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L.M. Montgomery Quotes

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L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," said Anne reproachfully. "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is."

You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," said Anne reproachfully. "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair." — Anne Shirley"

You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair." — Anne Shirley

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I found my life's calling when you spoke my name."

I found my life's calling when you spoke my name.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Leadership is the art of creating a working climate that inspires others to achieve extraordinary goals and levels of performance."

Leadership is the art of creating a working climate that inspires others to achieve extraordinary goals and levels of performance.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "The difficulty with pragmatic arguments for a religion is that truths do not always "work", and beliefs that "work" are by no means always true."

The difficulty with pragmatic arguments for a religion is that truths do not always "work", and beliefs that "work" are by no means always true.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Nasturtiums, who colored you, you wonderful, glowing things? You must have been fashioned out of summer sunsets."

Nasturtiums, who colored you, you wonderful, glowing things? You must have been fashioned out of summer sunsets.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Dogs want only love but cats demand worship."

Dogs want only love but cats demand worship.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I believe flowers have souls. I have known roses that I expect to meet in heaven."

I believe flowers have souls. I have known roses that I expect to meet in heaven.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "The world is always young again for just a few moments at the dawn."

The world is always young again for just a few moments at the dawn.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "It is never quite safe to think we have done with life. When we imagine we have finished our story fate has a trick of turning the page and showing us yet another chapter."

It is never quite safe to think we have done with life. When we imagine we have finished our story fate has a trick of turning the page and showing us yet another chapter.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "A plate of apples, an open fire, and a jolly good book are a fair substitute for heaven."

A plate of apples, an open fire, and a jolly good book are a fair substitute for heaven.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "The solitary monk who shook the world From pagan slumber, when the gospel trump Thunder' d its challenge from his dauntless lips In peals of truth."

The solitary monk who shook the world From pagan slumber, when the gospel trump Thunder' d its challenge from his dauntless lips In peals of truth.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I don't know which is worse - to have somebody you DON'T like ask you to marry him or NOT have some one you DO like. Both are rather unpleasant."

I don't know which is worse - to have somebody you DON'T like ask you to marry him or NOT have some one you DO like. Both are rather unpleasant.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "You were never poor as long as you had something to love."

You were never poor as long as you had something to love.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Those who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths and the natures which enjoy most keenly are those which also suffer most sharply."

Those who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths and the natures which enjoy most keenly are those which also suffer most sharply.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "A child that has a quick temper, just blaze up and cool down, ain't never likely to be sly or deceitful."

A child that has a quick temper, just blaze up and cool down, ain't never likely to be sly or deceitful.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Perhaps. . .love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath."

Perhaps. . .love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "With it all independent I feel like we're doing it one person at a time turning people into believers one person at a time. Just that good old-fashioned grind, get out there, touch the people."

With it all independent I feel like we're doing it one person at a time turning people into believers one person at a time. Just that good old-fashioned grind, get out there, touch the people.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Real dudes move in silence...like a mute drivin a new hybrid."

Real dudes move in silence...like a mute drivin a new hybrid.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "She looked like a head-on collision between a fashion plate and a nightmare."

She looked like a head-on collision between a fashion plate and a nightmare.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Desire grows by what it feeds on."

Desire grows by what it feeds on.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "After all, what could you expect from a pig but a grunt?"

After all, what could you expect from a pig but a grunt?

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Why did dusk and fir-scent and the afterglow of autumnal sunsets make people say absurd things?"

Why did dusk and fir-scent and the afterglow of autumnal sunsets make people say absurd things?

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "We are both going to pray that we may live together all our lives and die the same day."

We are both going to pray that we may live together all our lives and die the same day.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Oh", she thought, "how horrible it is that people have to grow up-and marry-and change!"

Oh", she thought, "how horrible it is that people have to grow up-and marry-and change!

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Do you know what I think Mayflowers are, Marilla? I think they must be the souls of the flowers that died last summer, and this is their heaven."

Do you know what I think Mayflowers are, Marilla? I think they must be the souls of the flowers that died last summer, and this is their heaven.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Mrs. Lynde says, 'Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed."

Mrs. Lynde says, 'Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable."

It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Oh, of course there's a risk in marrying anybody, but, when it's all said and done, there's many a worse thing than a husband."

Oh, of course there's a risk in marrying anybody, but, when it's all said and done, there's many a worse thing than a husband.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Some nights are like honey - and some like wine - and some like wormwood."

Some nights are like honey - and some like wine - and some like wormwood.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Mrs. Spencer said it was wicked of me to talk like that, but I didn’t mean to be wicked. It’s so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn’t it?"

Mrs. Spencer said it was wicked of me to talk like that, but I didn’t mean to be wicked. It’s so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn’t it?

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "But if you call me Anne, please call me Anne with an 'e'."

But if you call me Anne, please call me Anne with an 'e'.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Most things are predestined, but some are just darn sheer luck, said Roaring Abel."

Most things are predestined, but some are just darn sheer luck, said Roaring Abel.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I'm not a bit changed - not really. I'm only just pruned down and branched out. The real me - back here - is just the same."

I'm not a bit changed - not really. I'm only just pruned down and branched out. The real me - back here - is just the same.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you."

This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Added to the difficulty of learning to speak the language was the greater difficulty of finding terms to express the ideas which the missionary had come halfway round the world to convey."

Added to the difficulty of learning to speak the language was the greater difficulty of finding terms to express the ideas which the missionary had come halfway round the world to convey.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Yet nightly pitch my moving tent, a day's march nearer home."

Yet nightly pitch my moving tent, a day's march nearer home.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Joys too exquisite to last, And yet more exquisite when past."

Joys too exquisite to last, And yet more exquisite when past.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Baptize the nations! far and nigh,The triumphs of the cross recordThe name of Jesus glorify,Till every people call Him Lord."

Baptize the nations! far and nigh,The triumphs of the cross recordThe name of Jesus glorify,Till every people call Him Lord.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "It will come sometime. Some beautiful morning she will just wake up and find it is Tomorrow. Not Today but Tomorrow. And then things will happen ... wonderful things."

It will come sometime. Some beautiful morning she will just wake up and find it is Tomorrow. Not Today but Tomorrow. And then things will happen ... wonderful things.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "It's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it?"

It's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it?

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Heretics are wicked, but they're mighty int'resting. It's jest that they've got sorter lost looking for God, being under the impression that He's hard to find - which He ain't never."

Heretics are wicked, but they're mighty int'resting. It's jest that they've got sorter lost looking for God, being under the impression that He's hard to find - which He ain't never.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "We ought always to try to influence others for good."

We ought always to try to influence others for good.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "There is a book of Revelation in every one's life, as there is in the Bible."

There is a book of Revelation in every one's life, as there is in the Bible.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "A cold in the head in June is an immoral thing."

A cold in the head in June is an immoral thing.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "There are so many unpleasant things in the world already that there is no use in imagining any more."

There are so many unpleasant things in the world already that there is no use in imagining any more.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "The world calls them its singers and poets and artists and storytellers; but they are just people who have never forgotten the way to fairyland."

The world calls them its singers and poets and artists and storytellers; but they are just people who have never forgotten the way to fairyland.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Night is beautiful when you are happy--comforting when you are in grief--terrible when you are lonely and unhappy."

Night is beautiful when you are happy--comforting when you are in grief--terrible when you are lonely and unhappy.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive-it's such an interesting world."

Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive-it's such an interesting world.