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J. J. Abrams Quotes

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J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Withholding things in a story is no good if you aren't building to something substantial. It becomes foreplay without the main event, and no one wants that."

Withholding things in a story is no good if you aren't building to something substantial. It becomes foreplay without the main event, and no one wants that.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Whenever I've directed something, there's this feeling of demand and focus that I like."

Whenever I've directed something, there's this feeling of demand and focus that I like.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I was never really a comic-book fanatic."

I was never really a comic-book fanatic.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I think you have a passion and an obsession for something when it's not necessarily ubiquitous."

I think you have a passion and an obsession for something when it's not necessarily ubiquitous.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I love working with the right actor, and if the right actor happens to be unknown, that should be allowed, too, I think."

I love working with the right actor, and if the right actor happens to be unknown, that should be allowed, too, I think.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I have nothing against 3-D in theory. But I've also never run to the movies because something's in 3-D."

I have nothing against 3-D in theory. But I've also never run to the movies because something's in 3-D.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I'm literally open to any medium that will have me."

I'm literally open to any medium that will have me.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "As a kid, 'Star Wars' was much more my thing than 'Star Trek' was."

As a kid, 'Star Wars' was much more my thing than 'Star Trek' was.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I am lucky, I'm the first to admit that."

I am lucky, I'm the first to admit that.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I feel like obviously the standard for what TV looks like changes all the time."

I feel like obviously the standard for what TV looks like changes all the time.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I don't think I have a signature."

I don't think I have a signature.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I believe in anything that will engage the audience and make the story more effective."

I believe in anything that will engage the audience and make the story more effective.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I'd love to do a movie where the monster is human, where the issue is not otherworldly, or horror or science fiction."

I'd love to do a movie where the monster is human, where the issue is not otherworldly, or horror or science fiction.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Obviously with the Internet and increased access to other means of watching shows, the audience has dispersed and is all over the place and that is a challenge."

Obviously with the Internet and increased access to other means of watching shows, the audience has dispersed and is all over the place and that is a challenge.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "There's nothing wrong with doing sequels, they're just easier to sell."

There's nothing wrong with doing sequels, they're just easier to sell.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "With three kids you are just trying to survive. You can't be fastidious."

With three kids you are just trying to survive. You can't be fastidious.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I hope to make movies that are so small they don't need to make anything to be profitable."

I hope to make movies that are so small they don't need to make anything to be profitable.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "The ability of a television series to make adjustments is something you've got to take advantage of."

The ability of a television series to make adjustments is something you've got to take advantage of.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "My mother is the coolest, most amazing person I know."

My mother is the coolest, most amazing person I know.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "When you go to commercial, you want something to call the viewers back, and if you don't have a decent act out, the audience probably won't be there in the numbers you want when the show returns."

When you go to commercial, you want something to call the viewers back, and if you don't have a decent act out, the audience probably won't be there in the numbers you want when the show returns.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Every hour that you spend doing something, even if you love it more than anything, you're not with your family. Every project that you take on, that's another choice."

Every hour that you spend doing something, even if you love it more than anything, you're not with your family. Every project that you take on, that's another choice.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I'd like to use IMAX. The problem with IMAX is that it's a very loud camera. It's a very unreliable camera. Only so much film can be in the camera. You can't really do intimate scenes with it."

I'd like to use IMAX. The problem with IMAX is that it's a very loud camera. It's a very unreliable camera. Only so much film can be in the camera. You can't really do intimate scenes with it.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I don't think anyone wants a movie on time that's not worth your time."

I don't think anyone wants a movie on time that's not worth your time.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "The idea to put episodes out weekly in theory makes as much sense as putting them all out at once."

The idea to put episodes out weekly in theory makes as much sense as putting them all out at once.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I feel blessed that I get to be part of entertaining people in any capacity."

I feel blessed that I get to be part of entertaining people in any capacity.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I sort of love the idea of, you know, watching something and then having to wait for the next episode."

I sort of love the idea of, you know, watching something and then having to wait for the next episode.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Whenever you're playing sports with people who are better than you are, it makes you rise to the occasion."

