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Animal Quotes

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Animal Quotes: "Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without."

Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without.

Animal Quotes: "I love sushi. But after too much of it, it just starts to taste like a dead animal that hasn't been cooked."

I love sushi. But after too much of it, it just starts to taste like a dead animal that hasn't been cooked.

Animal Quotes: "I believe animals should be respected as citizens of this earth. They should have the right to their own freedom, their own families, and their own life."

I believe animals should be respected as citizens of this earth. They should have the right to their own freedom, their own families, and their own life.

Animal Quotes: "No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg."

No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.

Animal Quotes: "A country is known by the way it treats its animals"

A country is known by the way it treats its animals

Animal Quotes: "I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contained, I stand and look at them long and long."

I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contained, I stand and look at them long and long.

Animal Quotes: "You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."

You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.

Animal Quotes: "The end of the animal trade would leave more time to trap or beat to death pop star wannabes."

The end of the animal trade would leave more time to trap or beat to death pop star wannabes.

Animal Quotes: "Between animal and human medicine, there is no dividing line-nor should there be."

Between animal and human medicine, there is no dividing line-nor should there be.

Animal Quotes: "The arts are the only things that separate us from the other animals. The arts are not decorative. ... They are essential to our comprehension of consciousness and ourselves."

The arts are the only things that separate us from the other animals. The arts are not decorative. ... They are essential to our comprehension of consciousness and ourselves.

Animal Quotes: "To endow animals with human emotions has long been a scientific taboo. But if we do not, we risk missing something fundamental, about both animals and us."

To endow animals with human emotions has long been a scientific taboo. But if we do not, we risk missing something fundamental, about both animals and us.

Animal Quotes: "When people ask me why I don't eat meat or any other animal products, I say, 'Because they are unhealthy and they are the product of a violent and inhumane industry.'"

When people ask me why I don't eat meat or any other animal products, I say, 'Because they are unhealthy and they are the product of a violent and inhumane industry.'

Animal Quotes: "The crow wished everything was black, the Owl, that everything was white."

The crow wished everything was black, the Owl, that everything was white.

Animal Quotes: "I had a wonderful teacher about animal behavior - my dog Rusty. He taught me that animals have personalities, minds, and feelings."

I had a wonderful teacher about animal behavior - my dog Rusty. He taught me that animals have personalities, minds, and feelings.

Animal Quotes: "Thousands of animals (now billions) are butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. It cries vengeance upon all the human race."

Thousands of animals (now billions) are butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. It cries vengeance upon all the human race.

Animal Quotes: "I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals."

I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals.

Animal Quotes: "We don't need to clear the 4 to 6 percent of the Earth's surface remaining in tropical rain forests, with most of the animal and plant species living there."

We don't need to clear the 4 to 6 percent of the Earth's surface remaining in tropical rain forests, with most of the animal and plant species living there.

Animal Quotes: "I have reached zero tolerance for the cruelty against our animal brothers. If we are to nuture our culture, let's begin with the animals who have been nothing but our beasts of burden for so long."

I have reached zero tolerance for the cruelty against our animal brothers. If we are to nuture our culture, let's begin with the animals who have been nothing but our beasts of burden for so long.

Animal Quotes: "The health of soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible."

The health of soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible.

Animal Quotes: "And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."

And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field.

Animal Quotes: "Comedians and impressionists used to be two different showbiz animals entirely, but now there's no such thing as a comedian who doesn't do impressions."

Comedians and impressionists used to be two different showbiz animals entirely, but now there's no such thing as a comedian who doesn't do impressions.

Animal Quotes: "No animal is a better judge of comfort than a cat."

No animal is a better judge of comfort than a cat.

Animal Quotes: "I am not an animal! I am a human being! I…am…a man!"

I am not an animal! I am a human being! I…am…a man!

Animal Quotes: "If an animal has to be sacrificed when a new bridge is built, what will it take to build a whole new world?"

If an animal has to be sacrificed when a new bridge is built, what will it take to build a whole new world?

Animal Quotes: "Poor little Foal of an oppressed race! I love the languid patience of thy face."

Poor little Foal of an oppressed race! I love the languid patience of thy face.

Animal Quotes: "Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things. Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God. Every creature is a word of God."

Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things. Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God. Every creature is a word of God.

Animal Quotes: "The gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies... they are the trees and the plants and the seeds."

The gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies... they are the trees and the plants and the seeds.

Animal Quotes: "No one in the world needs a mink coat but a mink."

No one in the world needs a mink coat but a mink.

Animal Quotes: "I don’t want to be on display like an animal in a zoo."

I don’t want to be on display like an animal in a zoo.

Animal Quotes: "If a kid ever realized what was involved in factory farming, they would never touch meat again."

If a kid ever realized what was involved in factory farming, they would never touch meat again.

Animal Quotes: "Violence in any form is evil and to kill innocent animals in tantamount to blatant savagery."

Violence in any form is evil and to kill innocent animals in tantamount to blatant savagery.

Animal Quotes: "Expedition EVEREST adds a new dimension to our storytelling in Disney's Animal Kingdom. It's a thrilling adventure themed to the folklore of the mysterious yeti."

Expedition EVEREST adds a new dimension to our storytelling in Disney's Animal Kingdom. It's a thrilling adventure themed to the folklore of the mysterious yeti.

Animal Quotes: "Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test…consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals."

Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test…consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals.

Animal Quotes: "There is not one world for man and one for animals, they are part of the same one and lead parallel lives."

There is not one world for man and one for animals, they are part of the same one and lead parallel lives.

Animal Quotes: "You can tell all you need to about a society from how it treats animals and beaches."

You can tell all you need to about a society from how it treats animals and beaches.

Animal Quotes: "Man is a make-believe animal: he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part."

Man is a make-believe animal: he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part.

Animal Quotes: "I don't like to see animals in pain. That was very uncomfortable to me. I don't like factory farming. I'm not an advocate for the meat industry."

I don't like to see animals in pain. That was very uncomfortable to me. I don't like factory farming. I'm not an advocate for the meat industry.

Animal Quotes: "His ears were often the first thing to catch my tears."

His ears were often the first thing to catch my tears.

Animal Quotes: "But for the use of physical punishment by, and fear of their oppressors, animals would never be a part of a circus."

But for the use of physical punishment by, and fear of their oppressors, animals would never be a part of a circus.

Animal Quotes: "Quadruped lions are said to be savage, only when they are hungry; biped lions are rarely sulky longer than when their appetite for distinction remains unappeased."

Quadruped lions are said to be savage, only when they are hungry; biped lions are rarely sulky longer than when their appetite for distinction remains unappeased.

Animal Quotes: "We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul."

We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul.

Animal Quotes: "For every dollar spent on spaying and neutering now, $17 is saved and can be used for other community projects. We work with the animals and the people who love them."

For every dollar spent on spaying and neutering now, $17 is saved and can be used for other community projects. We work with the animals and the people who love them.

Animal Quotes: "I always remind people from outside our state that there’s plenty of room for all Alaska’s animals — right next to the mashed potatoes."

I always remind people from outside our state that there’s plenty of room for all Alaska’s animals — right next to the mashed potatoes.

Animal Quotes: "A veterinarian who naively gave PETA some of the animals, thinking they would find them homes, and examined the dead bodies of others, testified that they were 'healthy' and 'adoptable.'"

A veterinarian who naively gave PETA some of the animals, thinking they would find them homes, and examined the dead bodies of others, testified that they were 'healthy' and 'adoptable.'

Animal Quotes: "I never, for instance, have the urge to paint animals 'the way I see them,' but rather the way they are... The way they themselves look at the world and feel their being"

I never, for instance, have the urge to paint animals 'the way I see them,' but rather the way they are... The way they themselves look at the world and feel their being

Animal Quotes: "Finally, cooking is good citizenship. It's the only way to get serious about putting locally raised foods into your diet, which keeps farmlands healthy and grocery money in the neighborhood."

Finally, cooking is good citizenship. It's the only way to get serious about putting locally raised foods into your diet, which keeps farmlands healthy and grocery money in the neighborhood.

Animal Quotes: "Some animals are secretive; some are shy. A cat is private."

Some animals are secretive; some are shy. A cat is private.

Animal Quotes: "Nonconformity is the highest evolutionary attainment of social animals."

Nonconformity is the highest evolutionary attainment of social animals.

Animal Quotes: "Man is a wanting animal - as soon as one of his needs is satisfied, another appears in its place. This process is unending. It continues from birth to death."

Man is a wanting animal - as soon as one of his needs is satisfied, another appears in its place. This process is unending. It continues from birth to death.