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Joshua Quotes

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Joshua Quotes: "Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart."

Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.

Joshua Quotes: "There is no specialized art of prayer. All of life must be a training to pray. We pray the way we live."

There is no specialized art of prayer. All of life must be a training to pray. We pray the way we live.

Joshua Quotes: "Forgiveness of sin strikes the root of all pain."

Forgiveness of sin strikes the root of all pain.

Joshua Quotes: "We can all do our share to redeem the world in spite of all absurdities and all frustrations and all disappointments."

We can all do our share to redeem the world in spite of all absurdities and all frustrations and all disappointments.

Joshua Quotes: "I was baptized into Christ. I died when He died. Sin’s power over me has been broken, in Jesus’ name!"

I was baptized into Christ. I died when He died. Sin’s power over me has been broken, in Jesus’ name!

Joshua Quotes: "To know the laws that govern the winds, and to know that you know them, will give you an easy mind on your voyage round the world; otherwise you may tremble at the appearance of every cloud."

To know the laws that govern the winds, and to know that you know them, will give you an easy mind on your voyage round the world; otherwise you may tremble at the appearance of every cloud.

Joshua Quotes: "I hope I will always have the chance to play the violin."

I hope I will always have the chance to play the violin.

Joshua Quotes: "What can separate us from the love of God? An attempt to separate us by death simply releases us from the imprisonment of this world."

What can separate us from the love of God? An attempt to separate us by death simply releases us from the imprisonment of this world.

Joshua Quotes: "Your confession must absolutely agree with the Word of God!"

Your confession must absolutely agree with the Word of God!

Joshua Quotes: "Education is not success but it is to help us succeed."

Education is not success but it is to help us succeed.

Joshua Quotes: "I hope that even if I go to jail, it will motivate more and more Hongkongers to commit to determine our future, instead of fully relying on those ruling class who have dominated our future."

I hope that even if I go to jail, it will motivate more and more Hongkongers to commit to determine our future, instead of fully relying on those ruling class who have dominated our future.

Joshua Quotes: "The days pass happily with me wherever my ship sails."

The days pass happily with me wherever my ship sails.

Joshua Quotes: "If you know me, you know I make every day count, I'm serious about my life."

If you know me, you know I make every day count, I'm serious about my life.

Joshua Quotes: "As for me and my house, I have no other refuge than this command of Jesus, 'Only believe' that is my refuge."

As for me and my house, I have no other refuge than this command of Jesus, 'Only believe' that is my refuge.

Joshua Quotes: "As we live in the Spirit, we live in the process of God’s mind"

As we live in the Spirit, we live in the process of God’s mind

Joshua Quotes: "For you to have any relationship with God, it must be through His Word by His Spirit."

For you to have any relationship with God, it must be through His Word by His Spirit.

Joshua Quotes: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, shall be healed, delivered and set free. Be set free, in the name of Jesus Christ!"

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, shall be healed, delivered and set free. Be set free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Joshua Quotes: "A new year is a gift from God, a part of the Divine nature of God."

A new year is a gift from God, a part of the Divine nature of God.

Joshua Quotes: "When your situation has gone beyond the power of nature, it has become a curse. Who can remove a curse but Jesus Christ?"

When your situation has gone beyond the power of nature, it has become a curse. Who can remove a curse but Jesus Christ?

Joshua Quotes: "Begin to break limitation in your home, business, career and spiritual life, in Jesus’ name!"

Begin to break limitation in your home, business, career and spiritual life, in Jesus’ name!

Joshua Quotes: "Put on the new man by renewing your mind with God's Word and submitting your body to the authority of that Word."

Put on the new man by renewing your mind with God's Word and submitting your body to the authority of that Word.

Joshua Quotes: "We are not seeking revolution. We just want democracy."

We are not seeking revolution. We just want democracy.

Joshua Quotes: "Faith does not ask for possible things; it demands impossible."

Faith does not ask for possible things; it demands impossible.

Joshua Quotes: "Every little deed counts."

Every little deed counts.

