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Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes

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Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "All of us realize that war requires action. What is sometimes harder for us to realize is that peace and neutrality also require action."

All of us realize that war requires action. What is sometimes harder for us to realize is that peace and neutrality also require action.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today."

All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Peace does not come just because we wish for it. Peace must be fought for. It must be built stone by stone."

Peace does not come just because we wish for it. Peace must be fought for. It must be built stone by stone.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "I may not worry as much as Prime Minister Eshkol does about Israel, but I worry as deeply."

I may not worry as much as Prime Minister Eshkol does about Israel, but I worry as deeply.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "If the American people don't love me, their descendants will."

If the American people don't love me, their descendants will.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "I don't have any handicap. I am all handicap."

I don't have any handicap. I am all handicap.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "All that Hubert needs over there is a gal to answer the phone and a pencil with an eraser on it."

All that Hubert needs over there is a gal to answer the phone and a pencil with an eraser on it.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "You never want to give a man a present when he's feeling good. You want to do it when he's down."

You never want to give a man a present when he's feeling good. You want to do it when he's down.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "For the college years we will provide scholarships to high school students of the greatest promise and greatest need and guarantee low-interest loans to students continuing their college studies."

For the college years we will provide scholarships to high school students of the greatest promise and greatest need and guarantee low-interest loans to students continuing their college studies.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Voting is the first duty of democracy."

Voting is the first duty of democracy.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Every night before I turn out the lights to sleep, I ask myself this question: Have I done everything that I can.... Have I done enough?"

Every night before I turn out the lights to sleep, I ask myself this question: Have I done everything that I can.... Have I done enough?

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "He that in the latter part of his life too strictly inquires what he has done, can very seldom receive from his own heart such an account as will give him satisfaction."

He that in the latter part of his life too strictly inquires what he has done, can very seldom receive from his own heart such an account as will give him satisfaction.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Faith builds, cynicism destroys."

Faith builds, cynicism destroys.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "The law cannot save those who deny it but neither can the law serve any who do not use it. The history of injustice and inequality is a history of disuse of the law."

The law cannot save those who deny it but neither can the law serve any who do not use it. The history of injustice and inequality is a history of disuse of the law.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "The future holds little hope for any government where the present holds no hope for the people."

The future holds little hope for any government where the present holds no hope for the people.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "The presidency has made every man who occupied it, no matter how small, bigger than he was; and no matter how big, not big enough for its demands."

The presidency has made every man who occupied it, no matter how small, bigger than he was; and no matter how big, not big enough for its demands.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "In this age when there can be no losers in peace and no victors in war; we must recognize the obligation to match national strength with national restraint."

In this age when there can be no losers in peace and no victors in war; we must recognize the obligation to match national strength with national restraint.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "We cannot have government for all the people until we first make certain it is government of and by all the people."

We cannot have government for all the people until we first make certain it is government of and by all the people.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "It (the heart) is supposed in popular language, to be the seat sometimes, of courage, sometimes of affection, sometimes of honesty, or baseness."

It (the heart) is supposed in popular language, to be the seat sometimes, of courage, sometimes of affection, sometimes of honesty, or baseness.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "If we become tow people-the suburban affluent and the urban poor, each filled with mistrust and fear of the other-then we shall effectively cripple each generation to come."

If we become tow people-the suburban affluent and the urban poor, each filled with mistrust and fear of the other-then we shall effectively cripple each generation to come.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "The test before us as a people is not whether our commitments match our will and our courage; but whether we have the will and courage to match our commitments."

The test before us as a people is not whether our commitments match our will and our courage; but whether we have the will and courage to match our commitments.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Every citizen, regardless of his race, creed, or color, is entitled to equal justice."

Every citizen, regardless of his race, creed, or color, is entitled to equal justice.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Every President wants to do right."

Every President wants to do right.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "If there is one word that describes our form of society in America, it may be the word-voluntary."

If there is one word that describes our form of society in America, it may be the word-voluntary.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "We will not have served the water needs of Americans if we meet only the requirements of today's population. A prudent nation must look ahead and plan for tomorrow."

We will not have served the water needs of Americans if we meet only the requirements of today's population. A prudent nation must look ahead and plan for tomorrow.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Not merely a nation but a nation of nations."

