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Lloyd Quotes

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Lloyd Quotes: "I hate intellectuals. They are from the top down. I am from the bottom up."

I hate intellectuals. They are from the top down. I am from the bottom up.

Lloyd Quotes: "You can not possibly have a broader basis for government than that which includes all the people, with all their rights in their hands, and with an equal power to maintain their rights."

You can not possibly have a broader basis for government than that which includes all the people, with all their rights in their hands, and with an equal power to maintain their rights.

Lloyd Quotes: "No matter what they tell you, no matter what they do, no matter what they teach you, what you believe is true."

No matter what they tell you, no matter what they do, no matter what they teach you, what you believe is true.

Lloyd Quotes: "Sometimes the Lord rides out the storm with us and other times He calms the restless sea around us. Most of all, He calms the storm inside us in our deepest inner soul."

Sometimes the Lord rides out the storm with us and other times He calms the restless sea around us. Most of all, He calms the storm inside us in our deepest inner soul.

Lloyd Quotes: "Spiritual depression or unhappiness in the Christian life is very often due to our failure to realize the greatness of the gospel."

Spiritual depression or unhappiness in the Christian life is very often due to our failure to realize the greatness of the gospel.

Lloyd Quotes: "The world is becoming like a lunatic asylum run by lunatics."

The world is becoming like a lunatic asylum run by lunatics.

Lloyd Quotes: "My philosophy was if they weren't calling you names, you weren't doing anything."

My philosophy was if they weren't calling you names, you weren't doing anything.

Lloyd Quotes: "You can do amazing things when people love you."

You can do amazing things when people love you.

Lloyd Quotes: "I'm a competitor. No matter what I'm doing, whether I'm golfing, whether I'm playing indoor soccer with my fiancé - he's not going to get by me. I'm going to try to do whatever I can to win."

I'm a competitor. No matter what I'm doing, whether I'm golfing, whether I'm playing indoor soccer with my fiancé - he's not going to get by me. I'm going to try to do whatever I can to win.

Lloyd Quotes: "Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependant upon popular opinion?"

Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependant upon popular opinion?

Lloyd Quotes: "There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks."

There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks.

Lloyd Quotes: "The man who tries to make the flag an object of a single party is a greater traitor to that flag than any man who fires at it."

The man who tries to make the flag an object of a single party is a greater traitor to that flag than any man who fires at it.

Lloyd Quotes: "All the more I study Nature do I revere God, because Nature is all the body of God we will ever know."

All the more I study Nature do I revere God, because Nature is all the body of God we will ever know.

Lloyd Quotes: "'Think in simples' as my old master used to say - meaning to reduce the whole to its parts in simplest terms, getting back to first principles."

'Think in simples' as my old master used to say - meaning to reduce the whole to its parts in simplest terms, getting back to first principles.

Lloyd Quotes: "An expert is a man who has stopped thinking. Why should he think? He is an expert."

An expert is a man who has stopped thinking. Why should he think? He is an expert.

Lloyd Quotes: "He has sat on the fence so long that the iron has entered his soul."

He has sat on the fence so long that the iron has entered his soul.

Lloyd Quotes: "I attend the greatest of all Churches. I put a capital N on Nature, and call it my Church."

I attend the greatest of all Churches. I put a capital N on Nature, and call it my Church.

Lloyd Quotes: "You can have knowledge, and you can be meticulous in your preparation; but without the unction of the Holy Spirit you will have no power, and your preaching will not be effective."

You can have knowledge, and you can be meticulous in your preparation; but without the unction of the Holy Spirit you will have no power, and your preaching will not be effective.

Lloyd Quotes: "Less is only more where more is no good."

Less is only more where more is no good.

Lloyd Quotes: "A politician is a person with whose politics you don't agree; if you agree with him he's a statesman."

A politician is a person with whose politics you don't agree; if you agree with him he's a statesman.

Lloyd Quotes: "We should go into His presence as a child goes to his father. We do it with reverence and godly fear, of course, but we should go with a childlike confidence and simplicity."

We should go into His presence as a child goes to his father. We do it with reverence and godly fear, of course, but we should go with a childlike confidence and simplicity.

Lloyd Quotes: "Life always rides in strength to victory, not through internationalism... but only through the direct responsibility of the individual."

Life always rides in strength to victory, not through internationalism... but only through the direct responsibility of the individual.

Lloyd Quotes: "Who ordained that a few should have the land of Britain as a perquisite, who made 10,000 people owners of the soil and the rest of us trespassers in the land of our birth?"

Who ordained that a few should have the land of Britain as a perquisite, who made 10,000 people owners of the soil and the rest of us trespassers in the land of our birth?

