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Chances Quotes

Find the best Chances quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Chances quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Chances quote of the day.

Chances Quotes: "Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to make them a reality."

Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to make them a reality.

Chances Quotes: "I don't believe in luck, but rather destiny. And destiny comes when you chase opportunity, only then will you make your own path in life."

I don't believe in luck, but rather destiny. And destiny comes when you chase opportunity, only then will you make your own path in life.

Chances Quotes: "When you compete, you gain more than you lose, even when you lose."

When you compete, you gain more than you lose, even when you lose.

Chances Quotes: "Some things just couldn't be protectd from storms. Some things simply needed to be broken off...Once old thing were broken off, amazingly beautiful thing could grow in their place."

Some things just couldn't be protectd from storms. Some things simply needed to be broken off...Once old thing were broken off, amazingly beautiful thing could grow in their place.

Chances Quotes: "There is no need searching for love, it cannot be found-it happens!"

There is no need searching for love, it cannot be found-it happens!

Chances Quotes: "Use your now well now! There is always another day to change something, but all the days we may meet may never be the same. Use your now well now!"

Use your now well now! There is always another day to change something, but all the days we may meet may never be the same. Use your now well now!

Chances Quotes: "I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony. I do not crave security. I wish to hazard my soul to opportunity."

I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony. I do not crave security. I wish to hazard my soul to opportunity.

Chances Quotes: "Amidst of all these darkness, soul wrenching pain and disappointments, you have a heart that still believes in love, trust and second chances. And that my dear, is what makes you so beautiful."

Amidst of all these darkness, soul wrenching pain and disappointments, you have a heart that still believes in love, trust and second chances. And that my dear, is what makes you so beautiful.

Chances Quotes: "Love has no fear, willing to take on anyone. But how much we fear love!"

Love has no fear, willing to take on anyone. But how much we fear love!

Chances Quotes: "Never complain, proclaim positive-words.Then, you will possess the divine grace for a change situation."

Never complain, proclaim positive-words.Then, you will possess the divine grace for a change situation.

Chances Quotes: "Conventional wisdom nor scientific, mathematical prove of randomness in life could do nothing to deter human's curiosity for the unknown, however small the chance of a positive outcome maybe."

Conventional wisdom nor scientific, mathematical prove of randomness in life could do nothing to deter human's curiosity for the unknown, however small the chance of a positive outcome maybe.

Chances Quotes: "If one Godfather offers you an opportunity and another Godfather offers you an advantage, go with the former."

If one Godfather offers you an opportunity and another Godfather offers you an advantage, go with the former.

Chances Quotes: "God does not showers blessings, he showers opportunities."

God does not showers blessings, he showers opportunities.

Chances Quotes: "Like an energy even an opportunity cannot be destroyed, if you don't accept, it goes to someone else."

Like an energy even an opportunity cannot be destroyed, if you don't accept, it goes to someone else.

Chances Quotes: "First opportunity is the golden opportunity."

First opportunity is the golden opportunity.

Chances Quotes: "Take every chance you get in life ... because some things only happen once!"

Take every chance you get in life ... because some things only happen once!

Chances Quotes: "Repent while there is still time to change."

Repent while there is still time to change.

Chances Quotes: "You have the courage to take chances."

You have the courage to take chances.

Chances Quotes: "Even if someone is already dead in front of you, knock twice on the heart who knows they might answer."

Even if someone is already dead in front of you, knock twice on the heart who knows they might answer.

Chances Quotes: "Sure, life as we know it is enough. But life as we don’t know it? That’s where the magic awaits. That’s where second chances abound."

Sure, life as we know it is enough. But life as we don’t know it? That’s where the magic awaits. That’s where second chances abound.

Chances Quotes: "To live, to TRULY live, we must be willing to RISK. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look."

To live, to TRULY live, we must be willing to RISK. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.

Chances Quotes: "I will not allow my mistakes of the past compromise my hope for the future."

I will not allow my mistakes of the past compromise my hope for the future.

Chances Quotes: "Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand our vision of what is possible."

Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand our vision of what is possible.

Chances Quotes: "Before I can become an expert on anything, I must first become an expert on me."

Before I can become an expert on anything, I must first become an expert on me.