Whenever you're playing sports with people who are better than you are, it makes you rise to the occasion.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I don't want to do something that is so inside that only die-hard fans will appreciate."

I don't want to do something that is so inside that only die-hard fans will appreciate.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "John Updike is always fun. And one of my former students, Tom Pynchon. And Harold Bloom, another former student."

John Updike is always fun. And one of my former students, Tom Pynchon. And Harold Bloom, another former student.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "If you learn one thing from having lived through decades of changing views, it is that all predictions are necessarily false."

If you learn one thing from having lived through decades of changing views, it is that all predictions are necessarily false.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Hard work makes easy reading or, at least, easier reading."

Hard work makes easy reading or, at least, easier reading.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "It is almost impossible to grow a company of any size and worth unless you expand beyond yourself"

It is almost impossible to grow a company of any size and worth unless you expand beyond yourself

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Virtually all success depends on trying things that fail."

Virtually all success depends on trying things that fail.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "It probably takes many years of monastic practice to equal the spiritual growth generated by one sleepless night with a sick child."

It probably takes many years of monastic practice to equal the spiritual growth generated by one sleepless night with a sick child.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I am light and stardust in his hands."

I am light and stardust in his hands.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "It takes wisdom to know when you've had enough, strength to make the decision and determination to see it through."

It takes wisdom to know when you've had enough, strength to make the decision and determination to see it through.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "If the people who make the decisions are the people who will also bear the consequences of those decisions, perhaps better decisions will result."

If the people who make the decisions are the people who will also bear the consequences of those decisions, perhaps better decisions will result.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "At a certain point, unabashed optimism becomes delusional insanity."

At a certain point, unabashed optimism becomes delusional insanity.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Out there do'in it in the mountains...I might not be a notable author for my quote, but the column I write is just that... surviving all Mother Nature can throw at you."

Out there do'in it in the mountains...I might not be a notable author for my quote, but the column I write is just that... surviving all Mother Nature can throw at you.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I could feel the tears streaming down my face—in some kind of frenzied competition with the rain. At first, I tried to brush the tears away, but I finally let them take their course, unabated."

I could feel the tears streaming down my face—in some kind of frenzied competition with the rain. At first, I tried to brush the tears away, but I finally let them take their course, unabated.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I think we’ve all lost our minds a bit.” It sounded like she was fighting back tears."

I think we’ve all lost our minds a bit.” It sounded like she was fighting back tears.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Then again, I had become a disappointment. It’s easier to find fault with a disappointment."

Then again, I had become a disappointment. It’s easier to find fault with a disappointment.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "I was good at fabricating the truth when necessary to protect someone, even myself."

I was good at fabricating the truth when necessary to protect someone, even myself.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Sadly, peaks and valleys are a part of life. You are resilient and you will come out of this stronger than you ever thought possible. Trust me—I know. It’s crucial to remain positive and optimistic."

Sadly, peaks and valleys are a part of life. You are resilient and you will come out of this stronger than you ever thought possible. Trust me—I know. It’s crucial to remain positive and optimistic.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "The failure to set standards for Palestinian conduct hurts the cause of peace."

The failure to set standards for Palestinian conduct hurts the cause of peace.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "You are not practicing Judaism if you celebrate Christmas."

You are not practicing Judaism if you celebrate Christmas.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "The fake republics are goners the monarchies have a fighting chance. That's my conclusion after a short visit to the Middle East and discussions with officials and analysts there."

The fake republics are goners the monarchies have a fighting chance. That's my conclusion after a short visit to the Middle East and discussions with officials and analysts there.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "The courage of the Syrian protesters is remarkable, for they face prison, torture, or death every time they lift a banner."

The courage of the Syrian protesters is remarkable, for they face prison, torture, or death every time they lift a banner.

J. J. Abrams Quotes: "Even today, when the Obama administration has liberalized travel to Cuba - and failed to reverse that liberalization when Alan Gross was imprisoned - there are limits."

Even today, when the Obama administration has liberalized travel to Cuba - and failed to reverse that liberalization when Alan Gross was imprisoned - there are limits.