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W.P. Kinsella Quotes

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W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Darling, when things go wrong in life, you lift your chin, put on a ravishing smile, mix yourself a little cocktail."

Darling, when things go wrong in life, you lift your chin, put on a ravishing smile, mix yourself a little cocktail.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "It really is the year 2007. Which means I must be... Oh my God. I'm twenty-eight. I'm old."

It really is the year 2007. Which means I must be... Oh my God. I'm twenty-eight. I'm old.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Your father always tries to see the good side of people; to find the excuse. But sometimes there isn't a good side. There isn't an excuse. (Mom - to Lara Lington)"

Your father always tries to see the good side of people; to find the excuse. But sometimes there isn't a good side. There isn't an excuse. (Mom - to Lara Lington)

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Still, that's the point of love; you love someone despite their flaws."

Still, that's the point of love; you love someone despite their flaws.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I can't cook. I don't have the right brain for it, somehow. I can't walk into a room and tidy it up. I get distracted. I pick up one thing and I start looking at it. And my cooking is truly heinous."

I can't cook. I don't have the right brain for it, somehow. I can't walk into a room and tidy it up. I get distracted. I pick up one thing and I start looking at it. And my cooking is truly heinous.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "When I'm on a break from writing, I'll log on to Amazon and eBay. The doorbell is constantly being rung by deliverymen."

When I'm on a break from writing, I'll log on to Amazon and eBay. The doorbell is constantly being rung by deliverymen.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "If it's in the bin, it's public property."

If it's in the bin, it's public property.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Why can't parents dance? Is it some universal law of physics or something?"

Why can't parents dance? Is it some universal law of physics or something?

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Becky! Love!" Mum has pushed her way through her dancing guests to reach me. "What's wrong? Has labor started?" Honestly. My family has no idea about contemporary urban street dance trends."

Becky! Love!" Mum has pushed her way through her dancing guests to reach me. "What's wrong? Has labor started?" Honestly. My family has no idea about contemporary urban street dance trends.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Obviously this is engagement ring city. Couples are wandering along and girls are pointing through the windows and the men are smiling but all look slightly sick whenever their girlfriends turn away."

Obviously this is engagement ring city. Couples are wandering along and girls are pointing through the windows and the men are smiling but all look slightly sick whenever their girlfriends turn away.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "There are moments in life that the white-chocolate Magnum ice cream was invented for, and this is one of them."

There are moments in life that the white-chocolate Magnum ice cream was invented for, and this is one of them.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I'm sitting at the dinner table, wearing my future mother-in-law's underwear. It's like some twisted dream that you wake up and thinkL Crikey Moses! Thank God that didn't really happen!"

I'm sitting at the dinner table, wearing my future mother-in-law's underwear. It's like some twisted dream that you wake up and thinkL Crikey Moses! Thank God that didn't really happen!

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Everyone knows the first rule of business is "Look good during confrontations." Or if it isn't, it should be."

Everyone knows the first rule of business is "Look good during confrontations." Or if it isn't, it should be.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Sam doesn't hesitate for a minute. 'You say, "Mr and Mrs Tavish, you're making me feel inferior. Do you really think I'm inferior or is it just in my mind?"

Sam doesn't hesitate for a minute. 'You say, "Mr and Mrs Tavish, you're making me feel inferior. Do you really think I'm inferior or is it just in my mind?

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Women need chocolate. It's a scientific fact."

Women need chocolate. It's a scientific fact.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Oh, this shouldn't be allowed. There should be a rule which says that people you've met in the gym should never meet you in real life."

Oh, this shouldn't be allowed. There should be a rule which says that people you've met in the gym should never meet you in real life.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I mean, when I think about it, what's more important? Clothes - or the miracle of new life?"

I mean, when I think about it, what's more important? Clothes - or the miracle of new life?

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I know this is our honeymoon. But just sometimes, I wish Luke was a girl."

I know this is our honeymoon. But just sometimes, I wish Luke was a girl.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Whoever it was, whether I knew them or not, if I could help in some way, I would. I mean, if you can help, you have to help. Don't you think? - Poppy Wyatt"

Whoever it was, whether I knew them or not, if I could help in some way, I would. I mean, if you can help, you have to help. Don't you think? - Poppy Wyatt

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Jeez Louise. I know why rich people are so thin: it's from trekking around their humongous houses the whole time."

Jeez Louise. I know why rich people are so thin: it's from trekking around their humongous houses the whole time.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "There's genuine pain in Eric's eyes. And I feel a stab of guilt. But you can't stay with people because of guilt."

There's genuine pain in Eric's eyes. And I feel a stab of guilt. But you can't stay with people because of guilt.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "You never know how things are going to turn out, however much you plan. But you already know that."

You never know how things are going to turn out, however much you plan. But you already know that.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "... what would Poirot do? Poirot wouldn't flap around in a panic. He'd stay calm and use his little grey cells and recall some tiny, vital detail which would be the clue to everything."