Lloyd Quotes: "I'm honest. If people aren't putting in the effort, I will definitely let them know because I think that that can only help them."

I'm honest. If people aren't putting in the effort, I will definitely let them know because I think that that can only help them.

Lloyd Quotes: "The eternal everlasting God has become our Father and the moment we realize that, it transforms everything."

The eternal everlasting God has become our Father and the moment we realize that, it transforms everything.

Lloyd Quotes: "The only thing wrong with architecture is architects."

The only thing wrong with architecture is architects.

Lloyd Quotes: "You are either a Christian or you are not a Christian; you cannot be partly a Christian. You are either "dead" or "alive"; you are either "born" or "not born"."

You are either a Christian or you are not a Christian; you cannot be partly a Christian. You are either "dead" or "alive"; you are either "born" or "not born".

Lloyd Quotes: "You can't make an architect. But you can open the doors and windows toward the light as you see it."

You can't make an architect. But you can open the doors and windows toward the light as you see it.

Lloyd Quotes: "The devil's one object is so to depress God's people that he can go to the man of the world and say: There are God's people. Do you want to be like that?"

The devil's one object is so to depress God's people that he can go to the man of the world and say: There are God's people. Do you want to be like that?

Lloyd Quotes: "Diplomats were invented simply to waste time."

Diplomats were invented simply to waste time.

Lloyd Quotes: "If you foolishly ignore beauty, then you will soon find yourself without it."

If you foolishly ignore beauty, then you will soon find yourself without it.

Lloyd Quotes: "What strikes me is that theres a very fine line between success and failure. Just one ingredient can make the difference."

What strikes me is that theres a very fine line between success and failure. Just one ingredient can make the difference.

Lloyd Quotes: "And now let me give the sentiment which has been, and ever will be, the governing passion of my soul: 'Liberty for each, for all, and forever!'"

And now let me give the sentiment which has been, and ever will be, the governing passion of my soul: 'Liberty for each, for all, and forever!'

Lloyd Quotes: "No democracy has ever long survived the failure of its adherents to be ready to die for it. My own conviction is this, the people must either go on or go under."

No democracy has ever long survived the failure of its adherents to be ready to die for it. My own conviction is this, the people must either go on or go under.

Lloyd Quotes: "Youth is a circumstance you can't do anything about. The trick is to grow up without getting old."

Youth is a circumstance you can't do anything about. The trick is to grow up without getting old.

Lloyd Quotes: "The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope."

The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope.

Lloyd Quotes: "If our civilization is destroyed, it will not be by his barbarians from below. Our barbarians come from above."

If our civilization is destroyed, it will not be by his barbarians from below. Our barbarians come from above.

Lloyd Quotes: "Anything can be achieved in small, deliberate steps. But there are times you need the courage to take a great leap; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."

Anything can be achieved in small, deliberate steps. But there are times you need the courage to take a great leap; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.

Lloyd Quotes: "Liberty for each, for all, and forever!"

Liberty for each, for all, and forever!

Lloyd Quotes: "A man is a fool if he drinks before he reaches the age of 50, and a fool if he doesn't afterward."

A man is a fool if he drinks before he reaches the age of 50, and a fool if he doesn't afterward.

Lloyd Quotes: "TV is chewing gum for the eyes."

TV is chewing gum for the eyes.

Lloyd Quotes: "You know, I feel that God isn't going to put something in front of me that I can't deal with."

You know, I feel that God isn't going to put something in front of me that I can't deal with.

Lloyd Quotes: "If we only spent more of our time in looking at Him we should soon forget ourselves."

If we only spent more of our time in looking at Him we should soon forget ourselves.

Lloyd Quotes: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't human and tears weren't rolling down my face and I wasn't pissed and I wasn't angry. There are lots of times that those emotions come out in my career."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't human and tears weren't rolling down my face and I wasn't pissed and I wasn't angry. There are lots of times that those emotions come out in my career.

Lloyd Quotes: "To love to preach is one thing; to love to whom you preach is quite another."

To love to preach is one thing; to love to whom you preach is quite another.

Lloyd Quotes: "Ambition is your inner voice that tells you, you can, and should, strive to go beyond your circumstances or situation in life."

Ambition is your inner voice that tells you, you can, and should, strive to go beyond your circumstances or situation in life.

Lloyd Quotes: "The devil is so subtle that he dominates man and persuades him at the same time that he is not being dominated."

The devil is so subtle that he dominates man and persuades him at the same time that he is not being dominated.

Lloyd Quotes: "What do you want to be a sailor for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics."

What do you want to be a sailor for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics.

Lloyd Quotes: "A young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head."

A young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head.