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Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes

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Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Have you any idea of what you’ve unleashed? (Hades) Cruelty, pestilence, wrath, violence, ultimate suffering…what other gifts did the gods bestow on him?"

Have you any idea of what you’ve unleashed? (Hades) Cruelty, pestilence, wrath, violence, ultimate suffering…what other gifts did the gods bestow on him?

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Gods, how I’ve missed you. (Stryker) I hate you with every beat of my heart. (Zephyra)"

Gods, how I’ve missed you. (Stryker) I hate you with every beat of my heart. (Zephyra)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "What would he imagine next? Little hairy beasties tap-dancing on his sofa, or other fey creatures sneaking up on him in the shower?’ (Syn)"

What would he imagine next? Little hairy beasties tap-dancing on his sofa, or other fey creatures sneaking up on him in the shower?’ (Syn)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Aren't you an enigma wrapped in a thick coating of contradictions."

Aren't you an enigma wrapped in a thick coating of contradictions.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You will fail and I’ll dance on your grave. (Apollymi)"

You will fail and I’ll dance on your grave. (Apollymi)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "My God. Is there some unwritten law that you guys have to be giants? (Amanda) What can I say? Artemis likes her Dark-Hunters tall. Short men need not apply. (Acheron)"

My God. Is there some unwritten law that you guys have to be giants? (Amanda) What can I say? Artemis likes her Dark-Hunters tall. Short men need not apply. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "There’s a human out there who is killing off Dark-Hunters, and someone needs to stop them.” – Andy “Well, that’s just plain rude.” – Sundown"

There’s a human out there who is killing off Dark-Hunters, and someone needs to stop them.” – Andy “Well, that’s just plain rude.” – Sundown

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides."

You'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Black belt in Akihito. (Amanda) Any other time, I'd kiss you for that. (Kyrian)"

Black belt in Akihito. (Amanda) Any other time, I'd kiss you for that. (Kyrian)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Could you please stop with the beating? (Kat) He’s being punished. Hello? This is Tartarus, remember the purpose of this part of the Underworld? We’re not really warm and fluffy over here. (Hades)"

Could you please stop with the beating? (Kat) He’s being punished. Hello? This is Tartarus, remember the purpose of this part of the Underworld? We’re not really warm and fluffy over here. (Hades)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "The only way to have eternal love is to never let your heart forget what it’s like to live without it."

The only way to have eternal love is to never let your heart forget what it’s like to live without it.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Mind control won't work on those who are really hardheaded. You know… Creatures like you."

Mind control won't work on those who are really hardheaded. You know… Creatures like you.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "No offense but I don't relish being someone's science experiment. Been there, done that, and sold the T-shirt for profit. (Sebastian)"

No offense but I don't relish being someone's science experiment. Been there, done that, and sold the T-shirt for profit. (Sebastian)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I accept you as you are, and I will always hold you close in my heart. I will walk beside you forever. (Fang)"

I accept you as you are, and I will always hold you close in my heart. I will walk beside you forever. (Fang)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Xedrix-"No, our motto is 'everything tastes better with hot sauce."

Xedrix-"No, our motto is 'everything tastes better with hot sauce.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Please Julian,” she whispered to him as he slept beside her. “Don’t leave me."

Please Julian,” she whispered to him as he slept beside her. “Don’t leave me.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "All right, everyone. Fess up. Who just shat in their pants? C’mon. Admit it. I know I did and I’m wolf enough to own it.” – Sasha"

All right, everyone. Fess up. Who just shat in their pants? C’mon. Admit it. I know I did and I’m wolf enough to own it.” – Sasha

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "There are always three sides to every memory…yours, theirs, and the truth, which lies somewhere in between the two"

There are always three sides to every memory…yours, theirs, and the truth, which lies somewhere in between the two

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Nick rubbed his hand across his face as he tried to make sense of her prattle. But that was the thing about Simi. She seldom made sense."

Nick rubbed his hand across his face as he tried to make sense of her prattle. But that was the thing about Simi. She seldom made sense.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Yeah, it never fails to amaze me how a single lie can undo an entire lifetime of good. (Aiden)"

Yeah, it never fails to amaze me how a single lie can undo an entire lifetime of good. (Aiden)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "If it is our destiny to be hit by the train, we will be hit by the train. The only thing we can change is how the train turns us into a hamburger."

If it is our destiny to be hit by the train, we will be hit by the train. The only thing we can change is how the train turns us into a hamburger.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "By understanding the nuances of the world around you and how to survive the temptations, you can rule anything. Even yourself"

By understanding the nuances of the world around you and how to survive the temptations, you can rule anything. Even yourself

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "...it is by our actions that we are destroyed or saved. The choice is ours."

