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Lisa Kleypas Quotes

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Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Both of us were quiet with the recognition that something was ending, and something was beginning."

Both of us were quiet with the recognition that something was ending, and something was beginning.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Can't you just tell me now?" "No, I need someone to eat with." A slight smile rose to my lips. "Am I supposed to believe that I'm your only option?" "No. But you're my favorite option."

Can't you just tell me now?" "No, I need someone to eat with." A slight smile rose to my lips. "Am I supposed to believe that I'm your only option?" "No. But you're my favorite option.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Sometimes when we're not paying attention, relation-ships happen. There is no rule that requires two people in love to be exactly alike."

Sometimes when we're not paying attention, relation-ships happen. There is no rule that requires two people in love to be exactly alike.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Tell me everything, I would say. All about the blues, and the time your heart was broken, and what scares you the most, and the thing you've always wanted to do but haven 't yet."

Tell me everything, I would say. All about the blues, and the time your heart was broken, and what scares you the most, and the thing you've always wanted to do but haven 't yet.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I reflected that for all the people you lost touch with or couldn't hold on to, life occasionally made up for it by giving you the right person at the right time."

I reflected that for all the people you lost touch with or couldn't hold on to, life occasionally made up for it by giving you the right person at the right time.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Babies were dangerous . . . they made you fall in love before you knew what was happening."

Babies were dangerous . . . they made you fall in love before you knew what was happening.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Heath," she whispered, "you're all I want. No one else ... no one . . ."

Heath," she whispered, "you're all I want. No one else ... no one . . .

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "My parents never said it. They thought you shouldn't wear out the words"

My parents never said it. They thought you shouldn't wear out the words

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "He'll survive," he answered her. "Just as he's survived everything else in his life. But he'll never be the same."

He'll survive," he answered her. "Just as he's survived everything else in his life. But he'll never be the same.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I'm not here now. This isn't happening. You're just visiting a dream of mine."

I'm not here now. This isn't happening. You're just visiting a dream of mine.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Everyone striving to be witty and sought-after, everyone talking and no one listening."

Everyone striving to be witty and sought-after, everyone talking and no one listening.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Only someone who had experienced such bitter despair would be able to recognize it in another."

Only someone who had experienced such bitter despair would be able to recognize it in another.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Sometimes people don't have to make you love them...you just do, and there's no help for it."

Sometimes people don't have to make you love them...you just do, and there's no help for it.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Well, I find a strange comfort in the fact that he wouldn't feel this degree of animosity now, had he not loved me so much before."

Well, I find a strange comfort in the fact that he wouldn't feel this degree of animosity now, had he not loved me so much before.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Haven't you ever wished that you could steal back just a few hours of your past?" she asked softly. "That's all I want... just a little taste of what might have been."

Haven't you ever wished that you could steal back just a few hours of your past?" she asked softly. "That's all I want... just a little taste of what might have been.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "One can't help but marvel at the variety of ways that women had devised to make us look like flaming idiots."

One can't help but marvel at the variety of ways that women had devised to make us look like flaming idiots.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Perhaps only those who had loved and lost could appreciate this magic."

Perhaps only those who had loved and lost could appreciate this magic.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "- No, no... She shook her head for emphasis. No. His lips twitched. - One 'no' is enough, darling."

- No, no... She shook her head for emphasis. No. His lips twitched. - One 'no' is enough, darling.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Leo knew next to nothing about governesses, save for the drab creatures in novels, who tended to fall in love with the lord of the manor, always with bad results."

Leo knew next to nothing about governesses, save for the drab creatures in novels, who tended to fall in love with the lord of the manor, always with bad results.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Sometimes the closest-held secrets in the world can be pried out by the right question at the right time."

Sometimes the closest-held secrets in the world can be pried out by the right question at the right time.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "What did you do with memories, feelings, needs, that didn’t belong anywhere?"

What did you do with memories, feelings, needs, that didn’t belong anywhere?

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "But when you started dating someone, you could never be sure what you were getting into. You had to give someone a chance to show you who he really was . . . and believe him when he did."

But when you started dating someone, you could never be sure what you were getting into. You had to give someone a chance to show you who he really was . . . and believe him when he did.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Dad," I said hesitantly, "I wish you could be there for me even when I'm doing the wrong thing. I wish you could love me even when I'm screwing up."

Dad," I said hesitantly, "I wish you could be there for me even when I'm doing the wrong thing. I wish you could love me even when I'm screwing up.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Catherine went still. Her eyes closed against a sudden wet sting. 'Did you accept her proposal?' Leo nuzzled tenderly into the hollow beneath her ear. 'Of course not, pea-goose."

Catherine went still. Her eyes closed against a sudden wet sting. 'Did you accept her proposal?' Leo nuzzled tenderly into the hollow beneath her ear. 'Of course not, pea-goose.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Hardy's either done the wrong thing for the wrong reason . . . " Another big swallow. "Or the wrong thing for the right reason."

