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Werner Herzog Quotes

Find the best Werner Herzog quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Werner Herzog quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "What I do not like, the kind of high-resolution cameras, 4K, 6K, for shooting dialogue, for having faces and close-ups of actors, and you see every single pore in the skin."

What I do not like, the kind of high-resolution cameras, 4K, 6K, for shooting dialogue, for having faces and close-ups of actors, and you see every single pore in the skin.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I do not believe in the Cinema verite. Sometimes a really good lie is better than any truth."

I do not believe in the Cinema verite. Sometimes a really good lie is better than any truth.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "THE ACT OF KILLING invents a new form of cinematic surrealism."

THE ACT OF KILLING invents a new form of cinematic surrealism.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "However, there are a couple of volcanoes very close nearby, like Vesuvius in Italy right next to Naples."

However, there are a couple of volcanoes very close nearby, like Vesuvius in Italy right next to Naples.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Most of the volcanoes are pretty far away. You have to go to, God knows, Alaska. Or you have to go to the Southern Indies or you have to go to a specific island."

Most of the volcanoes are pretty far away. You have to go to, God knows, Alaska. Or you have to go to the Southern Indies or you have to go to a specific island.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "If your project has real substance, ultimately the money will follow you like a common cur in the street with its tail between its legs."

If your project has real substance, ultimately the money will follow you like a common cur in the street with its tail between its legs.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "North Korea is not an exception. Even there, where you think it would be completely sober, they have the myth of their revolution being connected to the volcano."

North Korea is not an exception. Even there, where you think it would be completely sober, they have the myth of their revolution being connected to the volcano.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "In private I'm not. You will have to ask my wife. She maintains I'm a fluffy husband."

In private I'm not. You will have to ask my wife. She maintains I'm a fluffy husband.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "[Internet] is amazing as much as human beings can be amazing, and it's debased and depraved and vile as human beings can be."

[Internet] is amazing as much as human beings can be amazing, and it's debased and depraved and vile as human beings can be.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Netflix trusted me in a way that was very, very pleasant."

Netflix trusted me in a way that was very, very pleasant.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I think a state should not be in the capacity of killing anyone with the exception of warfare."

I think a state should not be in the capacity of killing anyone with the exception of warfare.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Netflix knew I was going to North Korea and Ethiopia and Iceland. They saw the film and liked it and that was that."

Netflix knew I was going to North Korea and Ethiopia and Iceland. They saw the film and liked it and that was that.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I had complete freedom. They [Netflix] knew roughly what I was doing."

I had complete freedom. They [Netflix] knew roughly what I was doing.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Gaining trust is not difficult for me. I needed to gain the trust of the North Korean supervisors."

Gaining trust is not difficult for me. I needed to gain the trust of the North Korean supervisors.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I wouldn't make a connection between the daily news and volcanoes."

I wouldn't make a connection between the daily news and volcanoes.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "With actors, normally I don't like to have any conversation about background and about motivations and all this."

With actors, normally I don't like to have any conversation about background and about motivations and all this.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I don't dabble, I'm good at acting."

I don't dabble, I'm good at acting.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "If the part is really good of course I would like to do it."

If the part is really good of course I would like to do it.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I always had a feeling, for example, that there should be something from Verdi's "Requiem" in the film. You hear it when you see the lava flow in Iceland. That turned out to be a very easy choice."

I always had a feeling, for example, that there should be something from Verdi's "Requiem" in the film. You hear it when you see the lava flow in Iceland. That turned out to be a very easy choice.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "The beauty of Netflix is on the 28th of October they push a button and the film will be in 190 countries at the same moment in 17 languages."

The beauty of Netflix is on the 28th of October they push a button and the film will be in 190 countries at the same moment in 17 languages.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "The elections have a different platform, the town hall is the platform for it. But the other question behind all this is should I run for president?"

The elections have a different platform, the town hall is the platform for it. But the other question behind all this is should I run for president?

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I don't want to travel."

I don't want to travel.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "When you look at any of my films you will immediately be able to tell this is a [Werner] Herzog film. Even if you didn't have any credits, in two minutes flat you would know."

When you look at any of my films you will immediately be able to tell this is a [Werner] Herzog film. Even if you didn't have any credits, in two minutes flat you would know.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I am too much into what I'm doing in my work."

I am too much into what I'm doing in my work.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Maybe I should stay a good soldier of cinema."

Maybe I should stay a good soldier of cinema.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "I think it is a quest of literature throughout the ages to describe the human condition."

I think it is a quest of literature throughout the ages to describe the human condition.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle"

Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Academia is the death of cinema. It is the very opposite of passion. Film is not the art of scholars, but of illiterates."

Academia is the death of cinema. It is the very opposite of passion. Film is not the art of scholars, but of illiterates.

Werner Herzog Quotes: "Perhaps I seek certain utopian things, space for human honour and respect, landscapes not yet offended, planets that do not exist yet, dreamed landscapes."

Perhaps I seek certain utopian things, space for human honour and respect, landscapes not yet offended, planets that do not exist yet, dreamed landscapes.