience daily joys a powerful mood enhancer. Find your bliss today!"

Making the effort to experience daily joys a powerful mood enhancer. Find your bliss today!

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Life is like a collage. Its individual pieces are arranged to create harmony. Appreciate the artwork of your life."

Life is like a collage. Its individual pieces are arranged to create harmony. Appreciate the artwork of your life.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "I let my love for myself grow infinitely. I understand that loving myself is emotionally healthy and necessary to my well-being."

I let my love for myself grow infinitely. I understand that loving myself is emotionally healthy and necessary to my well-being.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "I am lovable in endless ways. I look myself straight in the eye with love and acceptance."

I am lovable in endless ways. I look myself straight in the eye with love and acceptance.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Take the wheel and create spectacular moments for yourself. Rev up the extraordinary in your life!"

Take the wheel and create spectacular moments for yourself. Rev up the extraordinary in your life!

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "The sun heals me every day and opens my heart to ever-expanding bliss."

The sun heals me every day and opens my heart to ever-expanding bliss.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Life is a collection of experiences. Stockpile those wrought with love like the treasures they are."

Life is a collection of experiences. Stockpile those wrought with love like the treasures they are.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "I recognize my gifts and optimize them. I accept my total being and honor all parts of myself."

I recognize my gifts and optimize them. I accept my total being and honor all parts of myself.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "When you consciously choose to do what you love, life becomes a pleasure and ceases to be a chore."

When you consciously choose to do what you love, life becomes a pleasure and ceases to be a chore.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "My spirit is joyful, and I love my higher self. I am my higher self."

My spirit is joyful, and I love my higher self. I am my higher self.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Your true self is a boundless spiritual being. You are spirit in body."

Your true self is a boundless spiritual being. You are spirit in body.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Everything you do matters. Every time you share and care, the light multiplies."

Everything you do matters. Every time you share and care, the light multiplies.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Remember, that username is a real person. Choose to spread the love online."

Remember, that username is a real person. Choose to spread the love online.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Choosing to unconditionally love others is a path to deep joy."

Choosing to unconditionally love others is a path to deep joy.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Kindness alchemizes the soul, and a sweeter, richer life is the delicious result."

Kindness alchemizes the soul, and a sweeter, richer life is the delicious result.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Compassion is the magic ingredient to an amazing life."

Compassion is the magic ingredient to an amazing life.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "If you knew today was your last day here, how would you share your love with the world?"

If you knew today was your last day here, how would you share your love with the world?

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Seeking external validation brings disappointment. Validate yourself from within to find true happiness."

Seeking external validation brings disappointment. Validate yourself from within to find true happiness.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Find the light within you through meditation and introspection, and you will illuminate your life from within."

Find the light within you through meditation and introspection, and you will illuminate your life from within.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "I allow the deities of compassion to fill me with light for the highest good."

I allow the deities of compassion to fill me with light for the highest good.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Make every picture a #loveselfie and fill every moment with soul."

Make every picture a #loveselfie and fill every moment with soul.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Let go of rejections and focus on self-reflection. For it is within that you will find the light you seek."

Let go of rejections and focus on self-reflection. For it is within that you will find the light you seek.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Forgiveness happens every time we surrender our attachment to pain."

Forgiveness happens every time we surrender our attachment to pain.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "You are a dynamo, and every day offers a choice to create a life you love."

You are a dynamo, and every day offers a choice to create a life you love.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Compassion is given freely with no expectation of reward."

Compassion is given freely with no expectation of reward.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Start a compassion movement in your community by being a living example of kindness."

Start a compassion movement in your community by being a living example of kindness.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "The beauty of compassion is free, and everyone is welcome to it."

The beauty of compassion is free, and everyone is welcome to it.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Being compassionate can be an exciting exercise of embracing life if you let it be."

Being compassionate can be an exciting exercise of embracing life if you let it be.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "You have the power to choose compassion in each moment."

You have the power to choose compassion in each moment.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Find the soul and love in every situation you encounter and find true happiness."

Find the soul and love in every situation you encounter and find true happiness.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Talk to yourself like a cherished friend. Treat yourself with love and care. You are perfect, just as you are."

Talk to yourself like a cherished friend. Treat yourself with love and care. You are perfect, just as you are.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Your inner critic is simply a part of you that needs more self-love."

Your inner critic is simply a part of you that needs more self-love.

Quotes De La Vida Quotes: "Sometimes the ultimate act of self-compassion is turning off your phone and looking someone in the eye."

Sometimes the ultimate act of self-compassion is turning off your phone and looking someone in the eye.