Not merely a nation but a nation of nations.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "It will help at every state along the road to learning. For the pre-school years we will help needy children become aware of the excitement of learning."

It will help at every state along the road to learning. For the pre-school years we will help needy children become aware of the excitement of learning.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "It is a truism that education is no longer a luxury. Education in this day and age is a necessity."

It is a truism that education is no longer a luxury. Education in this day and age is a necessity.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "For the primary and secondary school years, we will aid public schools serving low-income families and assist students in both public and private schools."

For the primary and secondary school years, we will aid public schools serving low-income families and assist students in both public and private schools.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Americans have always built for the future. That is why we established land grant colleges and passed the Homestead Act to open our Western lands more than 100 years ago."

Americans have always built for the future. That is why we established land grant colleges and passed the Homestead Act to open our Western lands more than 100 years ago.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Men who have worked together to reach the stars are not likely to descend together into the depths of war and desolation."

Men who have worked together to reach the stars are not likely to descend together into the depths of war and desolation.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Law is the great civilizing machinery. It liberates the desire to build and subdues the desire to destroy."

Law is the great civilizing machinery. It liberates the desire to build and subdues the desire to destroy.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "It is always a strain when people are being killed. I don't think anybody has held this job who hasn't felt personally responsible for those being killed."

It is always a strain when people are being killed. I don't think anybody has held this job who hasn't felt personally responsible for those being killed.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in, no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good."

Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in, no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Effective law enforcement and social justice must be pursued together, as the foundation of our efforts against crime."

Effective law enforcement and social justice must be pursued together, as the foundation of our efforts against crime.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "I hear the headlines on the radio, see them on TV and read them in the paper. When I hear from the men out there, I sometimes don't believe they are talking about the same situation."

I hear the headlines on the radio, see them on TV and read them in the paper. When I hear from the men out there, I sometimes don't believe they are talking about the same situation.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Control of space means control of the world."

Control of space means control of the world.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Today our problem is not making miracles, but managing them."

Today our problem is not making miracles, but managing them.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Curtis Le May wants to bomb Hanoi and Haiphong. You know how he likes to go around bombing."

Curtis Le May wants to bomb Hanoi and Haiphong. You know how he likes to go around bombing.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Every citizen will be able, in his productive years when he is earning, to insure himself against the ravages of illness in his old age."

Every citizen will be able, in his productive years when he is earning, to insure himself against the ravages of illness in his old age.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "I won't have you electioneering on my doorstep. Every time you get in trouble in Parliament you run over here with your shirttail hanging out."

I won't have you electioneering on my doorstep. Every time you get in trouble in Parliament you run over here with your shirttail hanging out.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "I report to you that our country is challenged at home and abroad: that it is our will that is being tried and not our strength; our sense of purpose and not our ability to achieve a better America."

I report to you that our country is challenged at home and abroad: that it is our will that is being tried and not our strength; our sense of purpose and not our ability to achieve a better America.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Let no one ever think for a moment that national debate means national division."

Let no one ever think for a moment that national debate means national division.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "I want every family in America to have a carpet on the floor and a picture on the wall. After bread, you've got to have a picture on the wall."

I want every family in America to have a carpet on the floor and a picture on the wall. After bread, you've got to have a picture on the wall.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "We Americans know - although others appear to forget - the risk of spreading conflict. We still seek no wider war."

We Americans know - although others appear to forget - the risk of spreading conflict. We still seek no wider war.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "So, I would appeal to my fellow Americans by saying, the only real road to progress for free people is through the process of law and that is the road that America will travel."

So, I would appeal to my fellow Americans by saying, the only real road to progress for free people is through the process of law and that is the road that America will travel.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "I believe that the country weekly acts as a form of social cement in holding the community together."

I believe that the country weekly acts as a form of social cement in holding the community together.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "You have your own difficulties. We watch, with friendly confidence in your capacity to merge differences in the grand dream of Canadian design."

You have your own difficulties. We watch, with friendly confidence in your capacity to merge differences in the grand dream of Canadian design.

Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes: "Second, this law has become a special symbol of our Nation's most important purpose: to fulfill the individual - his freedom, his happiness, his promise."

Second, this law has become a special symbol of our Nation's most important purpose: to fulfill the individual - his freedom, his happiness, his promise.