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K.Michelle Quotes

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K.Michelle Quotes: "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before."

My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith, you sell your soul to the devil."

I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith, you sell your soul to the devil.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Skating has given me so much that it's priceless."

Skating has given me so much that it's priceless.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I was not raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of."

I was not raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I think the most moving part of my trip [to Africa] so far was seeing 92-year-old Nelson Mandela, and just thinking about his life. This man has lived through a struggle that few nations have known."

I think the most moving part of my trip [to Africa] so far was seeing 92-year-old Nelson Mandela, and just thinking about his life. This man has lived through a struggle that few nations have known.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs."

Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs.

K.Michelle Quotes: "If you're not falling, you're not training hard enough."

If you're not falling, you're not training hard enough.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Like all parents, my husband and I just do the best we can, hold our breath and hope we've set aside enough money for our kid's therapy."

Like all parents, my husband and I just do the best we can, hold our breath and hope we've set aside enough money for our kid's therapy.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Through the trials and tribulations of life come the openness to receive greatness."

Through the trials and tribulations of life come the openness to receive greatness.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I tell this to my girls all the time: This journey we're on is a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity."

I tell this to my girls all the time: This journey we're on is a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity.

K.Michelle Quotes: "My message to women is: Women: We can do it. We are capable of doing almost anything, but we must learn we cannot do it all at once, we need to prioritize."

My message to women is: Women: We can do it. We are capable of doing almost anything, but we must learn we cannot do it all at once, we need to prioritize.

K.Michelle Quotes: "You have a choice. It may not be a choice you like, but it is still a choice."

You have a choice. It may not be a choice you like, but it is still a choice.

K.Michelle Quotes: "When I'm having a bad day, I pick up my guitar."

When I'm having a bad day, I pick up my guitar.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I knew nothing about the independent film industry. I didn't know much about the industry itself. All I knew was how to watch movies, how to enjoy them, how to hate them, how not to like them."

I knew nothing about the independent film industry. I didn't know much about the industry itself. All I knew was how to watch movies, how to enjoy them, how to hate them, how not to like them.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I needed to turn off the negative voice in my head - I was psyching myself out."

I needed to turn off the negative voice in my head - I was psyching myself out.

K.Michelle Quotes: "We knew Chris Matthews had no shame. Now we also know the king of TV ghouls has no souls"

We knew Chris Matthews had no shame. Now we also know the king of TV ghouls has no souls

K.Michelle Quotes: "Bank of America is to sweetheart loans and Democratic Party payoffs as Paula Deen is to sugar and bacon grease."

Bank of America is to sweetheart loans and Democratic Party payoffs as Paula Deen is to sugar and bacon grease.

K.Michelle Quotes: "If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that."

If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I believe that if you want to fight inequality you have to do it starting at infancy."

I believe that if you want to fight inequality you have to do it starting at infancy.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Four months filming in a foreign country. You know, it is great because you get to learn all about different cultures. I feel so much more enriched."

Four months filming in a foreign country. You know, it is great because you get to learn all about different cultures. I feel so much more enriched.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I actually prefer soothing music - and maybe that's the skater in me."

I actually prefer soothing music - and maybe that's the skater in me.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Everyone goes through their evolution and I go through mine and you go through yours."

Everyone goes through their evolution and I go through mine and you go through yours.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Not all of our heartless plans work as we intend; nor do all of our good intentions. We are where we are, and we can rarely predict where we will go, no matter how firm our beliefs."

Not all of our heartless plans work as we intend; nor do all of our good intentions. We are where we are, and we can rarely predict where we will go, no matter how firm our beliefs.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I am looking forward to seeing my buddy Colin represent in front of Pacino. That's sweet."

I am looking forward to seeing my buddy Colin represent in front of Pacino. That's sweet.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I have many valentines. My mom and my sister and my directors. I got calls from all of them. And my friends. I respect what Valentine's Day stands for because it is about love"

I have many valentines. My mom and my sister and my directors. I got calls from all of them. And my friends. I respect what Valentine's Day stands for because it is about love

K.Michelle Quotes: "Birds of a lawless, bigoted feather bully together."

Birds of a lawless, bigoted feather bully together.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I would like to see a fierce Fantasia mixed with Blade Runner, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars all in one. That's the kind of movies I want to make."

I would like to see a fierce Fantasia mixed with Blade Runner, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars all in one. That's the kind of movies I want to make.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The flashbacks are a great way to give answers to the story."

The flashbacks are a great way to give answers to the story.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Given political history in Chile, it seemed to me that there was a critical task of consolidating a democracy and creating healthy civic-military and political-military relationships."

