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Modesty Quotes

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Modesty Quotes: "We wound our modesty and make foul the clearness of our deservings, when of ourselves we publish them."

We wound our modesty and make foul the clearness of our deservings, when of ourselves we publish them.

Modesty Quotes: "Can it be That modesty may more betray our sense Than woman's lightness? Having waste ground enough, Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary And pitch our evils there?"

Can it be That modesty may more betray our sense Than woman's lightness? Having waste ground enough, Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary And pitch our evils there?

Modesty Quotes: "Love and meekness, lord, Become a churchman better than ambition: Win straying souls with modesty again, Cast none away."

Love and meekness, lord, Become a churchman better than ambition: Win straying souls with modesty again, Cast none away.

Modesty Quotes: "They may seize On the white wonder of dear Juliet's hand And steal immortal blessing from her lips, Who, even in pure and vestal modesty, Still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin."

They may seize On the white wonder of dear Juliet's hand And steal immortal blessing from her lips, Who, even in pure and vestal modesty, Still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin.

Modesty Quotes: "Let us be careful to distinguish modesty, which is ever amiable, from reserve, which is only prudent."

Let us be careful to distinguish modesty, which is ever amiable, from reserve, which is only prudent.

Modesty Quotes: "If guys practiced self-control, 'modesty' wouldn't be such a huge deal."

If guys practiced self-control, 'modesty' wouldn't be such a huge deal.

Modesty Quotes: "The earth is large and old enough to teach us modesty."

The earth is large and old enough to teach us modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "Diffidence is a sort of false modesty."

Diffidence is a sort of false modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "Honor modesty more than your life."

Honor modesty more than your life.

Modesty Quotes: "I understood, by dint of digging into my memories, that modesty helped me to shine, humility helped me to triumph and virtue to oppress."

I understood, by dint of digging into my memories, that modesty helped me to shine, humility helped me to triumph and virtue to oppress.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty and humility are the sobriety of the mind, as temperance and chastity are of the body."

Modesty and humility are the sobriety of the mind, as temperance and chastity are of the body.

Modesty Quotes: "Perfect humility dispenses with modesty."

Perfect humility dispenses with modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "A girl's modesty is first noted by her external presentation, but if it's not followed by the confidence of internal modesty, she still forfeits the power of her virtue."

A girl's modesty is first noted by her external presentation, but if it's not followed by the confidence of internal modesty, she still forfeits the power of her virtue.

Modesty Quotes: "The allure of immodesty is not in what is seen but what is not seen. Modesty issues a challenge for one man to romantically earn your virtue."

The allure of immodesty is not in what is seen but what is not seen. Modesty issues a challenge for one man to romantically earn your virtue.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty is a diamond setting to female beauty."

Modesty is a diamond setting to female beauty.

Modesty Quotes: "Egotism is true modesty. In religious enquiry each of us can speak only for himself."

Egotism is true modesty. In religious enquiry each of us can speak only for himself.

Modesty Quotes: "In a king, modesty would be a sign of weakness."

In a king, modesty would be a sign of weakness.

Modesty Quotes: "In the Western standards of modesty, there are different guidelines."

In the Western standards of modesty, there are different guidelines.

Modesty Quotes: "Only when painting isn't painting can there be an affront to modesty."

Only when painting isn't painting can there be an affront to modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "Of course you will insist on modesty in the children, and respect to their teachers, but if the boy stops you in your speech, cries out that you are wrong and sets you right, hug him!"

Of course you will insist on modesty in the children, and respect to their teachers, but if the boy stops you in your speech, cries out that you are wrong and sets you right, hug him!

Modesty Quotes: "The magnificently humble. The enormously small. The meaningfully ridiculous. Robert Walser's work often reads like a dazzling answer to the question, How immense can modesty be?"

The magnificently humble. The enormously small. The meaningfully ridiculous. Robert Walser's work often reads like a dazzling answer to the question, How immense can modesty be?

Modesty Quotes: "Abundance is an expansion of energy. Abundance is a form of gratitude, a generosity, a modesty, a bow toward others - what we can give, what we can share, rather than what we can take."

Abundance is an expansion of energy. Abundance is a form of gratitude, a generosity, a modesty, a bow toward others - what we can give, what we can share, rather than what we can take.

Modesty Quotes: "Vanity as an impulse has without doubt been of far more benefit to civilization than modesty has ever been."

