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Brainy Quotes

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Brainy Quotes: "Love starts having troubles when the brains encroaches on its territory"

Love starts having troubles when the brains encroaches on its territory

Brainy Quotes: "Truth is independent of all dogmas, ancient or modern."

Truth is independent of all dogmas, ancient or modern.

Brainy Quotes: "Regardless of the perpetual battle between believers and atheists, for me, religion is a tool of making friends, rather than making enemies."

Regardless of the perpetual battle between believers and atheists, for me, religion is a tool of making friends, rather than making enemies.

Brainy Quotes: "Your comfort zone is not that comfortable."

Your comfort zone is not that comfortable.

Brainy Quotes: "One of the things I’ve learned about vision is people will grab it mentally or, have a crab mentality."

One of the things I’ve learned about vision is people will grab it mentally or, have a crab mentality.

Brainy Quotes: "There exist no new mistakes anywhere. The same mistakes people committed are the same mistakes people are committing and the same mistakes shall people commit"

There exist no new mistakes anywhere. The same mistakes people committed are the same mistakes people are committing and the same mistakes shall people commit

Brainy Quotes: "Hard work and determination-that is what will get you closer towards accomplishing your goal."

Hard work and determination-that is what will get you closer towards accomplishing your goal.

Brainy Quotes: "In five minutes you should know if people have confirmed, calculated & considered your vision."

In five minutes you should know if people have confirmed, calculated & considered your vision.

Brainy Quotes: "In the world of primitive savages, religion and bigotry go hand in hand. But, in the world of civilized humans, religion and reason must go hand in hand."

In the world of primitive savages, religion and bigotry go hand in hand. But, in the world of civilized humans, religion and reason must go hand in hand.

Brainy Quotes: "Entrepreneur, become so disciplined that even your distractions become focused."

Entrepreneur, become so disciplined that even your distractions become focused.

Brainy Quotes: "There is a scientific explanation behind everything. Finding it depends on whether you give in to the much simpler supernatural explanation."

There is a scientific explanation behind everything. Finding it depends on whether you give in to the much simpler supernatural explanation.

Brainy Quotes: "Entrepreneur, stay hungry, stay humble & stay hopeful."

Entrepreneur, stay hungry, stay humble & stay hopeful.

Brainy Quotes: "Act like you have a lot of venom inside you, but never inject them into anyone."

Act like you have a lot of venom inside you, but never inject them into anyone.

Brainy Quotes: "Salvation of human life requires disclosure of truth through reason, surpassing bigotry."

Salvation of human life requires disclosure of truth through reason, surpassing bigotry.

Brainy Quotes: "Worse than any severe mental illness, is the illness of bigotry."

Worse than any severe mental illness, is the illness of bigotry.

Brainy Quotes: "Even a thousand loud lies become powerless in front of one calm truth."

Even a thousand loud lies become powerless in front of one calm truth.

Brainy Quotes: "Neurons giveth and neurons taketh away."

Neurons giveth and neurons taketh away.

Brainy Quotes: "The real Jihad is an internal process, not an external one."

The real Jihad is an internal process, not an external one.

Brainy Quotes: "What is the point of having a civilization, if we do not practice being civilized!"

What is the point of having a civilization, if we do not practice being civilized!

Brainy Quotes: "Our mind has evolved in such a way that new wants keep appearing in it relentlessly. But do not confuse them with needs. Needs are necessity, but wants are luxury."

Our mind has evolved in such a way that new wants keep appearing in it relentlessly. But do not confuse them with needs. Needs are necessity, but wants are luxury.

Brainy Quotes: "I don’t want to take away anybody’s religion, but simply to make them see what religion really means."

I don’t want to take away anybody’s religion, but simply to make them see what religion really means.

Brainy Quotes: "Religion is not a book, it is not an institution, and it is not even a person. True Religion is realization of the self."

Religion is not a book, it is not an institution, and it is not even a person. True Religion is realization of the self.

Brainy Quotes: "All answers that you seek can only be found within."

All answers that you seek can only be found within.

Brainy Quotes: "Christ did to the Jewish orthodoxy, what Buddha did to the Hindu orthodoxy."

Christ did to the Jewish orthodoxy, what Buddha did to the Hindu orthodoxy.