Given political history in Chile, it seemed to me that there was a critical task of consolidating a democracy and creating healthy civic-military and political-military relationships.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I held Nefertiti's body closer to mine, trying to press her spirit into me, to bring it back. But the reign of Nefertiti was finished. She was gone from Egypt."

I held Nefertiti's body closer to mine, trying to press her spirit into me, to bring it back. But the reign of Nefertiti was finished. She was gone from Egypt.

K.Michelle Quotes: "And I come here as a daughter, raised on the South Side of Chicago - by a father who was a blue-collar city worker and a mother who stayed at home with my brother and me."

And I come here as a daughter, raised on the South Side of Chicago - by a father who was a blue-collar city worker and a mother who stayed at home with my brother and me.

K.Michelle Quotes: "To eliminate the inner turmoil we must focus our attention inward and act with loving kindness to ourselves—and each other."

To eliminate the inner turmoil we must focus our attention inward and act with loving kindness to ourselves—and each other.

K.Michelle Quotes: "When I grow up I want to be an old woman."

When I grow up I want to be an old woman.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I have days when I just feel I look like a dog."

I have days when I just feel I look like a dog.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I'm missing something, aren't I?" "Brains", he snapped. "And survival instinct. The Hawklord's been waiting for you for three hours." "Tell him I'm dead."

I'm missing something, aren't I?" "Brains", he snapped. "And survival instinct. The Hawklord's been waiting for you for three hours." "Tell him I'm dead.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The way to my heart is by being truthful and spontaneous."

The way to my heart is by being truthful and spontaneous.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The whole surf culture is starting to embrace women a lot more."

The whole surf culture is starting to embrace women a lot more.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The rules and reasons the political system employs to enforce status relations of any kind, including racial hierarchy, evolve and change as they are challenged."

The rules and reasons the political system employs to enforce status relations of any kind, including racial hierarchy, evolve and change as they are challenged.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I think some period drama can be quite alienating, but 'Downton' isn't. This is going to sound quite, um, pretentious, but someone said that it's like a soap written by a poet."

I think some period drama can be quite alienating, but 'Downton' isn't. This is going to sound quite, um, pretentious, but someone said that it's like a soap written by a poet.

K.Michelle Quotes: "There is nothing more important to this nation's future than investing in our young people."

There is nothing more important to this nation's future than investing in our young people.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Sometimes my body is aching, but I always think, 'Why am I in this? Why do I love it so much?' That's what makes me persevere, that's what makes me keep on going."

Sometimes my body is aching, but I always think, 'Why am I in this? Why do I love it so much?' That's what makes me persevere, that's what makes me keep on going.

K.Michelle Quotes: "God loves me just as I am today. He knows all my junk....and lack of faith, and he loves me anyway. However, he loves me too much to leave me the way I am."

God loves me just as I am today. He knows all my junk....and lack of faith, and he loves me anyway. However, he loves me too much to leave me the way I am.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Once you have been branded a criminal or felon, you are typically trapped for life."

Once you have been branded a criminal or felon, you are typically trapped for life.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Treat people with dignity and respect."

Treat people with dignity and respect.

K.Michelle Quotes: "You can always say, 'I wish I had landed that triple flip better, or I wish I didn't fall.' They're not regrets, just mistakes."

You can always say, 'I wish I had landed that triple flip better, or I wish I didn't fall.' They're not regrets, just mistakes.

K.Michelle Quotes: "One of my last few vices is coffee, but with a spot of almond or soymilk, it's never tasted better!"

One of my last few vices is coffee, but with a spot of almond or soymilk, it's never tasted better!

K.Michelle Quotes: "My great crime wasn't refusing to represent an innocent man; my great crime was imagining that there was some path to racial justice that did not include those we view as 'guilty'."

My great crime wasn't refusing to represent an innocent man; my great crime was imagining that there was some path to racial justice that did not include those we view as 'guilty'.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I feel less pressure to dress youthfully. I'm 50 and everyone knows I'm 50 - who are you kidding? Jeans are my uniform. I have about 15 pairs."

I feel less pressure to dress youthfully. I'm 50 and everyone knows I'm 50 - who are you kidding? Jeans are my uniform. I have about 15 pairs.

K.Michelle Quotes: "It's time for ordinary Americans to come out of the shadows and remind Washington every day in words and actions that we are a sovereign nation, not a sanctuary nation."

It's time for ordinary Americans to come out of the shadows and remind Washington every day in words and actions that we are a sovereign nation, not a sanctuary nation.