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Roger Ebert Quotes

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Roger Ebert Quotes: "Movies are like a machine that generates empathy."

Movies are like a machine that generates empathy.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "To call "A Lot like Love" dead in the water is an insult to water."

To call "A Lot like Love" dead in the water is an insult to water.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I'd rather be called a N*gger than a Slave."

I'd rather be called a N*gger than a Slave.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Of all the purposes of education, I think the most useful is this: It prepares you to keep yourself entertained. It gives you a better chance of an interesting job."

Of all the purposes of education, I think the most useful is this: It prepares you to keep yourself entertained. It gives you a better chance of an interesting job.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it."

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "No matter what they're charging to get in, it's worth more to get out."

No matter what they're charging to get in, it's worth more to get out.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "All I require of a religion is that it be tolerant of those who do not agree with it."

All I require of a religion is that it be tolerant of those who do not agree with it.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Most of us do not consciously look at movies."

Most of us do not consciously look at movies.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Never marry anyone you could not sit next to during a three-day bus trip."

Never marry anyone you could not sit next to during a three-day bus trip.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "One of the gifts one movie lover can give another is the title of a wonderful film they have not yet discovered"

One of the gifts one movie lover can give another is the title of a wonderful film they have not yet discovered

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Dogs notice, they share, they draw conclusions, they like it when they're able to be of service and are touchingly grateful when they're praised."

Dogs notice, they share, they draw conclusions, they like it when they're able to be of service and are touchingly grateful when they're praised.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Battlefield Earth is like taking a bus trip with someone who has needed a bath for a long time. It's not merely bad; it's unpleasant in a hostile way."

Battlefield Earth is like taking a bus trip with someone who has needed a bath for a long time. It's not merely bad; it's unpleasant in a hostile way.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "A film like Hoop Dreams is what the movies are for. It takes us, shakes us, and makes us think in new ways about the world around us. It gives us the impression of having touched life itself."

A film like Hoop Dreams is what the movies are for. It takes us, shakes us, and makes us think in new ways about the world around us. It gives us the impression of having touched life itself.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Jacques Tati is the great philosophical tinkerer of comedy, taking meticulous care to arrange his films so that they unfold in a series of revelations and effortless delights."

Jacques Tati is the great philosophical tinkerer of comedy, taking meticulous care to arrange his films so that they unfold in a series of revelations and effortless delights.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It is comforting to think that we can love so powerfully that fate itself wheels and turns at the command of our souls."

It is comforting to think that we can love so powerfully that fate itself wheels and turns at the command of our souls.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can't change your mind, because God sure isn't going to change His."

The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can't change your mind, because God sure isn't going to change His.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "The Last Airbender is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented."

The Last Airbender is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "When I am writing my problems become invisible and I am the same person I always was. All is well. I am as I should be."

When I am writing my problems become invisible and I am the same person I always was. All is well. I am as I should be.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Artists are rarely members of the popular crowd."

Artists are rarely members of the popular crowd.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Not everyone needs to be slammed into a category and locked there."

Not everyone needs to be slammed into a category and locked there.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I will one day be thin, but Vincent Gallo will always be the director of The Brown Bunny."

I will one day be thin, but Vincent Gallo will always be the director of The Brown Bunny.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Movies absorb our attention more completely, I think."

Movies absorb our attention more completely, I think.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "We are poor mortals, but it dreams to us that we can fly."

We are poor mortals, but it dreams to us that we can fly.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It's rare to find a film that goes for broke and says, 'To hell with the consequences.'"

It's rare to find a film that goes for broke and says, 'To hell with the consequences.'

Roger Ebert Quotes: "On this ancient and miraculous world, where such beautiful natural and living things have evolved, something has gone wrong when life itself is used as a manufacturing process."

On this ancient and miraculous world, where such beautiful natural and living things have evolved, something has gone wrong when life itself is used as a manufacturing process.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I am proudly a liberal. I am also patriotic, reasonable, pro-American, and stand for family values."

I am proudly a liberal. I am also patriotic, reasonable, pro-American, and stand for family values.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Exhilarating. Radical Grace moved me to tears with its portrayal of good people putting their beliefs into action in ways that transcend all ideological boundaries."

Exhilarating. Radical Grace moved me to tears with its portrayal of good people putting their beliefs into action in ways that transcend all ideological boundaries.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Since any reasonable person would choose a Mac over a PC, Apple's market share provides us with an accurate reading of the percentage of reasonable people in our society."