Brainy Quotes: "Think of the good that Christ imparted on the society. And think of the great evil that has been done through fanaticism over one damn phrase “salvation through Christ, the Son of God."

Think of the good that Christ imparted on the society. And think of the great evil that has been done through fanaticism over one damn phrase “salvation through Christ, the Son of God.

Brainy Quotes: "Jesus recognized that God within him and became Christ - so did Siddhartha Gautama and became Buddha - so did I - and so can you."

Jesus recognized that God within him and became Christ - so did Siddhartha Gautama and became Buddha - so did I - and so can you.

Brainy Quotes: "A handful of lion-hearts can wake the whole world up."

A handful of lion-hearts can wake the whole world up.

Brainy Quotes: "Man and woman are the two wheels of society. If either one becomes defective, the society cannot make progress."

Man and woman are the two wheels of society. If either one becomes defective, the society cannot make progress.

Brainy Quotes: "In the domain of true religion, mere book-learning has no right to enter."

In the domain of true religion, mere book-learning has no right to enter.

Brainy Quotes: "​God is hardwired within the neural circuitry."

​God is hardwired within the neural circuitry.

Brainy Quotes: "Dare to exercise rational thinking."

Dare to exercise rational thinking.

Brainy Quotes: "​Through ignorance a common man considers his own religion to be the best and makes much useless claims, but when his mind is illuminated by Self-Knowledge, all sectarian quarrels disappear."

​Through ignorance a common man considers his own religion to be the best and makes much useless claims, but when his mind is illuminated by Self-Knowledge, all sectarian quarrels disappear.

Brainy Quotes: "First know the Self and then talk of social reformation."

First know the Self and then talk of social reformation.

Brainy Quotes: "Never question the conviction of a scientist, based on mere scriptures."

Never question the conviction of a scientist, based on mere scriptures.

Brainy Quotes: "The more you learn the biology behind your every action, emotion and behavior, the better you become at accepting others the way they are."

The more you learn the biology behind your every action, emotion and behavior, the better you become at accepting others the way they are.

Brainy Quotes: "I dare to believe in the beauty of my dreams, and I use my imagination to see them fulfilled."

I dare to believe in the beauty of my dreams, and I use my imagination to see them fulfilled.

Brainy Quotes: "​You are only limited by your imagination."

​You are only limited by your imagination.

Brainy Quotes: "life is a continuous exercise is creative problem solving"

life is a continuous exercise is creative problem solving

Brainy Quotes: "To live in a world that requires you to become someone else, being yourself is your best choice and most valuable accomplishment."-Steven Cuoco"

To live in a world that requires you to become someone else, being yourself is your best choice and most valuable accomplishment."-Steven Cuoco

Brainy Quotes: "Real teachers like Jesus, Buddha, Nanak, Rumi have much more to teach humanity, than the imaginary figure Krishna, concocted by an ancient Indian man named Vyasa."

Real teachers like Jesus, Buddha, Nanak, Rumi have much more to teach humanity, than the imaginary figure Krishna, concocted by an ancient Indian man named Vyasa.

Brainy Quotes: "Never forget O Brave One, the best kind of existence is to exist for others."

Never forget O Brave One, the best kind of existence is to exist for others.

Brainy Quotes: "Despite the fact that we cannot be absolutely altruistic in our behavior, we can still build our character to be loving and compassionate – to empathize with others."

Despite the fact that we cannot be absolutely altruistic in our behavior, we can still build our character to be loving and compassionate – to empathize with others.

Brainy Quotes: "Quran, like most other scriptures, is a book of most wonderful truth mixed with the most disgraceful superstitions of human nature."

Quran, like most other scriptures, is a book of most wonderful truth mixed with the most disgraceful superstitions of human nature.

Brainy Quotes: "We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind"

We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind

Brainy Quotes: "All states of consciousness, no matter how mystical, ecstatic or divine, are gloriously born through the protoplasmic activity of the brain."

All states of consciousness, no matter how mystical, ecstatic or divine, are gloriously born through the protoplasmic activity of the brain.

Brainy Quotes: "Leadership isn't about age but rather, leadership is about influence, impact & inspiration."

Leadership isn't about age but rather, leadership is about influence, impact & inspiration.