Chances Quotes: "Usually the opposite of what we fear is our greatest fear."

Usually the opposite of what we fear is our greatest fear.

Chances Quotes: "It is how we nurture the good and deal with the bad that ultimately shapes our destiny."

It is how we nurture the good and deal with the bad that ultimately shapes our destiny.

Chances Quotes: "Sometimes a "mistake" can end up being the best decision you ever make."

Sometimes a "mistake" can end up being the best decision you ever make.

Chances Quotes: "Find comfort in little things and joy in unexpected moments."

Find comfort in little things and joy in unexpected moments.

Chances Quotes: "Life doesn't offers charity, it offers chance."

Life doesn't offers charity, it offers chance.

Chances Quotes: "The more the problems in a society, the greater the chances of success."

The more the problems in a society, the greater the chances of success.

Chances Quotes: "How we handle adversity determines the chances if we either fall or rise."

How we handle adversity determines the chances if we either fall or rise.

Chances Quotes: "It's chance, I tell you, ' he interrupted, ' as everything is in a man's life."

It's chance, I tell you, ' he interrupted, ' as everything is in a man's life.

Chances Quotes: "Perspective is as simple as answering this question: If I had 5 months to live would I experience this problem differently?"

Perspective is as simple as answering this question: If I had 5 months to live would I experience this problem differently?

Chances Quotes: "Divorce is the start point for a brand new life. Don't lose the chance to redesign it upon your dreams!"

Divorce is the start point for a brand new life. Don't lose the chance to redesign it upon your dreams!

Chances Quotes: "since destiny always rings three times..."

since destiny always rings three times...

Chances Quotes: "The danger of venturing into uncharted waters is not nearly as dangerous as staying on shore, waiting for your boat to come in."

The danger of venturing into uncharted waters is not nearly as dangerous as staying on shore, waiting for your boat to come in.

Chances Quotes: "There are plenty of chances in life, what's important is what you make of them."

There are plenty of chances in life, what's important is what you make of them.

Chances Quotes: "I am blessed.I am beautiful.I am great."

I am blessed.I am beautiful.I am great.

Chances Quotes: "The future is now! Don't make that second pass you into regrets."

The future is now! Don't make that second pass you into regrets.

Chances Quotes: "Whether you dream big or dream small, chances are your dream will come true if you believe in it and really work hard on it."

Whether you dream big or dream small, chances are your dream will come true if you believe in it and really work hard on it.

Chances Quotes: "Nothing's ever simple. I just don't want you to ignore possibilities out of fear. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, believing that somebody's going to catch you."

Nothing's ever simple. I just don't want you to ignore possibilities out of fear. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, believing that somebody's going to catch you.

Chances Quotes: "When the situation demands action, know the end of the action before you start the action"

When the situation demands action, know the end of the action before you start the action

Chances Quotes: "Where the Magic Awaits: The Worst Becomes the Absolute Best"

Where the Magic Awaits: The Worst Becomes the Absolute Best

Chances Quotes: "Once I am alive, I still have the chance to live rightly for the rest of my life."

Once I am alive, I still have the chance to live rightly for the rest of my life.

Chances Quotes: "Forgiveness is the highest degree of a trust in a better man"

Forgiveness is the highest degree of a trust in a better man

Chances Quotes: "Everything you want lies on the other side of learning to trust yourself. Take a chance. Have faith. You already know who you are, what you want, and where you want to go."

Everything you want lies on the other side of learning to trust yourself. Take a chance. Have faith. You already know who you are, what you want, and where you want to go.

Chances Quotes: "Rylan grabbed the seat of her chair and moved it to the side where Kade was sitting. She pulled one hand from his lap and squeezed it between hers. “You’ve got to have a little faith in me."

Rylan grabbed the seat of her chair and moved it to the side where Kade was sitting. She pulled one hand from his lap and squeezed it between hers. “You’ve got to have a little faith in me.

Chances Quotes: "Strength is finding the courage to let another person in. Strength is opening your heart to him and exposing yourself in all vulnerabilities- No matter how terrifying that may be."

Strength is finding the courage to let another person in. Strength is opening your heart to him and exposing yourself in all vulnerabilities- No matter how terrifying that may be.