Since any reasonable person would choose a Mac over a PC, Apple's market share provides us with an accurate reading of the percentage of reasonable people in our society.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Troy is based on the epic poem The Iliad by Homer , according to the credits. Homer's estate should sue."

Troy is based on the epic poem The Iliad by Homer , according to the credits. Homer's estate should sue.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Well, we're all dying in increments. I don't mind people knowing what I look like, but I don't want them thinking I'm dying."

Well, we're all dying in increments. I don't mind people knowing what I look like, but I don't want them thinking I'm dying.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Because I don't give the studios advanced quotes or an advanced look at my reviews. I think the readers deserve to read my reviews before the studios do."

Because I don't give the studios advanced quotes or an advanced look at my reviews. I think the readers deserve to read my reviews before the studios do.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Cinema, for me, has always been something like music composed with photographic images."

Cinema, for me, has always been something like music composed with photographic images.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It is quite possible for the vulgar to be funny, but to succeed, it must rise to a certain genius."

It is quite possible for the vulgar to be funny, but to succeed, it must rise to a certain genius.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "A remarkable documentary that's also one of the most beautiful nature films I've seen."

A remarkable documentary that's also one of the most beautiful nature films I've seen.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Clint, my hero, is coming across as sad and pathetic. He didn't need to do this to himself. It's unworthy of him."

Clint, my hero, is coming across as sad and pathetic. He didn't need to do this to himself. It's unworthy of him.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "No movie featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can be altogether bad."

No movie featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can be altogether bad.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Going to a movie so you won't be offended is like eating potato chips made with Olestra; you avoid the dangers of the real thing, but your insides fill up with synthetic runny stuff."

Going to a movie so you won't be offended is like eating potato chips made with Olestra; you avoid the dangers of the real thing, but your insides fill up with synthetic runny stuff.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It often strikes me that the actors in high school movies look too old."

It often strikes me that the actors in high school movies look too old.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "The moment a man stops dreaming is the moment he petrifies inside."

The moment a man stops dreaming is the moment he petrifies inside.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "There are no guarantees. But there is also nothing to fear. We come from oblivion when we are born. We return to oblivion when we die. The astonishing thing is this period of in-between."

There are no guarantees. But there is also nothing to fear. We come from oblivion when we are born. We return to oblivion when we die. The astonishing thing is this period of in-between.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Show me a sexual practice that involves ice cubes and hot sauce, and I will show you a sexual practice that would be improved without them."

Show me a sexual practice that involves ice cubes and hot sauce, and I will show you a sexual practice that would be improved without them.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "A movie isn't good or bad based on its politics. It's usually good or bad for other reasons, though you might agree or disagree with its politics."

A movie isn't good or bad based on its politics. It's usually good or bad for other reasons, though you might agree or disagree with its politics.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "[Marlon] Brando was the only guy who could step out of that shadow at the end of that movie and be worth the wait."

[Marlon] Brando was the only guy who could step out of that shadow at the end of that movie and be worth the wait.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I just assume I'm right. Partially out of conviction and partially as a pose."

I just assume I'm right. Partially out of conviction and partially as a pose.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Oh, here comes Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny and Jimmy Smits!"

Oh, here comes Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny and Jimmy Smits!

Roger Ebert Quotes: "The layout was griping, the glide is awesome. Two ten-inch fins up, way up."

The layout was griping, the glide is awesome. Two ten-inch fins up, way up.

Roger Ebert Quotes: ""The Lucky One" is at its heart a romance novel, elevated however by Nicholas Sparks' persuasive storytelling. Readers don't read his books because they're true, but because they ought to be true."

"The Lucky One" is at its heart a romance novel, elevated however by Nicholas Sparks' persuasive storytelling. Readers don't read his books because they're true, but because they ought to be true.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Last year, I reviewed a nine-hour documentary about the lives of Mongolian yak herdsmen, and I would rather see it again than sit through The Frighteners."

Last year, I reviewed a nine-hour documentary about the lives of Mongolian yak herdsmen, and I would rather see it again than sit through The Frighteners.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "'Grand Illusion' and 'Rules of the Game' are routinely included on lists of the greatest films, and deserve to be."

'Grand Illusion' and 'Rules of the Game' are routinely included on lists of the greatest films, and deserve to be.