Joshua Quotes: "By the time I was 12 or 13, I was studying biochemistry textbooks."

By the time I was 12 or 13, I was studying biochemistry textbooks.

Joshua Quotes: "If we make mistakes, as we all do - don't run from God, run to Him."

If we make mistakes, as we all do - don't run from God, run to Him.

Joshua Quotes: "Where there is unconditional love, the wound of one is the wound of all."

Where there is unconditional love, the wound of one is the wound of all.

Joshua Quotes: "For everything that happens to a Christian, God is aware."

For everything that happens to a Christian, God is aware.

Joshua Quotes: "If you can believe, worry and anxiety will vanish"

If you can believe, worry and anxiety will vanish

Joshua Quotes: "There is happiness in the love of labor, there is misery in the love of gain."

There is happiness in the love of labor, there is misery in the love of gain.

Joshua Quotes: "When you play a violin piece, you are a storyteller, and you're telling a story."

When you play a violin piece, you are a storyteller, and you're telling a story.

Joshua Quotes: "Asking God for a specific thing will amount to limiting God to a specific answer."

Asking God for a specific thing will amount to limiting God to a specific answer.

Joshua Quotes: "Christ has no place in the life that is not dominated by the Word. - T.B. Joshua"

Christ has no place in the life that is not dominated by the Word. - T.B. Joshua

Joshua Quotes: "Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."

Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.

Joshua Quotes: "We achieve inner health only through forgiveness - the forgiveness not only of others but also of ourselves."

We achieve inner health only through forgiveness - the forgiveness not only of others but also of ourselves.

Joshua Quotes: "The blessing of God enriches the soul for eternity while that given by the world enriches the body temporarily."

The blessing of God enriches the soul for eternity while that given by the world enriches the body temporarily.

Joshua Quotes: "Hong Kong is not just a global financial center. It's also a place with a lot of teens and youth who love freedom, democracy, and human rights."

Hong Kong is not just a global financial center. It's also a place with a lot of teens and youth who love freedom, democracy, and human rights.

Joshua Quotes: "A look of faith knows what God says about a situation - and what God says is final."

A look of faith knows what God says about a situation - and what God says is final.

Joshua Quotes: "Dismiss thoughts of 'good, bad, right, wrong, success, failure' - be spontaneous."

Dismiss thoughts of 'good, bad, right, wrong, success, failure' - be spontaneous.

Joshua Quotes: "When religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion, its message becomes meaningless."

When religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion, its message becomes meaningless.

Joshua Quotes: "Nothing will carry you through hardship like a sincere devotion to Christ."

Nothing will carry you through hardship like a sincere devotion to Christ.

Joshua Quotes: "Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge."

Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge.

Joshua Quotes: "People pay to see blood, they pay to see war and that's why people are supporting my journey because I deliver every time I step in the ring."

People pay to see blood, they pay to see war and that's why people are supporting my journey because I deliver every time I step in the ring.

Joshua Quotes: "As Christians, though there may be reasons to be troubled, there are greater reasons not to be."

As Christians, though there may be reasons to be troubled, there are greater reasons not to be.

Joshua Quotes: "Awareness of the divine begins with wonder."

Awareness of the divine begins with wonder.

Joshua Quotes: "Relax in the precious arms of the Holy Spirit."

Relax in the precious arms of the Holy Spirit.

Joshua Quotes: "Our minds are all different and I believe cultivating a keen introspective sensitivity is absolutely essential in discovering our potential."

Our minds are all different and I believe cultivating a keen introspective sensitivity is absolutely essential in discovering our potential.

Joshua Quotes: "If your actions are motivated by selfish interests rather than God, you are mortgaging tomorrow's joy."

If your actions are motivated by selfish interests rather than God, you are mortgaging tomorrow's joy.

Joshua Quotes: "When you are around people who have money, you realise money isn't that impressive, it's about your class, morals and how you conduct yourself."

When you are around people who have money, you realise money isn't that impressive, it's about your class, morals and how you conduct yourself.