Hardy's either done the wrong thing for the wrong reason . . . " Another big swallow. "Or the wrong thing for the right reason.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I need you for a lot of things, Hardy. A lifetime's worth of things."

I need you for a lot of things, Hardy. A lifetime's worth of things.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I realized that my kisses with Dane had become a form of punctuation, the quotations or the hasty dash at the end of a conversation"

I realized that my kisses with Dane had become a form of punctuation, the quotations or the hasty dash at the end of a conversation

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Most of the time when couples argue, it’s not really about the thing they’re fighting about; there’s a deeper reason why they’re arguing."

Most of the time when couples argue, it’s not really about the thing they’re fighting about; there’s a deeper reason why they’re arguing.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "The smarter you are, the more reasons you have to be miserable."

The smarter you are, the more reasons you have to be miserable.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "You know," I told him on our wedding night, "I'm just as much me when I'm with you, as I am without you." And because Hardy understood what I meant, he pulled me into his arms, against his heart."

You know," I told him on our wedding night, "I'm just as much me when I'm with you, as I am without you." And because Hardy understood what I meant, he pulled me into his arms, against his heart.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "She had discovered that the best remedy for heartache was trying to make herself useful to others."

She had discovered that the best remedy for heartache was trying to make herself useful to others.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "No. But I understand her. Life makes people what they are."

No. But I understand her. Life makes people what they are.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "She was yours, if you'd truly wanted her," Harry continued, a pitiless smile touching his lips. "But I wanted her more."

She was yours, if you'd truly wanted her," Harry continued, a pitiless smile touching his lips. "But I wanted her more.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I’ve told you before, I love like a madman,” he said. “Immoderate, jealous, possessive...I’m absolutely intolerable."

I’ve told you before, I love like a madman,” he said. “Immoderate, jealous, possessive...I’m absolutely intolerable.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "She was everything he'd ever wanted, beauty and fire arching against his despoiling hands."

She was everything he'd ever wanted, beauty and fire arching against his despoiling hands.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Before you marry, you have to get shot by an arrow and fall in love,” the boy explained. He paused thoughtfully. “But I don’t think the rest of it hurts as much as the beginning."

Before you marry, you have to get shot by an arrow and fall in love,” the boy explained. He paused thoughtfully. “But I don’t think the rest of it hurts as much as the beginning.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I think the busiest people are often the loneliest."

I think the busiest people are often the loneliest.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "You're surrounded by it wherever you go, you walk through it, breathe it...it's in your lungs and under your tongue and between your fingers and toes."

You're surrounded by it wherever you go, you walk through it, breathe it...it's in your lungs and under your tongue and between your fingers and toes.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I carry thoughts of you like my own personal constellation. How far away you are, my dearest friend, but no farther than those fixed stars in my soul."

I carry thoughts of you like my own personal constellation. How far away you are, my dearest friend, but no farther than those fixed stars in my soul.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "These impossible women! How they do get around us!"

These impossible women! How they do get around us!

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "She had never experienced the pain of unsatisfied desire before. It hurt. It hurt like nothing she'd ever felt, and there seemed to be no remedy"

She had never experienced the pain of unsatisfied desire before. It hurt. It hurt like nothing she'd ever felt, and there seemed to be no remedy

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "... no matter where you go or what you do, I'll love every day for the rest of my life."

... no matter where you go or what you do, I'll love every day for the rest of my life.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "... I think I know the secret to a long and happy marriage - just choose someone you can't live without."

... I think I know the secret to a long and happy marriage - just choose someone you can't live without.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Where are we going?” Annabelle asked, resisting his hold on her wrist. “To the house. If they’re not willing to be witnesses, then it seems I’ll have to debauch you in front of someone else."

Where are we going?” Annabelle asked, resisting his hold on her wrist. “To the house. If they’re not willing to be witnesses, then it seems I’ll have to debauch you in front of someone else.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "Having regrets is the only sign that you’ve done anything interesting with your life."

Having regrets is the only sign that you’ve done anything interesting with your life.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "It was unfair that people who longed for love the most, searched the hardest for it, found it so elusive."

It was unfair that people who longed for love the most, searched the hardest for it, found it so elusive.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "I'd rather be insane with you than sane without you. - Jake to Lydia"

I'd rather be insane with you than sane without you. - Jake to Lydia

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "A lifetime with such a woman was not nearly enough."

A lifetime with such a woman was not nearly enough.

Lisa Kleypas Quotes: "It's fairly easy to break hearts, Miss Duvall. The more interesting challenge is how to keep someone's love, not to lose it."

It's fairly easy to break hearts, Miss Duvall. The more interesting challenge is how to keep someone's love, not to lose it.