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Everyday Life Quotes

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Everyday Life Quotes: "Really, most of us just focus on what's in front of us. We're too busy putting out the fires of everyday life."

Really, most of us just focus on what's in front of us. We're too busy putting out the fires of everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "The foundations of the world are to be found, not in the cognitive experience of conscious thought, but in the aesthetic experience of everyday life."

The foundations of the world are to be found, not in the cognitive experience of conscious thought, but in the aesthetic experience of everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I doubt if there is a single field of study so theoretical, so remote from what is laughingly called everyday life, that it may not one day produce something that will shake the world."

I doubt if there is a single field of study so theoretical, so remote from what is laughingly called everyday life, that it may not one day produce something that will shake the world.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I never went to acting school, so improv was my training. Just being quick on your feet helps in everyday life."

I never went to acting school, so improv was my training. Just being quick on your feet helps in everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I'd say many features of string theory don't mesh with what we observe in everyday life."

I'd say many features of string theory don't mesh with what we observe in everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Music is about expressing things you can't in everyday life."

Music is about expressing things you can't in everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "In everyday life, my wife is the most wonderful. We're in love with each other beyond belief."

In everyday life, my wife is the most wonderful. We're in love with each other beyond belief.

Everyday Life Quotes: "What is important is to see how we can best lead a meaningful everyday life, how we can bring about peace and harmony in our minds, how we can help contribute to society."

What is important is to see how we can best lead a meaningful everyday life, how we can bring about peace and harmony in our minds, how we can help contribute to society.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I'm very proud of my roles. I enjoy the ability to touch millions ofpeople and, in some way, connect with them in ways that I cannotconnect with them in my normal, everyday life."

I'm very proud of my roles. I enjoy the ability to touch millions ofpeople and, in some way, connect with them in ways that I cannotconnect with them in my normal, everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Overall the cost of living in Ho Chi Minh City is cheap and if you can stay away from Western restaurants and use just local products in your everyday life it's really cheap."

Overall the cost of living in Ho Chi Minh City is cheap and if you can stay away from Western restaurants and use just local products in your everyday life it's really cheap.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I’m infinitely more involved in the reality of the characters and their situation than I am in everyday life."

I’m infinitely more involved in the reality of the characters and their situation than I am in everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as others say I am."

I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as others say I am.

Everyday Life Quotes: "great inventors and discoverers seem to have made their discoveries and inventions as it were by the way, in the course of their everyday life."

great inventors and discoverers seem to have made their discoveries and inventions as it were by the way, in the course of their everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "The main thing is to be philanthropic in your everyday life. You don't have to have money to do that. You can do it with your time and your energy."

The main thing is to be philanthropic in your everyday life. You don't have to have money to do that. You can do it with your time and your energy.

Everyday Life Quotes: "When I'm on camera, I have to do things pretty much the way I do things in everyday life. It gives the audience someone real to identify with."

When I'm on camera, I have to do things pretty much the way I do things in everyday life. It gives the audience someone real to identify with.

Everyday Life Quotes: "The library takes me away from my everyday life and allows me to see other places and learn to understand other people unlike myself."

The library takes me away from my everyday life and allows me to see other places and learn to understand other people unlike myself.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Finding the physical aspect is important to me because that is often how we read people in everyday life."

Finding the physical aspect is important to me because that is often how we read people in everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I think people are complacent about sound, because we're so limited by the textures and timbres we hear in music, but in our everyday life we hear the most incredible things."

I think people are complacent about sound, because we're so limited by the textures and timbres we hear in music, but in our everyday life we hear the most incredible things.

Everyday Life Quotes: "If the Internet exists at all in the future, it will be on a much-reduced scale from what we enjoy today, and all the activities of everyday life are not going to reside on it."

If the Internet exists at all in the future, it will be on a much-reduced scale from what we enjoy today, and all the activities of everyday life are not going to reside on it.

Everyday Life Quotes: "In my everyday life, I'm a jeans and button-up shirt kind of guy."

In my everyday life, I'm a jeans and button-up shirt kind of guy.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I think of spirit as that which evokes us - the lure of becoming that keeps calling. And I think of soul as that which gets us through the cartography of everyday life."

I think of spirit as that which evokes us - the lure of becoming that keeps calling. And I think of soul as that which gets us through the cartography of everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I curse in everyday life, but usually when I stub my toe. The topics I'm discussing, it's not necessary to curse. I found [cursing] is a sign that a joke is not finished or well-written."

I curse in everyday life, but usually when I stub my toe. The topics I'm discussing, it's not necessary to curse. I found [cursing] is a sign that a joke is not finished or well-written.

Everyday Life Quotes: "The main questions of everyday life are too enormous to answer in any definitive sense."

The main questions of everyday life are too enormous to answer in any definitive sense.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Perhaps we could enjoy ordinary, everyday life more if we learned to celebrate the ordinary."

Perhaps we could enjoy ordinary, everyday life more if we learned to celebrate the ordinary.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Everyday life became infused with urgency as I tried to speak and act in ways that fit the holy script and glorified God in new contexts."

Everyday life became infused with urgency as I tried to speak and act in ways that fit the holy script and glorified God in new contexts.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Collage is an important part of my everyday life. I always did it kind of secretly but then started my blog where I post things almost daily."

Collage is an important part of my everyday life. I always did it kind of secretly but then started my blog where I post things almost daily.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I think the big thing is the fairy tale. It's taking old folk fairy tales and retelling them in modern day. I think it's just taking you out of everyday life, and everyone loves a good fairy tale."