... what would Poirot do? Poirot wouldn't flap around in a panic. He'd stay calm and use his little grey cells and recall some tiny, vital detail which would be the clue to everything.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Great. Just great. One glimpse of his body and I have a full-blown crush. I honestly thought I was a bit deeper than that."

Great. Just great. One glimpse of his body and I have a full-blown crush. I honestly thought I was a bit deeper than that.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I can't get over this. Dad isn't Sam's dad? Dad is a friend? How was I supposed to know that? People shouldn't be allowed to sign themselves as Dad unless they are your dad. It should be the law."

I can't get over this. Dad isn't Sam's dad? Dad is a friend? How was I supposed to know that? People shouldn't be allowed to sign themselves as Dad unless they are your dad. It should be the law.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "You're working for me cut out the attitude."

You're working for me cut out the attitude.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I bet he never goes on YouTube. He's too busy. It's only tragic cases like you and me who are always online."

I bet he never goes on YouTube. He's too busy. It's only tragic cases like you and me who are always online.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "My real name is Madeleine Wickham, under which I write dramas with an edge of humour. As Sophie Kinsella its fast, all-out comedies, such as the Shopaholic series."

My real name is Madeleine Wickham, under which I write dramas with an edge of humour. As Sophie Kinsella its fast, all-out comedies, such as the Shopaholic series.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "A divorce is like a controlled explosion. Everyone on the outside is OK."

A divorce is like a controlled explosion. Everyone on the outside is OK.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I've never written a children's book, but when people meet me for the first time and I say I write books, they invariably reply, 'Children's books?' Maybe it's something about my face."

I've never written a children's book, but when people meet me for the first time and I say I write books, they invariably reply, 'Children's books?' Maybe it's something about my face.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I'm an impulse buyer. I don't really go out with a list."

I'm an impulse buyer. I don't really go out with a list.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "People used to ask me for advice, and I'd say, 'Please, don't ask me!' Yes, I did economics at Oxford, but that's not the same as having a broad knowledge of personal finance"

People used to ask me for advice, and I'd say, 'Please, don't ask me!' Yes, I did economics at Oxford, but that's not the same as having a broad knowledge of personal finance

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Ok. don't panic. Don't panic. It's only a VISA bill. It's a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be?"

Ok. don't panic. Don't panic. It's only a VISA bill. It's a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be?

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "No human on God's earth is a nobody."

No human on God's earth is a nobody.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I can see the warmth. He's falling for me."

I can see the warmth. He's falling for me.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "If I behave as though this is a completely normal situation, then maybe it will be."

If I behave as though this is a completely normal situation, then maybe it will be.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I had no plans to be a writer. My teenaged bid for stardom was to be a pop star... which, ahem, didn't exactly work out."

I had no plans to be a writer. My teenaged bid for stardom was to be a pop star... which, ahem, didn't exactly work out.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Oh, please. If she's going to use Mr. Darcy to prop up her arguments, I give up."

Oh, please. If she's going to use Mr. Darcy to prop up her arguments, I give up.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Because the state necessarily commits aggression, the consistent libertarian, in opposing aggression, is also an anarchist."

Because the state necessarily commits aggression, the consistent libertarian, in opposing aggression, is also an anarchist.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Heroes don't need to talk about what they did."

Heroes don't need to talk about what they did.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "My main income came from failed movie and TV options."

My main income came from failed movie and TV options.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I'm a big fan of curling, follow all the major world events. Watch all four Tennis majors."

I'm a big fan of curling, follow all the major world events. Watch all four Tennis majors.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "The Great Gatsby, the finest novel ever written."

The Great Gatsby, the finest novel ever written.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I can still put down some pretty nasty stuff on paper, which is what I enjoy doing."

I can still put down some pretty nasty stuff on paper, which is what I enjoy doing.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "At one time I'd been to every park except Baltimore and Houston, but can't even keep track of who plays where these days."

At one time I'd been to every park except Baltimore and Houston, but can't even keep track of who plays where these days.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "I've played [Scrabble] tournaments for about 20 years. My daughter, Erin, who lives with me, also travels to tournaments. While I'm not a top division player, I've won a number of tournaments."

I've played [Scrabble] tournaments for about 20 years. My daughter, Erin, who lives with me, also travels to tournaments. While I'm not a top division player, I've won a number of tournaments.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "In the 70s and 80s, I made a good living. Have managed my funds carefully, will never have to go out and cadge quarters from the tourists."

In the 70s and 80s, I made a good living. Have managed my funds carefully, will never have to go out and cadge quarters from the tourists.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Discovered W. Somerset Maugham in about 5th grade. Didn't understand the plots, but loved the descriptions."

Discovered W. Somerset Maugham in about 5th grade. Didn't understand the plots, but loved the descriptions.

W.P. Kinsella Quotes: "Curt Flood, of course, was in a class by himself, a true hero."

Curt Flood, of course, was in a class by himself, a true hero.