Vanity as an impulse has without doubt been of far more benefit to civilization than modesty has ever been.

Modesty Quotes: "Unaffected modesty is the sweetest charm of female excellence, the richest gem in the diadem of her honor."

Unaffected modesty is the sweetest charm of female excellence, the richest gem in the diadem of her honor.

Modesty Quotes: "False modesty is the refinement of vanity. It is a lie."

False modesty is the refinement of vanity. It is a lie.

Modesty Quotes: "To the devil with false modesty."

To the devil with false modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "Don't allow false modesty,doubts or unbelief prevent you from accepting God's favor. The door of mercy stands wide open."

Don't allow false modesty,doubts or unbelief prevent you from accepting God's favor. The door of mercy stands wide open.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty is not one of my virtues."

Modesty is not one of my virtues.

Modesty Quotes: "The beauty of modesty ... a virtue the world doesn't have much truck with: one ordinary flower in a vase, as opposed to a bouquet."

The beauty of modesty ... a virtue the world doesn't have much truck with: one ordinary flower in a vase, as opposed to a bouquet.

Modesty Quotes: "It is only the first obstacle which counts to conquer modesty."

It is only the first obstacle which counts to conquer modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "In science, modesty and genius do not coexist well together. (In Washington, modesty and cleverness don't.) Einstein is perhaps the most famous exception to the rule."

In science, modesty and genius do not coexist well together. (In Washington, modesty and cleverness don't.) Einstein is perhaps the most famous exception to the rule.

Modesty Quotes: "What is modesty but inverted pride?"

What is modesty but inverted pride?

Modesty Quotes: "...but I should say that kindliness, and sincerity, and if I may say so--modesty--are worth far more to a man, to a husband, than all the wit and beauty in the world."

...but I should say that kindliness, and sincerity, and if I may say so--modesty--are worth far more to a man, to a husband, than all the wit and beauty in the world.

Modesty Quotes: "Spite of all modesty, a man must own a pleasure in the hearing of his praise."

Spite of all modesty, a man must own a pleasure in the hearing of his praise.

Modesty Quotes: "Some of the most frantic lies on the face of life are told with modesty and restraint; for the simple reason that only modesty and restraint will save them."

Some of the most frantic lies on the face of life are told with modesty and restraint; for the simple reason that only modesty and restraint will save them.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty is of no use to a beggar."

Modesty is of no use to a beggar.

Modesty Quotes: "Love knows nothing of modesty."

Love knows nothing of modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "It is often the case with a new idea that when it comes knocking on society's door with modesty and the best premises for its existence, there is a tremendous outcry from inside."

It is often the case with a new idea that when it comes knocking on society's door with modesty and the best premises for its existence, there is a tremendous outcry from inside.

Modesty Quotes: "And personally, I've lost my thirst for vengeance."

And personally, I've lost my thirst for vengeance.

Modesty Quotes: "Be merciful, moderate, and modest."

Be merciful, moderate, and modest.

Modesty Quotes: "Assurance and intrepidity, under the white banner of seeming modesty, clear the way for merit, that would otherwise be discouraged by difficulties..."

Assurance and intrepidity, under the white banner of seeming modesty, clear the way for merit, that would otherwise be discouraged by difficulties...

Modesty Quotes: "When a modest man praises himself, people listen."

When a modest man praises himself, people listen.

Modesty Quotes: "Everything that is exquisite hides itself."

Everything that is exquisite hides itself.

Modesty Quotes: "When writing about oneself, one must strive to be truthful. Truth is more important than modesty."

When writing about oneself, one must strive to be truthful. Truth is more important than modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty once extinguished knows not how to return."

Modesty once extinguished knows not how to return.

Modesty Quotes: "One who has an inferiority complex can never be really humble, but can only have false modesty or false humility."

One who has an inferiority complex can never be really humble, but can only have false modesty or false humility.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty and diffidence make a man unfit for public affairs; they also make him unfit for brothels."

Modesty and diffidence make a man unfit for public affairs; they also make him unfit for brothels.

Modesty Quotes: "There has to be a cut-off somewhere between the freedom of expression and a graphically explicit free-for-all."

There has to be a cut-off somewhere between the freedom of expression and a graphically explicit free-for-all.

Modesty Quotes: "I think in the world of indie music there's this sort of false modesty."

I think in the world of indie music there's this sort of false modesty.