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Michael Pollan Quotes

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Michael Pollan Quotes: "Do all your eating at a table."

Do all your eating at a table.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Corporations cook very differently from how people do."

Corporations cook very differently from how people do.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "...think of agriculture as something the grasses did to people to conquer the trees."

...think of agriculture as something the grasses did to people to conquer the trees.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Be the kind of person who takes supplements - then skip the supplements."

Be the kind of person who takes supplements - then skip the supplements.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Without the potatoe, the balance of European power might never have tilted north"

Without the potatoe, the balance of European power might never have tilted north

Michael Pollan Quotes: "People don't eat nutrients, they eat foods, and foods can behave very differently than the nutrients they contain."

People don't eat nutrients, they eat foods, and foods can behave very differently than the nutrients they contain.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "To eat with a fuller consciousness of all that is at stake might sound like a burden, but in practice few things in life afford quite as much satisfaction."

To eat with a fuller consciousness of all that is at stake might sound like a burden, but in practice few things in life afford quite as much satisfaction.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Of the seven deadly sins, surely it is pride that most commonly afflicts the gardener."

Of the seven deadly sins, surely it is pride that most commonly afflicts the gardener.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. Don't eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce."

Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. Don't eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Eat mostly plants, especially leaves."

Eat mostly plants, especially leaves.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Experiences that banish irony are much better for living than for writing."

Experiences that banish irony are much better for living than for writing.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Without such a thing as fast food, there would be no need for slow food."

Without such a thing as fast food, there would be no need for slow food.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Lawns are a form of television"

Lawns are a form of television

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I still think we have a long way to go on rebuilding a culture of cooking. Everyday simple cooking."

I still think we have a long way to go on rebuilding a culture of cooking. Everyday simple cooking.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I'm kind of a homebody, and the rhythm of my thinking and work is starting at home, going out and coming back, bringing back news, bringing back information, applying it."

I'm kind of a homebody, and the rhythm of my thinking and work is starting at home, going out and coming back, bringing back news, bringing back information, applying it.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "The only one I have any trust in is storytelling - there's a couple I have a lot of trust in."

The only one I have any trust in is storytelling - there's a couple I have a lot of trust in.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I don't like writing as an expert. I like writing as an amateur. I like writing as an idiot. It's much more fun to start in ignorance."

I don't like writing as an expert. I like writing as an amateur. I like writing as an idiot. It's much more fun to start in ignorance.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "There's always a tension in my world between the pragmatic and the practical and the theoretical. I have a very theoretical turn of mind, but I also like to test things in place."

There's always a tension in my world between the pragmatic and the practical and the theoretical. I have a very theoretical turn of mind, but I also like to test things in place.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I think using waste oils as fuel makes sense. We do waste a huge amount of vegetable oil in this country and using that as a fuel source strikes me as fine."

I think using waste oils as fuel makes sense. We do waste a huge amount of vegetable oil in this country and using that as a fuel source strikes me as fine.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Not that I'm against meat eating. But I think we're eating too much."

Not that I'm against meat eating. But I think we're eating too much.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "In the end I'm still a writer. I'm still a journalist, and my first responsibility is to my readers. That's where I have to draw the line."

In the end I'm still a writer. I'm still a journalist, and my first responsibility is to my readers. That's where I have to draw the line.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Pay more, eat less. Diversify your diet and eat wild foods when you can."

Pay more, eat less. Diversify your diet and eat wild foods when you can.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Avoid food products that make health claims. at meals and eat them only at tables. And no, a desk is not a table."

Avoid food products that make health claims. at meals and eat them only at tables. And no, a desk is not a table.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I try to write in the first person - the first person not of a journalist but of a carnivore, an eater, a gardener, someone trying to figure out what to feed his family."

I try to write in the first person - the first person not of a journalist but of a carnivore, an eater, a gardener, someone trying to figure out what to feed his family.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "My hope is that if people have the knowledge, and if they actually see where their food comes from and have access to the information, they will make better ethical choices."

My hope is that if people have the knowledge, and if they actually see where their food comes from and have access to the information, they will make better ethical choices.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Even people who like the kind of food on offer, are coming to recognize that eating from this food chain is not conducive to good health."

Even people who like the kind of food on offer, are coming to recognize that eating from this food chain is not conducive to good health.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "The first step towards solving the omnivore's dilemma is knowledge: eating with full consciousness. When that happens, I have a lot of confidence that people will make good choices."

