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Above Quotes: "When we rise above our temptations and resist them, we exercise self-control. And that's when we experience true freedom and emotional health."

When we rise above our temptations and resist them, we exercise self-control. And that's when we experience true freedom and emotional health.

Above Quotes: "We will rise above the lies, the smears, the ludicrous slanders from ludicrous and very, very dishonest reporters."

We will rise above the lies, the smears, the ludicrous slanders from ludicrous and very, very dishonest reporters.

Above Quotes: "There is in man a conscience which outlives the sensations the sensations, resolutions, and emotions of the hour, and rises above them all."

There is in man a conscience which outlives the sensations the sensations, resolutions, and emotions of the hour, and rises above them all.

Above Quotes: "Strategy is, above all else, the search for above average returns."

Strategy is, above all else, the search for above average returns.

Above Quotes: "In a high school, the norms act to hold down the achievements of those who are above average, so that the school's demands will be at a level easily maintained by the majority."

In a high school, the norms act to hold down the achievements of those who are above average, so that the school's demands will be at a level easily maintained by the majority.

Above Quotes: "There is not, in my opinion, anything more mysterious in nature than this instinct in animals, which thus rise above reason, and yet fall infinitely short of it."

There is not, in my opinion, anything more mysterious in nature than this instinct in animals, which thus rise above reason, and yet fall infinitely short of it.

Above Quotes: "Rise above principal and do what's right."

Rise above principal and do what's right.

Above Quotes: "Mozart creates music from a mysterious center, and so knows the limits to the right and the left, above and below. He maintains moderation."

Mozart creates music from a mysterious center, and so knows the limits to the right and the left, above and below. He maintains moderation.

Above Quotes: "Our actions in this world, and our ability to rise above the limits of our own self-interest, live on far beyond us and play their humble part in shaping a world of spirituality and peace."

Our actions in this world, and our ability to rise above the limits of our own self-interest, live on far beyond us and play their humble part in shaping a world of spirituality and peace.

Above Quotes: "Parents have the glorious opportunity of being the most powerful influence, above and beyond any other, on the new lives that bless their homes."

Parents have the glorious opportunity of being the most powerful influence, above and beyond any other, on the new lives that bless their homes.

Above Quotes: "Because He's near, we dont have to be anxious or feel out of control. We have peace that rises above any circumstance!"

Because He's near, we dont have to be anxious or feel out of control. We have peace that rises above any circumstance!

Above Quotes: "No one is above the law and that I would pursue justice on their behalf."

No one is above the law and that I would pursue justice on their behalf.

Above Quotes: "Wal-Mart hires average people but squeezes above average performance and results out of them."

Wal-Mart hires average people but squeezes above average performance and results out of them.

Above Quotes: "There is no mode of action, no form of emotion, that we do not share with the lower animals. It is only by language that we rise above them."

There is no mode of action, no form of emotion, that we do not share with the lower animals. It is only by language that we rise above them.

Above Quotes: "My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them."

My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them.

Above Quotes: "I didn't have a very starry school career, I was medium to above average, nothing special."

I didn't have a very starry school career, I was medium to above average, nothing special.

Above Quotes: "Whoever rises above those who once pleased themselves with equality, will have many malevolent gazers at his eminence."

Whoever rises above those who once pleased themselves with equality, will have many malevolent gazers at his eminence.

Above Quotes: "I think right now we need to look back at the founding values of our country. Rise above partisanship, be less bitter when it comes to important matters that have to be solved."

I think right now we need to look back at the founding values of our country. Rise above partisanship, be less bitter when it comes to important matters that have to be solved.

Above Quotes: "Hay fever suffers tend to be above average in intelligence."

Hay fever suffers tend to be above average in intelligence.

Above Quotes: "I will say that I think Israel enjoys strong bipartisan support in the United States. It's really above and beyond American politics."

I will say that I think Israel enjoys strong bipartisan support in the United States. It's really above and beyond American politics.

Above Quotes: "I dont want to call it a conspiracy to ignore the role of the Blacks, both above and below the Mason-Dixon Line, but it was definitely a tendency that began around 1910"

I dont want to call it a conspiracy to ignore the role of the Blacks, both above and below the Mason-Dixon Line, but it was definitely a tendency that began around 1910

Above Quotes: "I began to realize that when you are at peace with your Maker you can, if not ignore human criticism, at least rise above it."

I began to realize that when you are at peace with your Maker you can, if not ignore human criticism, at least rise above it.

Above Quotes: "You will never rise above the image you have of yourself in your own mind."

You will never rise above the image you have of yourself in your own mind.

Above Quotes: "The purpose of privilege is not to place parliamentarians above the law, but rather to allow them to carry out their duties independently and effectively, in the national interest."

The purpose of privilege is not to place parliamentarians above the law, but rather to allow them to carry out their duties independently and effectively, in the national interest.

Above Quotes: "We are a nation of laws. And nobody can ignore our Constitution. No one's above the law. And that includes the president of the United States."

We are a nation of laws. And nobody can ignore our Constitution. No one's above the law. And that includes the president of the United States.

Above Quotes: "Sonically, musicians always go above and beyond in our efforts to disrupt radio. It's always about being different. Our radio is never conventional anyway."

