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Auditions Quotes

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Auditions Quotes: "I was discovered on the Sony lot through an audition by Denzel Washington."

I was discovered on the Sony lot through an audition by Denzel Washington.

Auditions Quotes: "If you do an American TV series, before the audition you sign away the next five years of your life."

If you do an American TV series, before the audition you sign away the next five years of your life.

Auditions Quotes: "I wish I knew that when I go in for an audition and I don't get the part, it actually doesn't have to do with me on a personal level."

I wish I knew that when I go in for an audition and I don't get the part, it actually doesn't have to do with me on a personal level.

Auditions Quotes: "My oldest step-son wants to direct or produce. As far as being an actor, I've already told them they have to wait until they're 18; I won't take them to auditions."

My oldest step-son wants to direct or produce. As far as being an actor, I've already told them they have to wait until they're 18; I won't take them to auditions.

Auditions Quotes: "I do love children, but I don't really talk about that in auditions."

I do love children, but I don't really talk about that in auditions.

Auditions Quotes: "I have done some formal acting training, because I sucked at acting when I first got to Los Angeles. I'm still one of the worst actors and auditions out there."

I have done some formal acting training, because I sucked at acting when I first got to Los Angeles. I'm still one of the worst actors and auditions out there.

Auditions Quotes: "I have had so many bad auditions."

I have had so many bad auditions.

Auditions Quotes: "There were times when I wondered if I was doing the right thing, studying when I could have been going to auditions."

There were times when I wondered if I was doing the right thing, studying when I could have been going to auditions.

Auditions Quotes: "You know, an audition usually is you come in and read the scene and if you're lucky, you get to read it twice."

You know, an audition usually is you come in and read the scene and if you're lucky, you get to read it twice.

Auditions Quotes: "Going to auditions is always so nerve-wracking. I don't think they ever get any easier."

Going to auditions is always so nerve-wracking. I don't think they ever get any easier.

Auditions Quotes: "One thing that seems to surprise the studios is finding out later my willingness to audition. Under the right circumstances, I actually enjoy it very much."

One thing that seems to surprise the studios is finding out later my willingness to audition. Under the right circumstances, I actually enjoy it very much.

Auditions Quotes: "Practice being happy. Work at it. It's a new role, I realize, but you'll get it. The auditions will be coming up very soon. So get on top of it. I'm sure you will get the part."

Practice being happy. Work at it. It's a new role, I realize, but you'll get it. The auditions will be coming up very soon. So get on top of it. I'm sure you will get the part.

Auditions Quotes: "I first came to LA auditioning during pilot season. I didn't really know anyone. The only people I'd meet were the girls I was up against at auditions. It wasn't the friendliest bunch."

I first came to LA auditioning during pilot season. I didn't really know anyone. The only people I'd meet were the girls I was up against at auditions. It wasn't the friendliest bunch.

Auditions Quotes: "If you're with one person, then you don't have to meet other people. It's like when you're acting in a movie, you don't have to audition for other movies. I prefer that."

If you're with one person, then you don't have to meet other people. It's like when you're acting in a movie, you don't have to audition for other movies. I prefer that.

Auditions Quotes: "If a good actor wants a role, they'll do whatever it takes to get the part. Directors are the same. We do 'meetings', not auditions: that tells you a whole lot more about an actor, too."

If a good actor wants a role, they'll do whatever it takes to get the part. Directors are the same. We do 'meetings', not auditions: that tells you a whole lot more about an actor, too.

Auditions Quotes: "I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself. I felt like I shouldn't have to audition for anything and all that. And that energy did not serve me at all."

I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself. I felt like I shouldn't have to audition for anything and all that. And that energy did not serve me at all.

Auditions Quotes: "Because I sleep with him he asked me to audition, you know?"

Because I sleep with him he asked me to audition, you know?

Auditions Quotes: "I always feel like, when you go into an audition, your best chance at success is to be as comfortable as you can be. It's generally more helpful for me to just be confident and comfortable."

I always feel like, when you go into an audition, your best chance at success is to be as comfortable as you can be. It's generally more helpful for me to just be confident and comfortable.

Auditions Quotes: "My first audition was the worst I have ever done, ever."

My first audition was the worst I have ever done, ever.

Auditions Quotes: "My first film, 'Vanishing on 7th Street,' I really just kinda went in for it. Just gave it my all at the auditions."

My first film, 'Vanishing on 7th Street,' I really just kinda went in for it. Just gave it my all at the auditions.

Auditions Quotes: "As movies and TV projects come up, they go out to the agents and we just go out and audition for them."

As movies and TV projects come up, they go out to the agents and we just go out and audition for them.

Auditions Quotes: "I've never gone through an audition process or anything. In most of my decisions like that, I just kind of feel it out: You know, do I feel comfortable with this person?"

I've never gone through an audition process or anything. In most of my decisions like that, I just kind of feel it out: You know, do I feel comfortable with this person?

Auditions Quotes: "I didn't want to be known as the reality-show star trying to be an actress, so I kept a lot of the failed auditions to myself."

I didn't want to be known as the reality-show star trying to be an actress, so I kept a lot of the failed auditions to myself.

Auditions Quotes: "I think the best way for me to go into auditions psychologically was to say, 'You're not going to get it. This is the only acting experience you're going to have with this material.'"