The first step towards solving the omnivore's dilemma is knowledge: eating with full consciousness. When that happens, I have a lot of confidence that people will make good choices.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I have no scientific training at all. I was an English major in school. Everything I learned about science I've learned as a journalist would, finding out what I needed to know."

I have no scientific training at all. I was an English major in school. Everything I learned about science I've learned as a journalist would, finding out what I needed to know.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "There are things we know and things we don't know about food. But there are certain basic things we do know, and that's what I've tried to build these rules on."

There are things we know and things we don't know about food. But there are certain basic things we do know, and that's what I've tried to build these rules on.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Journalism is one set of tools - one toolkit I have. One vocabulary, one lens."

Journalism is one set of tools - one toolkit I have. One vocabulary, one lens.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "One of the most irresponsible things we can do is eat in ignorance, without any awareness of what our eating is doing to the world or to other species."

One of the most irresponsible things we can do is eat in ignorance, without any awareness of what our eating is doing to the world or to other species.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I really try to write as an ordinary person would, not as someone who's too sophisticated about food, or too knowledgeable about things."

I really try to write as an ordinary person would, not as someone who's too sophisticated about food, or too knowledgeable about things.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Students are very engaged by the issues, and it's not surprising because food choices are one of the few powers a child has."

Students are very engaged by the issues, and it's not surprising because food choices are one of the few powers a child has.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "People who snack sometimes sometimes eat kind of thoughtlessly and end up eating a lot more. But in principle, it's a really good idea if you can exert the kind of discipline needed."

People who snack sometimes sometimes eat kind of thoughtlessly and end up eating a lot more. But in principle, it's a really good idea if you can exert the kind of discipline needed.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "I'm not talking about having to consult Julia Child before you can take a pot off the rack. I think that's something we can all do more and do better."

I'm not talking about having to consult Julia Child before you can take a pot off the rack. I think that's something we can all do more and do better.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "The best farming systems are ones where animals and plants are put into a synergistic relationship."

The best farming systems are ones where animals and plants are put into a synergistic relationship.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "You have to draw lines between being a journalist and an activist."

You have to draw lines between being a journalist and an activist.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "My native tense is future conditional, a low simmer of unspecified worry being the usual condition."

My native tense is future conditional, a low simmer of unspecified worry being the usual condition.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "In ancient Greece, the word for "cook, " "butcher, " and "priest" was the same -- mageiros -- and the word shares an etymological root with "magic."

In ancient Greece, the word for "cook, " "butcher, " and "priest" was the same -- mageiros -- and the word shares an etymological root with "magic.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "It's brutal out there. A bear will eat a lactating ewe alive, starting with her udders. as a rule, animals in the wild don't get good deaths surrounded by their loved ones."

It's brutal out there. A bear will eat a lactating ewe alive, starting with her udders. as a rule, animals in the wild don't get good deaths surrounded by their loved ones.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "The true socialist utopia turns out to be a field of F-1 hybrid plants."

The true socialist utopia turns out to be a field of F-1 hybrid plants.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Great cooking is all about the three 'p's: patience, presence, and practice."

Great cooking is all about the three 'p's: patience, presence, and practice.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Since 1985 our [American's] consumption of all added sugars- cane, beet, HFCS, glucose, honey, maple syrup, whatever- has climbed from 128 pounds to 159 pounds per person."

Since 1985 our [American's] consumption of all added sugars- cane, beet, HFCS, glucose, honey, maple syrup, whatever- has climbed from 128 pounds to 159 pounds per person.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Americans today spend less on food, as a percentage of disposable income (10%), than any other industrialized nation... meaning that we could afford to spend more on food if we chose to."

Americans today spend less on food, as a percentage of disposable income (10%), than any other industrialized nation... meaning that we could afford to spend more on food if we chose to.

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Planted, a single corn seed yielded more than 150 fat kernels, often as many as 300, while the return on a seed of wheat was something less than 50:1"

Planted, a single corn seed yielded more than 150 fat kernels, often as many as 300, while the return on a seed of wheat was something less than 50:1

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Leave something on your plate... 'Better to go to waste than to waist"

Leave something on your plate... 'Better to go to waste than to waist

Michael Pollan Quotes: "As grandmothers used to say, 'Better to pay the grocer than the doctor"

As grandmothers used to say, 'Better to pay the grocer than the doctor

Michael Pollan Quotes: "Farmers facing lower prices have only one option if they want to be able to maintain their standard of living, pay their bills, and service their debt, and that is to produce more [corn]"

Farmers facing lower prices have only one option if they want to be able to maintain their standard of living, pay their bills, and service their debt, and that is to produce more [corn]