Sonically, musicians always go above and beyond in our efforts to disrupt radio. It's always about being different. Our radio is never conventional anyway.

Above Quotes: "Everything we are is anchored in our childhoods. The drama comes in how we deal with it. Are we slaves to our past, or can we rise above it? This is the stuff of great stories."

Everything we are is anchored in our childhoods. The drama comes in how we deal with it. Are we slaves to our past, or can we rise above it? This is the stuff of great stories.

Above Quotes: "With the exception of lawyers, there is no profession which, considers itself above the law so widely as the medical profession."

With the exception of lawyers, there is no profession which, considers itself above the law so widely as the medical profession.

Above Quotes: "Rise above the deceptions and temptations of the mind. This is your duty. You are born for this only; all other duties are self-created and self-imposed owing to ignorance."

Rise above the deceptions and temptations of the mind. This is your duty. You are born for this only; all other duties are self-created and self-imposed owing to ignorance.

Above Quotes: "Emotional pain makes me want to isolate. Or hit back. It's very tough to rise above my natural inclinations. I'm always working on this."

Emotional pain makes me want to isolate. Or hit back. It's very tough to rise above my natural inclinations. I'm always working on this.

Above Quotes: "Let us rise above the things that pass away. Up above, the air is so pure. Jesus can hide Himself but we will find Him there."

Let us rise above the things that pass away. Up above, the air is so pure. Jesus can hide Himself but we will find Him there.

Above Quotes: "The future belongs to those who can rise above the confines of the earth."

The future belongs to those who can rise above the confines of the earth.

Above Quotes: "So he's above the law because he's a celebrity or something. Just because you're Russell Crowe doesn't mean you can do whatever you like."

So he's above the law because he's a celebrity or something. Just because you're Russell Crowe doesn't mean you can do whatever you like.

Above Quotes: "Most bloggers who rise above the clutter are quite often prolific -they work hard, not just writing content but networking, engaging in Social Media and more."

Most bloggers who rise above the clutter are quite often prolific -they work hard, not just writing content but networking, engaging in Social Media and more.

Above Quotes: "To love country means to rise above I am because I am. It is to recognize that I am because we are."

To love country means to rise above I am because I am. It is to recognize that I am because we are.

Above Quotes: "The world has forgotten, in its concern with Left and Right, that there is an Above and Below."

The world has forgotten, in its concern with Left and Right, that there is an Above and Below.

Above Quotes: "I wanna run through the halls of my high school, I wanna scream at the top of my lungs. I just found out there's no such thing as the real world, just a lie you've got to rise above."

I wanna run through the halls of my high school, I wanna scream at the top of my lungs. I just found out there's no such thing as the real world, just a lie you've got to rise above.

Above Quotes: "We just feel like we don't have the means, To rise above and beat it. So we keep waiting, Waiting on the world to change..."

We just feel like we don't have the means, To rise above and beat it. So we keep waiting, Waiting on the world to change...

Above Quotes: "I've taught the better class of tourist both to see and not to see; to lift their eyes above and beyond the inessentials, and thrill to our western Nature in her majesty."

I've taught the better class of tourist both to see and not to see; to lift their eyes above and beyond the inessentials, and thrill to our western Nature in her majesty.

Above Quotes: "I have always been able to rise above the expectations."

I have always been able to rise above the expectations.

Above Quotes: "Some people think reality must be constantly depressing, but I think reality is something you rise above."

Some people think reality must be constantly depressing, but I think reality is something you rise above.

Above Quotes: "A police officer wears a uniform. They're sworn to uphold the law. They're public servants. And they should not be above the law."

A police officer wears a uniform. They're sworn to uphold the law. They're public servants. And they should not be above the law.

Above Quotes: "PRACTICE OF THE Art of Peace enables you to rise above praise or blame, and it frees you from attachment to this and that."

PRACTICE OF THE Art of Peace enables you to rise above praise or blame, and it frees you from attachment to this and that.

Above Quotes: "You cannot expect your team to rise above your example."

You cannot expect your team to rise above your example.

Above Quotes: "Metaphysics is the attempt of the mind to rise above the mind."

Metaphysics is the attempt of the mind to rise above the mind.

Above Quotes: "Getting people to go above and beyond the call of duty can be achieved but only if you, the artist, are willing to go above and beyond any and all calls of duty yourself."

Getting people to go above and beyond the call of duty can be achieved but only if you, the artist, are willing to go above and beyond any and all calls of duty yourself.

Above Quotes: "I knew these false attacks would come. I knew this day would arrive, it's only a question of when. And I knew the American people would rise above it and vote for the future they deserve."

I knew these false attacks would come. I knew this day would arrive, it's only a question of when. And I knew the American people would rise above it and vote for the future they deserve.

Above Quotes: "We had some adverse conditions in the '60s, in the '70s and the '80s. The agency has risen above that in the past and will rise above that again."

We had some adverse conditions in the '60s, in the '70s and the '80s. The agency has risen above that in the past and will rise above that again.

Above Quotes: "I promise, before God and my community, to seek reforms so that the powerful and corrupt are no longer above the law."

I promise, before God and my community, to seek reforms so that the powerful and corrupt are no longer above the law.