...it is by our actions that we are destroyed or saved. The choice is ours.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Far be it from me to ever let my common sense get in the way of my stupidity. I say we press on."

Far be it from me to ever let my common sense get in the way of my stupidity. I say we press on.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I wish I could just fling myself into bed with you, but I can’t. I don’t want to be used that way and I don’t want to use you! Can’t you understand that?"

I wish I could just fling myself into bed with you, but I can’t. I don’t want to be used that way and I don’t want to use you! Can’t you understand that?

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I have a computer, a vibrator, and pizza delivery. Why should I leave the house? " - Tabitha"

I have a computer, a vibrator, and pizza delivery. Why should I leave the house? " - Tabitha

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Trust the Simi. She ain't never wrong."

Trust the Simi. She ain't never wrong.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "People with weaknesses get killed by the people who lack them. Notice I'm not dead."

People with weaknesses get killed by the people who lack them. Notice I'm not dead.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "When someone is drowning and you try to save them, they're more likely to drown you before you pull them out."

When someone is drowning and you try to save them, they're more likely to drown you before you pull them out.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "See I'm the reckless and wild one who saves him from being boring. It's why we're perfect for each other. We balance. - Madame Selena"

See I'm the reckless and wild one who saves him from being boring. It's why we're perfect for each other. We balance. - Madame Selena

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Lydia: Strange how you always remember the pain someone gave you, but seldom the hurt you caused them."

Lydia: Strange how you always remember the pain someone gave you, but seldom the hurt you caused them.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Got to say, dying would really wreck my best day. Been there, done that, and now that I think about it, Artemis forgot to give me the t-shirt."

Got to say, dying would really wreck my best day. Been there, done that, and now that I think about it, Artemis forgot to give me the t-shirt.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren't the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally."

The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren't the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You know, there are just some things you never expect to face even on this job. A flying primate that shoots fire out its nose is one of them."

You know, there are just some things you never expect to face even on this job. A flying primate that shoots fire out its nose is one of them.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Don't cross me Scooby-Doo. I'm not an old man in a mask waiting to be thwarted by you meddling kids."

Don't cross me Scooby-Doo. I'm not an old man in a mask waiting to be thwarted by you meddling kids.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Sam gave Captain Suicide a droll stare. "How did you die again? Oh wait, I know this. 'I can take 'em. I don't need to wait for reinforcements. I can do it myself.' How'd that work out for you again?"

Sam gave Captain Suicide a droll stare. "How did you die again? Oh wait, I know this. 'I can take 'em. I don't need to wait for reinforcements. I can do it myself.' How'd that work out for you again?

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You are the Energizer Bunny for badasses. -Ash"

You are the Energizer Bunny for badasses. -Ash

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "For our people, butterflies are a symbol of hope. It's said that if you capture one in your hands and whisper your dreams to it, it will carry them up to the heavens so that the wish can be granted."

For our people, butterflies are a symbol of hope. It's said that if you capture one in your hands and whisper your dreams to it, it will carry them up to the heavens so that the wish can be granted.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Trust is always a good idea. For someone else."

Trust is always a good idea. For someone else.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "People are basically irritating. Myself included."

People are basically irritating. Myself included.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Dev-"Come in peace or leave in pieces"

Dev-"Come in peace or leave in pieces

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Hey, yummy leather guy? Can you hear me? (Amanda)"

Hey, yummy leather guy? Can you hear me? (Amanda)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "But you’re human, aren’t you? (Kat) I’m human, except when I first wake up in the morning. Even I don’t want to be around myself then. (Kish)"

But you’re human, aren’t you? (Kat) I’m human, except when I first wake up in the morning. Even I don’t want to be around myself then. (Kish)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You know the incredible thing about hearts is their unbelievable capacity for forgiveness. You’d be amazed what people will overlook when they love someone. (Acheron)"

You know the incredible thing about hearts is their unbelievable capacity for forgiveness. You’d be amazed what people will overlook when they love someone. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Is the life you seek to take worth the one you could one day create? (Savitar)"

Is the life you seek to take worth the one you could one day create? (Savitar)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "There is no magic in words."

There is no magic in words.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Do you want my input or is this just an angry tirade you need to vent? (Acheron) Both! (Kat) Okay, you rant and I’ll add my comments at the end. (Acheron)"

Do you want my input or is this just an angry tirade you need to vent? (Acheron) Both! (Kat) Okay, you rant and I’ll add my comments at the end. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Kitten, when did you get so tall? (Ravyn) I grew while you were in the bathroom. (Erika)"

Kitten, when did you get so tall? (Ravyn) I grew while you were in the bathroom. (Erika)