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Zadie Smith Quotes

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Zadie Smith Quotes: "I'd decided to establish a new rule for myself: read for half an hour an evening, no matter what."

I'd decided to establish a new rule for myself: read for half an hour an evening, no matter what.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "She measured time in pages. Half an hour, to her, meant ten pages read, or fourteen, depending on the size of the type, and when you think of time in this way there isn’t time for anything else."

She measured time in pages. Half an hour, to her, meant ten pages read, or fourteen, depending on the size of the type, and when you think of time in this way there isn’t time for anything else.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "To her credit, though, Trace didn't lose her famous temper, not at that moment. At eighteen she was already expert at the older woman's art of fermenting rage, conserving it, for later use."

To her credit, though, Trace didn't lose her famous temper, not at that moment. At eighteen she was already expert at the older woman's art of fermenting rage, conserving it, for later use.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "I want to stay still and to keep moving. I want this life and another."

I want to stay still and to keep moving. I want this life and another.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "Greeting cards routinely tell us that everybody deserves love. No. Everybody deserves clean water. Not everybody deserves love all of the time."

Greeting cards routinely tell us that everybody deserves love. No. Everybody deserves clean water. Not everybody deserves love all of the time.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "Tell the truth through whichever veil comes to hand, but tell it."

Tell the truth through whichever veil comes to hand, but tell it.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "My mind does not easily accept stately historical processions."

My mind does not easily accept stately historical processions.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "Sacrifice was nine tenths of parenting."

Sacrifice was nine tenths of parenting.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "Sometimes, one wants to have the illusion that one is making ones own life, out of one's own resources."

Sometimes, one wants to have the illusion that one is making ones own life, out of one's own resources.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "Because choices need time, the fulness of time, time being the horizontal axis of morality - you make a decision and then you wait and see, wait and see."

Because choices need time, the fulness of time, time being the horizontal axis of morality - you make a decision and then you wait and see, wait and see.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "But why think the more reasons there were to sin, the smaller the sin was?"

But why think the more reasons there were to sin, the smaller the sin was?

Zadie Smith Quotes: "One just has to look at the thing from a perspective that interests you personally."

One just has to look at the thing from a perspective that interests you personally.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "The planet is finished with us, at this point -"

The planet is finished with us, at this point -

Zadie Smith Quotes: "I couldn't imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric."

I couldn't imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "You never know, until it happens, what you will owe the dead."

You never know, until it happens, what you will owe the dead.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "This was why Kiki had dreaded having girls: she knew she wouldn't be able to protect them from self-disgust."

This was why Kiki had dreaded having girls: she knew she wouldn't be able to protect them from self-disgust.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "As long as we encourage a culture of victim hood, said Monty, with the rhythmic smoothness of self-quotation, we will continue to raise victims. And so the cycle of underachievement continues."

As long as we encourage a culture of victim hood, said Monty, with the rhythmic smoothness of self-quotation, we will continue to raise victims. And so the cycle of underachievement continues.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "A library is a different kind of social reality (of the three dimensional kind), which by its very existence teaches a system of values beyond the fiscal."

A library is a different kind of social reality (of the three dimensional kind), which by its very existence teaches a system of values beyond the fiscal.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "There were good and bad kinds of weakness in men, and she had come to the conclusion that the key was to know which kind you were dealing with."

There were good and bad kinds of weakness in men, and she had come to the conclusion that the key was to know which kind you were dealing with.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "That kind of inability to improve is really very rare. That kind of consistency is miraculous, in a way."

That kind of inability to improve is really very rare. That kind of consistency is miraculous, in a way.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "Girls either wanted him or wanted to improve him, but most often a combination of the two. They wanted to improve him until he justified the amount they wanted him."

Girls either wanted him or wanted to improve him, but most often a combination of the two. They wanted to improve him until he justified the amount they wanted him.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "There was an inevitability about the road towards each other which encouraged meandering along the route."

There was an inevitability about the road towards each other which encouraged meandering along the route.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay."

Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "My feeling is, having lived in different classes, that people want equality of opportunity... that's the thing that makes me despair: the idea that people aren't given equality of opportunity."

My feeling is, having lived in different classes, that people want equality of opportunity... that's the thing that makes me despair: the idea that people aren't given equality of opportunity.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "It seems to me that we often commit ourselves wholly to something while knowing almost nothing concrete about it. Another word for that, I suppose, is 'faith.'"

It seems to me that we often commit ourselves wholly to something while knowing almost nothing concrete about it. Another word for that, I suppose, is 'faith.'

Zadie Smith Quotes: "A lot of women, when they're young, feel they have very good friends, and find later on that friendship is complicated. It's easy to be friends when everyone's 18."

A lot of women, when they're young, feel they have very good friends, and find later on that friendship is complicated. It's easy to be friends when everyone's 18.

Zadie Smith Quotes: "My life is black and white and mixed. My mother's a Rastafarian, my dad was a short white guy - it's not an affectation. It's also the lives of millions of people throughout the world."

My life is black and white and mixed. My mother's a Rastafarian, my dad was a short white guy - it's not an affectation. It's also the lives of millions of people throughout the world.