I think the big thing is the fairy tale. It's taking old folk fairy tales and retelling them in modern day. I think it's just taking you out of everyday life, and everyone loves a good fairy tale.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I believe we have to put art back at the center of everyday life rather than allowing it to become a specialist activity at the margins of society."

I believe we have to put art back at the center of everyday life rather than allowing it to become a specialist activity at the margins of society.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I'm all over my poems, even if their relation to my everyday life is that of dream to reality."

I'm all over my poems, even if their relation to my everyday life is that of dream to reality.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Seinfeld has his way of telling jokes - and I'm not comparing myself to Seinfeld, his genius is observing the small details of everyday life and finding humor in it."

Seinfeld has his way of telling jokes - and I'm not comparing myself to Seinfeld, his genius is observing the small details of everyday life and finding humor in it.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I feel that my dreamscapes are part of my everyday life, and sometimes I can't tell the difference."

I feel that my dreamscapes are part of my everyday life, and sometimes I can't tell the difference.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Everyone is called, everyone is sent out… The call of God can reach us on the assembly line and in the office, in the supermarket and in the stairwell, i.e., in the places of everyday life."

Everyone is called, everyone is sent out… The call of God can reach us on the assembly line and in the office, in the supermarket and in the stairwell, i.e., in the places of everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "You don't understand, photography is not about getting the right picture, it's about documenting your everyday life."

You don't understand, photography is not about getting the right picture, it's about documenting your everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Move every day. Like taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Make it a part of your everyday life."

Move every day. Like taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Make it a part of your everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "The best didactic for the elimination of the Ego it is found in the everyday life intensively lived."

The best didactic for the elimination of the Ego it is found in the everyday life intensively lived.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Life just swallows you up, doesn't it?Just swallows you up with its everyday things"

Life just swallows you up, doesn't it?Just swallows you up with its everyday things

Everyday Life Quotes: "Meditation has become an ingrained part of my everyday life that helps me feel so much more centered, patient and compassionate. It even gives me great physical energy."

Meditation has become an ingrained part of my everyday life that helps me feel so much more centered, patient and compassionate. It even gives me great physical energy.

Everyday Life Quotes: "The quest for homeland security is heading ... toward the quasi-militarization of everyday life ... If danger might lurk anywhere, maybe everything must be protected and policed."

The quest for homeland security is heading ... toward the quasi-militarization of everyday life ... If danger might lurk anywhere, maybe everything must be protected and policed.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Without the balancing context of everyday life, all you have is the news, and news by its nature is generally bad."

Without the balancing context of everyday life, all you have is the news, and news by its nature is generally bad.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I get my inspiration from everyday life, things people my age are going through in life, good and bad experiences."

I get my inspiration from everyday life, things people my age are going through in life, good and bad experiences.

Everyday Life Quotes: "There is...a tendency to think of the spiritual life as primarily introspective, divorced from the concerns of everyday life....Faith that does not translate into actions is no faith at all."

There is...a tendency to think of the spiritual life as primarily introspective, divorced from the concerns of everyday life....Faith that does not translate into actions is no faith at all.

Everyday Life Quotes: "To lose your everyday life of surfing and being creative on waves, enjoying the ocean - that's scary to me. It was essential to at least try surfing again and get out there and see how it went."

To lose your everyday life of surfing and being creative on waves, enjoying the ocean - that's scary to me. It was essential to at least try surfing again and get out there and see how it went.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I think many of us live in a rut. Stuck in a groove we can't get out of, whether it's our job, family drama or the little frustrations of everyday life."

I think many of us live in a rut. Stuck in a groove we can't get out of, whether it's our job, family drama or the little frustrations of everyday life.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Theater is a space where you cross over from everyday life, because there are real people in that moment moving in front of you-you're being invited to believe in a story and cross that bridge."

Theater is a space where you cross over from everyday life, because there are real people in that moment moving in front of you-you're being invited to believe in a story and cross that bridge.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Ive always loved the idea of mythologies linked to or underlying everyday life, like the kami gods of Shintoism, where every rock, tree and stream has its own little god associated with it."

Ive always loved the idea of mythologies linked to or underlying everyday life, like the kami gods of Shintoism, where every rock, tree and stream has its own little god associated with it.

Everyday Life Quotes: "You aren't just voting for the president. So many issues that affect your everyday life are decided locally on that ballot as well. So go get that god damn sticker. Your country needs you."

You aren't just voting for the president. So many issues that affect your everyday life are decided locally on that ballot as well. So go get that god damn sticker. Your country needs you.

Everyday Life Quotes: "Where unity and self-sacrifice are indispensable for the normal functioning of society, everyday life is likely to be either religiofied (common tasks turned into holy causes) or militarized."

Where unity and self-sacrifice are indispensable for the normal functioning of society, everyday life is likely to be either religiofied (common tasks turned into holy causes) or militarized.

Everyday Life Quotes: "I feel like when I stay focused on encouraging people, and giving them hope, and helping them live their everyday life, I think that's where I can have the most impact."

I feel like when I stay focused on encouraging people, and giving them hope, and helping them live their everyday life, I think that's where I can have the most impact.

Everyday Life Quotes: "One of the first lessons a necromancer learns is the art of playing dumb. Of course, one problem with playing dumb is that is seeps into your everyday life. ~Jaime Vegas"

One of the first lessons a necromancer learns is the art of playing dumb. Of course, one problem with playing dumb is that is seeps into your everyday life. ~Jaime Vegas