I think the best way for me to go into auditions psychologically was to say, 'You're not going to get it. This is the only acting experience you're going to have with this material.'

Auditions Quotes: "Put a Post-It note on your mirror that says: 'Someone has to succeed. There's no reason why it shouldn't be me.' Repeat before every audition."

Put a Post-It note on your mirror that says: 'Someone has to succeed. There's no reason why it shouldn't be me.' Repeat before every audition.

Auditions Quotes: "I remember thinking, 'I'll audition just once and if it doesn't work out I'll never think about it ever again.'"

I remember thinking, 'I'll audition just once and if it doesn't work out I'll never think about it ever again.'

Auditions Quotes: "I think most actors will tell you the same thing; when you're not working you put 100 percent into every audition."

I think most actors will tell you the same thing; when you're not working you put 100 percent into every audition.

Auditions Quotes: "I never went on an audition - when they were really looking at everybody."

I never went on an audition - when they were really looking at everybody.

Auditions Quotes: "You have to have talent. You have to get the audition and then you have to nail the audition."

You have to have talent. You have to get the audition and then you have to nail the audition.

Auditions Quotes: "I'm just used to leaving and being like, "I feel like I wasted their time and I definitely wasted my own time." I often leave auditions thinking that that person is now permanently mad at me."

I'm just used to leaving and being like, "I feel like I wasted their time and I definitely wasted my own time." I often leave auditions thinking that that person is now permanently mad at me.

Auditions Quotes: "As for Supernatural, I had seen many episodes and enjoyed the show before my audition."

As for Supernatural, I had seen many episodes and enjoyed the show before my audition.

Auditions Quotes: "The iPad was my first splurge after I got my first paychecks. I paid off the debt, and I now bring the iPad with me to auditions."

The iPad was my first splurge after I got my first paychecks. I paid off the debt, and I now bring the iPad with me to auditions.

Auditions Quotes: "A lot of the time, I won't read the script until my second or third audition just 'cause a lot of the scripts are the same and the characters are the same."

A lot of the time, I won't read the script until my second or third audition just 'cause a lot of the scripts are the same and the characters are the same.

Auditions Quotes: "In L.A., I'm twice the size - height and everything else - of most of the other actresses who are going for an audition."

In L.A., I'm twice the size - height and everything else - of most of the other actresses who are going for an audition.

Auditions Quotes: "After that I got an agent and went on like a million auditions. You win some, you lose some."

After that I got an agent and went on like a million auditions. You win some, you lose some.

Auditions Quotes: "I used to wear sweats and a T-shirt to auditions, but my agent would yell at me and tell me I had to look nice and presentable. So I had to drop that habit."

I used to wear sweats and a T-shirt to auditions, but my agent would yell at me and tell me I had to look nice and presentable. So I had to drop that habit.

Auditions Quotes: "I've done auditions where the casting director is taking the paper out of my hand in the middle of reading."

I've done auditions where the casting director is taking the paper out of my hand in the middle of reading.

Auditions Quotes: "A lot of auditions are not fun; they're just a necessary evil, and, if you're lucky, you have a few moments that are fun."

A lot of auditions are not fun; they're just a necessary evil, and, if you're lucky, you have a few moments that are fun.

Auditions Quotes: "If it's a good audition, whether or not I think I'm going to get the part, I do always say yes to going."

If it's a good audition, whether or not I think I'm going to get the part, I do always say yes to going.

Auditions Quotes: "I can't emphasize the immediate panic that would set in when I had to audition. I can't believe I did it."

I can't emphasize the immediate panic that would set in when I had to audition. I can't believe I did it.

Auditions Quotes: "I completely bombed the audition... I was insecure, stopping and starting. I went to the bathroom and cried."

I completely bombed the audition... I was insecure, stopping and starting. I went to the bathroom and cried.

Auditions Quotes: "Notes are tricky in an audition, because I find, more often than not, my instinct is right."

Notes are tricky in an audition, because I find, more often than not, my instinct is right.

Auditions Quotes: "I went for an audition, which was shrouded in all kinds of secrecy to keep the storyline under wraps, and 5 days later I was in Atlanta and 700 years older."

I went for an audition, which was shrouded in all kinds of secrecy to keep the storyline under wraps, and 5 days later I was in Atlanta and 700 years older.

Auditions Quotes: "I'm feeling pretty fortunate. I've been having lots of lovely auditions and meetings, so I'm savoring the moment."

I'm feeling pretty fortunate. I've been having lots of lovely auditions and meetings, so I'm savoring the moment.

Auditions Quotes: "The more you love something, the worse you tend to audition. If you don't really care about something, you kind of nail it."

The more you love something, the worse you tend to audition. If you don't really care about something, you kind of nail it.

Auditions Quotes: "When I started auditioning, I'd take any audition I could get. The more dramatic ones didn't go as well as the comedic."

When I started auditioning, I'd take any audition I could get. The more dramatic ones didn't go as well as the comedic.

Auditions Quotes: "Talking about auditions, you never know what anyone else is thinking."

Talking about auditions, you never know what anyone else is thinking.

Auditions Quotes: "When I was five I thought auditions were a great way to get out of school!"

When I was five I thought auditions were a great way to get out of school!

Auditions Quotes: "I still have to audition for most things."

I still have to audition for most things.